In fact, choosing to take the initiative when the enemy's situation is unknown is a very risky decision.

However, after encountering unexpected situations twice in a row, and the new information provided by Wang Qi, although Chen Chen could not confirm whether there was any problem, he had actually used the "hypothetical principle" in his mind and acquiesced that someone was spying in secret.

Therefore, all his actions are based on this assumption.

And now, after discovering that there may be direct contact with the enemy lurking in the dark, his first reaction is of course to make the choice that "best seizes the initiative."

No matter who came, in short, he was exposed in front of the Dongfeng Corps for no reason, and he had already bumped himself into the muzzle of the gun.

It would be best if caught and found to be a misunderstanding, but if it is not a misunderstanding.

The haze that has been hanging over Chen Chen since arriving in Indonesia will be lifted immediately.

The body armor had been put on long ago, and the position of the holster was extremely comfortable.

All the members of Group 2, including Yang Shu and Shi Dakai, quickly gathered together. Under the leadership of Chen Chen, they bypassed the two villas and followed Li Gang's guidance and walked directly toward the street from the side door located further east.

At this time, the entire villa area was still brightly lit, and relaxed and comfortable conversations came from time to time in the room. However, these rich people enjoying their dinner leisurely did not know that just outside their windows, there was a heavily armed team. Stoop to pass.

If someone were to record everything with a camera at this time, it would probably be a very contrasting and impactful work.

But Chen Chen didn't have time to think about this. He listened carefully to Gang Li's continuous reports and constantly adjusted the direction of the entire team.

"The target has walked out of the villa area. I can't follow him. Sentence No. 2 follows him from the side."

"Understood, I'm following you. At the next intersection, Post No. 3 will follow you."

"Post No. 3 is in place. I saw him. Wait for him to come over."

"The target saw me and he was speeding up."

"Definitely not an ordinary person, I didn't show my gun!"

"Let him go and leave him to us!"

Chen Chen gave the order decisively. At this time, the three groups he led had left the villa area and reached the street. On this straight street extending along the villa area, he saw the strange man at a glance.

However, he did not expose himself, but hid in the trees in the corner and observed quietly.

The man waited at the intersection for a few seconds, as if to see if anyone would continue to follow.

The Dongfeng Corps had received instructions from Chen Chen, and everyone stayed at their original positions.

This made the man relax. After staying for a few seconds, he raised his legs and walked towards Chen Chen and his party.

At this time, Chen Chen had two choices before him.

First, withdraw and continue to observe and try to follow the man.

Second, just take him down when he gets close, and then find a way to confirm his true identity.

The time left for him to make a decision is very short. If the man continues to move forward, he may notice something abnormal here if he takes a few steps.

Chen Chen hesitated for less than two seconds, but at that moment, the man stopped beside a car parked on the roadside.

He opened the passenger door and got into the car, but the car didn't start.

Chen Chen raised his hand and made a "waiting" gesture. Everyone behind him was ready, and finally Shi Dakai lowered his voice and conveyed the same order to the other team members.

As time passed by, Chen Chen carefully observed the situation in the car.

But the car was parked in the shadow of the streetlights, and from his perspective, there was no way to see what was going on inside through the windshield.

At this time, Chen Chen really missed the days of having low-light night vision devices.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

He gently pulled out the pistol from his armpit, slowly pulled the bolt and loaded it. In the noisy background of the city, the faint sound of collision inside the receiver did not attract any attention at all.

Two minutes passed quickly, and a car drove up from behind Chen Chen.

He took a step back towards the corner, and with the help of the car lights, he finally saw clearly what was going on inside the car.

There were people in the driver's seat and passenger seat, and there were people in the back seat.

White people.

White people with very yellow skin.

Moreover, the people in the car were wearing body armor.

"Group 1, Group 2, take action! Distance is fifty meters!"

"Group 3, one person stays behind to cover, the others follow me!"

After giving the order, Chen Chen immediately ran out of the corner, pointed his gun at the car, and shouted:

"FREEZE! Show me your hands! POLICE!" (Don't move, raise your hands, I'm the police!)

Afterwards, the three people advanced rapidly in a triangular formation, and were flanked by two groups running at full speed from behind, blocking the people in the car on the street.

"Don't Be Stupid! Don't you move!" (Don't be stupid, don't move!)

The people in the car seemed really stunned. I have to say that Chen Chen's words were quite intimidating.


Because when the Indonesian police face white people, they will really shout like this!

Coupled with the black body armor worn by Chen Chen and the others, as well as their professional car-stopping actions, they looked exactly like the police in some American blockbusters.

The opponent was frightened for only a few seconds.

But in the few seconds they were hesitating, eight people from Chen Chen's side had already surrounded the car.

Only then did Chen Chen see that the car's windows were still covered with dark privacy film.


"Group 2, aim for the tires!"

Chen Chen shouted again, and at the same time quickly gestured to retreat, hiding behind the adjacent vehicle. Everyone tried their best to avoid the target vehicle's side window.

At this time, the people in the car finally realized something was wrong, because the last sentence he shouted was in Chinese.

The two people in the front seat immediately took action, but Chen Chen didn't care what they were going to do. He shot first at three o'clock and aimed at the two people in the driver's and passenger's seats in the car and quickly pulled the trigger.

At this moment, the "feelings" accumulated in the previous life reached their peak. Less than 10 meters away, he seemed to be back on the shooting range of a handjob target and rapid fire.

The bullet penetrated the front windshield. Because of the special characteristics of the FN57, the projectile did not deflect and fly around after being blocked by the glass like the bullets fired from other pistols. Instead, it maintained a relatively stable trajectory and shot accurately. Enter the head area of ​​the main and co-pilot as the upper two people.

The two people in the front seat had no time to fight back and were shot dead on the spot by Chen Chen!

One magazine was emptied, and Chen Chen quickly replaced it with the second magazine, aiming towards the back seat of the car and firing continuously.

And just when he was halfway through the fight, the counterattack from inside the car finally appeared.

No matter how powerful the FN57's 5.7mm bullet is in penetrating, it cannot cause effective damage after penetrating the trunk and seats of the car. This gives the two enemies in the back seat who have already reacted an opportunity to find an opportunity.

They quickly opened the door and got out of the car, and their skilled movements completely exposed their identities!

"Bang bang bang bang -"

The sound of automatic rifle fire sounded quickly. It was just a face-to-face encounter, and a series of sparks exploded on the engine compartment in front of Chen Chen.

But instead of squatting down to hide, Chen Chen stepped on the tire to raise his body.


He had already performed this action the moment he discovered that the other party had gotten off the car.

He has two purposes.

The first is to get the shooting angle across the open car door.

Second, he predicted the opponent's shooting and wanted to use the body armor on his chest to stop the opponent's bullets!

Why not hide it?

Nonsense, when a pistol is used against an automatic weapon, the opponent is still a professional. Once it shrinks, is there still a chance to counterattack?

Without their own fire suppression in this direction, these two gunmen could wipe out the two groups that lacked effective bunkers in just ten seconds!

And the facts proved that his choice was very correct.

The enemy's strafing was originally intended to suppress his three groups. Two bullets hit Chen Chen's ceramic protective plate, and the huge impact pushed him backwards.

However, before the bullet hit him, the FN57's crosshair had already overlapped with the enemy's head for more than a second.

Two bullets came out of the gun, and the gunman suddenly fell forward.

The gunshots were still ringing out, but his action of shooting was just a dying struggle before his life disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the Li Gang who had already arrived moved to the front and kept shooting to suppress the last enemy who tried to get up, creating perfect shooting time for Chen Chen.

He jumped on the roof of the car again, and in the shocked eyes of the other party, he shattered the other person's spine with a bullet that was barely aimed.

Then, one by one, they shot again.

After finishing two magazines, Chen Chen raised his gun and waited quietly. After confirming that the people in the car had no ability to fight back, he finally raised his gun and moved forward to inspect the body.

The siren sounded in the distance. Chen Chen opened the passenger door and a very typical white face appeared in front of him.


No, not European and American white people.

It's a fucking middle eastern white guy.


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