I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 339 Military dogs are in place

Massimo was an idealist, a very rare and special kind of idealist in this country.

Chen Chen didn't fully understand his motives at first, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized that his hatred for EIM and certain organizations was the same as his.

Put yourself in his shoes and think about it. If you were in his position, you might do the same thing.


No, it should be said that I will do it more thoroughly than him.

Therefore, based on this "understanding", Chen Chen temporarily put Massimo on the list of "controllable use", and after finishing the conversation with him, he took him to Argus and introduced him to This man was destined for promotion and fortune, and a place in the Sulawesi police force.

When the two met, the expressions on their faces were extremely complicated.

They are only small roles now, but everyone can see that if the two of them can really work together closely, in a short period of time in the future, they may reach heights that others cannot reach.

Chen Chen did not listen to their conversation. Just as he said, this was a bottom line that he could never touch.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Chen is completely aloof from the matter. On the contrary, after Argus ended the communication with Massimo, he immediately found Massimo and made a request to "continue cooperation."

This was originally part of Argus's plan. Following a process similar to that of the SMP, the Eastern Corps finally received formal authorization from the police.

As an outsourced force, they were given law enforcement powers almost equivalent to those of the police.

In future operations, as long as there are formal police officers in the Dongfeng Corps, they can make any decisions that "should be made" on a case-by-case basis.

As for where this official police officer came from?

This is not a problem at all.

Chen Chen can choose by himself, pick a person he thinks is suitable and put him in the team, using him as a mascot or amulet.

"You can arrange fixed candidates in your team. Of course, you can also make temporary selections before each mission. It all depends on yourself."

"However, I must stress again that all your actions are subject to supervision in the presence of official police officers."

"And if you act without authorization without official police officers, you will be responsible for all the consequences."

Argus rarely spoke a long series of "formal and standard" English sentences. After listening to them, Chen Chen couldn't help but want to call him an "old fox".

The intention of his rhetoric is actually very obvious, which is to tell Chen Chen that there are some tasks that can be carried out according to the standards of official operations, but those tasks that the police are not convenient to participate in and the Dongfeng Corps must do must be done by the Dongfeng Corps themselves. Take the blame.

The responsibility is completely thrown away, but the credit is not lost at all. This is the Indonesian police.


But it doesn't matter, I don't expect to get any benefits from them anyway.

Cooperation with them is just a part of some huge plan.

And once that plan is implemented, the benefits that you can gain as a participant are immeasurable.

After walking out of Argus's ward, Chen Chen felt much more relaxed.

On the one hand, it is because the safety of the Dongfeng Corps has been basically guaranteed.

Argus promised to allocate part of the police force to carry out key protection of Qingshan Industrial Park, with at least a hundred people in total.

With this group of people serving as line-filling cannon fodder, the pressure on the Dongfeng Corps will naturally be greatly reduced.

On the other hand, it is because of the opening up of the situation.

Prior to this, the Dongfeng Corps had been in an extremely disadvantaged and passive situation since arriving in Indonesia.

Wolves surrounded them from all directions, as if a passing dog was about to pounce on them and bite them, but they had neither the means nor the right to fight back.

Now, the problem of "enforcement power" has been solved, and the Dongfeng Corps has finally moved from passive to active.

Not to mention, with the help of Massimo, the "accidentally obtained" second and fifth son, the Dongfeng Corps also successfully extended their hands into the interior of Task Force 88. At this point, they even did better than Xiaoyu. Better

After that, the movements of Task Force 88 were no longer a complete black box. Even if he couldn't get the most accurate and reliable information from the upper levels, Chen Chen could still use the "clues" that penetrated to the lower levels, combined with Xiaoyu The macro intelligence over there can guess the enemy's general movements.

Just like now, what kind of deal Bashir had with the top management of Task Force 88 and the military is still an unsolvable mystery for Chen Chen.

But at the same time, with the appearance of Bashir and the news confirmed by Xiaoyu that "MPRI has entered the game", Chen Chen could easily guess that the United States must be trying to start a war that they had already done elsewhere. Countless "subversive actions".

But unfortunately, this operation was strangled in the cradle by the Dongfeng Corps before it could even begin.

So, based on the premise that their direction of action is unlikely to change significantly, the other party must continue their consistent strategy and find ways to continue to "deeply cultivate" the field of JD elements.

Bashir is gone, but the JD elements in Sulawesi and Indonesia are not dead.

Who will be pushed out next?

Maybe, it’s time to ask Xiaoyu for a list again.

Back in his office, Chen Chen called Xiaoyu and explained his intentions to her.

But Xiaoyu's answer surprised Chen Chen.

"In the next one or two weeks, please stay with me at Qingshan Park."

"Don't go anywhere, and don't organize external activities."

"Now is the eve of the political storm in Indonesia. You can't help but know how serious the situation is."

"We don't have time to care about you. Most of our energy will be spent on higher-level mediation."

"So, don't ask me what name I want, I can't give it to you."

"Don't worry, MPRI will not take action at this time. They will be in exactly the same situation as you."

"Just treat this as a half-time break. Get your equipment ready and train your dog. If nothing goes wrong, learn to fly a helicopter or seaplane. Maybe you can use it in the future?"

".I always feel that what you are saying is implying something."

Chen Chen scratched his head subconsciously and replied.

"There is no hint. The seaplanes currently allocated to Qingshan Group still rely on commercial pilots and are not our own people at all."

"It will take some time for our people to get over. Taking advantage of this gap, can't you try to learn from it?"

"Anyone can learn it, and everyone can learn it"

"Then let's be like this, just stay here."

"If something happens during this period, you may not be able to leave Pubei for the rest of your life!"

There was a hint of "advice" in Xiaoyu's tone, and Chen Chen couldn't be stubborn with him. After all, Indonesia is not Pubei, and Task Force 88 is not a warlord.

When bullets cannot speak, it is indeed time to let politicians use their own methods.

So, after hanging up the phone, Chen Chen made a decisive decision.

No matter how violent the storm outside is, in the next week or two, I will really stay at home and not go anywhere.

After a series of matters were resolved and all the workers were sent off for vacation, the entire Qingshan Park became empty.

The lively scene no longer existed, and for a while, even Chen Chen felt a little uncomfortable.

As we all know, empty industrial facilities can cause sadness in humans, because they often mean some degree of disaster, decline, or an uncertain future.

This is a new instinct acquired by human beings after the industrial revolution. No matter who they are, as long as they grow up in a social environment, they cannot escape the influence of this instinct.

Therefore, the atmosphere inside the entire Qingshan Park is somewhat solemn, even depressing.

But fortunately, the arrival of a group of new members quickly diluted this depression.

12 military dogs arrived, and along with them came a professional dog trainer.

When the plane landed at La Bota Airport, Chen Chen personally led the team to greet them with the highest security standards. Looking at their equipment, the dog trainer even felt a little "scared".

He was taciturn all the way and failed to even exchange the most basic greetings.

It wasn't until he arrived inside the park and saw more familiar East Asian faces that he finally spoke and said something to Chen Chen that made him laugh or cry.

He said:

"In this battle between you guys, I thought I would go straight to the battlefield as soon as I landed. I was wondering if my sister would give me a gun."

Chen Chen laughed dumbly, shook his head quickly and explained:

"The situation has been a bit complicated recently. It's not safe outside the park, so the battle is really getting bigger."

"However, the next week or two will probably be relatively calm. You should seize this time and try to adapt first."

"no problem!"

The dog trainer nodded immediately and introduced himself:

"My name is Lin Chenming, from Northeast China. I turned out to be a Heilongjiang border police officer."

"Stop it, it goes without saying!"

Chen Chen quickly stopped him, and the latter quickly stopped and nodded:

"I know, I know, I almost let it slip."

"Let's not talk about this. Boss Laoban, let's take a look at the dog first?"

"Look at the dogs."

Chen Chen had no choice but to answer. Lin Chenming chuckled, led Chen Chen to the front of the car, and opened the air box one by one. The military dog ​​that was originally a little sluggish immediately jumped out and became lively.

All German black-backed dogs are considered a very standard breed among military dogs.

Judging from the condition, these military dogs are all in their prime, and they are definitely not the kind of elderly dogs that are privately adopted after retirement.

Xiaoyu is really not fooled at all.

Chen Chen was filled with emotion and couldn't help but said:

"They are all good dogs! This time there is really a lot of bleeding."

"Isn't that right? This batch of dogs are all freshly trained. They are at their best when they are full of energy."

"Look, I've been on a plane and a boat, and my condition is not bad at all - take a seat!"

After giving the order, all the military dogs sat down on the spot. It can be said that their obedience has been practiced to the extreme.

"Are you afraid of guns?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

"Don't be afraid. I have passed all the desensitization training. There are basically no problems with explosions and gunfire."

"But to be honest, there is still a problem with this batch of dogs. They have not experienced actual combat, and their ferocity is still a bit lacking."

Chen Chen couldn't help but laugh when he heard what he said.

"You have a good idea. Inuwa who has experienced actual combat and survived will get us? Stop joking!"

"It's always right to think about it"

Lin Chenyang scratched his head in embarrassment and gave a few instructions to gather all the military dogs together.

At this time, Wang Qi, who was assigned by Zhang Yang to be responsible for the military dog ​​protection work, had also arrived with his team. Needless to say, he was naturally praised again.

There may be many people who have served in the military who don't like dogs in essence, but there should be almost no people who don't like military dogs.

After all, in their view, military dogs have broken away from the category of "dogs" and entered the ranks of "comrades-in-arms."

This is why when Chen Chen and Lin Chenyang talked about military dogs, they always said "dog" instead of the colloquial "dog".


"Good dog" is an exception because it is addressed to the dog and is part of the command.

Everyone had seen the newly arrived military dogs. Wang Qi took everyone and the dogs to see the kennels that had just been cleaned up. After all, the conditions here were still crude and there was no way to build standardized kennels, so Wang Qi simply Two rooms were vacated in the staff dormitory, and after simple separation, they were temporarily used as kennels.

Lin Chenyang is quite satisfied with the environment of the kennel, but he also made some suggestions for improvement.

In addition to the environment, Lin Chenyang also has requirements for personnel arrangements.

According to him, the environment in Indonesia is hot, and the new dogs have not yet adapted well. They have to clean the kennel at least twice a day, and they cannot turn on the air conditioner. They can only spray water to cool down. It is really difficult for one person to do it.

In addition to this, serving their diet is also a problem-military dogs need to eat hard-boiled eggs, and just to peel the eggshells, he has to find a helper.

Wang Qi wrote down these opinions one by one and prepared to report them to Zhang Yang for implementation. Everything was arranged properly. After feeding the first meal, everyone finally left the kennel and went back to rest.

Looking at the full-fed military dogs lying on the ground to rest, Bao Qi, who was always curious about new things, couldn't help but sigh and said:

"This is the first time I have seen a live military dog. I have played with drones, but the military dog ​​is still behind. Who would believe it?"

After hearing his words, the Li Gang on the side couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Don't the Seventh Brigade also have military dogs?"

"Stop making trouble, is that also called a military dog?"

Bao Qi pursed his lips in disdain and continued:

"Look at the mental state of these dogs, and then think about the ones in the 7th Brigade. What is the world of difference?"

"The dogs in the 7th Brigade are just slightly obedient guard dogs at best. These are the real military dogs!"

"The difference between these dogs and the dogs of the 7th Brigade, I feel, is even greater than the difference between our Dongfeng Corps and the 7th Brigade."

"It is indeed the case."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and explained:

“The difference between dogs is always greater than the difference between people.”

"But how big it is. You will know when the official training starts tomorrow."

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