I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 342 The poor can’t go to heaven

After determining the follow-up plan, Chen Chen temporarily put aside these "operational" issues and began to focus on the relatively more urgent "minor crisis" in front of him.

The first thing he had to do was to find a way to confirm the safety of the park and confirm whether there were any more undiscovered explosives in the park.

At this time, Nezha, who had received explosive search training, played a huge role. After spending two hours, Nezha basically patrolled the park and found new explosives.

However, what was found this time was only a semi-finished product. The black powder was loose and the remote-controlled detonation device had not been completely installed. Following routine procedures, Chen Chen called the police. After a simple detonation and confirmation that there was no risk, Chen Chen received the evidence into his own hands. inside.

At around 12 o'clock in the evening, all the evidence was placed on Chen Chen's desk - of course not including the gunpowder itself. Otherwise, having several kilograms of black powder on the desk would be a bit eye-catching.

Chen Chen wore gloves and looked through the iron cans used to contain explosives. The light was not good outdoors before, and the information he could see was limited. But now in the office, he discovered some unusual details.

The iron can is rolled out of a very ordinary iron sheet, but it has hand-carved or ground grooves on it. The manufacturer is obviously trying to make the explosion produce as many fragments as possible to kill people. Effect.

Judging from this point alone, this bomber is definitely not a whim. On the contrary, the work of carving grooves is very boring and difficult, even more difficult than making black powder itself, and this also shows that he I am determined to win this explosion.

In addition, there are very obvious welding marks on the seal of the tank. Although it has been polished, due to the poor welding level of this bomber, the phenomenon of slag inclusion is obvious, and there are still quite a few defects.

Coupled with the fact that the threads on the tin can were obviously cut manually, Chen Chen could basically complete a profile of the bomber.

A man who works in a machining-related industry may be responsible for grinding and turning.

I don't know where he came from, but he saw the propaganda about JDism and quickly fell into it.

But for some reason - perhaps his background, perhaps his relatively cowardly character, he failed to successfully join the core layer of the organization.

To this end, he plans to do something big to prove his loyalty and ability.

And just in time, he heard the news that the organization was preparing to launch an attack on Qingshan Park, so he made homemade explosives without the assistance of the organization and prepared to launch the attack in collaboration with the inside and outside.

But when push came to shove, he eventually gave up on the plan.

Maybe it's because there is no chance, maybe it's because of conscience.

But it didn't matter, because the moment the bomb was dropped, his life had been destroyed by his own hands.

Chen Chen dropped the tin can in his hand and said to Shi Dakai and Bao Qi sitting opposite:

“The machining characteristics are quite obvious, and I’m quite skilled at grinding and turning, but I’m pretty rubbish at welding.”

"But if he can find the equipment, he has helped us limit the scope of the investigation."

"The other party must have free access to a well-equipped machine processing plant, which further eliminates internal suspicion."

"There are machine processing factories with similar conditions near Qingshan Park. How many are there?"

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Bao Qi thought for a moment and replied:

"I don't know the specific situation, but it should be quite a few."

"I remember when I was driving by, I saw that there were many repair shops and processing plants around."

"Including docks, there seem to be small-scale shipyards, which should have the same equipment."

"It's very difficult to investigate - why don't we just hand it over to the police?"

"We must leave it to them, but we also need to be aware of it."

Chen Chen nodded in reply, and then looked in the direction of Shi Dakai.

The latter remained silent, seeming to be thinking about something. Chen Chen did not disturb him, but at this moment, Shi Dakai suddenly spoke:

"It's unlikely to be a machine shop, and it's even less likely to be a shipyard."

"Most likely, it's still a car repair shop."


Bao Qi asked doubtfully.

"It's very simple. The turning equipment here is very precious. If they are not internal employees, it is basically impossible to allow them to use it."

"At the same time, machine shops and shipyards are high-intensity jobs that no one can handle."

"When I was in Lao Cai, I mined during the day and stood guard at the Allied Army camp at night. My energy was barely balanced."

“If you think about it, I wouldn’t choose two jobs at the same time that would suck the life out of me.”

"The work in the car repair shop is relatively easy. It is a very suitable choice."

"Of course, this is just a speculation."

"Check, we still need to check them all."

"But in terms of priority, we can start with the repair shop."

"That makes sense."

Chen Chen nodded and continued to ask:

"How many repair shops are there near La Bota?"

"It's just one family. I asked Zhang Yang before - our car was damaged and we need some sheet metal."

"Then go and see!"

Chen Chen said decisively:

"It happens to be that the car needs to be repaired, so we have a reasonable excuse."

"The only problem is that we don't know if the other party has any extra explosives. If we blindly go to investigate, we will be in trouble if he waits there."

"It's best to find someone who is not their first target - this person must be a new face and have a certain degree of professionalism. Lin Chenming?"

Having said this, Chen Chen raised his head and met Shi Dakai's eyes.

The latter lowered his voice and said:

"...He is the most suitable candidate. This bomber must be a member of the local employees. He is familiar with the old employees of Qingshan Park."

"And if you let the police go, it will really be a warning."

"Only Lin Chenming. He came after the park was cleared. No one has seen him. Those JD elements will not attack him rashly before they are sure of his identity."

"In this way, safety is definitely guaranteed."

"As for investigation, can he do it?"

"You can try and ask him to take Nezha there!"

Chen Chen made the final decision, and soon Bao Qi went out to find Lin Chenming and brought him over from his residence.

The three people explained their judgment and the risks of the action. After Lin Chenming hesitated for a moment, he said:

"The risk is too high. This level of investigation is equivalent to close combat. If there is a problem, there will be no time to evacuate."

"Moreover, the actions of JD elements are basically unpredictable, I feel."

He didn't finish his words, but Chen Chen already understood what he meant.

Although he was a little disappointed, Chen Chen didn't force it.

So he replied:

"It doesn't matter, safety comes first."

"If you don't want to, forget it. We'll think of a solution later."

"It's not that I don't want to."

Lin Chenming smiled sheepishly and continued:

"I mean, this is a high-risk and difficult matter, can you give me some subsidies?"

"Boss, as you know, I also want to make some money. House prices in China are getting higher and higher."

Lin Chenming's request was beyond Chen Chen's expectation, but if he thought about it carefully, it was reasonable.

When I first demobilized, I was thinking about how to make money all day long. After all, the local area was not as good as in the army. It cost money to eat, drink, and have sex, and there was also the problem of starting a family and buying a house, so the pressure was not as high as usual.

Lin Chenming's thoughts are actually quite normal.

Are you kidding me? There are people who don’t get paid for their work?

Do you really think that people will pay homage to you just by giving an order?

Chen Chen is not afraid of others asking for money from him. What he is afraid of is that someone is hiding it and not making his demands clear. In the end, everyone will break up unhappy.

Therefore, Lin Chenming's frankness made Chen Chen appreciate him even more. He generously offered a price that was astronomical to Lin Chenming, but not even a drop in the bucket to the Dongfeng Corps.


Twenty thousand dollars.

Lin Chenming didn't hesitate for a second and agreed on the spot.

As a result, the three of them introduced the mission plan to him in detail and began to discuss the details of subsequent execution.

According to their plan, Lin Chenming would go to the garage for investigation the next evening. He would take Nezha with him. As long as traces of explosives were found, the Dongfeng Corps would lead a group of people to swarm the suspect and directly press him down. live.

The plan is simple, but not crude.

After confirming the details, Chen Chen immediately started arranging a support team, while Lin Chenming also returned to his residence, planning to seize the time to learn a few Indonesian sentences for simple communication.

Just as they were preparing to conduct further investigation based on this clue, in the only auto repair shop in La Bota City, a man was skillfully operating a lathe under the light, cutting a broken axle.

His face was full of fatigue, but he did not dare to relax in the movements of his hands, because to him, the meaning of this axle was not just a "repair part", but the breakfast for his family of three the day after tomorrow. .

That’s right, not tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow.

Because for tomorrow’s breakfast, he had already earned it yesterday.

If you look at it purely from this logic, it seems that his life is not too bad. At least he can maintain a basic livelihood. For many poor people in Sulawesi who cannot afford to eat, it is even enough to make them envious.

However, if you think about it from another perspective, the time left for him to make a mistake is only a day.

What is this concept?

If one day he takes leave due to illness, or simply because his workers are a little slow and fail to complete the repair of parts in the evening after get off work, it means that his family will not have enough to eat for at least one meal.

Of course, this is not cruel, just extremely depressing.

He didn't understand why his life was like this, and he even felt that he had never done anything wrong.

Before the age of 20, I went to school, graduated, learned a trade, and worked conscientiously.

Not a lot of waves, but very smooth.

He was indeed relaxed at that time. His parents did not need to support him. One person had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry. He could even save some money to buy himself some cigarettes and alcohol as comfort after hard work.


However, this life soon ended.

What broke the peace was marriage, childbirth, and his two children who were waiting to be fed.

He never thought about what having three more mouths to eat would mean to him; he never thought that one day he would come up with the idea of ​​going to the crater to mine sulfur at all costs.

He was truly aware of his poverty and the heavy mountain and thick ceiling that were weighing on him.

It shouldn't be like this. I just followed the same path as everyone else in the world and got married in accordance with my reproductive instinct as a human being. But why, just such an ordinary thing, would push myself into abyss?

There is a big problem in this world.

Thinking of this, the man let out a long sigh.

He stabilized his hand, which was slightly shaking due to hypoglycemia due to not having eaten dinner, and completed the last step of cutting accurately.

The axle was processed, but he did not shut down the machine. Instead, he placed a forged iron can on the machine tool and quickly cut out threads on it.

He moved very quickly. After finishing, he immediately took the tin can off the machine tool and hid it in his backpack.

Then, he turned off the machine and walked to the lobby of the repair shop.

A man with all his hair was sitting behind the counter. The man walked forward with a timid expression and said:

"Boss, it's done."

"A total of 4 items today, wages"

Without raising his head, the boss took out a few banknotes from the drawer on the side. The man took the banknotes and looked at them. He seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he swallowed his words.

"Can I come during the day tomorrow?"

he continued to ask.

"No need, I don't have that much work for you to do here."

The boss was still addicted to the Minesweeper game on his mobile phone. The man was disappointed and was about to leave. But at this moment, the boss suddenly put down his mobile phone and looked at the man, and said seriously:

"Rufti, you should stay away from those imams."

The man named Lufti was stunned for a moment, and then replied:

"I just need some teaching."

"You need good teaching, not that kind of teaching."

There was a hidden meaning in the boss's words, and Lufti realized that he might know something, but he couldn't figure out the boss's attitude.

He looked at the boss in confusion, wanting to ask something, but he didn't know how to ask.

The boss sighed lightly and continued:

"Don't think that no one knows about the things you do."

"Take some advice from someone who's been there - that's not what you should be doing."

"You are just a tool. Real benefits will never come to you."

"Do you know why I am saying this to you? Because what you are going to do is beneficial to me."

"I can make more money by getting rid of those East Asians, but what about you?"

"This is my conscience for you, Lufti, keep it."

"Do you think you can really go to heaven? That's just a lie."

"If anyone can go to heaven, it won't be a poor person like you."

After hearing his boss's words, Lufti fell into a long silence.

He was silent and turned towards the door.

But just after stepping out, he suddenly turned around and said:

"I don't want to go to heaven."

"But maybe someone should feel what hell is like."

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