Chapter 345 IS-K

Half an hour later, Qingshan Park, Dongfeng Corps office.

Chen Chen sat opposite Lufti, who had been released from restraints, and looked at him quietly without saying a word.

This is a fairly conventional interrogation technique, and it is obvious that Lufti opposite him cannot have received any professional anti-interrogation training. After just looking at each other for more than ten seconds, he was defeated and couldn't help but say:

"What do you want to do? Just tell me. It doesn't matter if you want to kill me, but justice will definitely be achieved!"

The translator on the side conveyed Lufti's words simultaneously. Chen Chen listened and looked at Lufti's expression, and couldn't help but feel a little funny for a moment.


Maybe he really felt that what he was doing was a just thing.

He knew nothing of his own stupidity and even thought he was the sane one.

Well, to put it bluntly, I have to compete with some awakened people I am familiar with.

Therefore, Chen Chen ignored him at all, but continued to remain silent and ignored him.

Letting him speak is only the first step. Letting him take the initiative to express his intentions is the high-end interrogation.

Of course, the process will be much longer.

After waiting for ten minutes, Lufti spoke again.

"I know who you are. You are the Eastern Corps. You are not our enemies in the first place, but you have chosen the wrong master."

"You are here for money, that's okay, but don't you know? Whatever they can give you, we can also give you!"

"This is justice, this is how things should really be!"

"At least, we won't use the flesh and blood of the bottom to support those demons like them."


Chen Chen finally interrupted Lufti and asked:

"Who is the devil in your eyes?"

"Bureaucrats, businessmen, all those who exploit us and oppress us."

"I know you think there is no difference between us and those elements?"

"No, we are nothing like them."

"Yes, we also have to fight for the rights that all brothers deserve, but the conflict between us and those demons is definitely not just a religious conflict."

"These are just appearances, don't you understand? All ideological conflicts are essentially conflicts of interests."

Lufti's words surprised Chen Chen. He really couldn't understand that he could actually hear the argument that "religious conflicts are conflicts of interests" from this man's mouth.

He clearly felt that the organization Lufti belonged to was indeed not EIM or JIS, but more like something else.


No, of course not Hezbollah, and certainly not Hamas.

Rather, it is a complex, extreme, and in many cases very difficult to define organization, IS-K, Khorasan.

This thing is the product of the internal conflicts between IS and TALIBAN, and is often regarded as the "TANLIBAN rebel concentration camp".

To some extent, their ideas are even more extreme than IS. They belong to a group of people who are very radical among fundamentalist Wahhabis. They even completely ignore basic universal values ​​and human empathy. Attacking schools, hospitals, and churches has been notorious since its birth.

However, if you really study their so-called "doctrine", you will find that the philosophy of this organization is purely a suture monster.

They have to have a hand in religion, human rights, social justice, the gap between rich and poor, and even environmental protection.

They oppose everything and believe that except for them, all other "superiors" are the embodiment of evil - including TALIBAN and IS.

Yes, they are even competing with the JD organization.

The reason is actually very simple. It is what Lufti calls an "interest issue."

They are weak and need to win support from many parties, so they must create many ideas to cater to the demands of all parties and attract more ignorant people to join their "resistance."

The reason why Chen Chen knew about this organization was actually very simple, because they had connections with ETLO. They not only provided ETLO with a lot of intelligence and financial support, but even released promotional songs specifically for the north.

This thing has always been the focus of the attack. Even if Chen Chen is not on that line, he has heard about it.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen's expression darkened.

He asked bluntly:

"Are you IS-K?"

Hearing his words, Lufti was stunned for a moment, but soon his expression became proud again.

"Yes, I have nothing to hide, we are IS-K."

"You know us, then you must know us too."

"You should know the difference between us and them, and you should also know that what we have to do is different from them."

"So, you should wake up."

"What we do is for the benefit of everyone, not for the benefit of any one group, we."

"You made bombs and wanted to kill innocent people."

Chen Chen interrupted Lufti again. The latter was forced to swallow the words that had rushed to his lips. After a long time, he spoke:

"This is a forced choice that must be accompanied by sacrifices, but their sacrifices are valuable and they will create a better future for others."

"Otherwise, do you think there is another way they can go?"

"What is the way out for ordinary people here? Everyone is the same. They are doing the hardest work, but they can't save a little money. When they die, they will pass on the genes of poverty to the next generation."

"Someone has to do something to change this."

"Instead of living in obscurity, why not die with a bang for a bright future?"

Hearing his words, Chen Chen couldn't help but become speechless.

It has to be said that his remarks are extremely confusing, and even many people with insufficient cognitive abilities are directly led astray by him.

Resist the powerful, change the status quo, and speak out for the weak.

These three words, placed in any era and in any place, will have unparalleled appeal to the public, because human beings naturally pursue interests, and the experience of interests does not arise from the feelings of reality, but from the process of comparison.

To put it simply, it is a question of "why".

However, if you really accept his train of thought, you are simply being fooled.

You want to change the status quo, but why would you use the fate of others as a bargaining chip?

Why should you make choices for others, why should you be generous to others?

This is not selfless, this is just extreme egoism.

"Okay, let's stop here."

"I'm not interested in discussing these illusory things with you. I just want to know who gave you those materials, who is your superior, and what is your plan?"

"No comment."

Lufti shook his head firmly, Chen Chen laughed contemptuously and said:

"You don't really think you're doing something great, do you?"

"It should be said that you have no idea what you are doing."

"Do you think you can change this place? You're wrong, you can't change anything."

"The direction is wrong. The more you try, the more mistakes you make."

"What benefits can attacks on ordinary people bring to you? You will only become more and more isolated from the masses and from the ordinary people you call 'need to be saved'!"

"We are not targeting ordinary people!"

Lufti immediately denied it and said:

"I have said that my action is targeting the Qingshan Group. It should not be here. It has taken away the interests that should belong to us and ordinary people, so it must be eliminated."

Fraud came out.

Chen Chen's tense mood relaxed. He was now absolutely sure that this Lufti was just a cannon fodder being used.

There are people above him, and the purpose of those people is very clear, which is to attack Qingshan Park.

As a result, the situation faced by Qingshan Group becomes more complicated.

Although the enemy is still the same, he has more and more tools in his hands.

JIS and EIM are not enough, now IS-K is coming?

Mobilizing so many forces is definitely not an easy task. If the intention is not too big, the other party does not need to pay such a high cost.

The United States definitely really wants the current president to step down.

We are now in Yudhoyono Yudhoyono's second term, which is also the most critical "middle period". Everything that happened during this period is a knock on his seven inches.

The motive is still quite clear. The question now is how to sort out the evidence chain from top to bottom and establish "strike coordinates."

You have to continue to cheat.

So, Chen Chen continued to ask:

"If you eliminate the Qingshan Group, will you gain benefits?"

"When Qingshan Group is here, you can get wages here to support your life."

"The money you spent to buy those gunpowder and materials came from your salary, right?"

"Isn't it ridiculous? Without this money, you wouldn't even have the ability to resist in the most extreme way."

"And now? Because of your actions, hundreds of people will lose the opportunity to work in Qingshan Park."

"You didn't save anyone. On the contrary, you indirectly killed a lot of people."

Lufti looked at Chen Chen in shock. His psychological defense seemed to have been touched, but in the end, he just said stiffly:

"Their sacrifice is valuable."

"Valuable? What's the value?"

Chen Chen did not hide his contempt, but continued:

"You are just tools. You probably don't know who the biggest boss of IS-K is, right?"

"You don't think this is such a pure resistance organization, do you? Stop making trouble."

"I'm really curious, what would you think if you knew that the boss of IS-K is the biggest 'vested interest' you want to oppose?"


Lufti raised his head suddenly and said subconsciously:

"We don't have a boss!"

"Without a boss, where do you think the funds for this organization's activities come from? IS-K is just a vicious dog bred in the United States. When it needs you, it will let you out to bite people. When it doesn't need you, it will Shoot him from a distance."

"It's ridiculous. You think you are fighting for your own interests. In fact, you are just tools of certain forces."

Having said this, Lufti's expression had changed slightly. Perhaps he also realized that there was indeed something wrong with the organization he participated in.

Seizing this opportunity, Chen Chen struck while the iron was hot and said:

"Didn't you learn that English sentence on your own?"

"You know what? That's an American proverb."


In fact, that is an American proverb about a hammer, nothing more than a very common and inflammatory slogan.

But Chen Chen's determined look made Lufti believe him.

His expression suddenly froze on his face, as if he had suffered some huge shock.

Then, he murmured to himself:

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible."

Seeing his performance, Chen Chen realized that the heat was enough.

We can't continue to ask, we must give him time.

Give him time to think wildly, give him time to deny and doubt himself, give him time to make the final decision

Leave him alone for hours, even days, until his self-doubt reaches its peak, then give him a push and all his resistance will disappear.

Such a push can be simply "torture", but of course it can also include other threats.

Maybe it's not humane, but Chen Chen doesn't care.

Who cares whether you have difficulties or not, who cares why you went astray?

You originally had no original sin, but you joined IS-K and created original sin for yourself. So, what obligation do I have to forgive you?

There is no need to save the damned person.

Chen Chen kept Lufti dry for a whole night as planned, and then Shi Dakai began to enter the field.

I have to say that Shi Dakai really has a special talent in interrogation.

Perhaps because of his own natural pessimism, he can easily see the most pessimistic of everything, and with this talent, he can easily seize the opponent's weaknesses.

Chen Chen originally thought that Lufti needed to use some traditional skills, but he didn't expect that Shi Dakai didn't use any "props" at all. Within 20 minutes after entering, Lufti started to use them directly.


Of course, this is not entirely Shi Dakai's credit.

It should be said that Chen Chen's foreshadowing is also crucial.

But this did not stop Chen Chen from being curious.

When Shi Dakai walked out of the "interrogation room" and arranged the subsequent interrogation matters, Chen Chen immediately stepped forward and asked:

"how did you do that?"

"How did you do that?"

Shi Dakai asked subconsciously.

"How did you get him to speak - I mean, IS-K is basically a very determined organization, so it's not easy to get him to speak, right?"

Shi Dakai smiled and replied:

"In fact, it's not that difficult to grasp the weak points."

"Then what is his weakness?"

Chen Chen continued to ask.

He was really worried that Shi Dakai would say something shocking again. After all, his mother-daughter flower plan last time had too much stamina.

But this time, Shi Dakai's answer was much more normal.

"I just asked him a question."

"I asked him what he hoped to get after doing these things. The most direct thing was how much money he hoped he could earn."

"He told me it was at least two thousand dollars a month."

"Then I told him that in order to catch him, we had prepared a reward of $20,000 for a dog - but of course, it was actually a lie to him."

"But he was already a little unable to bear it, so after listening to it, it can be said that he collapsed instantly."

Chen Chen was stunned.

Twenty thousand dollars for a dog?

For Lufti, this is probably a murderous act.

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