The 602 Xiaoyu is talking about is of course not the C-602 missile, nor the AN602 Tsar bomb. In fact, what she is referring to is a rather unusual throwing tear gas grenade.

48mm 602 explosive tear gas canister.

This thing is an explosive tear gas bomb, filled with CN tear gas inside. It can spread the tear gas to a radius of about 15 meters through explosive throwing, and it will be accompanied by a loud noise of about 150 decibels. Theoretically, It can also be used as a shock bomb in confined spaces.

This thing is basically the same idea as the shocking tear gas bomb that Chen Chen wants to make, and it is a non-lethal weapon with multiple functions.

Of course, due to the environmental restrictions in the north, this grenade does not have much use. After all, the north is not a free America, and it cannot do the ruthless job of throwing 400,000 shock bombs a year.

Therefore, although this grenade has many serious problems in actual combat, such as high environmental pollution, slow diffusion of aerosol clouds, high residual tear gas vapor, which is harmful to the human body, etc., it has never received serious attention. Improvements were instead shelved as "unusable inventory."

In Chen Chen's impression, when they first entered the special warfare, they did shock bomb resistance training and used this grenade.

The most uncomfortable thing about it is not the loud noise, the intense instantaneous burning sensation, nor the suffocating feeling after the tear gas vapor enters the lungs, but the

No matter what you do, you can't get rid of the constant pain caused by the tear gas vapor on your body.

If this description is not intuitive enough, it is probably an upgraded version of taking a bath with hot pepper foam.

Generally speaking, this thing does meet Chen Chen's requirements, but there is also a problem, and that is:

The noise decibels produced by explosive tear gas is still too small. Don’t look at the difference between 150 decibels and 170 decibels, which is only 20, but the increase from 150 to 170 is not linear. If described intuitively, the “auditory response” caused by the latter can probably Reaching about twice the former.

Therefore, it is still possible to use 150 decibels of noise to briefly stun ordinary people, but if you want to incapacitate trained professionals, it is still a bit far away.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Chen is more inclined to make his own "cluster shock tear gas".

After all, there is no telling whether the thing you make is good or not, but you have the final say on how much medicine to put in it and what to put in it. In terms of reliability, there is absolutely no need to worry about it.

Therefore, although Chen Chen did not refuse Xiaoyu's kindness, he firmly stated that he still wanted to give it a try.

And Xiaoyu didn't stop him too much - he just made some shock bombs, what can he do?

When they built spray trains and thermite bombs, didn't they have to turn a blind eye?

After receiving Xiaoyu's authorization, Chen Chen hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Then he opened the chair on his desk and began combing through the various materials needed to make tear gas canisters.

This thing is divided into two parts. The first part is the shock bomb, and the second part is the tear gas.

The main ingredients of the former are ammonium nitrate, magnesium powder and potassium perchlorate. It can be said that it is not difficult to obtain these things. In a modern society with a basic industrial foundation, it can be said that it is much easier to make a shock bomb than to make a firework.

Buy all the materials, mix them into a mineral water bottle, add a fuse, light it and throw it out, it is the simplest shock bomb.

If the explosion effect is not ideal, then find a way to adjust the material ratio and throw in some pp powder to act as an oxidant to intensify the reaction.

All in all, this is really a fun chemistry experiment that children can do at home.

However, tear gas is more complicated than shock bombs.

The most popular tear gases in the world now are basically CN, CS, CR or OC. OC is the first to be eliminated, because capsaicin is generally only suitable for making water-based or oil-based solvents and is used by spraying. You can make an anti-wolf spray. It's okay, but the explosive tear gas cannot form a sustained aerosol cloud, and its action time is very short. In the best case, it may only be able to incapacitate people for two to three minutes, and it cannot achieve the necessary control effect.

The synthesis steps of CS and CR are extremely complicated. Without the support of a complete chemical industry, it is very difficult to make them yourself.

The best option is to try synthetic CN tear gas.

The synthetic raw materials for this stuff include hydrochloric acid, m-aminoacetophenone, acetic acid and certain catalysts. Although the process is complicated, Qingshan Park, as a mining industrial park, has a dedicated chemical laboratory. Not really difficult.

Even the synthesis of meta-aminoacetophenone, which has the most complicated process, actually only requires a batch reactor.

If you can't even do this.

There is no need for Qingshan Group to mine here, so it should change its business as soon as possible.

After spending half an hour, Chen Chen basically sorted out the raw materials he needed. He wrote all the raw materials on paper. Then he called Zhang Yang to the office and handed the list in his hand. .

"Mr. Zhang, take a look at this list. There is something on it that I need your help purchasing."

"They are basically chemicals that are not subject to control. Please help me see if I can get them together today."

"If Labota doesn't have it, Kendari will definitely be able to buy it all."

"Then we still need to do some synthesis work, and we may need to borrow your chemistry laboratory."

"Ah? Boss Chen, can you even do this?"

Zhang Yang asked in surprise, and then looked at the list in his hand.

"Meta-aminoacetophenone, hydrochloric acid diazotization reaction, right? CUCL? Sandermeier reaction?"

"I understand, do you want to make m-chloroacetophenone, a tear gas bomb?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded calmly, but he had no intention of hiding it from Zhang Yang.

"I understand, but why is it so troublesome to use? Can't we just buy it directly?"

"?? Go buy it directly? Where can you buy it?"

Chen Chen looked at Zhang Yang in shock and asked.

In fact, although he remembered the raw materials and the synthesis method, he didn't really know much about chemistry. He basically just memorized some "routines" by rote.

Therefore, he only knew roughly where this thing came from, but he didn't know how to obtain it "most efficiently".

Zhang Yang on the opposite side was obviously different. He could see what Chen Chen wanted to do at a glance, which showed that he had considerable foundation in the chemical industry, which was completely different from a scumbag like Chen Chen.

Looking at Chen Chen's expression, Zhang Yang paused and replied:

"In terms of industry, Sulawesi is not good at anything else, but it is still good at making insecticides. After all, there are so many mosquitoes here. Meta-chloroacetophenone is an important intermediate raw material for synthesizing insecticides, not to mention Kendari, even Labota, I guess there are small workshops that have stocks."

"How about it? How much do you want? I'll try my best to get it for you tonight."

".The more the merrier."

Chen Chen opened his mouth to answer.

He never thought that something that seemed not easy to him could be solved with a simple sentence in Zhang Yang's opinion.

This is probably the power of resources.

Of course, this is also why he left Pubei and came to Indonesia. Only by finding ways to establish his own relationships and accumulate his own resources through various means can Dongfeng Group have the possibility to grow further.

Otherwise, will we really have to fight for the rest of our lives?

It is impossible that the general will die immediately. How can he not get his shoes wet when he often walks by the river?

If possible, Chen Chen still hopes to turn to behind-the-scenes work

Zhang Yang quickly finalized the delivery time. From m-chloroacetophenone to CN tear gas, a small amount of processing steps were required. However, this did not pose any difficulty to the laboratory in Qingshan Park. Chen Chen simply handed over the full authority. He went to deal with it

After the problem of the charge was solved, the next thing Chen Chen had to solve was the problem of the launcher.

Chen Chen's goal is not to create a single shocking tear gas canister, nor is it a "multi-barreled launcher", but a serious "cluster launcher".

Because his goal is very simple, which is to completely suppress an entire area with a single launch, without giving any possible JD molecules any time to react.

So in this case, the design of the launcher is quite sophisticated.

For the sake of "technical maturity", Chen Chen still chose the simplest sewer pipe as the barrel, but this time, instead of using a gas tank to make a bomb, he used thermal processing technology to process an all-plastic cannonball. And filled the cannonballs with black powder prepared by himself.

Essentially, this thing is a super large firework. After the internal gunpowder explodes, the kinetic energy is used to blow up the all-plastic shell, and then the sub-explosives with exposed internal leads are ignited. After being thrown, a range explosion is formed.

In order to reduce the processing steps, he used a very clever material as the container of the sub-explosive-aluminum Coke can.

It doesn't even need to be cut. Just put gunpowder into a Coke can and remove the fuse from the fireworks. One person can build a bomblet in thirty seconds.

Next, fill the bomblets into the mother bomb shell in a relatively tight arrangement, then close the lid, and everything is ready.

After spending a day, Chen Chen had completed the production of the prototype.

Standing in the open space of the mine behind the park, looking at the extremely simple gun mount in front of him, Zhang Yang, who participated in the whole process, couldn't help but take a breath.

He looked at Bao Qi, who was about to light the fire, and at Chen Chen, who was standing confidently aside, and asked with some worry:

"Are you sure this thing is not dangerous? Will it not explode?"

Chen Chen smiled and replied:

"How could this be dangerous?"

"You can't blow up the chamber even if you put a gas can in it, let alone this."

"Gas tank?!"

Zhang Yang was stunned.

"You guys haven't really done this before, have you?"

"Of course I did, otherwise how would we know how to do it?"

Chen Chen answered casually. He didn't notice the change in Zhang Yang's expression, but in fact not only Zhang Yang, but also Lin Chenming, who was originally in high spirits, was already a little stupid at this time.

In their understanding, gas tank bombs have always been exclusive to the Middle East. They never imagined that this well-equipped Dongfeng Corps could actually make such things.

What the hell, so adaptable?

Just highlight the one that doesn’t reject anyone who comes and uses it before talking about it, right?

And just when they were hesitating with complicated emotions whether to persuade Chen Chen to pay attention to his safety, all the preparations were in place.

After the propellant was loaded and the shell was loaded, Bao Qi looked at Chen Chen, who nodded in response. Then, he lit the fuse on the shell without any hesitation.

A few seconds later, a loud bang sounded.



"Bang bang bang bang bang"

The mother bomb flew up to an altitude of more than ten meters, drew a parabola forward and exploded in mid-air. Under the thrust of the expansion of gunpowder, the bullets inside were thrown away and scattered within a radius of nearly 50 meters.

Immediately afterwards, the bullets that had been detonated fell to the ground and exploded - some even exploded directly in the air.

Since this was only the first experiment, Chen Chen did not fill the bomblet with tear gas or detonating agent, but simply filled some black powder and magnesium powder as "explosion indicators."

At this time, under the darkness of night, the open space next to the mine exploded into a sea of ​​fire, and the whole scene was extremely shocking.


Lin Chenming, who was watching, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This thing actually works?"

Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"Actually, the principle of cluster bombs is not complicated at all. Most fireworks are designed with cluster bombs, so it's not surprising that they can be made."

"However, we have some problems with our charges. The throw range is too small and the bomblets are too densely distributed."

"In this way, on the one hand, the power is excessive in a small area, and the superposition of noise may cause irreversible consequences. On the other hand, the strike surface is not enough, and it is impossible to form a sufficient deterrent effect."

"Further adjustments are needed. In the future, it is best to replace the shell of the bomblet with a plastic material to increase the strength and reduce the size, and it can also withstand greater explosion impact."

"But this kind of adjustment is much more complicated. Let's do it slowly."

"For now, this is enough."

"This is enough."

Lin Chenming said in admiration.

"Okay, let's get started with the actual production. The tear gas is basically in place. We will make at least two shells tomorrow to deal with the actions the day after tomorrow."

"Let's go back!"

After hearing Chen Chen's words, several people from the Dongfeng Corps immediately dismantled the crude gun mount and returned. At this time, Chen Chen's cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone and found Argus on the other side.

The other party's tone was a little urgent, and he asked:

"Shen, what are you doing?"

"We're testing a new non-lethal weapon, cluster tear gas."

"Cluster shock bombs? Do you mean cluster bombs? Non-lethal weapons?"

"That's right, weapons for riot control."

"But I saw the flames of the explosion! Your bombs covered at least a hundred meters!"

"Yes, but still non-lethal - I can guarantee that."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Argus on the other side fell silent.

After a few seconds, he suddenly said:

"Shen, how much is it?"

"Take my money and give me your bomb!"

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