I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 350 The fight begins, MPRI faces a head-on conflict

"That's too late."

Near Kruno, Chen Chen patted Lin He's shoulder in the driver's seat. The latter braked to a stop, and then asked doubtfully:

"What's too late?"

"Evacuate, it's too late to evacuate."

Chen Chen looked heavy and then continued:

"I found a blind spot. If the other party really set up this rally as a trap, it means they must have invested a huge cost."

"If the mission fails, they will inevitably suffer unnecessary losses, and if they want to make up for this loss, their best way is"

"Kill us out at any cost."

Shi Dakai took over Chen Chen's words and continued.

Chen Chen nodded and continued his analysis:

"It's not impossible. They have a lot of manpower and can sacrifice a large number of people to trade with us."

"Whether these people are dead, injured, or have to leave afterwards, they can afford it and it won't shake their roots in Indonesia."

"If we didn't create enough motivation for them before, then after the Bashir incident, the motivation must be enough."

"We'd better not leave Kruno, the crowd is our cover."

"The support must also be withdrawn. They may be attacked on the way. We don't have the manpower to try and make mistakes!"

"But that's slow death."

Shi Dakai interrupted Chen Chen and said with a frown:

"Hold on to Kroono to buy us time, but this can only delay the conflict and cannot completely eliminate it."

"We need police protection, we need official intervention."

"You should contact Argus immediately and ask him to transfer people over!"

"Bao Qi, go get in touch."

Chen Chen answered decisively, and then continued to say to Lin He:

"The car drove to the Kruno Rugby Stadium where there was civilian activity and it was safe for the time being."

"Dakai, contact Zhang Yang and ask him to prepare the seaplane. If necessary, we will evacuate from the water."

"Bang Li, check your equipment and get ready for battle!"


Everyone took action immediately. Lin He stepped on the accelerator and drove the car towards the Kruno Football Stadium and rushed directly into the parking lot outside the stadium.

At this time, there was a non-regular match going on in the stadium. Chen Chen got out of the car immediately. As expected, their attire attracted everyone's attention. The police officer who happened to be standing in the distance also came over. He touched the pistol on his waist and approached the five people warily.

Chen Chen took out the IDs he had prepared and showed them to show their identities. The police officer breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward and asked:

"Who are you?"

What he spoke was Indonesian, and Chen Chen could only understand a few words, so he simply didn't answer. He just put the ID in his hand into the other person's hand and let him see for himself.

This certificate came from the special approval of the Kendari Police Station. Although the form is completely different from the ordinary police officer certificate, the stamp and anti-counterfeiting mark on it are indeed genuine. After checking and finding no loopholes, the police officer finally looked completely at ease. Relax.

So Chen Chen continued to speak a few words in simple Indonesian.

"Safe, we, protect."

The police officer nodded slightly, then waved his hand and walked towards the crowd to convey Chen Chen's message.

The crowd quickly calmed down - perhaps not because of the police officer's explanation, but because of the equipment of the Dongfeng Corps.

This thing naturally brings a sense of security to people, because everyone generally believes that it is basically impossible for people who can wear this equipment to attack civilians.

The situation was temporarily stable, and the Eastern Corps gained a brief respite.

Bao Qi had already called Argus and explained the situation to him.

Argus on the opposite side also realized the seriousness of the problem, and he quickly replied that he would send police forces to Krono, which gave Chen Chen a sense of security.


However, this sense of security did not last more than two minutes.

Two minutes later, Bao Qi received a call from Argus again.

On the phone, he told everyone an unexpected situation.

An explosion just occurred in Rabota, near Lufti's residence where Chen Chen and the others had been before!

This explosion had a huge yield, and the shock wave destroyed more than a dozen houses. The number of casualties caused by the explosion instantly exceeded ten, and Lufti’s family, including two children,...

No bones remain.

The situation that Labota finally stabilized became chaotic again, and the police were forced to devote themselves to maintaining order.

Because there are already rumors that this explosion was retaliation for police actions and innocent people became victims!

Damn it, the rumors happened earlier than the explosion. What kind of conspiracy was this? ?

Obviously, the two sides have not officially met yet, but the game in the air has already begun.

"The police can't come, at least not in a short time."

"I'm afraid we can no longer use civilians as cover. Their resolve is stronger than we expected."

"We need to find a place to stay and wait for Bao Qi's reinforcements. Is there a suitable bunker nearby?"


Bao Qi answered without hesitation. At this time, he had raised the drone and had a clear view of the surrounding environment.

There are no solid bunkers available in the entire Krono. Most of the houses here are ordinary brick and wood structures. Not to mention possible RPGs, they may not even be able to withstand armor-piercing bullets!

To hide blindly is not to find a bunker for yourself, but to find a coffin for yourself.

"Is it okay on the water? We are very close to the seaside. We can find a fishing boat to go out to sea!"

Lin He asked after answering.

"The fishing boats are too slow and are simply targets."

Shi Dakai immediately denied it and then said:

"We can only go first into the woods. They may not be able to defeat us in the woods."

"Okay. Pack your equipment and set off immediately!"

Chen Chen made a prompt decision, and a few minutes later, everyone packed up a full set of equipment, took all the ammunition they could carry, and set off for the woods behind the football field.

And just when they reached the edge of the woods, a bullet banged on the tree next to Chen Chen.

Anti-materiel sniper rifle.

Very fortunately, the other party also fired in a hurry, and the shot missed the target by a very small margin.

Debris flew everywhere, Chen Chen subconsciously threw himself forward, and then shouted loudly:

"No. 2! Looking for the enemy!"

"Communications have been disrupted!"

Bao Qi answered immediately.

The drone has lost contact, and radio communications have been disrupted, not to mention the non-existent cellular network signal in the dense forest.

This team completely lost contact with the outside world. At the same time, in the back seat of a pickup truck not far away, a sniper let out a regretful curse.

"FUCK, just close!"

"Let you drive faster! They are not idiots!"

"Get out of the car, everyone, get out of the car and search them out!"

The group of five people kept walking through the dense forest. Without modern communication methods, they could only rely on the most primitive tools. .

With Lin He around, the five people marched faster than the normal rain forest marching speed. This slight difference in speed helped them quickly cross the sparse vegetation area near the residential area and penetrate into the dense forest. inside without being directly intercepted by the enemy at the edge of the woods.

Logically speaking, after entering the jungle, the opponent should quickly give up the pursuit. After all, it is too difficult to find a small team from the rain forest.

But the problem is that what Chen Chen and the others entered was not a vast rainforest at all, but a small forest surrounded by residential areas!

The horizontal and vertical distance does not exceed 300 meters, and the range of dense vegetation areas is even only 100 meters.

In this case, it is impossible for the opponent to give up because they have the advantage of mobility, the number of personnel, and even the vision and information advantages brought by various advanced equipment.

All they need to do is to complete the defense on the periphery, and then send two teams to search it bit by bit to drive out the "rat" of the Dongfeng Corps!

The enemy's footsteps through the woods kept coming from behind, and they had also entered the woods.

They are not afraid of exposing their position, because the visual range in the dense forest is very low, and the furthest distance cannot exceed 30 meters. Even if the Dongfeng Corps can determine their approximate position, it is impossible to accurately locate them through numerous obstacles.

If the Dongfeng Corps wants to conduct an ambush, it must keep the distance within 15 meters.

At this distance, fighting a gun is a gamble.

Because no matter how well prepared you are, you can't guarantee that you will be so lucky that all the opponent's team members will appear in the shooting circle at the same time, giving you the chance to clear the field with one shot!

The pressure was raised again. Listening to the sound of branches breaking in the distance, Chen Chen's heart almost stopped beating.

From time traveling to now, he has never fought such a frustrating battle.

Before the fight even started, the opponent had already taken advantage.

All our own support is blocked, all available forces are disabled, communications are cut off, reconnaissance equipment is interfered with, there are no heavy weapons, and even the number of personnel is at an absolute disadvantage.

I have to say that the other party's plan is really quite sophisticated.

Chen Chen didn't know if they had been well prepared and Lufti had deliberately set out the bait, or if they had accidentally exposed their tails but had used every trick to lay the trap.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because he has indeed stepped into the trap.

This is not because Chen Chen is "not cautious enough". In fact, if he was really not vigilant enough, the current group of 5 people should have died somewhere in Losoni.

It should be said that the enemy has too much experience in this area.

They had figured out the Dongfeng Corps and the North's ideas, so they threw out a series of baits that Chen Chen had to swallow, so that no matter how many times Chen Chen chose, he would still follow the destined path!

Is this a tactic?

No, this has risen to the level of "strategy".

They are indeed the regular army of MPRI. No matter how much Chen Chen hates and dislikes them, he has to admit that they are indeed the most powerful enemies that the Dongfeng Corps has encountered since its development.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen took a long breath and then said:

"Stop running away and find a puddle!"

"We need to expand our field of vision, deploy defenses at multiple points, and try to widen the shooting range as much as possible."

"Stand on alert, No. 5, get up the tree and provide vision, but don't shoot."

"Others are on alert in the three-corner combat position, and don't shoot without my order!"

"Switch the night vision device to thermal imaging mode and calibrate the temperature resolution to each other!"


Everyone took action immediately, and after continuing to search for more than ten meters, they finally wet themselves with the water on the ground, and covered their exposed skin with soil.

Immediately afterwards, the team spread out silently, Lin He climbed up the tree nimbly, Li Bang, Bao Qi, and Shi Dakai were on guard in a triangular fighting position, while Chen Chen himself advanced in a low profile and directly touched the enemy's position.

He was completely out of touch with the others, more than 30 meters away.

He wanted to take a gamble and bet that he could pass by the opponent before the "anti-infrared coating" on his body failed.

Only in this way can we establish the firepower advantage of attacking from the front and back, and only in this way can we suffocate them to death in the jungle with fewer hits and more attacks! ——

And the facts proved that Chen Chen's choice was extremely correct.

Two minutes later, a few meters away from Chen Chen, MPRI members who were searching for him missed him.

He didn't notice Chen Chen lying on the ground, but Chen Chen saw him through the gaps in the leaves.

The opponent was moving extremely slowly, a very typical Z-shaped reconnaissance.

There was a fire team on guard more than ten meters behind him. Chen Chen had no chance to fire if he wanted to.

He could only continue to wait.

Immediately afterwards, as the opponent's investigation team confirmed that it was safe, MPRI's firepower team also began to advance alternately.

When Chen Chen saw the equipment on their bodies, his heart almost dropped.

This is MPRI's regular army.

What they were wearing was state-of-the-art ISPC lightweight body armor—or, more accurately, a ballistic load-bearing platform.

By 2011, a total of less than 100,000 pieces of this thing had been produced. Compared with previous interceptors, it was lighter in weight and more functional, making it very suitable for jungle combat.

The opponent was obviously prepared, and their weapons were also carefully selected.

The M249 Para paratrooper-type machine gun, with a barrel length of less than 900 mm, is extremely flexible and can produce unparalleled precise firepower in dense forests.

The night vision devices on their heads may be some kind of experimental model, which Chen Chen has never even seen before.

One of the fire team members carried a huge antenna behind his back and was obviously tasked with electronic suppression.

Advanced and powerful.

This was Chen Chen's first impression after seeing them.

As soon as this team appeared, people could not help but feel fear. Chen Chen even hesitated whether to shoot.


It's like you are about to cross a cliff. Even if you know that if you don't cross it, you will die, you still can't help but hesitate.

Chen Chen blinked twice, then slowly moved his body and raised the HK416 in his hand.

At a certain moment, one of the enemies' faces turned to Chen Chen's crosshairs, and then the trigger was pulled.


The enemy's head exploded immediately, the armor-piercing bullet penetrated the man's spine without any hindrance, and blood spurted out.

Chen Chen did not hesitate, and immediately turned the gun and pointed it in the direction of his gunshot in less than a second, and was aiming at the second enemy who was trying to fire!

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

Continuous gunfire sounded, and Chen Chen had switched to fully automatic mode.

At this time, he finally caught the first and possibly only mistake made by the enemy.

They did not choose the wrong body armor. The ISPC can block not only the HK416 armor-piercing bullets, but also the 7.62×51mm armor-piercing bullets.

But the problem is that in order to achieve the goal of lightweighting, the protection area of ​​ISPC has shrunk.

It was this small gap that allowed Chen Chen's bullet to penetrate the enemy's flank, while the opponent's bullet hit his front bulletproof plate.

Chen Chen was hit hard, but he tried his best to keep his body steady and did not fall to the ground.

The third gun had locked onto his position.

The gunfire sounded, and the opponent's first bullet was aimed at Chen Chen's chest.

But after discovering that bullets could not penetrate the body armor, the enemy had used the recoil to raise the muzzle of the gun a few points.

This action only takes half a second to complete.

Chen Chen's orientation at this time was still 60 degrees away from him.

Chen Chen had to complete a series of actions such as turning around, aiming, and firing in order to get ahead of the opponent and put the bullet into his head.

And this is almost impossible

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