I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 367 The Holy Sword of Allah

"No need to think too much, we must withdraw now!"

"It's impossible for the opponent to retreat because of this loss. How many of their people did we kill? Are there 30?"

"The biggest result is the two tanks. If this loss can make them collapse, the president will not have to fight with the military for so long!"

"We must leave immediately! The enemy fire support team is evacuating. Once they leave, we will face a new round of artillery fire."

"Inform Shi Dakai to take advantage of the enemy's firepower gap to come to the village to meet up. We will go east into the jungle to escape from the war zone."

"As long as they don't catch us the first time, we have already won!"

"It's impossible for the president to have no reaction at all for such a big move!"

Outside the ruins of the house, Chen Chen used the collapsed buildings to build a simple bunker. He quickly sorted out the current situation and issued the evacuation order without hesitation.

Yes, they still had no choice but to withdraw.

Facing the regular army, a squad of thirteen people had no way of fighting without sufficient equipment.

From the beginning of the war to now, they have persisted for a full half hour. Such a record is already amazing no matter where it is.

If they can successfully escape, they will create a classic example of "special forces being surrounded, encountering regular troops and then successfully escaping", changing the entire history of special operations.

But if the whole army is wiped out here, they can only add another footnote to the iron rule that "special forces cannot confront the regular army"!

Therefore, he must leave, even if he gives up all tasks, even if he gives up all the results of Indonesian operations, he must leave!

Just as he said, the enemy support group is withdrawing from the village, a new round of shelling is coming soon, and they don't have much time!

The decision was unquestionable. After his order was issued, everyone took action immediately.

Group 1, who was on standby, received the order. According to the route they had taken before, they quickly maneuvered to the east after pulling out cigarettes. Chen Chen did not wait for them, but quickly organized the team, preparing to pass through the village and head towards the vast east side. Jungle evacuation.

The battlefield that was full of smoke and gunshots just two minutes ago was now silent, and the atmosphere was strange and solemn.

Chen Chen knew that this was the silence that heralded death.

In the distance, the assaulter infantry who had evacuated first had established a simple defense line on the east side. They blocked the breakout route from the village just like the rebels of the mobile brigade.

However, their mission is simpler than that of the rebels.

They don't even need to cause effective killings, they just need to use continuous firepower to confine the Dongfeng Corps within the confines of the village.

As soon as the evacuating team turned a corner and the few smoke grenades were thrown, violent gunfire immediately rang out.

The passage was blocked by dense bullets, and Liu Siyuan, who couldn't hold himself back, fell to the ground, and was then pulled back by Chen Chen.

The nearest bullet was only a few centimeters away from his head. Chen Chen quickly retreated, narrowly escaping the rising barrage.

"Smoke cover!"

He gave the order and four smoke grenades were thrown.

The 20-meter horizontal range was instantly covered, but even so, the enemy's dense firepower still covered the entire area, and the Dongfeng Corps had no chance to fight back!

"Are there any smoke bombs?"

Chen Chen shouted again.

"there is none left!"

The desperate answer came to him instantly, but Chen Chen had already expected this result.

Until now, the Dongfeng Corps is actually on the verge of running out of ammunition and food.

In order to rely on light weapons to gain an advantage, their firing speed has been stretched to the limit.

A machine gunner's three drum magazines are simply not enough to fire, and even the rifle's nine magazines have long been used up to the last one or two!

To be honest, if he had faced other enemies, Chen Chen might have dropped his weapon and surrendered long ago.

But the problem is that the opponent is here to kill people and silence them. Even if they surrender, there is no chance of survival.

Chen Chen frowned. He led the team back to the bunker. Looking around, there was no way out.

Everyone had nervous looks on their faces. They had indeed entered a desperate situation, but at this moment, no one wanted to give up.

Even the new recruits who have just arrived in Sulawesi have already completely caught up with the rhythm of this team.

"There's only one choice left."

Liu Siyuan quickly checked the equipment on his body, threw away the M249 that had been filled with bullets and could no longer be used, and then continued:

"I still have 120 rounds of rifle bullets, which is enough for one impact."

"This is a last-ditch battle. Otherwise, we go directly to their artillery positions?"

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Chen Chen decisively refused, and then said:

"There is an infantry battalion opposite, and only one company is involved in the attack."

"They definitely have defense lines established by other companies between the artillery positions and the main battlefield. If we just want to take the initiative to attack, we simply think that our lives are too long!"

"We can only break out from the east and west sides, but the problem now is that if we return to the west side, we will be back to the starting point."

"Besides, the smoke bombs have been used up. If we are surrounded again, we will be completely doomed."

After the words fell, everyone was silent again.

At this time, the gunfire from the enemy's position on the east side was still continuing. Those gunshots were like gongs urging death. If the gunfire stopped at any moment, it meant the arrival of artillery fire.

But fortunately, Liu Siyuan's two crucial shots did hit something in the artillery position.

Although it is impossible to blow up all the artillery pieces directly into the sky like what is shown in some movies, at least it caused a certain degree of confusion for the enemy and slowed down the opponent's ability to launch another attack.

This gave Chen Chen time to think and make decisions, and after he raised his head and looked around, he finally saw the only relatively intact building in the entire village.

A mosque.

With almost no hesitation, Chen Chen led the team to maneuver and rushed into the mosque under the cover of smoke.

Ten seconds later, a group led by Shi Dakai arrived successfully, but what surprised Chen Chen was that they were carrying not only the wounded with leg injuries, but also Bashir!

"what's the situation!?"

Chen Chen asked urgently.

"Bargain! Deal!"

Shi Dakai took a long breath and then continued:

"Bashir said he could trade with us! He also has other information!"

Hearing Shi Dakai's words, Chen Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Yes, there must be something in Bashir's hand that he has not yet explained clearly. This is the cause of this series of events and the only logical fact!

If he had been killed long ago, there would be no need for the military to pay such a high price to kill and silence him;

If he was no longer useful, the president would not be able to spend such a high price to keep him!

Everyone is for the same purpose, which is Bashir's "final value"!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen quickly called on Gang Li to help provide first aid to the wounded, while he himself rushed to Bashir and said bluntly:

"Give me the information, otherwise we will die together!"

Bashir has indeed seen the big world - no matter what kind of big world it is, but at least in this case, he calmly did not confront Chen Chen, but quickly replied:

"You must have a way to communicate with the outside world. The communication network around here has been completely cut off, and the mobile brigade's radio station has also been blown up."

"Only if you can contact the outside world can you threaten the military!"

"We have a satellite phone and can get through!"

"No problem! Call anyone you can and tell them to go find the president!"

"Only the president can solve the current problem!"

"Let him tell the president that I know where the Sword of Allah is!"

"The president must pass this news to the military. This is my threat. If they are not willing to let me go now, the military will bear the anger they absolutely cannot bear!"

The holy sword of Allah?

Chen Chen didn't have time to think about the meaning of this word. At this time, a huge explosion of artillery shells was heard outside the mosque.

Another round of shelling came, and the mosque was obviously deliberately avoided, but no one could tell how long it could withstand the shelling.

Perhaps soon, the artillerymen will lose their patience and project "blasphemous" artillery fire onto the heads of the Dongfeng Corps.

Chen Chen took out his satellite phone and walked out of the door despite the loud noise.

He straightened up as much as possible. The process of searching for stars seemed extremely long, and just as a cannonball fell more than twenty meters in front of him, the search for stars was finally completed.

He was pushed hard against the wall by the shock wave, but without any pause in his movements, he quickly dialed Xiaoyu's number.

Answered in seconds.

There is no doubt that Xiaoyu has also received the news at this time. She is more concerned about the situation here than anyone else.

"The intelligence was wrong and the military got involved."

"Unable to leave, contact the president immediately."

"Bashir has new information."

"He knows where the Sword of Allah is!"

"Repeat, Sword of Allah!"

"Give the intelligence to the military and ask them to cease fire!"

"If there is no ceasefire within five minutes, Bashir will disclose the complete information!"


Xiaoyu's voice was very calm, but she spoke very fast.

"The president is trying to mobilize the air power of the mobile brigade to support Lake Matana and will arrive in 30 minutes at the latest."

"The military has an anti-aircraft artillery battalion!"

"Copy that, how are you guys doing?"

"It's not that good. I can't last more than 5 minutes."

Just as Chen Chen was speaking, another artillery shell fell in the distance.

This time, although the distance was farther, the explosion was more powerful.

The air wave pushed Chen Chen away again, and the rubble stirred up by the explosion hit Chen Chen's left chest, with a force comparable to a high-speed flying bullet.

As if being hit hard, Chen Chen's heartbeat even stopped for a moment.

At the same time, a huge explosion tore his eardrums, and dizziness and tinnitus almost knocked him to the ground. He ran back to the mosque with difficulty and handed the phone to Shi Dakai, who was covering at the door.

But after returning under the shelter, the satellite phone communication had been completely interrupted. Shi Dakai had no time to transmit more information, so he dropped the satellite phone and began to check Chen Chen's injuries.

Chen Chen gasped for air. Under the bombardment of contact, the structure of the mosque had been severely damaged.

Dust and stones continued to fall from the roof. Shi Dakai subconsciously reached out to block a brick that was hitting Chen Chen, and then quickly dragged Chen Chen aside.

"Do you want to retreat?!"

He shouted so loudly that Chen Chen couldn't hear his voice, but he could tell what he wanted to say from the shape of his mouth.

Therefore, Chen Chen shook his head decisively, gestured and said:

"Can't withdraw!"

"Get out! Call! Wait for the message!"

Shi Dakai nodded immediately, then stood up and walked to the door, repeating the actions that Chen Chen had already done.

The phone may have been connected. Shi Dakai was yelling into the phone. Chen Chen got up with difficulty and lay on the ground and breathed hard several times before finally catching his breath.

At this time, his hearing had gradually recovered, and the explosions caused by the shelling had gradually become sparse.

He walked up to Bashir again and asked in a stern voice:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Bashir saw the undisguised murderous intent in Chen Chen's eyes. He shrank back subconsciously, but then straightened up and replied:

"You have no idea what that is. You have no idea what that's going to do to the world."

"They are not believers in God, and I found that out when they tried to kill me!"

"Do you think I'm afraid of death?"

"No, I'm just not willing to let them swallow up the fruits my brothers have gained."

"I was ready to die, but they wanted to kill me. This proves that they have betrayed Allah."


Chen Chen was completely unable to understand the thinking of the fanatics, but he keenly grasped the most critical meaning from Bashir's words.

"The Holy Sword of Allah", no matter what this concept represents, it must be of great significance.

Moreover, the military actually cooperates deeply with Bashir, and they were even allies!

This alone is enough to kill a large number of people!

The top brass of the Indonesian military are indeed rotten.

Before this, Chen Chen had only seen one official force that cooperated with the JD organization.


Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and continued to ask:

“What is the Holy Sword of Allah?”

"I have to know!"

"If we must die, I will at least pass this information on!"

"I understand, thank you!"

Bashir nodded solemnly and then replied:

"A commando team."

"A commando team that will only be used at the last moment."

"This is the military's most important and least monitored force."

"They still have time to evacuate, but if I disclose the specific location, all their plans will be ruined. That is my threat."

"The location is Sabana! Remember this name!"

"no problem."

Chen Chen nodded immediately, and then continued to ask:

"A commando team, what's so special about it?"

"That wasn't a simple commando team. They had Apaches!"

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