
After hearing Xiaoyu's request, Chen Chen's first reaction was to "evacuate overseas Chinese."

But in fact, in Chen Chen's memory, it was Libya, not Syria, that actually carried out the evacuation.

The situations in these two countries are fundamentally different. Compared with the large-scale riots, conflicts and casualties in Libya in early 2011, the Syrian civil war led by the Arab Spring has been relatively "mild".

From the official outbreak in March, it was still in a lull period until December of that year. Demonstrations and protests were the main thread in the early stages of this civil war, and armed conflicts did not occur often.

Under such circumstances, Xiaoyu's invitation to Chen Chen, or rather to the Dongfeng Corps, to go to Syria really made Chen Chen a little confused.

Therefore, the first time he heard her question, Chen Chen immediately asked:

“What are you doing in Syria?”

"There are escort missions similar to those in Qingshan Park, but I promise this mission will be much simpler."

"You can even send a team and a translator to explore the way first instead of going there yourself."

"If they execute it well, you don't have to go."

Xiaoyu dared to talk to this extent, then Chen Chen really had nothing to refuse.

What he was most worried about was that his team had just escaped from a high-intensity and high-complexity battle and would soon be involved in another high-intensity mission.

That would not only be detrimental to "healing and recovery," but would also be detrimental to the Dongfeng Corps' ability to properly digest the results of the current stage and achieve truly sustainable development.

However, since Xiaoyu said "I don't have to go first", it means that the complexity of this task is indeed relatively low, maybe it is just a "regular order".

"Send me a specific mission brief, preferably with a contract."

"I will give you an answer after confirming that there is no problem."


Xiaoyu answered decisively, and after chatting for a few more words, Chen Chen hung up the phone directly.

The mission about Syria was actually just a "add-on". The information he wanted to know was already fully understood.

Through Xiaoyu's feedback, he realized that things in Indonesia were really coming to an end.

Next, as long as he arranges a series of affairs for normal operation, he should return to Pubei as soon as possible to finish the unfinished business.

When Chen Chen walked out of the office, he met Buck who came to see him.

There was a complicated "joy" on the latter's face. Chen Chen looked at him doubtfully and asked:

"What's wrong? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Buck nodded slightly and replied:

"There is indeed something going on. Would you like to go to your office to talk?"

Chen Chen had no choice but to return to the office, and as soon as he entered the door, Buck couldn't wait to say:

"Things have changed."

"The military reached out to me. They invited me to rejoin the Navy and continue serving as a VBSS special operations instructor."

"The conditions are very generous, even too generous. Do you think I should accept their invitation?"

After hearing his words, Chen Chen shook his head helplessly and replied:

"If you were really going to accept an invitation from the military, you wouldn't be here asking for my advice at all, would you?"

"You clearly know that this 'show of goodwill' is risky, but it's hard for you to convince yourself to give up this opportunity. That's why you want me to help you make a decision."

"And my decision is... don't go."

".So decisive?"

Buck didn't seem surprised by Chen Chen's answer, but he still subconsciously asked one more question.

"Nonsense, you have already handed in enough certificates of nomination, and even directly mobilized the military's power in this mission."

"Although you are not the core of this mission, everyone can see your close connection with this mission."

"In other words, joining a certain force is definitely not your best choice now."

"Your destiny, as I said, is still a 'broker'."

“Only in this way can you make the most of your advantages and achieve a ‘win-win’ result.”

"The path is already clear and even agreed upon by us."

"You hesitate only because the opportunities provided by the military are more secure."

"But, I hope you can understand one thing clearly."

"That is, the only reason why you are still standing in front of me now is because you took the initiative to find me."

Chen Chen's tone became serious, and an imperceptible coldness flashed in his eyes.

Buck looked at his expression and was stunned for a few seconds before suddenly nodding his head.

That's right, my opportunity was given by the Dongfeng Corps and Chen Chen.

In this VBSS battle, I did play a certain role, but in my conscience, would they really not be able to fight without me?

That's not necessarily true, right?

Although it seemed to be a matter of exchange of interests and mutual benefit, in fact, he still took advantage of the Dongfeng Corps and embarked on the path they paved for himself.

That means that one should not be ignorant of good and evil.

Do you waver when the military offers you an olive branch? Do you even want to "choose again"?

Are things in this world that simple?

Today is the military, but what about tomorrow? What if the opponent is not a "friendly force" of the Dongfeng Corps, but an enemy?

Do you want to choose again? ——

Fortunately, my intention was very obvious. Fortunately, I had no intention of leaving in the first place. It was just like Chen Chen said, I just needed a "sense of recognition".

If it were someone else who really wanted to change his appearance, would Chen Chen let him go?

Buck couldn't help but sit up straight. At this moment, he finally felt the pressure from the "God of War" in front of him.

Although it was just a simple sentence, it was enough to reveal his majesty that no one could question.

"I see."

Buck spoke immediately, and then explained:

"I didn't mean that - my original intention was that if you have a better form of cooperation, we can try it."

"no need."

Chen Chen interrupted Buck and continued:

"Since you're here, let's settle things by the way."

"As I said, you cannot join the Dongfeng Corps, nor will you exist as the Dongfeng Corps."

"However, you will actually have to handle a series of social and entertainment matters for us."

"So, I need you to register a company, Military Consulting Services, Inc."

"Someone will contact you later to provide you with further guidance."

"If you don't know how to do it, just ask it directly."

"You should know exactly what you're going to do, right?"

"I know!"

Buck nodded without hesitation, and a satisfied smile finally appeared on Chen Chen's face.

He stood up and walked out of the office with Buck.

At this time, in the square in the middle of Qingshan Park, a group of people had just finished a meeting using the equipment and venue of Qingshan Park, and were walking slowly around the square accompanied by guards.

Chen Chen walked directly in the direction of these people, who greeted him with warm smiles after seeing him.

Chen Chen once introduced Buck to them, focusing on "a member of Task Force 88 who has a good relationship with the police and is an important partner of Dongfeng Group."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone understood what Chen Chen meant.

As a result, the protagonist of this "encounter" became Buck. In an atmosphere surrounded by stars, he finally let down all his guard and blended into this complicated "social circle" like a fish in water.

Instead, Chen Chen left the crowd early.

After a brief greeting, he handed over the home court to Buck.

This is a necessary step.

Even if it is black gloves, there must be black glove rules.

The Dongfeng Corps is the black glove of a certain force, and Buck is the black glove of the Dongfeng Corps.

The finishing work in Indonesia went quite smoothly, and the possible revenge that Chen Chen was originally worried about after the Gurkha regiment suffered heavy losses did not come at all.

I have to say that the Great Empire is really in trouble. If they are still the empire that the sun never sets before and suffer such a big loss, can they let it go?

The Invincible Fleet is going to fight at other people's doorsteps!

But now, they have only one most violent reaction.

That is, spreading negative news about the Dongfeng Corps through the media, while questioning the rationality of the Dongfeng Corps' actions and the rationality of the mercenary group itself.

In addition, they chose the same strategy as the previous MPRI, describing this maritime conflict as a "misunderstanding."

They attributed their losses to the "recklessness" of the Dongfeng Corps. According to one of their publicly interviewed spokespersons, "If you had put down your weapons and surrendered on the spot, wouldn't we have been able to avoid losses?"

What do you mean, I just want to kill you. If you don't resist, won't we be able to avoid losses?

This statement even made the Indonesian police unable to hold their nerve, because they realized that if they really let the British guys continue to mess around, this matter would probably become even more troublesome.

After all, the British are not Americans, and their presence in East Asia is relatively low.

If you make a fuss or fight, you won't lose anything if you get nothing, but if there is an unexpected gain, it will be a pure gain.

Therefore, the Indonesian police, who originally planned to deal with the matter in a vague manner, stood up directly, declared the "regularity" of the operation, and stated that the operation was not a so-called "meaningless battle between mercenary groups" but It is a heroic deed of "an SMP team on a mission was harassed by mercenaries from other countries, but in the end resolutely completed the mission."

In contrast, they announced the goals of this operation and the backgrounds of some JD elements.


They claimed that the jd elements came from EIM.

There is no doubt that Indonesian officials still want to save the last trace of face for the United States and to reserve a "possibility of easing the situation" for themselves.

For a big country, such a blurred stance is blameless, and Chen Chen was quite satisfied with the way they handled it.

At least they withstood the pressure from the British side, allowing the Dongfeng Corps to avoid facing a more complicated situation.

Two weeks after Operation Bangao ended, everything was settled.

As a thug, Chen Chen didn't care much about how the political game behind it was completed. He only knew that he was safe and so was the Eastern Corps.

Therefore, after confirming that the situation in Sulawesi was stable, Chen Chen flew back to Jakarta with most of the team members, leaving only Lin Chenming and Liu Siyuan as "local residents" to continue to be responsible for security tasks in and around the park.

According to Chen Chen's plan, when the Dongfeng Corps' team expands, these two people will take on part of the "leadership responsibilities" to establish the Dongfeng Corps' second-line team.

Sulawesi is a treasure land. Like the warlords in Pubei, the JD elements here also cut crops and grow them. It is perfect to use it as a "training ground".

Of course, this is something that needs to be considered later.

Now, for Chen Chen, the most important thing he has to do is actually only one thing.

Go see Bao Qi.

Tzu Chi Hospital is near the villa area where they live. After settling the other team members, Chen Chen took the "veterans" of the Dongfeng Corps to the Tzu Chi Hospital and met Bao Qi lying on the hospital bed.

Bao Qi's condition is much better than Chen Chen expected. His right hand has been restored, but because the bones in his right shoulder were completely shattered, the effect of the surgery is very limited.

"If he really wants to restore the function of his arm, he must rebuild all the muscles, bones and nervous system, and at the same time ensure adequate training to help the body adapt to the impaired arm."

"The current solution can only be to temporarily reconnect the patient, maintain nerve activity, and attempt preliminary recovery."

"But I don't know if I can achieve autonomous activities in the future."

While checking Bao Qi's condition, Pingchuan shook his head and said.

Chen Chen nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"Where can I get the bone and muscle reconstruction plan you mentioned?"

"It can't be done anywhere. This is just a cutting-edge exploration project. There is no laboratory. It's just a paper. Where can I do it?"

Pingchuan answered slightly inhumanely, and then continued:

"This is a very real situation. Although the replantation of his severed arm has been completed, I can basically say that this kind of surgery is only for cosmetic purposes."

"Follow-up care is unimaginably difficult, and the prognosis is not good. It is better to have the leg amputated."

"At least, we tried."

Hearing this, Chen Chen frowned slightly.

"Isn't there anything the north can do?"

Pingchuan shook his head and replied:

"The replantation technology of severed limbs in the north is very powerful, but you have to know that all technologies have limits."

"Officially because I can't even go north, I would recommend amputation."

"Bao Qi, what do you say yourself?"

Bao Qi, who was lying on the bed, was very calm. He nodded and replied:

"Amputate the limb, save your life first."

"There's nothing you can do about it. It's bad luck. No one can blame it."

"I probably won't be able to carry a gun with my right hand in the future, but I'm not a rifleman to begin with, right?"

Seeing Bao Qi's expectant eyes, Chen Chen couldn't help but smile.

He opened his mouth and said:

"That's right."

"Some weapons don't require two hands."

"One hand, or even one finger, just press the button and that's it."

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