Although he said that he wanted Lin Mingxian to give an answer, Chen Chen did not waste his time arguing with the other party, but directly handed over the work to Bao Xiaomei.

Because for him, from the moment Lin Shuyue showed symptoms of poisoning, all room for mediation had disappeared.

There must be a battle between our side and Mongla, and it must result in the surrender or destruction of all Mongla's armed forces.

The reason is very simple, that is:

It was impossible for Lin Mingxian to have no knowledge of this assassination.

Judging from the analysis of Xiaoyu, the toxic substances they used are not very similar to any of the currently known toxic substances. So it is obvious that this poisoning must have gone through a long period of preparation.

As long as he is prepared, can Lin Mingxian stay out of it?

Do not make jokes.

Therefore, Chen Chen quickly completed preliminary communication with the coalition forces and mobilized the troops that would participate in the war.

Since the target of this attack was in Xiaomengla, there was not much preparation work they needed to do. Only half an hour later, He Bangxiong responded that the troops were setting off.

At the same time, He Bupa also rushed to Mengkha in person to prepare to command the troops stationed here.

All members of the Dongfeng Corps entered the battle-ready state, the team members were ready to go, and the armored units were all ready. Cheng Lei also conducted a final inspection on the Mi-171SH and completed the ammunition status and weapon preparation.

Next, as soon as the communication between Bao Xiaomei and Lin Mingxian ends, the Dongfeng Corps can immediately break camp and prepare for war.

In Chen Chen's opinion, there won't be any fancy strategies in this battle.

What he has to do is to "press the border with the army" and launch a direct attack on the 911th Division of the Mongla Army stationed in Nanban and the Central Independent Brigade of Mongla. After they are all connected, he will intercept the 369th Division from Sele in the northwest and annihilate them all. Or after being dispersed, the "annihilation" of the Mongla Army can be completed.

With the quality of the Mongla army, it is unlikely that guerrilla tactics will appear.

Coupled with the special nature of this special zone, most of the "economic centers of gravity" are concentrated in the Mongla city area. Capturing Mongla is actually equivalent to capturing the Mongla army.

The tasks are linear and simple, and do not require too much deduction.

After the war starts, just combine the battlefield fire reconnaissance and push all the way.

The problem he needs to worry about now is the situation of the Li Gang.

Two hours have passed since Lin Shuyue became ill, and they still have no symptoms, but this does not mean that they are completely safe.

We have to wait until the test results from Xiaoyu are returned before we can make a final conclusion.

Chen Chen was very nervous. This mood was different from the battlefield.

Some people say that the most painful way to die in the world is paraquat poisoning. You may not feel anything yet, but death is definitely in front of you.

Obviously, Chen Chen's current mood is similar.

The only difference might be that he doesn't know if there is a wall yet.

He looked at the surveillance screen with some anxiety. At this time, in the barracks, Lin Shuyue's condition had begun to deteriorate rapidly.

Sweating all over the body, drooling, numbness, cramps, shortness of breath, and vomiting.

Chen Chen watched him die. Finally, two hours and 40 minutes after the poison was administered, Lin Shuyue stopped breathing completely.

This is definitely one of the most "helpless" deaths that Chen Chen has ever seen. The floor of the barracks has been scratched with blood marks by Lin Shuyue. At the last moment of his life, he seemed to feel that the barracks was too "depressing" , so he tried to climb to the window and smash the glass with his fists.

But unfortunately, his spasmodic muscles no longer supported him in doing so.

Finally, he collapsed under the window and stared outside.

Even through the surveillance camera, Chen Chen felt chills on end. He almost subconsciously looked at the surveillance camera in the room where the Li Gang and his party were, but fortunately, their behavior was very normal, and some of them had even taken pictures from the drawer. Turn out the cards and start a fight with the landlords.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, turned to Xiaoyu and asked:

"They should be basically fine, right?"

Xiaoyu shook his head and replied:

"The toxin is obviously attached to the suit. Lin Shuyue was exposed to the toxin for much longer than them. According to the itinerary, it was at least 4 hours longer."

"It's only been a little over three hours now, and it will take at least another hour to completely confirm their safety."

"However, I personally think they should be fine."


Chen Chen asked.

"Because Lin Shuyue's poisoning reaction was very... very strange."

"It has the characteristics of both Class V and Class G poisons, but it is different in its onset of effect."

"This should be a mixture of poisons. To be honest, it looks more like something else."



"TMAH? Developer? Can this thing be poisonous?"

Chen Chen asked in surprise.

Xiaoyu was even more surprised than him, because she didn't expect that Chen Chen actually knew what TMAH was.

However, Xiaoyu didn't ask too much and just explained:

"I just said it is like TMAH. It works the same way as TMAH. It antagonizes choline receptors and causes muscle paralysis, which ultimately leads to respiratory failure and death."

"But what exactly is it? Wait, the results are out."

At this moment, Xiaoyu's phone rang. She picked up the phone, hung up after listening to a few words, and then continued to say to Chen Chen:

"It's pretty much what I guessed. It's indeed related to G and V poisons."

"But it's a little more complicated."

"This is a mixed poison, GV type, EA-5365, or EA-5414, EA-5488."

"We have very little information, and the analysis in a short period of time is very rough, but there is no doubt that this thing is indeed one of the IVA poisons (intermediate volatile agents)."

"You're really in luck, you know, we overlooked an important detail."

"What details?"

"Lin Shuyue came in an open jeep, right?"

Chen Chen's heart skipped a beat, and then he suddenly realized that this was actually the biggest flaw.

Wearing a suit and tie, in the end, instead of taking a luxury car, we took a Jeep? ?

There is no doubt that this is to prevent the IVA poison on the suit from evaporating in advance and causing vapor accumulation, causing Lin Shuyue to die before he enters his office.

Depend on.

The other party's plan was so thorough that it almost frightened Chen Chen.

If Xiaoyu hadn't been there, in what direction would things have developed?

He would definitely let Lin Shuyue in after careful consideration. Li Bang and others would search him unprepared, and would be eroded by toxins the moment they came into contact with the suit, and eventually die in pain.

And I will be interviewing Lin Shuyue in a confined space, inhaling a large amount of toxic vapor that evaporates. Even if I am lucky enough to survive, I will definitely lose the ability to move independently!

Just as Xiaoyu said, I'm afraid I won't even know how I died in the end.

There is indeed an expert behind Lin Mingxian.

This kind of method is not something that the local warlords in Pubei can do!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen's expression turned a bit fierce.

"I have to kill Lin Mingxian. He's not here for me alone."

"He can use neurotoxin this time. Next time he will definitely dare to throw an anthrax bomb at me."

"I have to inform you in advance that he will not survive."

"I know."

Xiaoyu nodded immediately and then said:

"This level of poison appeared in Pubei, CIASAD really took the risk."

"Now we have evidence in our hands. Once it is released, it will be extremely detrimental to them and they should be prepared."

"I asked why when I was in Indonesia, I always felt that the CIA was not very involved."

"They are separated from the military - the military is fighting you in Indonesia, which buys them time to prepare in Pubei!"

Chen Chen nodded slowly.

Everything makes sense now

"Speaking of which, their preparations cannot be just a trivial matter of 'assassination'."

"Lin Mingxian has contact with the Kachin, so it is impossible that he was looking for the Kachin, but the Kachin was looking for him."

"And the reason why Kachin was able to find him means that Kachin has made pre-war arrangements."

"What promises, equipment, and personnel did they get? It can't be just political support, right?"

"It's most likely equipment."

Xiaoyu also looked heavy. After thinking for a few seconds, she said:

"We have to check the route from India to Bangladesh. Maybe it has become a smuggling channel for Kachin."

"But no matter what, your strategy needs to change."

"What you have to face is not just the Kachin, but the CIA, and face it directly."

"It's really strange that the situation in Syria is still brewing. How can the CIA have the spare capacity to make such a large-scale deployment in Southeast Asia?"

"It's none of my business."

Chen Chen interrupted Xiaoyu and then said:

"I don't know what the CIA is doing in Syria, and I don't care."

"But I know they must have done something in Southeast Asia."

"The various difficulties we encountered before were just temptations. At least the Thai and Myanmar sides were in contact with them."

"I want a position, a position that neither Myanmar nor Thailand can interfere with."

"Do me a favor and place a wanted order for Lin Mingxian."

"The sooner the better."

Meanwhile, Mongla.

In the office, Lin Mingxian had just ended his call with Bao Xiaomei, and the news brought by the other party made him extremely disappointed.

The assassination plan against the sunken ship was seen through. The person he sent there did see the other party, but failed to complete his mission.

How is this possible?

It was obvious that the plan had been so complete and thorough, and even when Gan Mao told him about the plan, he felt a sense of "shock and shock". But why, such a plan that exceeded the limits of his own knowledge, in front of the other party? Will it still fail?

No, not only did the plan fail, they even had ample evidence.

From Bao Xiaomei's questioning just now, I could clearly feel that the other party knew the entire process of this assassination operation very well.

If it weren't for the fact that it was not Gan Mao who planned this operation, but the "boss" behind him, he would have doubted whether an insider had leaked the secret.

Thinking of this, he looked up at Gan Mao opposite and asked:

"What now? We have no room for maneuver."

"Although the Bao family is just questioning me and asking me to give an explanation, you can also see that this is just a formality."

"They have already regarded me as an enemy and will launch a direct attack soon."

"We are not ready yet, and even the weapons you promised have not arrived yet!"

"I don't want to go to war with the coalition forces - I mean, at least not now!"

After hearing his words, Gan Mao shook his head helplessly and replied:

"This is indeed a small probability event. I can only say that they are very lucky."

"But it doesn't matter. Assassinations and beheadings can only serve as icing on the cake. The only thing that truly determines victory or defeat is the frontal battlefield."

"We have no other choice but to start the war as soon as possible."

"It takes time for the opponent to mobilize their troops, and their main force is still at full strength."

"And in Mengkha, they have less than 500 troops."

"Press up, knock out the Mengka, and control the central traffic line."

"As long as we cut off the connection between Wa and Shan States, we have a chance!"

"Hold on for two days, just two days!"

"We will launch an attack from the west, and the Wa State will not be able to withstand it!"

".Are you sure it only takes two days?"

Lin Mingxian asked doubtfully.

As a "local warlord", he has a very deep understanding of his own kind of people and forces.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to organize a large-scale battle, let alone two days, I am afraid that two weeks will not be enough.

Coupled with the fact that Gan Mao's originally confident assassination operation failed, he really could no longer trust the other party without reservation.

However, after seeing Lin Mingxian's expression, Gan Mao nodded firmly.

"Believe me, we are fully prepared."

"Until then, we're just biding our time."

"We would have liked to have had a better opportunity and built a bigger advantage for us."

"But now, since the situation has developed to this point, there is no need for us to hesitate any longer."

"Fight, now!"

"Mobile your team as quickly as possible and kill them directly!"

"You have 5,000 people, and the troops in Nanban also have 2,000. I think this is enough. 2,000 versus 500."

"Stop fucking talking to me like this!"

Lin Mingxian suddenly became furious. He slammed the table, then stood up, pointed at Gan Mao and said:

"2,000 versus 500? Who do you think they are? What kind of shitty bandits?"

"They are the Dongfeng Corps! They have four tanks and more than a dozen armored vehicles!"

"Even without these things, our two thousand men may not be able to defeat them!"

"You've already made a mistake once, now you want me to make a mistake again?!"

"Tell you, I won't take the initiative to attack!"

"I'll wait here! I'll hold on for two days!"

"After two days, if you haven't taken any action, I will surrender immediately!"

Gan Mao looked at Lin Mingxian in astonishment. After a few seconds of silence, he said:

"Okay, just two days."

"Don't worry, the Dongfeng Corps is not a fairy, they can't defeat it."

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