Everyone in the Mongla Army was fleeing frantically. Under the attack of modern armored forces, these militia organizations, which were not even light infantry, had no remaining strength to resist.

The most powerful weapon in their hands is the rocket launcher, but even the rocket launcher cannot effectively cause damage to the tanks in the chaotic battle situation.

Jin Duo retreated all the way with Ning Ming. They could no longer control the orders of the so-called war supervisors.

In fact, even the war supervisors themselves were running away. They foolishly chose to use vehicles, but it was obvious that anyone who could drive a vehicle would be targeted as a high-value target.

Artillery shells continued to explode near the vehicles, and heavy machine gun fire from high altitudes also bit them hard.

No vehicle can escape the pursuit of the helicopter, and under the cover of night, the infantry without guided weapons has no way to deal with the helicopter.

This is the horror of air supremacy. What it brings out is not just a "gap", but a complete generation difference!

After another light pickup truck was destroyed by intensive firepower from helicopters, Jin Duo and Ning Ming, who were traveling along the Mongla Highway, finally saw the Central Independent Brigade coming to support them.

However, before he could get excited, a shell fell straight into the center of the road.

The armored vehicle that was just moving forward without any precautions was knocked to the ground by the blast of air. All the troops in the rear were blocked. They wanted to pass and spread out, but when the command system had collapsed, all tactical deployments were blocked. But it all turned into chaos.

Jin Duo was stunned.

He actually knows that the Mongla army he belongs to is not very strong, let alone compared to the already famous Dongfeng Corps, even compared to the 7th Brigade and other warlords in Shan State, it is relatively weak. level.

But he never thought that after the battle started, the situation would develop in this direction.


There was no bloody tug-of-war, let alone resolute resistance and desperate attacks.

The enemy does only one thing:

Fight easily and freely, use artillery fire and bullets to drive your enemies around like pigs!

How can such a battle be fought?

I'm afraid that in the eyes of the other party, all of your actions are as childish and ridiculous as a child trying to compete with adults!

It's really time to surrender

But judging from the movements of the Independent Brigade, do they still want to fight? !

Jin Duo was lying in the grass on the roadside, staring blankly at the sparks and blood flowers that exploded in the Independent Brigade. Then he turned to Ning Ming aside and asked:

"What to do? Where are we going now?"

Ning Ming smiled bitterly and replied:

"How do I know what to do? I came here just to make a living."

"If I hadn't lost money in business, who the hell would have joined this army?!"

"I still think Mengla and Kokang have a good relationship. I won't even come to Lin Mingxian's place."

"It turned out that less than a month after arriving, they actually started fighting with the Dongfeng Corps!"

"If I had known I would have run away when we dug the trenches. Damn it, those war supervisors were watching too closely!"

"Just lie down, the fight will be over soon."

"After this fight, I must go to the Dongfeng Corps and beg them on my knees to go too!"

"You still want to fight?"

Jin Duo asked in surprise.

"Who wants to fight? I only know how to fight!"

"Dongfeng Corps is the strongest team in Pubei. Since we want to fight and eat rice, why not go to them?"

"It's just that the Dongfeng Corps is not that easy to enter. Last time I..."

At this point, Ning Ming suddenly fell silent.

He remembered the last exchange with Chen Chen. At that time, he had other things on his mind. He was hoping to make a fortune by reselling jade, so he didn't care much about Chen Chen.

But now, he suddenly realized that Chen Chen's attitude towards him at that time should not be trustworthy enough.

Speaking of which, even if I survive this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to join the Dongfeng Corps.

All have certificates of investment and all have value!

Ning Ming's eyes changed, and he had made a decision in his heart.

So, he looked at Jin Duo and asked:

"Do you want to fight me for a big fortune?"

"It's good to live and be rich?"

Jin Duo was extremely frustrated. He had already seen that this battle was bound to lose. What he was most worried about now was his way out after the battle.

He had heard that in the hands of the Dongfeng Corps, even a prisoner would not survive!

Seeing Jin Duo's expression flickering under the firelight, Ning Ming took a deep breath and lowered his voice and said:

"The Dongfeng Corps has no precedent of killing prisoners - I mean, they don't kill ordinary people."

"We can go vote for them, but we have to bring something with us."

"Lin Mingxian is definitely going to run away. If we can help the Dongfeng Corps catch Lin Mingxian"

Ning Ming did not continue, but Jin Duo already understood what he meant.

"Catch Mr. Lin? Him."

"What Mr. Lin?! It's Lin Ni, Lin Gou!"

".Lin Ni is not easy to catch. He ran away before the war started, taking his private soldiers with him."

"As long as we know where he is! We are our own people, Lin Gou must not be prepared!"

"He must be packing his things in his mansion now and preparing to run away. Let's kill him and catch him!"

"Let me tell you, you can make more money this way than killing people on the battlefield!"

"If we can bring him back alive, I don't know how much money the Dongfeng Corps can give him!"

Jin Duo was moved, but he couldn't make a decision immediately.

He is still fantasizing or worrying about changes in the situation.

What if?

What if Lin Mingxian has some backup plan that can suddenly reverse the defeat?

What if his last armored vehicle could kill several tanks?

In case his artillery

"Bang bang bang bang bang -"

A series of explosions interrupted Jin Duo's thoughts, and he was shocked to see fire rain falling from the sky.

The real helicopter attack begins.

108 rockets fell one by one at a steady and determined speed. The Central Independent Brigade, which had dispersed and prepared to enter the Nanban battlefield, began to collapse like a camel crushed by the last straw.

They originally claimed to be the strongest combat force in Mongla, but obviously, there is a difference between "strong" and "strong".

No matter how strong a mouse is, it is still a mouse. It may be able to defeat a cat, but it will never be able to defeat a tiger!

Accompanied by the pouring of rockets, two tanks roared past the road beside Jin Duo, and behind the tanks were light pickup trucks used to transport infantry.

The opponent began to use vehicle maneuvers, which meant that the Nanban defense line was completely lost.

There is no hope.


In other words, another hope is beginning to emerge.

Jin Duo no longer hesitated, but answered resolutely:


"Give it a try and your bicycle will turn into a motorcycle!"

"Let's go! Let's go into the city!"

"The Central Independence Brigade will definitely hide in the city. We will follow the rebels and retreat!"

At this moment, Jin Duo's thinking became extremely clear.

After seeing his reaction, Ning Ming pulled him to his feet without hesitation.

"Then hurry up!"

"The Dongfeng Corps will not let the independent brigade troops withdraw. They don't want to fight in Mongla City. Their tanks are here to block the retreat."

"We have to get ahead of them!"

"Go, go quickly!"

"Kill the forest dog and make a fortune!"

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