If the time had gone back a few hours, Chen Chen would never have imagined that this large-scale combat operation against the Mongla Army would eventually end with a hostage rescue mission.

The reason why things have developed to this point is actually the product of a variety of factors.

First of all, the Mongla Army was completely out of control, which caused the Dongfeng Corps to be unable to achieve its operational objectives.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Ming appeared out of nowhere and forced Lin Mingxian into the corner with a massacre.

Finally, of course, there was also the pressure exerted on him by the Kachin, which made him believe that as long as he could delay time, he would still have the opportunity to regain control of the Mongla Army, cooperate with the Kachin offensive, and counterattack the Dongfeng Corps.

Of course, Chen Chen now does not fully understand Lin Mingxian's motives. The problem before him is that he will have to conduct a hostage rescue operation in Mongla that is highly similar to the Beslan incident.

Moreover, the situation he faced was comparable to or even more complicated than the Beslan incident.

The number of enemies is unknown, their location is unknown, and their weapons are unknown. We do not have modern reconnaissance equipment or a truly experienced operational team. If we want to complete the rescue of the hostages, we basically can only rely on direct and violent attacks.

Under such circumstances, the expected casualties must be extremely high. Even if all the private soldiers are successfully eliminated in the end, the operation will never be considered a "success."

But Chen Chen had no choice. Like Lin Mingxian, the Dongfeng Corps was also forced into a corner.

The confrontation between the two sides highlights a life-or-death situation, and it is a life-and-death situation that must be quickly distinguished.

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps' investigation team was ready. Chen Chen put on his equipment, pulled down his night vision goggles, and looked at Guowen School not far away.

By this time, the riots in the school had subsided, and it was obvious that Mongla's private soldiers had the situation under control.

From Chen Chen's perspective, he could see two armed guards on the roof of the teaching building monitoring the surrounding activities.

Chen Chen could easily arrange for snipers to kill these two people, but he knew that blind shooting before the official attack was launched would only escalate the situation in an even more uncontrollable direction.

Therefore, he did not take action. After marking the guard's position on the map, he led the team to bypass the other party's sight and organize an investigation around the school.

After one lap, all the exposed sentinel points were marked, and Chen Chen's expression became more solemn.

"Lin Mingxian plans to go all the way to the dark side. As he said, he doesn't care about the casualties of the private soldiers at all."

"His sentry position does not consider concealment and safety at all, it is purely to obtain the maximum view."

"The entire area is under their surveillance. As long as we get close, we will be discovered."

"Even if it is a forceful attack, even if it can kill all the private soldiers at the sentry posts at the same time, it will not change the basic restrictive relationship between the two sides."

"He is really planning to break the pot with us and prepare to attack by force."

"I'm going to make a phone call first to see what other opinions are."

"Then shall we withdraw first?"

Li Bang asked.

"Don't retreat, surround them and keep putting pressure."


The order was issued and all the reconnaissance teams of the Dongfeng Corps were withdrawn.

This reconnaissance cannot be said to have returned without success, but its role was extremely limited.

Chen Chen originally planned to launch a strong attack after finding out the opponent's defensive layout, but it was obvious that Lin Mingxian immediately made a complete arrangement after choosing a strategy.

He did not hesitate at all, nor did he take any chances. He just wanted to use the most determined attitude to force the Dongfeng Corps to enter the negotiation process.

Very troublesome.

Negotiation is different from negotiations. If it were before the war started, there might be a chance of peace talks between the two sides, but now, even if the Dongfeng Corps promises to transfer benefits, I am afraid Lin Mingxian will no longer believe it.

Returning to the temporary headquarters, Chen Chen dialed Xiaoyu's phone number.

After the call was connected, Xiaoyu immediately said before Chen Chen could speak:

"I basically understand the situation."

"Lin Mingxian is basically in a non-negotiable state. This hijacking incident must be dealt with quickly."

"I mean, fast at any cost!"

"So sure?"

Xiaoyu's attitude surprised Chen Chen. After all, in his opinion, taking into account the influence in all aspects, especially the "civilian casualties" that the Western media would inevitably make a big fuss about, Xiaoyu should be more inclined to Huairou. The policy is right.

But now, she actually said the word "regardless of the cost"?

What happened to Lin Mingxian, and what information did he have that he didn't know?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen quickly asked:

"What happened? What actions did Kachin take? What deal did Lin Mingxian make with them?"

"The whole logic of his actions is very strange. I even feel like he has no brains now."

"He's not brainless, he's very clever!"

Xiaoyu quickly interrupted Chen Chen and then said:

"Didn't you watch the news?"

"Today, during closed-door consultations at the United Nations Security Council, the United States voted against the resolution on the no-fly zone in Syria!"

"Do you know what this means? They have suspended their Middle East strategy and are determined to prioritize Southeast Asia!"

"There are intensive traces of US military activities near Kolkata in northern India and Chittagong in Bangladesh, and a large amount of equipment is being transferred."

"This is why Lin Mingxian is so determined and Kachin is so determined!"

“It’s too late for them to put their investment in Syria into Southeast Asia first!”

"We don't know how long it will take, but Kachin will soon launch an attack on other forces in Pubei, and the first one will bear the brunt is Kokang!"

Chen Chen was stunned.

No vote? !

The establishment of a no-fly zone in Syria was an important node in the official start of the Syrian war. Chen Chen remembered very clearly that in the previous life, the United States was definitely the most active party in this resolution!

And now, they refuse to establish a no-fly zone, which means

They don't want the situation over there to develop too quickly, but plan to delay it!

No wonder.

No wonder Lin Mingxian would do so many seemingly crazy and mindless things. The reason is very simple. He really wants to retain his command of the Mongla Army at any cost!

Only with the power of command in his hands can he take a share of the subsequent great changes. Only if he is alive can he be qualified to serve at the table.

I cannot say that my previous analysis and predictions were wrong. I can only say that they have not yet touched on the root of the problem.

Chen Chen took a breath of cold air. He suddenly realized that he had really begun to be like a butterfly taking off from Pubei, using the storm caused by flapping its wings to influence the decisions of some giants.

Yes, this sounds incredible.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes perfect sense.

The Dongfeng Corps relied on force and its "unfettered" independent identity to open up the situation in Pubei, eliminated most of the disobedient warlords, and established a preliminary order here.

And it is precisely because of the establishment of order that the so-called "One Belt, One Road" plan has the soil to grow in advance.

if not?

Do some people really think that the failure of the Belt and Road Initiative to be implemented in Bagan is due to the resistance of the Bagan government?

At least on the surface, they came forward to be the first responders to this plan at the very beginning!

What really prevented this plan from being implemented was the warlords in Pubei.

If the development in the previous life is followed, it will not be until at least 2023, when a certain provincial department takes action to reorganize order in Pubei for certain reasons, that this plan will make its first breakthrough.

But now, the time is 2011.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the United States reacted. If they were really indifferent, then they would be in trouble!

They may not want to completely establish a military presence here, and they certainly don't want to occupy the land as king and sit south and look north.

They just must not let the "mountains" here be bulldozed, and they must not let the jungles blocking access roads turn into plains.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen asked again:

"What are the trends in Kachin? Are there any relevant high-altitude reconnaissance results?"

His question was very artistic, without naming names, but pointed directly at the most critical issue.

In fact, it is absolutely impossible to say that the north or the surrounding countries have no reaction at all to such a big move.

But in many cases, some words cannot be said directly.

Xiaoyu also understood what he meant, so he didn't say it clearly, but just answered implicitly:

"The distance from Bangladesh to Kachin is very short. If everything goes well, the time can be measured in hours."

"But they must need preparation time, right?"

"It won't be long."


Chen Chen took a deep breath and then continued:

"Is it possible that we give up on Lin Mingxian's problem and go directly to Kachin to fight against it?"


Xiaoyu's tone was very firm.

"Now the whole Pubei has no idea of ​​the development of the situation. This is your only chance."

"If the trump card is revealed, after everyone has a clear view of the situation, it will be basically impossible for you to gather the warlords in Pubei and "unify the outside world".

"So, the problem of the Mongla Army must be resolved first."

"Don't worry too much, just do it."

"After it's over, leave people behind to finish the work. You have to get to Kokang first, control the alliance forces, and help them defend the first line of defense!"

"Understood, I'll do it now."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation and then hung up the phone.

At this moment, he truly felt that the "clues" that he had subconsciously ignored earlier were gathered together.

The internal strife in Thailand, the entropy of the situation in Pubei, the chaos of the Indonesian game, and the lurking of Wenbeng and Kachin

So far, the hidden struggle between the two "behind the scenes" has gradually surfaced, and the final battle is about to begin.

It is impossible for both parties to personally end the fight at this time, but the "agents" of both parties are already prepared.

Chen Chen's expression was solemn as never before, and he realized that the "advantage" he thought he had was actually non-existent.

How many tanks, armored vehicles, and aircraft can bulldoze Pubei?

If it was really that simple, would the Bagan government troops not be able to take it down?

The reason why the Dongfeng Corps fought so smoothly is because they have determined a main line of "common interests"!

Now, this main line will also be tested.

If we hold on and fight through, everything will be fine, and the Eastern Corps will usher in unprecedented development opportunities.

If you can't make it through, maybe it's time to go home.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen clenched the HK416 in his hand.

It's ironic that he is going to use this enemy's favorite gun to fight them.

"Lee Gang, get ready for battle."

"We are going to launch an attack on Guowen School, kill Lin Mingxian, and completely dismantle the top command of the Mongla Army."

"All armored units are in position, and the assault team launches attacks from four directions."


Li Bang nodded immediately and then turned around to make tactical arrangements.

Chen Chen continued to turn to He Bupa and said:

"Use the student list of Guowen School to contact the parents and family members of the students and ask them to arrive immediately."

"Explain the situation to them, give them guns and body armor."

"This time, except for the Dongfeng Corps assault team, all other teams should not participate in the battle and let them save their children by themselves!"


Hebupa answered immediately, but then said with some hesitation:

"Would this make the battle more difficult? After all, those parents have not experienced professional training. We..."

"Don't think about it, let them die."

Chen Chen said with a slightly cold tone.

He certainly knew that allowing non-professional forces to intervene in the rescue mission would inevitably make the operation more difficult and cause higher casualties, because this was one of the important lessons of the Beslan hostage incident.

However, this incident also brought a more important revelation, that is, the people who participated in it may later criticize the incompetence and decision-making errors of the organizers of the operation, but their empathy for the "kidnappers" will Completely erased.

No one will suffer from Stockholm Syndrome again. If Lin Mingxian really dares to massacre the hostages, then the Mongla Army will be completely disintegrated from within without the Dongfeng Corps taking over.

Looking at Chen Chen's expression, He Bupa instantly understood his intention, so he didn't ask any more questions, but silently began to make preparations.

An hour later, most of the "family members" were notified to the scene, and more than 30 of them were willing to take guns to the battlefield.

He Bangxiong distributed equipment and guns to them, and they were organized into five groups of six people and accepted the command of the Dongfeng Corps.

Of course, Chen Chen had no intention of actually commanding them. All he needed these people to do was to shoot at the building from a distance.

Even the bullets allocated to them were only 15 rounds per person.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, everything was ready.

The four snipers of the Dongfeng Corps have locked their targets. They will launch snipers from high places and kill 8 enemies as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the assault team will use directional bombs to demolish the wall, then break into the school and clear the four buildings one by one from bottom to top.

During the process, the helicopter will hover over the school, but it will not launch any attack and will only serve as a high-altitude reconnaissance platform.

The sun had risen and Chen Chen put on his goggles.

"Countdown to 5 seconds, sniper ready."

"3, 2, 1 action!"


Uniform gunshots rang out, and the enemy was killed in an instant.

And this violent attack regardless of the cost began immediately.

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