I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 419 3000, only 600 left

Gunon's sandbar position became a real meat grinder.

Here, both sides had no solid bunkers to rely on. Under the flat terrain, the Kachin army that had completed the landing was surprised to find that the gunfire did not come from the position directly in front of them, but from their side!

It has to be said that the tactics of flank strikes are often effective. After the sandbank position was established, the Allied forces led by Bai Dog did cause heavy damage to the Kachin Army who had no cover on the flanks in a short period of time.

After a round of preemptive shooting, at least dozens of Kachin soldiers fell on the spot. On the two speedboats that had just docked, the Kachin soldiers who had not even had time to board the ground were also quickly knocked down.

Also knocked down was the driver of the speedboat. Just as Bai Gou said, they had indeed used assault rifles to hit the boat at close range.

This was a good signal, but this signal lasted less than two minutes at most.

As all the smoke dissipated, the Allied forces on the sandbank were completely exposed to heavy firepower from the other side.

Planes dive bombed, M2 fixed-point clearing, and the Kachin Army, which had stabilized on the left, continued to exert pressure.

After another two minutes, the Allied forces, which numbered less than 500, had lost more than 100 people, and these 100 people were all real casualties!

Once the brutal fighting started, there was no way to stop it. With no way out, the weak "militias" of the Allied forces were forced to fight to the end.

They know that their only hope of survival is to defeat the enemy in front of them as much as possible.

If you don’t want to die, then you have to let others die!

In a desperate situation, the human body's potential has been stimulated to the limit. Adrenaline quickly filled everyone's bodies. The fear temporarily faded away, and there was only one thought left in their hearts.

Stay alive.

How can I survive?

It was impossible to escape, because the Kachin landing force had completed the encirclement, and the road they came from was already covered with dense gunfire.

If you want to run back, you have to kill these people first.

White Dog's poisonous plan was mostly successful. Those soldiers who wanted to escape virtually consumed the effective strength of the Kachin landing force, while those who could persist in staying effectively restrained the Kachin boats crossing the river.

Five minutes later, the Kachin river-crossing operation was temporarily suspended, replaced by rounds of heavy firepower and dive attacks from the air to the ground.

The casualty rate of the Allied forces reached an unprecedented level. Every time the aircraft passed by, it used its steel wings to harvest more than ten lives. Every time the M2 appeared, it destroyed a newly established sustained firepower point.

The 500 people melted and disappeared as quickly as sand entering the water. In less than 10 minutes after the sandbank position was established, the casualties reached an astonishing more than 200 people.

This seemed to be a major strategic failure, but both Chen Chen and Bai Gou had already seen that the turning point in this defensive battle had already occurred.

As long as the opponent stops crossing the river, it is impossible to restart.

At least, in this battle, it's impossible to restart.

"The Li Gang! Lead the team to support Gunong!"

"I see the M2 continues to be exposed, when will the anti-tank position be available?"


Before Chen Chen finished speaking, an M2 that had been exposed for more than half a minute suddenly exploded. The BGM-71E high-explosive and high-penetrating Dow anti-tank missile directly hit the target. Then, a violent explosion occurred. On the river beach, a bright firework bloomed.

The fire even illuminated the sandbar position on the other side of the river. This scene made everyone stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the Allied forces, whose pressure was suddenly reduced, launched their first counterattack after entering the sandbank position.

The commando led by the Dongfeng Corps formed an arc to the south. The team of less than 20 people used a double-arrow attack formation and cooperated with extremely skilled three-three tactics to exert unparalleled suppression.

With just one encounter, the Kachin Army's beachhead, which was already stable, quickly shook. The pressure on the Allied forces' sandbank position dropped sharply, and they began to maneuver westward and left simultaneously, actively closing the distance to the beachhead and seeking "hand-to-hand combat." .

This is the best strategy to reduce the threat of long-range heavy firepower from the opponent, and obviously, this strategy works.


However, this does not mean that the firepower points on the other side of the river can be completely shelved.

Five minutes later, the Li Gang, who arrived with a few vehicles, took their place.

4 machine gun pickup trucks, two recoilless rifles, plus an automatic grenade launcher.

They poured firepower on the other side regardless of the cost, without any regard for the so-called continuity of firepower.

Kachin's beachhead was in danger, and at this time, Chen Chen made an extremely critical decision.

"Let go of the interception on the west side and let them evacuate from the west side!"

He did not want to kill all the Kachin troops on the beachhead, because he knew that this was a "chip."

If he takes away this chip, the Kachin Army, who is jealous of gambling, will continue to press on regardless of the situation, trying to directly win back what they have lost.

Only by letting go of this bargaining chip can everyone "take it as soon as it's good".

Don't they want Huli?

give them!

Therefore, under the command of Chen Chen, the Allied forces in the Shazhou position gave up the pursuit of the Kachin Army and only re-stabilized the defense line after cutting off the crossing path.

At the same time, a second M2 appeared, and Dow was instantly discharged.

Unfortunately, this missile hit the house in front of the M2 that it used as a bunker, without causing any damage.

The recoilless rifle that was fired directly was also bounced off by its side armor and failed to penetrate.

But that's enough.

The Kachin commander seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem, especially after Chen Chen commanded the air defense team to seize the opportunity to fire four consecutive Needle-1 missiles at the A29 in the sky. His psychological defense was finally broken.

Chen Chen didn't know what he was thinking, let alone the process of his decision-making.

Maybe it was the life-threatening attitude of the Allied forces that made him realize that continuing to fight would cause too high battle losses. Maybe he had already captured the Tori position and he thought he could give it up as soon as possible?

But no matter what, the intensity of the exchange of fire between the two sides dropped in an instant. As the two planes left, and as the Allied forces retreated to the Gunong position, the Kachin Army did not choose to pursue it, but formed a team in Huli. , and captured the Huli position with only sporadic Allied troops garrisoned.

It was twelve o'clock at midnight, and the two sides ceased fighting and temporarily stopped fighting.

At this time, the situation in the Gunong position was so tragic that it was impossible to look directly at it. The Qingshui River had been completely dyed red with blood, and hundreds of corpses were lying on the white sandbank.

The Allied Forces have already been reduced by more than half, but the good news is that those who have stayed will most likely not run away again.

Chen silently observed the battlefield. This was the first real war he had experienced as a "commander".

On the radio, Peng Deren, who had moved to the safe area, conveyed the latest information to him.

The Confederates have been beaten down to their last 600 men.

There were more than 500 casualties, and the rest all ran away.

The waves wash away the sand, and only a few are left behind.

In the next battle, the Kachin could effortlessly cross the Qingshui River and completely annihilate the Allied forces.

This is definitely bad news.

But of course, there is good news.

The Wa State Army finally arrived.

There were only two hundred people.

But they brought the equipment that Chen Chen needed most.

20 Vanguard-2s, and two hundred rounds of individual rockets of various types!

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