I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 423 Encounter on a narrow road

Calling a helicopter to strike directly was the last option Chen Chen wanted to use. Again, the risk was too high and the expected losses were too high.

This airport is the core of the Kachin Army. A series of subsequent strategic arrangements are based on this airport and the aircraft in the airport.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for you to say that there is no complete defense system here.

If a small number of highly concealed light weapons can be used for a sneak attack, it will be okay. Once "large equipment" such as helicopters enter the scene, what the two sides will embark on will inevitably be an endless fight.

The purpose of Dongfeng Corps is to kill all fixed-wing fighters, and the purpose of Kachin is to kill helicopters.

The combat objectives of both sides seem to be "counterpoint", but in fact, judging from the results, regardless of whether the Dongfeng Corps' purpose can be achieved, it will be difficult for this helicopter to escape unscathed.

This operation was really life-threatening, but Cheng Lei accepted the order without any hesitation.

"Get ready to take off. We will arrive at the scheduled attack location in 10 minutes. Please be prepared."

"Understood, we will launch a simultaneous attack from the ground."

Chen Chen answered with a slightly solemn tone, and then he immediately made arrangements for the power at hand.

"The eight people were divided into three groups. Group 1 was responsible for reconnaissance and long-range fire support, using light machine guns and sniper rifles to suppress the airport's fire points at a distance of 800 meters."

"Two groups of three people are responsible for operating portable air defense missiles, finding suitable firing positions, and striking enemy ground units."

"The 3 assault groups are responsible for feigning attacks and harassment to create attack opportunities for helicopters."


"Use Vanguard-2 to fight ground units?"

Before Chen Chen finished speaking, someone in the team couldn't help but interrupt him. Looking at the confused eyes of the other person, Chen Chen said:

"That's right, used to fight ground units."

"Theoretically, the infrared detection system of Qianfang-2 can completely lock the heat source of the ground vehicle within a range of about 1 kilometer. The only problem is that you must find a suitable elevation position."

"There is a depression in front of the airport. It should be able to reach an elevation of 10 degrees. From that position, we can find a way to kill their M2 or other ground vehicles. Is that okay?"

"no problem!"

After receiving Chen Chen's explanation, the team members nodded immediately and did not ask any more questions.

He had obviously never heard of such a thing, but he only subconsciously doubted Chen Chen's decision without any "questioning".

The reason why Chen Chen was able to propose this plan was actually due to his experience in his previous life.

In his impression, there is always a problem in the field of "portable missiles", and that is:

Can you use a javelin to shoot a plane and a stinger to shoot a tank?

This problem was not resolved for a long time, until the real "war" started, and both missiles proved their value with real combat examples.

The javelin can hit planes, and the stinger can also hit tanks.

Although on the surface the infrared guidance method has high requirements on the intensity of the heat source, if the distance is close enough, this is not a problem.

It can't be locked at a distance of 6 kilometers. Can't it be locked at a distance of 800 meters?

The only problem is that anti-aircraft missiles do not have armor-piercing capabilities and have limited lethality against ground armor.

But at this time, Chen Chen was not pursuing one-shot soul hunting. Even if he couldn't kill the M2, he could still hit the truck.

Once the plan is drawn up, everyone starts taking action immediately.

At this time, there were still 8 minutes before the helicopter arrived at the scheduled combat position. Everyone jumped out of the jungle and approached the airport as quickly as possible.

With the help of the truck that had been left on the roadside, the Dongfeng Corps assault team quickly closed the distance, but just when they were about to arrive at the scheduled combat position, opposite them, a convoy was already approaching.


It's the Kachin Army.

To be precise, they are the mobile troops of the Kachin Army's airport defenders.

This convoy has a total of 8 vehicles and more than 100 people, and the direction they are traveling is the direction from which the Dongfeng Corps came.

Sure enough, there were experts at the airport.

They have discovered the loopholes in this airport and are already preparing to send people to clear the jungle highlands where anti-aircraft missiles are most likely to be launched.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere is tense.

At this time, they were still some distance away from the real security area of ​​the airport, but there was no doubt that they would not be able to drive past under the eyes of the other party.

We must strike first. Even if our offensive actions are exposed, this convoy must be dealt with!

"Prepare for battle."

Chen Chen gave an order in a low voice, and then the truck the Dongfeng Corps was riding in came to a sudden stop and stopped on the side of the road.

Kachin's convoy continued to move forward, but at a slower pace.

And just like those teams without any mobile warfare experience, they made a fatal mistake.

They wanted to determine the identity of the Eastern Corps truck, but they did not send the lead truck for inspection and reconnaissance. Instead, a whole convoy came over and stopped less than 20 meters away from the truck.

Two officers who looked like officers got out of the jeep that was the lead car, but Chen Chen did not give them a chance to get closer.

"get off!"

After a brief command, the six big men in the back of the truck jumped out of the truck almost at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the combat formation quickly unfolded.

They did not try to find any bunkers. Two machine guns opened fire at the same time. In less than 3 seconds, the lead vehicle and the officers standing beside the vehicle were directly beaten into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining four team members quickly pulled away to the flanks, firing at the same full speed, and with the same covering fire.

The first four vehicles did not have time to react. In just 30 seconds, all the people in the vehicles were wiped out.

After 30 seconds, they finally organized a counterattack, but by this time, Chen Chen and Lin He, relying on the cover of other team members, had already seized the high point on the left side of the road.

Small cannons fell continuously, and two more vehicles were cleared.

There were less than 20 people left in the last two trucks, but at this moment, they no longer had any will to resist.

"Reload! Keep pushing!"

Two smoke bombs were fired, and the road behind the convoy was completely cut off. The remaining Kachin Army soldiers directly put down their weapons and tried to surrender, but Chen Chen did not give them a chance at all.

Is this the time to take prisoners?

Obviously not.

The enemy's shouts were answered only by more violent gunfire.

Two minutes later, the entire convoy was completely cleared.

In these two minutes, the Dongfeng Corps fired more than 1,500 rounds of ammunition. Each of the machine gunners emptied at least two magazines, and the grenades were consumed by more than half.

But it's all worth it.

Because this enemy convoy failed to organize any effective counterattack from the beginning to the end!

"The action continues!"

"The reconnaissance team occupies a favorable terrain, the assault team arranges equipment on the spot, and the support team continues to go to the depression to find a favorable position!"

Chen Chen gave a loud order, and the eight-man team immediately divided into three groups and rushed to their respective predetermined battle positions.

At this time, the support team was still 400 meters away from the depression, and it would take them at least two minutes to reach it.

What the assault team led by Chen Chen has to do is buy these two minutes for them.

According to the original plan, they should have quietly approached the airport sentry post before launching a harassment attack, but judging from the current situation.

That's too late.

Chen Chen's eyes quickly swept across the lifeless convoy, trying to find useful equipment.

And this team did not disappoint him, because on the back of a truck, he found a piece of equipment that could almost play a decisive role in this battle.


Twin 23 mm caliber anti-aircraft guns!

Chen Chen guessed the intentions of some commanders at the opponent's airport.

Obviously, he just wanted to send this anti-aircraft gun to the commanding heights of the jungle to guard against possible attacks by helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft from the Dongfeng Corps.

But he never expected that the Dongfeng Corps could be so fast. Before they had even completed their deployment, they had already intercepted this big dish!

Chen Chen was overjoyed. He knew that this truck and this anti-aircraft gun could not be easily destroyed by a few rounds of machine gun bullets. If they could hold the direction of the airport, they could complete the destruction of all targets in the airport without even the support of helicopters. .

"Use the anti-aircraft guns!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly.

Then, he jumped into the truck immediately, released the latch, adjusted the steering gear, and aimed at the airport.

With just a slight pull of the trigger, most of the targets in the airport will be wiped out.

But at this moment, Lin He, who was standing behind him, suddenly took action.

He grabbed Chen Chen's body armor and dragged him several meters away, then rolled and crawled under the roadbed.

Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion sounded, and when Chen Chen turned around again, the anti-aircraft gun had been completely destroyed!

This is not the work of M2.

Hey, you also have Tao? !

Chen Chen looked towards the airport with lingering fear. At this time, the opponent's M2 had set up its cannon and started suppressing fire on the road where the convoy was.

"Hidden! Hidden!"

The three people in the support team were still 200 meters away from the depression, but their position was not exposed and they were not blocked by any means.

But their speed was too slow. Each of them carried a load of at least 40 kilograms. After experiencing the forced march through the jungle, everyone's physical strength had been exhausted to the limit.

For a time, the three members of the assault team who had exposed their position, and even the two men in the reconnaissance team, fell into a passive position.

The opponent carried out suppressive shooting without any scruples. The bullets from the heavy machine guns were flying everywhere on the road, the mortar shells began to fall with a scream, and the large-caliber machine guns even made big craters!

It is a joke to rely on some people to attack the airport. It is normal to be suppressed. If you can really suppress the opponent and attack, it will be a myth.

Chen Chen had no chance to shoot. Under the current circumstances, as long as he dared to show his face, there would be only one result:

Beaten to pieces.

"Be careful! Retreat to the jungle!"

"Don't fight back! Don't fight back!"

He continued to issue orders, the enemy's firepower became more intensive, and the second mobile group from the airport also began to approach the location of the convoy.

It only takes five minutes at most for them to drive up to Chen Chen, and then rely on the suppression of long-range firepower to hunt them out and kill them one by one.

The situation was extremely urgent, but Chen Chen was no longer nervous.

Because he knew that most of the opponent's firepower and attention had already been attracted.

This is the best fighter for the Mi-171sh. Although there are still three minutes left before the agreed attack time, based on Cheng Lei's experience, he will not miss such an opportunity.


It turned out to be just as he expected.

30 seconds later, a dark green shadow rose from the top of the mountain behind Chen Chen.

And accompanying this shadow was a burst of fire!

The rockets in the hive headed straight towards the airport, bringing up a series of dense explosion smoke on the ground.

The first to bear the brunt is the M2 armored vehicle. Even the tank can't withstand the firepower of attacking the top. It is like tearing paper against lightly armored units.

The flames and explosions of the explosion silenced the entire airport, and then the Mi-171 disappeared under the mountain peak again.

Instead of a one-shot attack, the helicopter was like a flexible assassin, striking a fatal blow on the treetops and then quickly escaping, constantly maneuvering to find the next opportunity to take action.

Under its cover, the support team finally arrived at the predetermined combat position and obtained the pitch angle at which they could launch.

They did not lose their target, because within these two minutes, the P51 that drove out of the hangar had already started taxiing.

In an emergency, it only takes a minimum of 450 meters to get this thing into the air.

The corresponding sliding time is 20 seconds.

"Jerk off! Jerk off!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly.

The missile has locked the position of P51, but at the same time, all the thermal decoys that have been prepared at the airport have been launched.

Dozens of flares were launched into the air at an angle, forming a "fire net" in front of the P51 and anti-aircraft missiles.

Two Avant-2 rounds headed toward P51, but lost their target midway and exploded in the fire net.

In just one moment, the P51 suddenly pulled up, almost at a 60-degree angle, and then dived quickly, achieving a super high ground-grazing speed.

No anti-aircraft missile can lock on at such a close range and at such a fast speed.

Because the operator's eyes can hardly keep up with the speed of the aircraft flying by.

Gotta withdraw.

As long as there is a plane flying, the Dongfeng Corps' assault plan will fail, because it is impossible for them to continue to attack while the opponent has air superiority.


However, the battlefield situation often changes at that moment.

When the P51 completed its turn and continued to pull up, the two Pioneer-2 rounds fired in the second round actually crossed the fire net and caught up with the P51 that was still maneuvering at high speed.

The explosion sounded loudly, and at this moment, probability science came to light.

The 70% anti-jamming rate of the Qianfang-2 anti-aircraft missile brought amazing results. The P51 wing was damaged and tilted towards the middle of the runway.

Fire and debris covered two runways, and the takeoff conditions for other planes had become extremely harsh.

"It's now!"

Without Chen Chen's orders, the Mi-171sh appeared in the air again, ready to attack.

But almost at the same time, another helicopter appeared in the sky not far away.

That is also a Mi-171sh.

I also brought rockets!

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