I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 429 Different solutions

It was impossible for Chen Chen to conceal the information about Capsius from Xiaoyu, because the game this man represented was obviously beyond the scope of Chen Chen's ability to make decisions.

Therefore, after confirming that the other party's identity was correct, he immediately called Xiaoyu.

He didn't make any guesses or suggestions, he just said the name.

Because he believed that with Xiaoyu's intelligence capabilities, it shouldn't be difficult to find out this person's information.

And Xiaoyu did not disappoint him.

Only a few minutes later, he received a reply from Xiaoyu.

"The helicopter will arrive in 5 minutes!"

"Another helicopter has flown to the residential area and is waiting for you!"

"Chen Chen, don't let go of the man in your hands. They have air defense capabilities. If we let him go, we can't get away!"

"The reinforcements from Myitkyina are on their way, 40 kilometers away. They can arrive in 20 minutes!"

"No matter what, take him away! Bring him back to Mengka, and I will help you take off all the pressure!"

Xiaoyu's urgent but calm voice came over the phone. Chen Chen took a deep breath, nodded and replied:

"I see."

In fact, he knew that Xiaoyu's judgment was correct - but not entirely correct.

The transaction between the two parties was based on the value of Capsius, and Capsius's life was the only bargaining chip in Chen Chen's hand.

Although the Dongfeng Corps' seaplanes and helicopters have now flown over Mogang, this does not mean that the Dongfeng Corps has an absolute advantage.

Because air superiority must be coordinated with ground forces to truly form an advantage. Otherwise, with the heavy machine guns, rockets, and aerial bombs on the plane, how much damage can you cause even if you can hit them?

Without precision-guided weapons, once Capsius escapes the control of the Dongfeng Corps, it will be extremely difficult to kill him directly, let alone establish a stable deterrent.

As for things like remote-controlled bombs?

Do you dare to bet that the other party does not have electromagnetic interference means?

They can even transport the most advanced anti-artillery comprehensive mast to Pubei!

Therefore, Capsius must go with the Dongfeng Corps.

But the question is, how could he agree to such conditions?

Chen Chen looked at Capsius who was standing aside, and after noticing his expression, Capsius had a smile on his face that said "the trick was successful".

"Now do you understand? This is a paradox."

"You can hold me hostage, but in fact, I also hold you hostage."

"You know I won't go with you, because to me it would be the same as dying here."

"But if I die, you will also die."

"Your only choice is to stay with me."

"Of course, maybe you can let your team member stay here, continue to threaten me with a grenade, and then escape for your life."

"But obviously, you wouldn't do such a thing, otherwise you wouldn't be here at all."

Hearing Capsius's words, Chen Chen frowned tightly.

It has to be said that Capsius really grasped the key to the problem accurately.

Now I am just like what he said, whether I leave or not.

This is like a standard river crossing problem. Every time you pick someone up to cross the river, someone needs to drive the boat. But no matter how you arrange it, someone will eventually drive the boat back to the other side.

In other words, there must be one person on the ship, and this person is destined to be sacrificed.

Chen Chen didn't expect this at first because he didn't expect that the fish he caught at the airport would be such a big fish.

If Capsius is really a senior employee of MPRI, then that's fine. Take him away, there will always be a chance to mediate.

But the problem is that I know very clearly that he is a key player in the US-Asia-Pacific strategy who will play an important role in the future.

Would you kidnap such a person? Are you insisting on taking the hot potato back under the covers and posing a problem to Big Brother?

An agent is an agent, but if you, an agent, insist on bringing down the bosses, then everyone will have no choice but to break up with each other.

In this case, even though Xiaoyu made it clear that he wanted to take Capsius away, Chen Chen was still hesitant.

Because now, in this whole world, only Lao Mei and himself know how serious the consequences will be if Capsius is brought back to Mengka!

This is an absolute zero-sum game. If Chen Chen was a pure mercenary and only looked at immediate interests, he would certainly carry out Xiaoyu's orders without hesitation.

After all, even if it turns out to be wrong, it will be Xiaoyu who takes the blame.

However, he wants to continue on and continue to become bigger and stronger.

In order to achieve this goal, he must do better than the "boss" expected.

Chen Chen looked at Capsius again, but this time, he had made a decision in his heart.

"You're right."

"You have indeed held me hostage. Once we lose control of you, we will inevitably be placed in a trap surrounded by enemies. It will be even more difficult to escape."

"But there will always be a solution to this."

"I have a plan to get the best of both worlds. Before long, you'll know how to operate it."

"Really? You swear to God?"

Capsius looked at Chen Chen in surprise, who also smiled and nodded.

The two of them had no more words to say. At this time, the helicopter from the Wa State had slowly landed at the airport, and Chen Chen also climbed out of the overturned Hummer while holding Capsius down.

Lin He still only held the grenade with the latch unplugged in his hand, and the number had increased to two.

At this time, even if there were precision shooters lurking in the shooting position and aiming at the two people next to Capsius, they would not have the courage to fire.

Because after losing grip, the two grenades will explode immediately, and at this distance, no one can guarantee that Capsius will survive the explosion.

The three of them walked to the helicopter almost "clinging together". The strong wind brought by the rotor made Capsius unable to even open his eyes, but he tried his best to lean towards Chen Chen, shouting at the top of his voice. He shouted and asked:

"This is the last step!"

"It's time for you to make your own choice!"

"Stay here with me, or let your companions stay?"

At this moment, Capsius felt as if he was playing a "devil's game". He knew that this dramatic scene had actually appeared in many movies.

Should you die yourself, or let your closest partner die for you?

If Chen Chen chose the latter, he would find it interesting, but also very disappointed.

But if he chooses the former, that would be really interesting.

The value of the leader of the Dongfeng Corps may be higher than himself.

He is looking forward to Chen Chen's choice, and he also knows that the time left for the other party is actually running out.

The support troops from Myitkyina are on the way, and there is an A29 in the sky watching it. It is impossible to escape. Even if they have four aircraft, they are converted from civilian aircraft after all. What deterrent can they have?

It’s not like you can still shoot down the A29 in a dogfight, right?

Capsius looked at Chen Chen, waiting for his answer.

But Chen Chen's answer made him a little disappointed.


He got on the helicopter immediately, leaving the other person beside him.

"It seems you are different from what I thought."

"It's different."

Chen Chen nodded slowly, and then put on the headphones handed to him by the crew member.

Then, he spoke in Chinese:

"Cheng Lei, prepare to evacuate."

A moment later, Cheng Lei's answer came over the radio.

"Understood, I've already boarded the plane and taken off."



Chen Chen made a gesture, and then, an unexpected scene appeared for Capsius.

Lin He quickly jumped onto the helicopter, and the next second, Chen Chen pulled out the FN57 on his leg.

Capsius was stunned. He had already guessed what Chen Chen wanted to do, but at this point, it was already too late.

"you can not--"


A bullet penetrated the center of Capsius's eyebrow, and immediately after, the two grenades in Lin He's hand were instantly thrown out.

At the same time, the helicopter rose from the ground.

This sudden change caught everyone by surprise. Maybe many people thought that the Dongfeng Corps might try to take Capsius away by force. They even thought that if the other party brought Capsius on the plane, then How can we quickly obtain permission and intercept them quickly?

But they never thought that Chen Chen would kill Capsius as soon as he got on the helicopter!

Damn it!

Since you've already decided to kill him, what's the point of trying so hard to capture him! ?


Just to delay?

Yes, this is actually the only reasonable explanation, and it is indeed the correct answer.

At this time, all the anti-aircraft firepower on the ground had been aimed at the helicopter, and after receiving the order, the A29 that was originally monitoring the residential area also began to turn around.

Just as Capsius said and Chen Chen judged, this is indeed a dead end.

Kachin's anti-aircraft firepower is not a missile site or a few anti-aircraft guns, but a large number of portable anti-aircraft missiles, a small number of heavy machine guns, and a small number of rocket launchers.

This kind of air defense equipment has nothing to do with the so-called regional air defense, but you have to admit that it is easy to use in Pubei.

How can you run with a helicopter?

And it’s still in the take-off stage!

One person can shoot an anti-aircraft missile so hard that your mother doesn't even recognize it.

Unless you can clear out all the individual air defense forces at once - at least it must be suppressed.

The helicopter's loss seemed certain, and no one thought it had a chance of actually flying.

However, at this moment, a CL-415 seaplane that had been waiting for a long time swooped down.

It's a firefighting aircraft and it has a big water tank.

The tank opened and the liquid inside poured out.

Everything is normal.

The dripping drops of water sprinkled on the faces of everyone at the airport, covering most of the airport.

No one's actions were affected, and the anti-aircraft missile operators who had been prepared had completed locking the helicopter.

He pulled the trigger confidently.

Then, the explosion happened.

A huge fireball exploded on the ground of the airport, and high-temperature flames formed by burning a large amount of gasoline swept across the entire airport. In the fierce wind, the Mi-8 helicopter rose from the ground!

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

It's not that they have never seen explosions, but they have definitely never seen explosions of this scale!

Looking around, there are fires and flames everywhere.

The power of the explosion did not seem to be too great. After all, the density of the gasoline splashed everywhere was completely insufficient.

However, the shock it brings is definitely not comparable to any other kind of bomb!

At this time, the helicopter had risen to an altitude of nearly 50 meters. Several missiles flew behind the helicopter, but without exception, all these missiles missed.


The heat source produced by a helicopter can only be compared with the heat source produced by burning a huge amount of gasoline? !

The missile was destined to miss its target the moment it was launched, and to make matters worse, the second round of gasoline had already been poured down.

The remaining half of the airport was also completely covered. The aircraft that was supposed to be used to extinguish fires played the completely opposite role at this moment.

At the same time, Cheng Lei, who was already sitting on the helicopter, began to report the target point calmly and accurately.

"X36800, Y26300, barricade."

"X36200, Y27400, residential buildings, civilians."

"X36300, Y28200, blue-roofed building."

Coordinates blurted out one after another. Under his guidance, the four aircraft in the air, even though they did not have heavy firepower, still relied on heavy machine guns to suppress the enemy's air defense positions until they could no longer lift their heads!

Now, the only threat is the A29 that is diving down at high speed.

Its cannon had been aimed at the helicopter in the air, and several shells passed by the helicopter. Fortunately, it failed to shoot down the helicopter in the first round of dive attacks.

But all it takes is a U-turn and a new attack angle, and it's absolutely impossible for it to miss again!

Both sides have been forced into a corner, and above the blazing flames, the final showdown between helicopters and fixed-wing fighter jets has begun.

Except for two heavy machine guns, this Mi-8 does not have any other onboard weapons.

Its failure seems to be doomed. Even though the Dongfeng Corps has taken down the anti-aircraft firepower near the airport by surprise, they still have no way to deal with this high-speed predator.

The A-29 completed its turn on the hilltop opposite the airport and rushed towards the helicopter.

It has fired.


But at the same time, two lines of smoke suddenly shot out from the jungle under its wings.

Immediately afterwards, the A29 exploded in the air.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and no one reacted.

There should definitely be no enemies there, because all the power of the Dongfeng Corps has been penetrated by the Kachin side.

In this case, how could anyone fire two anti-aircraft missiles in an absolutely safe place! ?

But that's the truth.

Without the suppression of the A29, Chen Chen's helicopter finally took off smoothly to a safe height and began to evacuate outside the airport at top speed.

Similarly, another Mi-8 that took off from the residential area had already flown out of the coverage of the anti-aircraft fire. The two helicopters evacuated over the mountain in tacit agreement, and Chen Chen's earphones heard a message that was not that big. A familiar call.

"Captain, the mission has been completed, please give instructions."

"We are unable to respond. You need to evacuate on your own. The location of the evacuation point will be updated later."

"Understood, start evacuating."

The radio signal disappeared, and the jungle that determined victory or defeat became quiet again.

Chen Chen knew that those were the last two reinforcements from Taiping Village.

Throughout this battle they remained unknown.

To guard the captives, to hurry, to hurry, to hurry.

Then at the last moment, he simply fired two missiles, killing him with one hit!

They still have to go on their way.

But no one can catch them, and no one can defeat them

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