I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 44 The wind is coming

The Dongfeng Corps' first field reconnaissance actually lasted 24 hours. During these 24 hours, they barely moved in the small bunker, and everyone was exhausted.

But, it's all worth it.

The entire investigation process did not encounter any accidents. When they evacuated under the cover of night, the latest defense situation of the Wanxi camp was completely displayed before their eyes.

The location of the heavy machine gun firepower point, the enemy's basic weapons and equipment, the route and frequency of night patrols, the layout of some traps, and the hiding places of key figures.

Basically, the key intelligence that may affect the operation has been obtained.

In view of this, Chen Chen made a decisive decision and canceled the originally planned approaching armed investigation.


This is definitely not carelessness, on the contrary, it is the most cautious behavior.

You must know that the relationship between the two elements "intelligence acquisition" and "combat difficulty" is not linearly related. In other words, the more intelligence, the smoother the operation will be.

After reaching a certain threshold, the benefits brought by intelligence follow the principle of diminishing marginal utility. It is possible that the intelligence obtained at a heavy cost will provide very little help for combat operations.

Therefore, after confirming that the intelligence has reached the required baseline, the most correct choice is to cancel further reconnaissance operations to obtain maximum security.

Chen Chen actually has personal experience with this.

In his last life, when he participated in the four-nation joint operation, a team from Laos was too superstitious about the role of intelligence and insisted on conducting further investigations even though they clearly had the conditions for combat. In the end, the investigators were exposed and the entire operation team was Uprooted.

I don't intend to make such a mistake again.

The warrior car drove back to Mengka City. In the living room of his residence, Chen Chen began to discuss the specific combat plan with the other three members of the Dongfeng Corps.

Of course, he can actually choose to engage in Yiyantang, but that approach is not conducive to the growth of the entire team.

A sense of participation is very important. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. You will correct it in time. But if you don't say anything, it will be a big problem.

".Taken together, we did not find any special information beyond the expected scope during this investigation."

"The opponent's firepower was within the threat range determined in advance, and the entire camp's defense and organizational structure were normal. The armed personnel did not show any 'superior' or 'special' military qualities."

"At the same time, there are no key events in the Wanxi camp that we can take advantage of - we already know the situation of the body, it is just a villager who stole goods."

"So, based on this existing information, we can basically determine one thing, that is, this attack will be, as we expected, a standard night penetration operation."

"Then, our combat plan will be formulated according to the standards of night infiltration operations."

"No one has any doubt about this, right?"


The other three answered in unison.

So, Chen Chen went straight to the point and began to explain the first version of his combat plan.

"Okay, now let's get down to business. If you have any questions during the process, you can ask them directly."

"First of all, based on the opponent's defense situation, we must first determine the entry route for this penetration."

For a full 6 hours of discussion, the four people started discussing from "entering" and planned a complete set of the most optimal strategy based on the location of each enemy and villager, the firing range of each fire point, and even the orientation of each window. Detailed entry, combat, and evacuation routes.

Even Chen Chen was very satisfied with the final result.

Because after everyone's full discussion, this combat plan naturally took everyone's characteristics into consideration.

For example, if Bao Qi suggested that his sword skills were not proficient enough, he would arrange several temporary weapon exchanges, allowing him to use Chen Chen's CS/LS2 to deal with distant enemies in difficult scenes, and hand over the nearby enemies to Chen. Shen solved it with a dagger;

For example, if Li Bang believes that he is 100% confident that he can throw three grenades in a row within three seconds, then in the final cleanup, the two buildings that were originally the most difficult can adjust their priorities and focus on attacking those where the grenades cannot have a direct killing effect. that one;

For another example, Shi Dakai believed that his marksmanship was not enough to support the cover at a distance of 400 meters, so he needed to extend the firing fuse of the gas tank cannon so that he could have time to cover at a distance of 300 meters after lighting the fuse.

All in all, they considered almost all situations and anticipated almost all risks.

Bolstered by Shi Dakai's natural pessimism, this combat plan was so rigorous that it was watertight.

As for how it will turn out, it all depends on the execution.

Chen Chen believes that although the military quality and combat effectiveness of the Dongfeng Corps are still not high, in such operations, they have definitely reached the level that they can use tactics and strategies to make up for it.

Got a question? It's very difficult.

Finally, after Chen Chen concluded as the team leader, the foursome immediately entered into the final preparations.

Filling the gas tank with explosives is easy.

It's just a matter of replacing part of ANFO with RDX and mixed powder.

Looking for a car or transportation? simple.

The relationship was different. Peng Xucheng personally found a car for Chen Chen.

Experimental poisoning?

Well, they did it once too and it worked great

Everything is ready, so what they need to wait for next is a strong wind.

Chen Chen watches the weather forecast every day.

And on October 25, the news he was waiting for finally came.

Myanmar relayed the news released by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center and issued a tropical cyclone warning.

On the same day, the Japan Meteorological Agency upgraded the tropical cyclone disturbance to a tropical depression.

This also means that the typhoon is coming.

Two days later, the tropical depression officially developed into a tropical storm. The Japanese Meteorological Administration assigned the storm an international number of 0921 and named it "Galaxy" in accordance with the naming rules.

According to meteorological satellite calculations, "Galaxy" was formed in the waters of northern Vietnam and will move along a path from west to east and from south to north, passing through the waters of eastern Laos and Thailand.

"Galaxy" has had a considerable impact on the entire Indochina Peninsula. On the morning of the 27th, Myanmar's official meteorological center issued a strong wind warning, and Shan State was within the warning range.

According to estimates, the local maximum wind force will reach level 6 and the maximum wind speed will reach 10M/S.

Chen Chen walked out of the room and stretched out his hand to feel the change in the wind direction.

The small tree in front of the door keeps swaying, which is the continuous east wind.

It definitely hasn't reached level 6, even level 5 is too much.

But, it's enough.

He walked into the house again and said to the people who had been ready:

"The wind is coming, prepare to take action!"

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