Kaxiao's confession was expected by Chen Chen, because he knew that the other party really had nothing to hold on to.

The defeated general was crushed into dust on the frontal battlefield with absolute superiority and absolute strength. At this moment, he should have known that Kachin had no hope of winning.

Unless someone comes off personally.

But the problem is, at this time, even the United States is unlikely to end up in troubled waters.

Their original purpose was to use their high-tech advantages to launch a blitzkrieg and quickly establish a victory to force all the forces in Pubei to defect.

However, a raid by the Dongfeng Corps deep behind enemy lines had completely shattered their illusions. Coupled with DEVGRU's failure on the frontline battlefield, the price they paid was too great. Even if they wanted to "recover their losses", The chips they paid far exceeded the limit they could bear.

Therefore, even if there is follow-up support, it will become quite limited.

But when Kachin was at its strongest and the coalition forces were at their weakest, the coalition forces held on. Now that the situation has reversed, is there still hope for Kachin?

As a frontline commander, Kashaw knew all too well what the Kachin were going to face.

Therefore, after the threats were fruitless, Chen Chen's interrogation went quite smoothly.

Combat deployment, troop locations, and high-value target movements were all vomited up.

Based on the information he provided, Chen Chen finally got what he wanted.

The positions of several senior Kachin commanders.

Not in Myitkyina!

Enbanla, Ganshuang, Ganmao.

Their command post is not in Myitkyina, where they have obtained "formal control" in the early stage and announced their presence in a high-profile manner, nor is it the Laza in Chen Chen's memory in his previous life, but in Muidi, which is less than 20 kilometers away from Dalangsu!

This also explains why the other party acted so quickly in the first place, because although most of their troops were deployed in Myitkyina, Mudi also had teams stationed there.

This was an extremely critical piece of information, and Chen Chen really didn't expect Nban La to do it again.

But now, it's all coming to an end.

Before the Kachin strategy began, Chen Chen had already formulated three basic strategies.

Frontal combat, economic severance, and beheading behind enemy lines.

The frontal battle has gained an absolute advantage, and the economic isolation strategy has been quite effective under the joint efforts of Xu You, Jiang He, and Peng Xucheng. The prices of various daily necessities throughout Kachin have begun to rise sharply, and they will begin to waver soon. social foundation.

Then, the only thing left that has not achieved "significant results" is the decapitation operation behind enemy lines.

And now, with Kashaw's "surrender", this final opportunity has also fallen into Chen Chen's hands.

Standing in front of the sand table at the temporary headquarters, Chen Chen said:

"The current situation is very clear. All the top leaders of the Kachin Army are in Mudi."

"Now, the results of the disastrous defeat in the Battle of Qingshui River have probably reached their ears. If they react quickly enough, they should have already started organizing an escape."

"We can't give them this chance. As long as these people live, Kachin State will never really be distributed as a piece of the pie."

"To beat the snakes to death, we must organize a large-scale 'anti-rape operation'."

"We must act quickly and not give them time to react."

"So our best strategy is to carry out a decisive beheading operation against the senior Kachin Army officers in Mudi."

"Next, is the enemy situation briefing."

Chen Chen pointed at the battle map and talked eloquently.

In fact, the difficulty of this beheading operation can be regarded as the highest since the Dongfeng Corps was established.

Not only does it have to go deep behind enemy lines, not only does it have to be carried out quickly, but the most important thing is that the target of the action is three people, and they are three people doing it simultaneously.

The risk of the operation is very high. Even if the beheading is successful, the team performing the beheading may not be able to escape intact.

After all, Kachin still has too many troops in Mudi, and the area is located on an important traffic road, so the support speed can be within one hour.

Even if helicopters are used in air assault operations, they may not be able to survive their inevitable intensive air defense firepower.

The Dongfeng Corps was able to evacuate from Mogang due to luck. Is this luck possible twice?

Therefore, after listening to Chen Chen's description, everyone present frowned.

He Bangxiong was the first to speak. After carefully looking at the Kachin Army's troop deployment on the map, he shook his head and said:

"Brother Chen, to be honest, I don't know how to fight this battle."

"There are nearly 1,000 defenders, most of whom are elite and well-equipped. There are at least 4 T-90 tanks, anti-aircraft missiles, and more than 10 anti-aircraft guns."

"Although I don't understand special operations, I have a basic understanding."

"This is a situation where just entering is a problem, let alone movement and evacuation."

"I think it's time to give up."

"The Dongfeng Corps only has so much wealth, if this battle fails."

Hearing He Bangxiong's words, Chen Chen nodded slowly.

He knew that He Bangxiong was really thinking about himself and the Dongfeng Corps, because in his opinion, this beheading was indeed a thankless operation.

If the battle is won, many parties will benefit; if the battle is lost, the Dongfeng Corps and the whole family will suffer.

In this case, what else is there to fight for?

But Chen Chen knew that this operation was not actually a pure "military operation", but more like a "political game."

It doesn’t matter whether the Kachin Army exists or not, but the leader of the Kachin Army must not exist.

Otherwise, the war in Kachin will never end.

Therefore, Chen Chen did not express his position immediately, but looked at another "key figure" standing aside.

Shi Dakai had just returned from Indonesia and had just arrived at the Qingshui River front line.

Noticing his eyes, Shi Dakai coughed slightly and said:

"My opinion is the same as that of Brigadier He, there is no way to fight."

"The use of tactics has its limits. Under the current circumstances, no matter what tactics we use, it is impossible to change the final result."

"To put it to an extreme, if I fight this time, I must give it away."

"Unless you can get decisive equipment, my advice is, don't move."

After his words fell, everyone present seemed to have finally found their backbone.

Following him, others also expressed their attitudes, and their attitudes were surprisingly consistent, that is, to give up the action directly.

After seeing everyone's reaction, Chen Chen basically made a decision in his heart.

So, he announced that the meeting was temporarily over. After everyone dispersed, he left the core members of the Dongfeng Corps behind.

"Are you sure?"

Chen Chen asked bluntly.



Everyone answered in turn, even Li Gang, who was usually the most reckless, shook his head firmly this time.

Looking into Chen Chen's eyes, he continued:

"If I have to take a gamble, I'm willing to risk my life."

"But if you want to say I'm sure, I really don't have any."

"We have never carried out a decapitation mission of this intensity, and based on the current situation, these key figures are likely to be protected by other elite forces."

"I mean, elite forces from the United States."

"There will be no gaps in their defense. Maybe we can locate their position, but it is basically impossible to complete the beheading."

"Most conventional weapons cannot pose a threat to them, and heavy firepower cannot be transported."

"Unless fighter jets can be dispatched from the north, otherwise"

"It's not just the north that can dispatch fighter jets."

Before Li Bang finished speaking, Shi Dakai suddenly interrupted him.

Everyone's eyes focused on Shi Dakai, and after a brief pause, they suddenly looked at Chen Chen.

"So...we just need positioning?"

Bai Gou asked tentatively.

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and replied:

"Half an hour ago, I received a call from the Myanmar military."

"They already know what happened in Clearwater and they know we caught Kashaw."

"They made conditions."

"The condition is simple. They will send out fighter jets to carry out air strikes on key figures in Kachin, and we need to provide them with precise locations."

"In exchange, after we capture Kachin, we have to share the cake with them."

"How to share it specifically?"

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Shi Dakai immediately asked.

“Kachin cannot be independent and Pubei cannot be independent.”

"At the same time, they must maintain their basic presence in Pubei, and the relationship between Kachin and Bagan must be in line with the northern Shan State."

".Understood. They are worried that we will make things bigger."

Shi Dakai breathed a long sigh of relief and continued:

"So, we actually took advantage, right?"

"We never thought about letting Pubei go independent. They kind of overestimated our ambitions."

"No, it should be said that they underestimated our IQ."

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded solemnly and then said:

"That's why I think this mission is feasible."

"We don't need to take too big risks ourselves, all we need to do is actually just reconnaissance work."

"That's no problem."

Shi Dakai also nodded and then said:

"It is not that simple to find the specific location. In fact, we must also create conditions for Myanmar to conduct air strikes."

"But at least it's much safer than doing it ourselves."

"I can lead the team. Lin He and Jiang He will come with me."

"This operation does not require too many manpower, concealment is the most critical."

"At the same time, the pace of frontal combat needs to be accelerated to coordinate with our actions."


Chen Chen glanced at Shi Dakai doubtfully and asked:

"Are you sure you're speeding up, not slowing down?"

"I am sure."

Shi Dakai nodded solemnly and replied:

"We must put more pressure on the Nbanla group. Only when they take action can we have a chance to investigate."

"If they are just huddled in an underground fortification in Mudi, we may not be able to find them even if we turn Mudi over."

"So, the key to this mission may not lie with us, but with you."

"You have to make him really feel like he's been beaten in pain and there's no hope, then we have a chance."

"So, the operational objectives at this stage are actually very clear."

"Qingshuihe has been captured, and Kachin's support troops are still in Nankan."

"We must capture Muse, Nankan, and Bhamo before they do, and completely open the door to Kachin!"

"no problem!"

Chen Chen answered immediately, and others nodded.

At this moment, Lin He, who had always been silent, suddenly raised his hand, and then asked:

"So, since this is the plan, why didn't you say it just now?"

Hearing his words, Bai Gou couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

He coughed and replied on behalf of Chen Chen:

"It was just a simple test."

"What the regiment leader wants to know is how many people in this loose coalition want the Dongfeng Corps to die."

"If anyone supports the Dongfeng Corps' proposal to carry out beheading operations at the discussion just now, then after taking care of Kachin, we should also take care of them."

"But fortunately, these people still have brains."

"If they really don't even recognize their eldest brother, then we can't blame us for being ruthless."

Having said this, Bai Gou couldn't help but feel a little proud.

I don't know how long ago, he had listed himself as the "Sixth Person" of the Dongfeng Corps.

But now it seems that his goal has finally been achieved.

Meanwhile, Myitkyina, Nanpu Airport.

As a meritorious airport whose history can be traced back to the "Hump Route" period, it has actually been idle for a long time after the Kachin Army continued to expand its power.

There are no planes, no pilots, and even very few ground staff. In the past year or two, this airport has only maintained the most basic and minimal operations. Let alone combat, even in daily training, there are very few Fighters will land here.

A good "air force base" has almost been reduced to the point where it has to sell runways and ground handling services to civilian airliners. I have to say that this is a shame for the Myanmar military.

But the shame is about to be washed away, because today, the airport welcomes a new guest.

Two MiG-29 fighter jets and an A-5C attack aircraft.

The arrival of three fighter jets made the entire airport busy instantly, and along with the arrival of the fighter jets were a full 10 infantry battalions.

The situation in Myitkyina escalated instantly. Within just a few hours, relying on the support of aerial firepower, the Burmese army launched a large-scale attack on the Kachin army around Myitkyina.

However, even with air power cover, the Burmese army's operations were not smooth at all.

Even after the official defection in Bagan, Kachin has lost the support of the United States, but the equipment imported in the early stage is still there after all, and the Myanmar National Defense Force, which does not have an advantage in equipment, has not taken any advantage.

The two sides faced off outside the city of Myitkyina, and the situation reached a stalemate.

Everyone believes that Myanmar will definitely dispatch more air power to support the Myitkyina battlefield.

But they don't know that this is just an ancient strategy of building plank roads openly and concealing Chencang.

The three fighter jets at Nanpu Airport are ready, but their real target is actually Mudi, hundreds of kilometers away.

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