The blind cat has met a dead mouse.

Chen Chen never expected that he would actually come together with the CIA.

But if you think about it carefully, wouldn't the CIA feel safe in a place where you feel safe?

I know it’s hidden in a building of a public institution, doesn’t the CIA know about it?

If the situation in Turkey and Syria did not change, it would be absolutely impossible for Andrea to appear here.

But the problem is that things have really reached this point.

The CIA began to dispatch troops to Turkey on a large scale. The consulate originally used as a stronghold was definitely not enough. Not only was it insufficiently concealed, but its security was really not guaranteed.

Because Turkey is too close to Syria, and Syrians do not need visas to go to Turkey, there is really no way to guarantee that a place with a public location will not be attacked.

Therefore, if important people arrive, re-selecting a suitable hiding place is the best strategy.

If placed in a university, firstly, the form can be reasonable and compliant, secondly, it can advance, attack, retreat or defend, and it is also convenient to deploy heavy troops.

To put it bluntly, if an attack does occur, an attack on a university campus will provide the CIA with an unparalleled advantage in public opinion. After all, like hospitals, schools are also very "sacred" and "untouchable areas." , if a fight really breaks out, let alone the Dongfeng Corps, even real JD elements may not be able to withstand the pressure.

Therefore, if Andrea is in Istanbul, it can almost be confirmed that he is now in Istanbul University, in the building opposite Chen Chen.

Then, the situation becomes quite delicate.

This library was originally supposed to be an important defensive firepower point for the opponent, but now, the Dongfeng Corps has actually taken over the magpie's nest.

You can't leave, it's too late.

But hiding here, you can't avoid a head-on collision with the CIA's professional operators.

After all, their clearance is not the same concept as the school’s own clearance!

Checking every corner is just routine. They will definitely use electromagnetic shielding and may even use wall detectors.

what to do?

Chen Chen frowned and his mind was spinning rapidly.

"How about leaving now? There is still a chance and you can give it a try."

"Reluctant to part with it."

Chen Chen replied.

"Can't bear to part with it?"

Xia Xing was stunned.

"I can't bear to give up such a good opportunity."

"If Andrea can be killed, the CIA's layout in the entire Middle East will be completely disrupted."

"This is the best chance, possibly the only chance, to achieve our goals."

"As the saying goes, if God doesn't give you what you want, you will suffer the consequences."

"It might be bad luck for us to bump into each other here, but it might also be a chance."

"Anyway, I have to try."

"You guys...cut it as soon as possible."

"This is not something you can get involved in. If he really kills me, I only need you to do one thing."

"Provide enough bodies to prove we are dead."

Chen Chen's words made Xia Xing feel a little dazed and a little ridiculous.

"This is not something you can get involved in." This sentence should have been said to others by a professional organization like hers, but now, when it came from Chen Chen's mouth, she didn't feel any sense of violation.

Because this is the fact. If the senior head of the CIA dies in Turkey, then it is best for him to stay away and never get involved.

Otherwise, once a large-scale war breaks out, the two sides are likely to enter the rhythm of all-out confrontation in advance.

At that time, the development of things can no longer be limited to what one can control.

"I see."

Thinking of this, Xia Xing nodded, and then asked:

"What are you going to do?"

"Without equipment and weapons, it's really hard for you to have any chance of winning against them."

"It certainly can't be a head-on confrontation."

Chen Chen shook his head and continued:

"The security level here is different from those of those safe houses. Let alone just a few of us, even a loading brigade may not be able to kill Andrea."

"The villa he lives in must have a vast space underground, and it may be directly connected to the subway line."

"As soon as the attack is launched, he will evacuate from the underground. If we want to catch him, it is basically a fantasy."

"The only advantage we have now is that they don't know we're here yet, and we know he's there."

"If we can make good use of this information gap"

"Sit back and wait?"

Xia Xing asked subconsciously.

"Of course not - let's stick to the hammer, the library will be cleaned soon."

"The first thing we have to do is interrupt their deployment plan and create a living space for us."

"But we can't do this ourselves."

"To make good use of the information gap, you must have enough power to leverage the interests behind the information, and now, we obviously don't have that."

"So, there's only one option."

"Widely advertising."

"Let everyone know that Andrea is here!"

"I believe that there is definitely more than one person in this world who wants him to die. It is impossible for him not to be afraid."

"As long as he is afraid, his movements will change."

"As soon as his movements change, we have a chance!"


Xia Xing nodded again. On the surface he was calm, but in his heart he was already in turmoil.

Using information gaps as a weapon was not the first time she had heard of this strategy, nor was it even the first time it had been used.

In previous missions, they often used the advantages of intelligence to exchange various benefits or provide a certain degree of deterrence.

But now, in such an extreme situation, Chen Chen can decisively give up the biggest support in his hand and resort to retreat to survive in death. This kind of courage and courage are indeed not something ordinary people can have. !

Just imagine, what if after the information is made public, the other party does not choose to evacuate immediately, but follows the clues based on the exposed information?


No, even so, the situation of the Dongfeng Corps will not be much worse than the current stage.

Thinking of this, Xia Xing suddenly realized.

She originally thought that the man named Chen Chen was a gambler, but in fact, he was an accountant

After calming down for a while, Xia Xing asked:

"What needs to be notified?"

"In what ways?"

Chen Chen sneered and replied:

"Don't worry about it, just send it to me on the news!"

"Hurry, within an hour, we have to let the CIA know that Andrea's whereabouts have been exposed!"

"Also, contact the contact I gave you, Jiya, and ask her to hurry up and provide what I want."

"And, regardless of whether she has it or not, let's first claim that we have it and build the momentum for me!"


Meanwhile, inside the Istanbul villa.

Andrea had completely calmed down, and the successive setbacks made him realize a fact.

That is, the losses our own side suffered in Istanbul may not be due to our own "mistakes", but a deliberate attack carried out by the enemy after almost completely understanding our own operational logic and defensive layout.

In this case, it cannot be said that his subordinates did not perform well.

Only 7 people died and 9 were injured. In a sense, this is already a very impressive result.

If it were not the CIA, but any other intelligence organization in the world, when faced with such an attack, the entire army might have been wiped out, or at least the result would be massive attrition.

Better than worse than better, this is normal business logic.

What's more, in these attacks, although our side failed to leave any of the attackers behind, and did not even cause effective casualties, we did capture the traces of the attackers and locked them in the city of Istanbul. !

What follows is nothing more than a routine action of cat catching mouse.

Andrea believed that under the high-pressure actions of his own operators and the Turkish military and police, it was absolutely impossible for anyone to escape from the city.

And once you catch them, your gains will be unprecedentedly huge.

Because Andrea knew that it was impossible for an unknown person to be able to carry out such a smooth, ferocious, precise and safe raid.

Maybe, with this opportunity, I can completely bring a certain country down.

Thinking of this, Andrea breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to the confidential document that had just been sent to his desk.

It records information related to the attacker, and to some extent, it also determines the fate of the two countries.

Andrea hesitated for a moment. He knew that as long as he opened this document, there would be no room for change in many things.

Maybe, Alexei should be given another chance?

No, I have already given him a chance.

Andrea shook her head and opened the file decisively.

However, when he looked at the most prominent photos in the file, he froze on the spot.

Not Russian.

East Asians! ?

For a moment, Andrea's mind seemed to explode.

He thought of the news he had learned before.

An intelligence officer from the north died in our own hands. So are these successive attacks their revenge? !

Andrea tried hard to control her emotions, starting from the first page and reading word by word.

This report does not contain much content and is not long.

To sum up, the report basically describes one conclusion:

This attack was most likely launched by a mercenary organizer called Dongfeng Corps, because the leader of this mercenary group had just disappeared from Pubei, and it was unknown where he went.

For Andrea, Dongfeng Corps is an unfamiliar term.

He is always responsible for the affairs of the Middle East region, and has little interaction with other regions. There is information exchange, but Andrea does not care.

However, when he saw the introduction about the Dongfeng Corps below, he suddenly realized that when all his energy was focused on the Middle East, the wastes from other regions and departments of the organization had cultivated what kind of monster in Southeast Asia. .

The strategy of conquering the entire Pubei and destroying Kachin; regaining the Wa State and promoting the railway plan; controlling Tachileik and establishing an east-west transportation artery; traveling across Indonesia, helping the north win an important strategic port, and even directly participating in Indonesia's military The coup turned the originally strong military government into dust.

All this was accomplished by a mercenary group with only a few dozen combatants!

How could they do it? !

If it can really be done, then another powerful enemy of our side in this world has already appeared.

However, at the previous regular meeting of EO, those responsible for Southeast Asia only reported Pubei's failure in an understatement.

Andrea clearly remembered that in their description, the failure of the Kachin strategy was because the Kachin army acted blindly and violated the northern border interests, which resulted in strong pressure from the north and ultimately had to end the mission early.

And they even described that mission as a "victory" because they believed that the mission had opened up the weapons transportation route from India to Bangladesh and then to Pubei, established their own presence, and exerted their influence. influence!

"Mother Fucker!"

Andrea roared angrily, and the other DO members in the room trembled.

After a long time, he finally calmed down and asked:

"Are you sure it's the Dongfeng Corps? Why do they appear here?"

".It may be that he was hired by other organizations, and it may be related to Russia or the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria."

"Not the northern government?!"

Andrea interrupted the answerer, staring firmly into his eyes like a hawk.

".It's also possible, but we have found no evidence that they are connected to the north."

"Can you find out the identities of these people?"

"We can't find them at the moment. They are not in our database to begin with."

"The fight in Pubei is like this, and you actually told me that they are not in our database?!"

"Damn it, I can now search for the picture of the leader of the Dongfeng Corps on Google. Are you saying that he is not in our database?!"

".These are two concepts. We have no way to confirm that they are the same person. They all wore masks during the attack, and the photos of them captured by the camera cannot prove that they are related to the attack."

"So, all this can only be speculation, and we cannot use this as evidence to put pressure on the embassy in the north."

"Who the hell told you I was going to put pressure on them? We're going to kill them! Kill them!"

"They are a mercenary group! Can I put pressure on the north for a mercenary group?! This is a battle between us! Only by catching them and getting evidence can we have the leverage to negotiate and put pressure! "

"Now, everyone, move!"

"Wherever they are, find them and kill them!"

"Even if it's just a corpse! Do you understand?!"


The detective answered decisively and turned to leave, but at this moment, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, a heavily armed GRS team member escorted a DI agent into the office. Before Andrea could ask, he said:

"Sir, we have to evacuate immediately!"

"Our position has been exposed!"

"Someone broadcast your location to the whole world, and now some members of the Syrian resistance JD organization have responded!"

"They claimed responsibility for the previous attacks, and they also claimed that a new round of attacks will be launched soon, and the location is Istanbul University!"

"Sir, we have to retreat!"

After hearing what he said, Andrea's eyes widened.

However, before he could ask, a PAG agent rushed in.

"Major public opinion!"

“Someone posted news about a film that denigrates Muslims in major media outlets!”

"Ignorant Muslims! This thing really exists!"

"Clips have been leaked on the Internet, and they say that this film was produced at our instruction to cooperate with the subversive movement in Syria!"

As the words fell, several distant gunshots rang out.

At this time, shadowy figures began to gather outside Istanbul University.

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