I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 121 The Necrontarian

long long ago.

When the Necron didn't exist yet.

Young Trazin was still just a student at the highest institution of learning in the Nihilak dynasty, and concurrently served as the administrator of the library.

In Necrontyr culture, there is no such thing as young adulthood, which means healthy and strong.

The body of the Necrophobe has always been weak and often accompanied by pain.

Not only because of their short lifespan, but also because of their poor physical fitness and strength, they are also more susceptible to disease and have difficulty recovering from trauma.

Early death, sudden death, disability, chronic diseases and various malignant tumors.

The life of every Necrontyr is destined to be a life full of suffering. For them, health and vitality are as short-lived as dreams.

So Trazin loves things from the past.

He feels that culture can be eternal.

Unlike their temporary and painful lives, the art and truth they created can be passed down immortally.

This is the correct way for Necrontyr to give meaning to their lives.

He takes care of those projected books and dynamic archives, and often looks through the contents, so that he can place himself in the scenes in the books and soar in the long river of history, as if his life has been extended.

However, not everyone respects history and culture as much as he does, and there will be some disharmonious scenes in the library - such as a pair of idiot lovers who are tired of each other but never want to show off.

They were two foreign students from other dynasties, trainee stargazer Ourikan, and junior data scientist Vesani.

A man and a woman were discussing in a low voice at the table about "big data predicting the future development of society". They seemed very enthusiastic and happy.

"Hello, Master Orikan!"

Trazin came to his nemesis and spoke angrily.

"Hello, my faithful Trazin, the title of Master is still a little too early for me now, although with my genius and hard work, this has become a certain thing."

Ourrican has never had a good impression of Trazin.

The two of them: one is always obsessed with the past, the other prefers to look to the future, and they often quarrel and quarrel because of different ideas.

But in front of Vesani, Orikan didn't want to make the situation too embarrassing.

"So it's Master Oerikan too early." Trazin said with a smile, "If you want to use your ability to predict the future, such as testing someone's love luck, please go elsewhere, the book The museum is a holy place for seeking knowledge, don’t tarnish it.”

"What? No, damn Trazin!" Orikan pulled his old enemy aside in panic, "What are you talking about?"

"My wording is very euphemistic, you bastard, this is not a place for mating!" Trazin retorted.

As he spoke, Trazin waved to Vesani in the distance, as if he was chatting with Orikan about something serious.

The girl responded to him with a gentle smile.

After all, this is a grudge between him and his mortal enemy, and unrelated people should not be involved.

"Her and I are just competitors. As a genius, I am trying to understand her and then surpass her. It is not as unbearable as you said." Ourrican quickly explained.

"Come on, everyone knows about your relationship." Trazin waved his hand, "If I want to say that I have learned any life principles from my role as a librarian, it is that as a Necrontyr, if you want Do what you have to do immediately, otherwise beautiful things may be missed forever due to various accidents at any time.”

"But the relationship between us is really not like that. Don't spread rumors about us!"

"Do you have some hidden disease? Ourrican, do you want me to help you find a more reliable doctor? Don't worry, I will never let her know. After all, this is detrimental to your dignity as a male."

"Tarrazin!" Orikan said angrily, "You are such a bastard. Being soaked in piles of remains representing the past every day makes you look like a decadent weirdo!"

As an old rival, Orikan obviously knows how to easily make Trazin unhappy.

"These things I protect are knowledge and culture, and they are all of our Necrontyr civilization. How dare you describe it all like this, damn Ourrican, apologize to the ancestors who created these great things!"

Sure enough, the young administrator suddenly became as angry as a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Don't even think about it, Trazin, looking to the future is what the Necrontyr should do. It's because of the existence of guys like you that we put too much energy into building tombs, so the Necrontyr will never be able to obtain it. Real progress!" Orikan accused, as if he was a big shot criticizing Fang Qiu.

"I don't want to continue arguing with you about your stupid ideas, get out of here now!" Trazin said directly.

"Because you know I'm right, and as a member of the academy, I have the legal right to use this library!"

"As the administrator here, if I say no, it means no!"

"You're so mean, Trazin, so arrogant and disrespectful!"

"Then it depends on who it is aimed at. For you Oerikan, I do!"

The two of them argued with each other, and then started fighting each other.

But since they were not samurai, they started fighting and got entangled with each other, scratching their hair and grabbing their clothes. The fight was very ugly.

In the end it was Vesani who separated them.

Because of this fight, Trazin and Orikan were criticized and punished by the academy, and were written into their personal files.

Even so, that time was the most precious treasure in Trazin's life.

He is carefree, enjoying the moment, and even has a comparable opponent to compete with, making his life very satisfying.

Later, as he got older and his position became higher and higher, Trazin felt that life had lost its original purity.

Because this universe is deeply malicious towards their race.

Why can other races rely on advanced technology to make up for their own shortcomings, but they can't?

Why can't they escape this curse-like fate no matter how hard they try?

They sought answers from the Immortal, but were unable to do so.

How can this be.

Immortals have mythical powers and eternally young and healthy bodies. Shaping life is their specialty.

The reason why they gave desperate answers must be that they did not want the Necrontyr to know the secret of eternal life and were afraid of the infinite possibilities in the Necrontyr.

Since they are unwilling to share, the Necrontyr can only rely on force to rob it.

So under the leadership of the Silent King, the first phase of the War in Heaven officially began.

Even though this was not a just war, they still fought extraordinarily bravely for the future of the entire race.

However, the enemy's power is too much stronger than theirs. How can a group of short-lived ghosts compete with an immortal existence?

They were eventually driven back to their home planet, isolated, and continued to endure the toxic radiation of the sun, as if they were in captivity.

The Necrontyr race is coming to an end.

If there is anything that makes the Necrontyr superior to other intelligent races, it is their extremely strong resilience honed in suffering.

At this critical moment, the desperate Necrontyr discovered the C'tan.

That group of ancient beings possesses powerful power, as if they are the embodiment of the laws of physics itself.

They promised the Necrontyr immortality, and would lead them to defeat the Immortals and replace them as the true overlords of the galaxy.

At that time, Trazin and Orikan, two people who represented the past and future of this race respectively, expressed strong opposition to the biological transformation ritual.

But even so, the Silent King, as the leader, accepted the C'tan's proposal and forced all Necrontyr citizens to participate.

They were pushed into the machinery factory one by one, and the biological furnace roared. The Star Gods opened their mouths and enjoyed this gluttonous feast.

When the people who had lost consciousness and turned into puppets appeared in front of them as a result of the mechanical ascension, the rulers realized how big a mistake they had made.

The Necrontyr was brutally wiped out, and the powerful Necrons were created.

They were able to defeat the Immortal, and later stabbed the Star God in the back to complete their revenge, becoming the winners of the Battle of Heaven.

Victory belongs to them, but is it all worth it?

After becoming an undead, Trazin will have unlimited time to recall the past, collect cultural relics, record major events, and stay with favorite exhibits.

Just because of the biological transformation ceremony, he has forgotten his original appearance.

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