I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 148 Time Back

The prediction brought by the astrologer caused a commotion among the people present.

The war is imminent, but if such unlucky words are spoken, the morale of the imperial soldiers will undoubtedly be seriously affected.

Many of them felt that this was just an unfounded threat from Alien Paigu, part of a conspiracy, and there was no need to care about it at all. Some even wanted to take action directly and crush this nonsense metal frame into pieces. A pile of rags.

Since when has it been the turn of a Necron to dictate the fate of mankind?

Of course, they dare not act without Wei Mu's permission.

Wei Mu himself lowered his head and thought about the prophecy, thinking about any suitable way to break the situation.

In addition, the chief think tank of the Mantis Warriors, Ahaza Redes, took out a pile of Emperor Tarot cards and planned to use them to divine the upcoming fate of the army.

They certainly believe in the guidance from the Emperor more than the prophecies given by the aliens.

Wei Mu has not studied the Emperor Tarot Cards yet, but he has heard that the rules used seem to be similar to the ordinary Tarot Cards of the 3K era, that is, just randomly pick a few cards from the pile, and then perform fortune interpretation.

"Suspicious witchcraft." Orikan commented on this.

"This is a revelation from the Emperor, alien. If this is suspected witchcraft, what do you rely on for divination?" Redes asked.

"I rely on observing the trajectories of the stars, relying on huge computing power, and its accuracy is based on science, rather than relying on psychic energy." Ourrican explained.

"Maybe it's because you can't use this power that you have arrogance and prejudice against it." Redes said again.

Because the soul projection of the Necrontyr is very small, they are basically unable to use spiritual energy. After becoming Necrons, they become even more insulated from spiritual energy, so they are completely unable to understand these strange witchcrafts - this is simply not possible. It makes no sense.

But they have experienced the powerful power of psychic energy. The orcs' power of thinking has made them doubt their lives time and time again, and they have to admit the effectiveness of this thing.

"Our family has its own set of plans, and the level has reached its peak. There is no need to rely on these unreliable witchcraft." The astrologer said disdainfully.

Despite this, everyone around him still heard his small clicking sound.

Soon, Redes' divination came to fruition.

The chief think tank looked at the opened tarot cards with a subtle expression on his face.

"So what revelation did the Emperor give us, Chief of the Think Tank?" Wei Mu asked.

“He sees the journey ahead of us as full of hardships,” Redes explains, “but there is a glimmer of hope.”

"Another sign of a glimmer of hope is that there is a high probability that the car will overturn. Don't make a mistake about this." Orikan reminded, "In other words, your God-Emperor knew that the situation ahead was wrong, so he didn't make any mistakes." Having said that, I probably don’t want to dampen your enthusiasm.”

Now Wei Mu should give up completely, and his lofty status in his mind should be stable, Orikan thought.

But Wei Mu was still thinking about it and refused to give an answer.

This is more dangerous.

When the person involved is hesitant about a decision that could have been easily made, it means that he is having dangerous thoughts.

"You're not betting on the odds with the dark gods, are you? That's not fun. Don't think about anything like winning the day, otherwise you will definitely lose miserably." Ourrican said in a serious tone warned.

The reason why their Necrons can defeat the Star God is because they are originally a race created by the Star God and are equivalent to part of the Star God's power. However, the ancient saints as enemies are too powerful, causing the Star God to give the Necrons Their excessive power eventually lost control and was backfired.

If there were a battle between the Necrontyr and the Star Gods, they would have absolutely no hope of winning.

If nothing else, just a short-lived curse can torture their entire race to death.

What's more, the Necrontyr has been exterminated by the Star God Necron.

"I bet on the odds that I really can't defeat the Dark Gods, but you can, Master Ourrican, isn't your ability to go back in time? As long as you try more, you can always lead the situation to the only hope of victory, right? ?" Wei Mu said excitedly with his eyes shining.

"Wang Defa?" Orikan was stunned.

He never expected that something that was already stable could develop into this situation, and it was all because of his own abilities.

Then the astrologer's face, made of living metal, gradually turned ugly.

It becomes more and more ugly, more and more distorted, until it becomes ferocious and crazy, with eyes that seem to kill people, like a powder keg that will explode if it touches a spark.

"Uh, could it be that you have gone back in time many times to change my mind?" Wei Mu tried to ask.

"Is it already that obvious?" Orikan's tone was calm at first, like the calm before the storm.

Then, the astrologer suddenly raised his voice, and his words were full of unimaginable rage: "Why can't you listen to advice? I have restarted the business three times, and my words are all worn out. Why don't you give up?" That stupid and crazy plan of yours?”

"So you already know what I plan to do?" Wei Mu scratched his cheek.

"Nonsense, you told me about it when you first regressed. Now I am the only one in the entire universe who knows about your delusion, and you plan to use yourself as a threat to force me to help you realize it." Ourrican replied sharply.

"How can this be considered coercion? We should have a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship." Wei Mu said with a smile.

"[If you don't help me, I'll die for you] - Wherever, in which era, in which race, is there anyone as mutually beneficial as you?" Ourrican's voice was gritted, and the machine continued to make subtle roars. .

"I didn't say anything like that." Wei Mu waved his hand innocently, "Even if you want to complain, you should go to me from the previous time period."

"That's what you said too. You kid can't deny it." Ourrican cursed, "Do you know how difficult it is to seize the only hope of success from countless failures? Do you know what subspace will do to me? What impact does the backtracking capability have? Do you know the consequences of the intervention of those four malicious entities? These are all risks, why do you just refuse to take part? "

The astrologer was on the verge of tears.

He doesn't care about the future of mankind.

All he wanted was for the kid not to fall into the pit.

The easiest option now is of course to turn around and run away, as far away from the maelstrom as possible.

But this kid wants to fight Chaos, and he also knows his ability to retrace time.

So every time there was an argument, this kid always insisted on the plan and never changed his mind, in order to force him to help.

This is not a problem that a small item is broken. If you look back in time, you can solve it with a little effort.

In order for that plan to succeed, Ourrican may have to try countless times, and he is the only one to bear all the pressure, struggling repeatedly in the long river of time. Not only can the people around him not be able to help, they cannot even realize that he is s hard work.

What's more, if this kid really falls into the hands of the dark gods, even if he can go back in time, it will be useless. The subspace will lock in the confirmed fact, and they can only accept defeat.

All in all, it was a long and grueling job.

"Isn't this because I believe in your ability, Master Orikan?" Wei Mu said with a flattering look.

"Of course I have the ability to do this, but"

"That's enough!" Before the astrologer could continue to explain, Wei Mu hurriedly greeted, "Everyone, please pay tribute to Master Orikan!" Then he took the lead in performing the Sky Eagle Ceremony.

Everyone around was slightly startled at first.

Although they couldn't figure out the specific situation, through the conversation just now, they knew that their family's control gave the master the upper hand, so they all paid great tributes to Ourikan.

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