I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 161 Mechanical Ark

Mechanical Ark is a giant scientific research ship affiliated with the Mechanicum.

They tend to be large and versatile.

Not only is it equipped with a large number of production and research facilities such as laboratories, weapons depots, forging plants, etc.

And it is equipped with more sophisticated weapons and defense systems than the main battleships of the Imperial Navy.

There are also several Skitarii troops, Cybernica Mechanical Legion, and Knight families stationed all year round.

Mechanical Ark is like a movable miniature version of the foundry world, which is specially used by oil guys to explore the unknown darkness in the universe and unearth the memories of humankind's past.

In fact, Mechanical Ark is just a vague general term.

Each Mechanical Ark is unique, with various magically modified technologies from the Cult of Mechanicus added to it. The configurations of each ark are vastly different.

Only hardcore motor oil guys who are great sages are qualified to get a mechanical ark of their own.

However, this does not mean that the great sage can fully grasp the power of this behemoth.

The most important core parts of the ship are usually creations from the Dark Age of Technology, even older than the Empire itself.

No one can figure out the true face of the mechanical core. Its size and complexity are far beyond people's imagination today, so much so that successive owners of the Mechanical Ark don't even know what the thing sitting under their butts is.

Some people speculate that the complete STC technology (standard construction template) that the oil guys dream of - a simple and easy-to-operate production equipment, is actually contained in the core of Mechanical Ark, but people don't know how to start it.

But no matter what, these behemoths were made by humans, and to this day, they still serve the destiny of mankind.

The mechanical ark that landed on Cologne was called the "King of Explorers" and was the vehicle of Belisarius Caul, the famous messenger of Ohm's Messiah.

It came from Mars and went through many hardships and obstacles. It also gathered hundreds of sages who were thirsty for knowledge and a large group of priests, with only one purpose - to figure out the secret of the Black Stone.

Caul's last car, named "Iron Ghost", was also a mechanical Ark, but that ship was forced to compete with Abaddon's "Vengeful Spirit" during the Thirteenth Black Crusade. Unfortunately reimbursed.

Even for a great sage, such a loss is extremely heavy, and countless precious technologies and knowledge are lost as a result.

As for this new ship, it is said that Caul succeeded in getting it by relying on the support of Guilliman and the huge loan from the Mars Mechanicus headquarters.

Trazin actually also wants to build a mechanical ark that can be used as a theme park for the human exhibit area of ​​the museum.

It's just that this thing is a bit too big, and it's really inconvenient for him to use it with his hands.

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of them, the Mechanicus cult members who had just arrived above Cologne immediately understood what happened.

Sinister traitors to Chaos are wreaking havoc across the sacred Forge World.

This couldn't help but make the sages feel nervous.

Because it has happened too many times before, the important technology that the Mechanicus finally found was damaged or even lost due to interference from various enemies.

For example, the most famous panacea, an STC that can cure any known disease, was eventually robbed midway by the crazy Black Bean Sprout, which made every future person who saw this record feel heartbroken.

They would never allow such a thing to happen openly under their noses.

Under Kaul's instruction, the weapon systems on the Mechanical Ark entered working mode one after another and began to fire wildly at the surrounding enemy warships.

The sages pushed aside the original gunners and used their powerful computing power to perform micro-control in order to inflict a heavier blow to the enemy.

The priests danced, sang hymns, and blessed the divine soldiers of Om Messiah.

In addition, the "King of Explorers" is also a base for incubating Primaris Space Marines. At this moment, it carries at least 5,000 Primaris recruits who are currently undergoing or have just undergone transformation.

They jumped from gang to gang, airborne and airborne, and were quickly dispatched to major battlefields.

As Trazin reminded them, if Skala left with her brothers earlier, they might even be able to get something.

And when the loyalists' anger hit their foreheads, they were left with a bloody outcome.

The support from Mechanical Ark greatly increased the empire's strength and directly determined the victory of this war.

Most of the traitors were killed, and their criminal lives ended. A few saw that something was wrong and quickly took advantage of the chaos to escape.

As the leader of the rebellion, Dark Wolf was captured alive by Trazin, and what awaited him was ruthless torture from the inquisitors.

But the traitors' attacks still caused huge damage to Cologne.

It would take at least half a century to restore it to its former appearance.

The wise men had no time to worry about the end of the war.

As soon as they landed on the surface of Cologne, they rushed to the construction site of the Black Stone Obelisk, hoping to analyze the ancient and mysterious Black Stone technology.

Call felt a little embarrassed to see Trazin again.

The proud great sage thought he should be omnipotent.

However, even after experiencing the enlightenment given to him by Trazin on Cadia, he still could not fully understand the operating principles of these black stones.

The huge gap in technology cannot be jumped over.

"You should know, Kaul, that failure in scientific research is not a shameful thing. Your mentor will be happy to see you asking him for help." Trazin said with a smile.

"First of all, I have not failed, I just haven't succeeded yet. The period arranged by the regent for me is a bit short, so I have to find ways to speed up the work progress." The great sage said seriously, "Secondly, you are not My Guru is the Holy Om Messiah.”

"If you say that, my Necromantic Alloy heart will be broken." Trazin waved his hand pretending to be aggrieved.

"Your emotions have nothing to do with me, Alien Spare Ribs. I only care about how to save the empire." Kaul put on a righteous attitude.

At least that's how he had to behave in front of others.

Caul has too much forbidden technology in his hands. If we really check, the people who want to kill him can be lined up from Holy Terra to the Eye of Terror.

"Have you two known each other before?" Andre was a little surprised when he saw the interaction between the two parties.

"In Cadia, we once joined forces to fight against the Black Legion, but unfortunately we still failed to stop the Warmaster's advance. I hope the result will be different this time." Trazin sighed pretending to be sad.

"That's not a collaboration at all. At best, the interests of both parties overlap." Caul emphasized loudly, "And my mission at the time was to awaken the original gene of the Ultramarines, and I successfully accomplished this."

Regarding that operation, Kaur felt that he had taken great credit, but he didn't expect that Trazin would say that it was a failure. Naturally, he couldn't bear it at all.

But then again, Cadia has fallen, the Black Legion has gained blood, Guilliman has recovered, and the Human Empire has not lost. If you calculate carefully, everyone has a bright future.

"So now it seems that the interests of both of us have to overlap again." Trazin did not deny the great sage who was a little anxious, but said with a smile, "Get your ship ready, we still have a star. Block-sized holes in the universe need to be patched."

The construction of the black stone obelisk array has been completed, and the runes on it are emitting a faint green light at the moment.

Necromancers are making final adjustments to ensure that these C'tan creations can withstand the strange psychic energy coming from the warp.

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