Read Dai Qin: I Sword GodChapter 58

Luc Truong An went to the Royal Palace and saw Ying Zheng.
Only now did he know that Ying Zheng was angry because of recent market rumors.
Originally, it was said that Luc Truong An was the three empress dowager who defended, and again someone said that Doanh Chinh was not the first Immortal Vuong Doanh Tu Chu.
This made the Businessman very angry.
“We must find out who is spreading the fake news!”
Luc Truong An has guessed who is spreading the fake news, it’s simply Han He and Lu Bu Wei.
They intentionally spread false information saying that Doanh Chinh is not a royal bloodline, but wants to fall for Doanh Chinh to inherit the legitimacy.
It seems that they want to waste Ying Zheng and support Cheng Kieu above.
On the surface, the Great Qin Dynasty was calm, but danger was on all sides.
“Wang Shang, is there any news on the other side of Chang’an Jun?”
“Chang An Quan has just attacked Truan Luu, and the official report has not yet arrived.”
After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he glanced at Luc Chang’an and remembered the prediction that Luc Chang’an had made.
He asked Luc Chang’an again: “Are you worried that Cheng Kieu will send troops to rebel?”
Luc Truong An nodded once.
He was worried that Cheng Kieu would use Doanh Chinh, not the royal bloodline, as an excuse to rebel, until then, the forces of Han Heng and Lu Party would make noise together, Doanh Chinh was really troublesome.
Luc Truong An immediately said that he responded to the plan.
Taking advantage of Lu Buwei’s illness, the national affairs from the three empress dowa , pacify the rebellion.
Wang Gong Wei Wei took the position from Ly Tin to take over.
Let Xinghun and Moon God stay in the palace, protect Doanh Chinh and Trieu Co separately, to prevent Lu Buwei’s dog from coming back to bite.
AboutLa Vong, Luc Truong An decided to forcibly accept, then let La Vong go to investigate rumors.
With Luo Wang’s ability, he must find out very quickly.
Doanh Chinh felt that it was not wrong, and nodded in agreement.
It was just that there was some discomfort in his heart.
Thanh Kieu is growing up with him.
Two people learn sword together, go to school together.
When he was a child, the amount of brotherhood was still very good.
Thanh Kien really knows how to betray this lady?
Luc Truong An didn’t know that Doanh Chinh considered so much, he did not have time to think, the horse himself kept fishing for Zhao Co in the palace, letting Zhao Co write a letter to receive Luo Vong.
With a letter in his hand, even if he doesn’t have Luo Vong’s card, he still has a legal reason to accept Luo Vong.
When Zhao Co heard that Luc Truong An was coming, he hurriedly changed his preference to long skirts, and then hurriedly went to Dai Duong.
Seeing Luc Truong An’s body from afar, Trieu Co walked over with a happy face.
She really wanted to rush into Lu Chang’an’s heart, but she held back.
“Sir, are you hungry? I’ll let you prepare lunch.”
Zhao Co just said that while the other side moved the skirt for a while, so that Luc Truong An could see the new clothes.
As a result, Luc Truong An really didn’t seem to notice, just smiled and shook his head.
“Empress Dowager, no need, I already ate.”
“If you don’t let the cook add sugar water?”
Zhao Co still didn’t give up, looked around her body again, the long skirt gently moved.
“Still no need.”
Luc Truong An quickly made a request, saying that he wanted to accept Luo Vong’s letter.
Zhao Co’s face was a bit bad.
Originally, Luc Truong An was not because he missed her, but because there was a public matter.
She could do nothing but write a letter, then pour it on the seal and give it to Luc Truong An.
She secretly glanced at Luc Truong An and said:
“TiEnborn, have you heard the rumors outside?”
“What rumor?”
Luc Truong An looked at Zhao Co suspiciously.
Zhao Co hesitated for a moment, or said:
“Say that Zheng’er is not a fairy king born in flesh and blood, say that Zhao Ji is a fickle woman.”
After saying that, she urgently looked at Luc Chang’an.
“Spoken nonsense, Shen General believes the Empress Dowager.” Luc Truong An immediately replied.
“Okay!” Trieu Co showed a smile, “Sir, Trieu Co is not a fickle woman, except for Tien Vuong, Trieu Co has no other men.”
Trieu Co looked at Luc Truong An with pity.
“Empress Dowager, God is transparent.”
When Luc Truong An saw Zhao Fai’s heart move, he was a little heartbroken.
Immediately afterwards, he brought the whole situation to Trieu Co once, saying that someone intentionally spread rumors, the purpose was because he was King Chinh.
At this time, Trieu Co’s eyebrows grew.
“These people are too hateful, let the palace know who they are, intend not to forgive lightly.”
“The Empress Dowager can rest assured, waiting for the god to pick up Luo Vong, everything will be exposed, and then no one will be able to escape.”
Luc Truong An took the opportunity to say goodbye to Trieu Co and forcibly picked up La Vong.
Trieu Co chased out.
Looking at the back of Lu Chang’an, he did not leave for a long time.

At the far side of Truan Luu.
Thanh Kieu climbed up to the city gate, looked at the fire that had just extinguished Truan Luu citadel, eagerly.
Remembering that day, he didn’t need anyone, so he got a consideration from Korea.
Now, when he first deployed his army, he immediately won the first battle, taking over the citadel.
Am I really the Son of Heaven?
Dai Qin in our hands will definitely unify the Six Kingdoms.
Thanh Kieu raised his head, letting the late howling wind blow from his face.
But in the heart of the Qin army, the soldier’s voice was free.
Wind, wind, wind!
Big wind, big wind, big wind!
He lovesI like this kind of feeling, I love that feeling the most.
Duong Doan Hoa went up to the wall and headed to Thanh Kieu to report the situation.
“General Meng and General Zhang sent people to ask for a step-by-step instruction, do you need to return to the barracks and discuss with the generals?”
Thanh Kieu did not move.
Thinking again.
Now that he has scored, he is not in a hurry to attack Zhao Guo.
Because the farther away you go, the farther the army is from the Dai Qin native land.
This time he went on this expedition, not because he was to destroy Zhao Kingdom, but because he was the throne of Qin King.
If it is too far away from Dai Qin, how will the army return at that time?
Or wait for the sample team to hear the news and then decide.
“Wait for orders at the place.”
Order Type.
Duong Doan Hoa widened his eyes, his face full of doubts.
Just won a great victory, it is a victory to rush forward, the three roads of the army are directly in the hands of Zhao Guoguo in Handan City, why are you waiting for orders on the spot?
The fighter blinked and disappeared, lost it will not exist.
Duong Doan Hoa did not want to throw it away and continued to advise.
“Young Master, why don’t you rush forward?”
“No words needed.” Cheng Kieu was a little angry, “Send the command to the marshal.”
Duong Doan Hoa still wanted to say more, but seeing Cheng Kieu’s expression, he knew that it was useless to say anything.
Duong Doan Hoa gently responded to a sentence, his face was full of disappointment.
But he is just a small deputy, so what to do?
He could do nothing but transform and leave, going to achieve the kind of command.
From the city gate to the ground, there is only a short step of stairs, but Duong Doan Hoa can go for a long time.
He always wanted to be in the army, always wanted to stand out.
After all, there is a chance to score, and will become a type again on the spot waiting for orders.
Mid-termJust when he was lamenting the unfair fate, he suddenly felt a mysterious air coming.
He used two threads to gently clamp one, taking the other hidden weapon.
Can’t think of it is a small short piece of bamboo card, not something mysterious.
He took it out and looked at it, and found on the bamboo card there were a few small words:
“Advice the opposite type.”
Duong Doan Hoa quickly collected the bamboo card and looked around.
There are soldiers guarding the walls of the city, on the main road there are also patrolling soldiers, but there is no suspicious person nearby.
However, Duong Doan Hoa is of course clear that it is Sima Khong who sent the message.
Above the lettering and the definition are identical.
General Lu wants me to advise Thanh Kieu to create a traitor?
Here, far away from the Great Qin Kingdom, is there a way for traitors to live?
Also, will Mong Vu and Truong Duong two generals listen to Thanh Kieu?
What exactly does Lu Chengjun want to do?
Very quickly, Duong Doan Hoa understood that La Bu Vi’s real intentions were real.
He couldn’t help but laugh.
All of these people, including Thanh Kieu, including himself, are just Lu Cheng General opposing Luc Truong An’s chess pieces.
But this is 30,000 Dai Qin generals.
30 thousand people live healthy a.
Hard to say because of power, because a person of honor and wealth, can it really not be noticed at all?

==============================58==END================ ============
People In The World Of Cultivators, With Everyone Can Divide Five Years
In this world, no one can make fun of me, only I go to make fun of others!!!

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