Read Dai Qin: I Sword God’s Identity Can’t Be Defeated – Chapter 86

Truan Luu becomes inside.
After Thanh Kieu left, Duong Doan Hoa sat in the living room for a long time, unable to calm down.
Thanh Kieu is right, he and Thanh Kieu soon tied the same place.
If Cheng Kieu fails, he will also have no delicious fruit to eat.
Moreover, he has repeatedly resisted Lu Buwei’s orders, and Lu Buwei will not save him.
But he really couldn’t stand to see the 30,000 Qin Binh brothers fall into trouble.
There is also.
Once the Zhao army entered the native land of Qin, the Qin people’s efforts for many generations were in vain.
Thinking of this, he decided to Quit Out.
Die, die.
He went to the backyard to find Ly Vu.
It just happened that Ly Vu was cleaning the newly armored Citadel.
He walked over, divorced and said hello.
“Miss Li Yu, if I remember wrong, you must be a person from Qin Kingdom?”
Ly Vu looked up and found that it was Duong Doan Hoa.
Her impression of Duong Doan Hoa was still not bad.Just then, she nodded once.
Can’t think of Duong Doan Hoa directly grabbing her hand.
Ly Vu thinks that Duong Doan Hoa is a son who is not in the house, thinks against him, and is suddenly very angry.
She was just about to counterattack when she heard Duong Doan Hoa say:
“Miss Li Yu, Da Qin is in danger.” Duong Duan Hoa hurriedly said, “You quickly notify Luo Vong, let Luo Vong notify Lu Chang An and King Qin.”
Ly Vu’s eyes widened.
How does Duong Doan Hoa know my identity?
She was afraid of a trap, so she quickly said: “General Yang is joking, Li Yu is an ordinary woman.”
“Common?” Duong Doan Hoa laughed, “Ask, how did Luo Vong know that Can Su was hiding in the army? Even I don’t know, in the army except you and your son, who else knows?”
“What did the general say,” Ly Vu did not agree to admit, wanting to avoid Duong Doan Hoa’s hand, “The general hurts people.”
Duong Doan Hoa clenched his fists and didn’t let go, urgently cutting his eyes and said:
“Miss Li Yu, I won’t reveal your identity. You and I are all Old Qin Ren, you can’t stand to see 30,000 Great Qin generals like this, they are the elite of Qin Kingdom ah. ”
Ly Vu avoided opening Duong Doan Hoa’s hand and quickly entered the room.
Locked behind the door of the room, the whole person leaned weakly against the door.
She had just been eavesdropping in the back hall and knew Cheng Kieu and Zhao Guo’s plan.
Directly destroy the Mongol army, very sharp.
Want not to report to La Vong?
That is, once Luc Truong An knows, will Thanh Kieu be in danger or not?
In her heart, she hesitated.
. . .
Korean Tan Trinh.
Han Vuong An early in the morning received an urgent call from the Qin Kingdom, and when he was frightened, he enlisted the General of the Kingdom, Truong Khai Di, and General Co Vo Da to call.
“This lady said, don’t make fun of Qin Guo, nyou don’t listen. Right now, Qin Wang believes in the threat and says he must send troops to attack us.”
Han Vuong An threw the letter in front of Zhang Kaidi and Ji Wuye.
Zhang Kaidi picked it up and looked at it, frowning.
King Qin proposed two requests, one was to release Philu from the crown prince Thien Trach, the other was to send Princess Hong Lien to Qin Kingdom.
If not, immediately send Korean troops.
“Isn’t Tianze dead?”
Truong Khai Di looked at General Quan Co Vo Da.
Han Vuong An really seemed to remember something, and looked at Ji Wuye in surprise.
“Great General, you didn’t have Sha Tianzhu in the first place?”
Ji Wuye seemed to have prepared in advance, he clasped his hands and faced Han Wang.
“Wang Thuong, our enemy is always Qin Quoc. Thien Trach has taken advantage of many mutants, if he can work for me, it will be harmful to Korea.”
“Ethics is this,” said Han Wang, very puzzled, “But that year when Korea and Chu country joined forces to destroy Phi Lu and destroy their enemies, can Thien Ze forget?”
“If we help Thien Trach restore the country? Vuong Thuong, don’t forget, Chu Country has also acquired many lands from us over the years.”
Listening to Ji Wuye, Han Vuong half believed and half doubted.
In the past, he relied on defeating Phi Lu, obtained military achievements, and then obtained the honor of his father to climb to the throne of Han King.
In it, the battle of Phi Lu was still the one he initiated.
Can Tian Ze really forget the deep blood of sheep?
However, this is not important, what is important is how to solve the anger of Qin Wang.
“You two dear, it is still to think a little about what is in front of you, how to handle it.”
In fact, in the eyes of Zhang Kaidi, two requirements are not too much.
He didn’t care about Tianze’s life and death, and even an abandoned crown prince couldn’t handle many storms.
About the Soulg Lien princess, has come to marry age, marrying Qin Vuong is also a good thing.
However, Ji Wuye did not think so.
He had long wanted to drool on the beauty of Princess Hong Lien, and had long wanted to address Han Vuong An.
Now that Qin Wang took his love, how could he be willing?
Moreover, Thien Ze was the one he used to control the Han King poison.
Once Han Vuong just wanted to escape from the night, he would release Thien Trach to disturb Korea, until then Han Vuong An could only ask him to come and solve Thien Trach.
Right after that, Ji Wuye turned to Han Vuong and said:
“Wang Thuong, actually we don’t need to be afraid. Qin Guo’s main army is attacking Trieu Quoc, who is not paying attention to me and the Korean group. Again, Qin Wang Zheng has not had a main body yet?, wait Then he said it himself.”
He saw that Han Wang was still hesitating, and added:
“If the King of Qin mentioned any request, we also have no conditions to satisfy, how will people see the King? Is it possible to say that the King is too cowardly and cowardly?”
This sentence just pierced the threat of Han Wang, he didn’t like people saying he was weak.
“Okay, let’s take a closer look first.”
Han Vuong responded.
He also wanted to see the situation of Zhao Guo on the battlefield and then make a decision.
. . .
Lu Chang’an went to the palace inside.
He went to the main gate of Ying Zheng’s palace, and just met Zhao Ji who also came over.
Two people with four eyes are relative.
Zhao Ji remembered the warm moment with Mr. Lu yesterday, especially the passionate kiss.
She couldn’t help but licked her lips, as if finding the taste of yesterday.
This action in Luc Truong An’s eyes is full of temptation.
If it wasn’t for Ying Zheng’s palace, I really wanted to take her down
Luc Truong An still knows that there is a measure, he bowsAt the beginning of the ceremony, he said: “The Queen Mother.”
Can’t think of it, Trieu Co puffed his chest and walked over, lifted Luc Truong An in his hand with one hand, and let Luc Truong An help him move forward.
Luc Truong An was a little speechless.
I am not your eunuch.
He raised his head to look at Trieu Co, only to see Trieu Co proudly raising his head, a smile still on the corner of his mouth.
Luc Truong An could do nothing but satisfy her and help her go to the Dinh Chinh palace.
Doanh Chinh heard that Trieu Co and Luc Truong An came and went to meet him.
As soon as I went to the phone, I met Luc Truong An and Trieu Co like this.
He is a little suspicious, Mr. Lu last night spent the night at Mother Empress’s palace?
How come Zhao Cao didn’t respond?
This Trieu Cao is also too unreliable.
However, Ying Zheng didn’t say anything, just Zhao Co and Luc Chang’an entered the hall.
Early in the morning, he learned of the frontline intelligence of Zhao Guo, and said that he would cooperate with Zhao Guo, and quickly called Luc Truong An and Mother Empress.
After the three of them sat down, Doanh Chinh spoke up.
He let out a long sigh and said with a serious expression towards Luc Truong An and Trieu Co:
“Cheng Kieu and Zhao Guo cooperated, and three hundred thousand troops were in danger.”
Trieu Co immediately panicked, turned to Luc Truong An, and was just about to ask what to do, but met Doanh Chinh walking to Luc Truong An in front of him.
“This lady thinks you’re going on a front-line trip.”
Luc Truong An still did not answer, Trieu Co hastily stood up.
The front line is so dangerous, can Mister Lu be in danger?
She looked anxiously at Luc Chang’an, unable to negotiate the land, and said:
“No way! The front line is too dangerous, I disagree.”
. . .
==============================86==END================= ============
People In The World, With WhoAll Can Divide Five Years
In this world, no one can make fun of me, only I go to make fun of others!!!

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