He is not Lin Chuan, and Lin Chuan is not a dead man.

If you want to make a comeback in the field, this chance is really small and pitiful.

Chapter 227 Overdraft Life

That day, in the domain of Starsmith, Lin Chuan got a powerful puppet and related books.

With the Imperial Jade Seal obtained by signing in, he successfully activated the residual spirit of the star craftsman Tiangong.

The other party gave him a lot of knowledge and puppets, and at the same time told his last wish.

He hopes that latecomers can absorb his domain with the devouring secret technique, accept the inheritance, and inherit the last Legacy.

For this, Lin Chuan is hesitant in his heart.

Some people say that a person died three times.

One time was the death of the body, the second time was the disappearance of what he left behind, and the last time was the forgotten death.

Although treasure is rare, it can grow tremendously if it swallows the domain.

But if you look at it from the previous point of view, this means the second death of the Star Craftsman.

This point made Lin Chuan feel sad and embarrassed.

But after all, it was Tiangong's last wish. After all, Lin Chuan chose to respect and swallowed the domain.

After accepting this last gift, Lin Chuan's field has also successfully achieved a qualitative change.

First, the scope continues to expand, with a larger scope.

Then this quantitative change was transformed into a qualitative change, which was truly transformed in the sense of being essentially powerful and existent.

Now that Lin Chuan's domain is taken out alone, the personality is equal, or even higher than a normal space.

Without entering Martial Sovereign, you cannot understand the mysteries of space.

But this does not mean that Lin Chuan cannot be used, just like a child can use a gun to kill the enemy.

Similarly, Lin Chuan doesn't understand the principle, it doesn't mean that he can't drive a huge power.

Therefore, after Lin Chuan truly uses the solidification of the field, the entire space is under his control.

The realm of a trifling Absolute Peak realm, in this real space, seems to be no different from a harder tempered glass.

With the grip of Lin Chuan's palm, the old man's realm began to collapse.

The bloody vortex that he maintained was almost stagnant, and then it broke apart every inch, forcing him out.

At a glance, the blood on the old man's body was gone, revealing a shriveled body.

The look of dying fate is now even more covered with a gray haze.

Not only that, but some places on his body surface are spurred by strange bone spurs.

A small number of meridian and blood vessels continue to expand and agitate, as if a strange monster is brewing.

He is overdrawing his life force!

Ge Ranjian, Lin Chuan understands the other party's changes.

Although it is not clear what the other party uses, it is not a good thing anyway.

According to his guess, it is very likely that it is a living Spirit Beast that can actively overdraw life force and blood.

Then, by offering sacrifices and extracting one's own life, to achieve a strengthened increase in strength.

shook the head, Lin Chuan lightly sighed.

Fortunately, he had what he expected before, but now it seems to be true.

Between this Heaven and Earth How can there be a free lunch? How can there be a medicine pill that can massively increase the cultivation base?

Sure enough, it is only a temporary change.

Such a powerful one has side effects and a price!

At this moment, Lin Chuan does not need to run any pupil technique or other cultivation technique, just by looking at naked eye, he can know that the other party has no life for a few days.

But even so, he is impossible to let him go.

Not only because he is the powerhouse of the Japanese pirates, but also because the other side's domain can be used as a tonic.

As for the special lifeform, you will know it after he is caught.

the thoughts got to this point, killing intent emerged.

Between raising his hands, the power of terror condensed in the sky, turning into a big hand again.

The shadow man, who was saved because of the old man's action, suddenly felt uneasy in this brief moment.

In the space ahead, this one can only measure a giant hand. Why does it look familiar?

The danger of horror kept ringing in the heart, and the silhouette of the shadow man flashed, and instantly divided into Six Paths shadows, rushing away in six directions respectively.

They no longer carry out attacking containment, defense, but at this brief moment they have used their speed to the limit.

"It's okay, with the speed bonus of this cultivation technique, if you desperately want to escape, the master can't stop me."

"Even if this guy can beat the master, it's still Can't catch me!"

"Although the stream of light he slid before is huge, but under my full strength, I can do it faster than him! I can't catch it!"

During running, the shadow man kept talking to himself about his advantages and Lin Chuan's disadvantages, repeating similar words over and over again.

The squally winds on both sides kept whistling, and the stinging pain of the wind pressure came to the body, but the shadow man's heart became more and more heated.

"You can escape!"

"I have escaped for several kilometers, he can't catch up!"

"Although, everyone , But I want to live too!"

Whispering to himself, the shadow man said apologize, but the smile on his face became brighter.

It's already several kilometers! It's beyond the scope of the field! Even if the guy reacted, he couldn't catch himself!

Without domains, your own speed is absolutely fast!

What's more, there are five other Avatars to check, and the other party will definitely not be able to recognize it!

After running for nearly one minute, the Shadow Man stopped.

There is a half-scary and half-awake smile on his face.

Turning around, it turned out that the battlefield and the warship were already far away from the field of vision.


He laughed loudly, the corners of his mouth curling up more and more.

But at this brief moment, there was a sudden sound behind him.

"Don't run away?"

A sense of fear came instantaneously. Before the shadow man could react, a large hand formed by energy grabbed his body severely.

Suddenly, the vision in front of me changed drastically, and everything became extremely blurred.

When his vision became clear again, he had returned to the previous position, pinched in the air by his giant hand.

Finally, the previous familiarity came to my mind, and the shadow man finally remembered the source of the familiarity.

The scenes of this scene are familiar to him. It was his posture before being rescued by the old man!

Lin Chuan's voice sounded faintly, with a sneer in it.

"No one can save you."

"Impossible, where is the master?"

The shadow man exclaimed, his eyes swept around.

He was shocked to find that nothing has changed just now, and no one seems to have reacted.

Could it be that what he just experienced was just an illusion?

"What the hell did you do?"

"Nothing, it's just that you fly too fast."

"What the hell is this..."

Lin Chuan did not reply to the other party's question.

With a grip of his palm, a sour skull crackling sounded constantly, resounding in the sky.

"ka-cha! ka-cha..."

This sound is chilling!

The 228th chapter is here!

"You must leave now!"

"Otherwise, you will die!"

The screams of shadow men and the sound of skeletons continue to resound across the sky .

The voice heard in the ears of many Japanese, like a desperate spell.

Many guys with low mental quality were scared and peeed on their pants on the spot.

A few brave Japanese pirates, their arms are trembling.

They can only try their best to escape.

But looking at the bubbles above the sea that just disappeared, many people were afraid and hesitated.

The few people with a bad memory and brave guys, they don't care about it.

These Japanese pirates hurriedly dropped their weapons, and then quickly jumped in.


I saw a burst of bubbles on the sea, and their screams echoed at the same time.

A smell of meat seems to be boiled out by the boiling sea water.

A few bubbles emerged silently, this scene is terrifyingly nauseous.

"God, he is a demon! He is the messenger of hell!"

"Does he really want to kill us all?"

"Please Please! Forgive us!"


The Japanese pirates begging for mercy continued to sound, they either shouted the words of Daming, or used the words of Dongying Kingdom , Desperately begging for mercy.

However, Lin Chuan ignored them.

He just slowly squeezed the palm of his hand, constantly squeezing the shadow man who had just severely injured Yue Qingrou.

He did not explain why the opponent was caught back, nor did he show his way like the villain before the end.

It is natural to be cruel to deal with someone who hurts him.

In fact, Lin Chuan did not tell lies.

When the Shadow Man was captured before, there was almost no change in everything nearby, just because it flew too fast.

Lin Chuan's domain, after engulfing the domain of Starsmiths, has gained tremendous growth and has been promoted to the level of real space.

Within the domain, naturally everything is controlled by Lin Chuan.

Just swapping the two positions, it's too simple.

In fact, if the Shadow Man did not stop and wanted to catch him, it would take so little effort.

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