The sky is full of vitality, and the ice is coming.

These two are contrary to the attributes of the Great Desert, and they also have a strong restraint on any cultivation-related powerhouse of the cultivation technique.

Therefore, at the moment when these two attacks broke out outrageously.

Even the black mist powerhouse that has stepped into the middle level of the Martial Emperor Realm couldn't help but avoid the edge for a while, and flashed backwards.

Two hits were missed, and the expressions of the two patriarchs suddenly eased a lot.

Although the attack did not take effect, it at least proved that the path they took was not wrong.

If it's good luck, you might really stick to it, and even wait for rescue.

This thought just came to my mind, and in a moment, my eyes became blank.

Whether it's High Priest or Sala patriarch, the eyes in this brief moment are all empty.

After finally regaining a bit of self-cognition, a strong premonition sent out a vigilance in the heart.

High Priest held the palm of his left hand and suddenly released it a bit.

Let the walking stick slide down and let the four-petal wooden block rest on the tiger's mouth.

In an instant, a green force was injected into the body, quickly building a piece of armor behind.


The terrifying fist strength struck, and the simple ordinary punch smashed the sky above the High Priest into the ground.

The patriarch complexion greatly changed, she turned around suddenly, and burst out a large amount of Inner Strength from her palm.

They quickly turned into snow and ice in this brief moment, and they were gushing quickly.

The attack slowed down and was frozen in place.

Ignoring the solidified black mist, patriarch's toes were a little bit in the air, and the whole person instantly brought countless frost.

She turned into an ice bird and ran into the black mister.

Unprepared, the black mister shouted, half of his body was stained with frost.

This guy was furious, and with a backhand, he pushed back patriarch, then quickly withdrew, using Inner Strength to shatter the ice and snow.

At this moment, High Priest, who had just blocked the attack with the armor, also resurfaced.

He waved his cane, and countless vines instantly rolled out, enclosing the slow-moving Black Mist Man in it.

Suddenly, the cane shrank sharply.

The sphere that originally had the size of a bone capsule suddenly shrank into a half-human size.


High Priest gave a soft voice, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

Even though it was the powerhouse of Martial Emperor Realm, his body was suddenly crushed to less than half its original size.

Even if you don’t die, you will be seriously injured!

And the strength that such a body can only display must be far below the normal level.

Under the attack of the two Absolute Peak experts who didn't take much effort, the finale was defeated!

This time, it's steady!

Seizing this opportunity, the ice thorn, which had been condensed in the air and waited for the opportunity, finally rushed out and pierced into the obviously shrinking vine.

But at this moment when they were about to touch the surface, a storm of vast Soul Power suddenly struck.

Suddenly, the vines shattered and turned into green juice all over the sky.

Those ice thorns cracked every inch and exploded into thousands of tiny ice crystals.

Under the flickering of the sun, these ice crystals sparkled with rays of light of various colors, but in the eyes of the two patriarchs, they looked extremely gloomy.

"soul attack!"

At the moment when they fell into a trance, the well-informed High Priest and patriarch realized each other's methods.

After that, Ben had been vigilant, and now facing the surging soul attack once again, they immediately displayed follow-up methods.

I only saw that patriarch took out an ancient book from his arms, his palm was on the top, and Inner Strength poured into his body continuously.

An eggshell-like protective cover emerged out of thin air, enveloping the two of them.

High Priest didn't look at it either.

He waved the wooden stick in his hand, and a layer of characteristic plants spread on the outside of it, which was second insurance.

The protection of these plants can not only reduce attacks from the physical level, but also help filter and weaken the coming soul attack in the spirit.

But even if the two of them were prepared, the storm still came as scheduled.

The vines were torn into countless fragments and turned into green mud.

The barrier shattered suddenly and scattered into countless lenses.

The two who were not among them suddenly felt dizzy, and bursts of nausea continued to surge up.

"Not good...This attack is too strong to guard against! Run away..."

Patriarch barely maintained a trace of soberness, spit out the words in his mouth with difficulty, to High Priest reminded.

However, as far as she could see, High Priest had fainted.

At this moment, only she herself can barely serve as a battle strength.

With a low curse, patriarch cast his gaze to the guy in the distance, his gaze suddenly condensed.

Contrary to what the two expected, the guy did not suffer any harm.

His body is still as usual, it seems that he has not been squeezed violently before.

At the moment of shock, the black mister spoke up again.

"With this strength, I am embarrassed to be embarrassed?"

Before speaking, the black mist surged all over him, even if it was compressed into a ball.

Then it stretched back again and changed back to the original state.

Looking at the robe that fell suddenly empty, Sarah Patriarch understood the situation.

It turns out that this black mist is the body of that guy!

Although my heart is still shocked, I feel shocked and puzzled by the person's form.

But patriarch still tries to gather the power in his body, preparing to fight back.

At this moment, her mind felt like a heavy hammer again, and the strength and thoughts that had gathered together instantly collapsed.

The eyes were lost, and even the body was already shaking. It seemed that it was difficult to maintain the flight in the air, and it might fall down at any time.

"Let me see you for a ride!"

The black mist gathered, suddenly turned into a black light, suddenly rushed out, penetrated patriarch's abdomen, and made a Blood hole.

Immediately, the guy was lightly exclaimed, a little surprised about it.

At the moment, he was clearly aiming at the opponent's heart, but why did he hit it crookedly?

With a turn of his thoughts, he attacked again.

Chapter 279 arrived!


As soon as his thoughts turned, the black mister shot a light again.

This time, he aimed at the head.


A light sound suddenly appeared in the air, and an extremely tiny ice crystal emerged from the air, quietly constructing a special shape.

The black ray strikes on it, and it was instantly deflected out and shot into the distance.

Sara patriarch panted heavily, his face was extremely pale, and the cold sweat dripping from the sharp pain slipped from his cheeks to his neck.

In any case, he escaped again after all.

Even though the action this time was too obvious, he successfully exposed his hole cards while saving himself.

"Ice refraction? Interesting!"

He chuckled lightly, and the black mister's complexion remained unchanged.

His palm turned slightly in the air, and another black light condensed in the air.

Different from the previous two, the attack at this time is obviously more powerful.

The two streams of light are up and down, half-rotating, and they gather together at an extremely fast speed.

Then it turned into a spiral gesture, patriarch swept away towards the salad.

Sara patriarch's eyebrows moved, and the realm changed accordingly.

A large number of ice thorns were condensed out of thin air, rising from the ground to face the sky, converging into one after another illusory mountain, resisting the rays of light in this spiral.

At the same time, gusts of wind rose suddenly, blowing sand all over the sky.

A large amount of sand and dust blew up, quickly covering this area, hiding the silhouette of patriarch in it.

"such insignificant ability!"

The Black Mist gave a chuckle. Another burst of soul attack came out.

But to his surprise, this attack did not have the touch of a hit. It only dispelled the yellow sand in front of him, exposing the void behind him.

The Black Mist glanced slightly, and immediately found that High Priest's body was also disappeared.

"Want to escape? Wouldn’t you look down on me too much, right?"

The black mister was sneaked, and his body was suddenly shaken, and the whole person turned into a thick black mist. Up the sky.

Looking at this terrifying natural phenomenon, the patriarch who had escaped a short distance suddenly changed color.

Sure enough, just as she had guessed, several mists rose up in this dark cloud, and they rushed towards the fiercely fighting salad clansman below.

Among them, several Grade 1 powerhouses are locked.

Once they are hit, the Sarah’s defense will steadily retreat.

The other party made it clear that he was forced to come out in this way!

Patriarch's complexion was slightly dark, but in desperation, she could only reappear in Skyrim.

Suddenly, the tornadoes suddenly stopped in the air and turned the offensive towards her.

Inner Strength surging, rapidly agitating waves of sudden shocks.

They gathered on the patriarch right hand, carrying sand and ice, forming a two-color long spear.

The patriarch right hand grabbed the barrel of the gun and threw it towards the black cloud in the sky with a hard shot.

Halfway, four tornadoes stopped him halfway.

Under the sweep of the wind blade, the two-color ice gun rapidly collapsed.

Afterwards, the black cloud re-condensed into one silhouette, transformed into a giant hand, and patted it down with a palm.

The Frozen Domain was fully activated, igniting endless frost and snow, and the constant blockade restricts the opponent's fall.

Although white frost is constantly appearing under this giant hand, due to the difference in strength, it still falls very fast.

In an instant, it was shot on the protective cover in front of patriarch.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and patriarch's whole body with the unbroken protective cover directly hit the ground heavily.

Suddenly, blood splattered, dozens of cracks broke on the body surface, tearing part of the clothes.

In the deeper wound, white stubble can be seen.

Not only that, but a lot of blood also poured out from patriarch's mouth and sprayed on the clothes.

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