apart from this, they are equipped with good crossbows and various equipments are also specially customized.

The overall equipment is extremely sophisticated.

In this regard, Zheng He and the Eastern Sea navy can be said to have lost their money, and they have not cared about the consumption of money, and armed them to the teeth.

Chapter 291 First Stage Assassination

After testing, even when suddenly encountering Grade 5 superior powerhouse.

As long as the strength is not far beyond the elite of the same level, even the weakest squad can deal with it.

But the price to be paid for being strong is that these ordinary soldiers will use their lives as a bargaining chip.

If one is not careful, he will die in battle.

Why doesn't Wei Wen know this? But under the premise that Jianghu Sect faction is loose.

If you want to respond, you can only use this method.

Sacrifice is also necessary.

The room was silent for a long time, and after a long time, Wei Wen's voice sounded again.

"This is all for Daming."

"Be prepared accordingly. I hope that there will be no problems in the first formal action."

After a moment of silence, the masked man was nodded and stepped back.

A similar scene is also happening in Zheng He's mansion at this moment.

The only difference is that Zheng He added one more command at the end, which is to monitor Wei Wen.

Seven days later, under Mount Tai in Ximingle, several Songming school dísciples were talking and laughing all the way to the outside of the mountain.

As the elite disciple of the Songming School, Song Han, Lin Jiu, and Qingming are highly regarded.

Because of this, many evils have been born as a result of the increasing emphasis.

Those who are weak are no match for them.

The strong, or due to other reasons, or due to the Songming faction, will eventually have no choice but to stop.

Therefore, even though these three people are stigmatized, they are still at large.

On this day, the three of them were talking and walking out with a smile, talking about the experience mission.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and Qingming, who led him, immediately responded.

With the strength of the cultivation base, he immediately looked towards the left and rolled, successfully avoiding the fatal arrow.

But Song Han beside him has no such luck.

this arrow pierced his neck directly and killed him on the spot.

Faced with the sudden assassination, the three were shocked in their hearts, and then immediately reacted.

The wind is blowing, and the vigorous Inner Strength sway in the void.

By the cover of the voice, a silhouette behind them quickly approached.

As he approached less than five meters, the man suddenly slapped forward.

Lin Jiu sneered, turning around is a sword.

Relying on the superb cultivation base, sword qi with no difficulty smashed the palm prints, and cut a sword mark more than a foot long on the opponent's chest.

The strength of the Grade 4 expert is fully revealed!

However, something unexpected happened to him.

This assassin who didn't know where he came from, instead of showing a look of fear, but a smile fluttered from the corner of his mouth.

This abnormal scene immediately brought great vigilance to Lin Jiu.

At the moment, the two of them became alert to their surroundings.

But at this brief moment, three sharp arrows spurted out again.

They echoed each other, blocking the escape route for the two of them.

At the same time, two assassins with swords and a long spear rushed out of the grass on the side, and slammed straight towards the Qingming two.

Two swords and one shot, two far and one close.

With the tacit cooperation, these guys, who were only inferior to Grade 9, blocked the attack of the two for a short time.

Then, a new round of Cold Arrows was launched again.

Lin Jiu died in response.

"How could this happen? What's the matter with numbness!?"

Qingming's heart screamed frantically, and fear jumped into his eyes.

Although he is experienced, he has never encountered such a level of ambush.

The guy who put the cold arrow just now, the cultivation base hasn't even reached Grade 9.

With their close cooperation, the two Junior Brothers, who were only a little bit inferior to them, died one after another.

Even if it is himself, he is still at a disadvantage.

Because of this, Qingming's heart can't help but feel fear.

Sect is in the distance! Just escape there to survive!

In the panic, this thought arose in his heart, Qingfeng immediately gave up the entanglement and fled to the rear frantically.

Although the two behind are in hot pursuit, but under the absolute gap between the cultivation base and the strength, it is simply impossible to catch up!

Thinking of this, there was a smile of avoided a catastrophe on his face.

But at this brief moment, the guy who had been defeated by him before suddenly got up from the ground.

The man was holding a hook sickle and rushed towards him desperately.

"Don't get in the way!"

Qingming let out a low roar, and quickly raised his palm.

With the help of Inner Strength, he directly shook the opponent's body, and then pierced the opponent's chest with a sword.

However, this inevitable sword was once again hindered!

I saw a burst of azure fluorescence on the opponent's chest, and then his sword stuck in the center.

Before Qingming could figure out the situation, the man in front of him hit his chest with a heavy fist.

This fist hit, and the blood in Qingming's body suddenly surged.

While his body was stiff, the sound of long spear and sword breaking through the air had already reached behind him.

"Windroll Dance"

Qingfeng roared, and the sword shadow in his hand instantly drew a whirlwind, resisting the attack of the next two in an arc-shaped trajectory.

Before he could take a breath, Qingming suddenly felt a pain in his right leg and his body became numb.

Oops! Hit the arrow!

"Come here! Help me! Help!"

The stern shouts resounded through this jungle, and the breeze was covered in blood, struggling on the ground. crawl.

At this moment, his legs are pierced by arrows.

On the ground, he himself also made a long mark with blood.

The assassins did not blindly pursue them, but kept a certain distance, and took off the crossbows from their waists.

"Bang Beng Beng Beng!"

"pu! pu! pu!"

The sound of the exquisite machine spring kept ringing, and then several crossbow arrows from five people The crossbow burst out, setting off a cruel killing on the ground.

Looking at the breeze that has completely lost its life, the squad, with no one dead, has skillfully carried out the division of labor.

Stronger, the person who is in the frontal attack is responsible for cleaning up the corresponding traces, while the swordsman and the gunman drag the corpse separately.

The crossbowman, who had never shown himself face-to-face, took out a vial and spilled a pool of green liquid on the corpse.


There was a burst of crashing and splashing, and a lot of bubbles appeared on the corpse.

In a short while, these corpses completely disappeared on the ground, leaving only a pool of blood.

The five people stared at the blood on the ground for a moment, then turned and left.

half a day later, there was a rumor in the arena that the three genius dísciples of the Songming school died in front of their own sect when they went out.

This rumor has set off a huge response in the arena.

Suddenly, many versions of rumors spread everywhere. Some people thought it was a family feud, some people thought it was an intentional ambush, and some people thought it was a conspiracy theory.

After other sects heard about this, they didn't feel it, they just treated it as an ordinary vendetta.

But a few days later, another attack of the same type quickly sounded the alarm for them.

Chapter 192: Undercurrents surging

This time, the dead person was a Grade 3 Elder from Moshanmen.

So far, there is an uproar over the rivers and lakes.

By comparing the traces of the two dead, some experts quickly figured out the situation.

Although the specific scenes are completely different, the other party has obviously experienced a fierce fight.

It's just that the opponent is very neat, even if it is Grade 3 powerhouse, there is no chance for the imperial thing to fly.

So far, many Sect people were alarmed.

On a loft on the shore of the Eastern Sea of ​​Daming, Wei Wen and Zheng He sat on the top of the building. Although the two had not spoken, they saw a smile on each other's faces.

At the same time, in the north of Daming, in a small hidden city.

Gladiator Xu Jun, who just finished a battle of beasts, received a secret letter.

He unfolded the letter, scanned it a few times, and suddenly a touch of complexity appeared on his face.

After that, he put on black clothed and soon left his residence.

After arriving at the contact point in his heart, Xu Jun soon saw his so-called boss.

The man wore a pale mask on his head and was shrouded in shadow. After seeing Xu Jun appear, he immediately chuckled.

"Our time has come."

"Now that the Da Ming Qi is exhausted, martial arts experts everywhere have been attacked, and there has been turmoil in the arena."

"At this time, as long as we take advantage of the situation to guide, we will definitely be able to guide this matter to the Imperial Court!"

"When the time comes, a duel between Sect and the Imperial Court, Then it will be set off."

"My Dayuan's recovery is close at hand!"

"What do you want to do? What do you want me to do?"

Xu Jun looked at this person coldly, the slightest remaining unmoved.

When the man saw this, he couldn't help curl one's lip, and then he said.

"I hope that when the time comes, you can go to the Central Plains and mobilize the hatred between the Aristocratic Family and Sect."

"Just do this, things between us Just two clearings, you will return to the sun and restore the glory of the Martial Emperor bloodline!"

Xu Jun looked at this person deeply, coldly snorted, and stood up.

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