Under the tremendous force, the wall was not damaged in the slightest.

There is no doubt that the muffled sound and the sound of the hand-to-hand fight just now should not be heard.

In this room, I'm afraid it has been shrouded by the realm!

The person in front of me is obviously here prepared.

Chapter 295 The Demise of Heaven

In the room, a whirlwind spontaneously surrounds the two of them.

The two imposing manners confronted each other silently, attacking and dissolving each other, and constantly engaged in a confrontation.

Suddenly, Lin Chuan stiffened, and his body shook a few times unconsciously.

At this moment, a successful smile appeared on White's face.

Grasping the moment when Lin Chuan cultivation technique stagnated, a wave of air burst out of his body.

In the shape of a xiphoid, rushing forward!

Lin Chuan suddenly received a heavy blow, and his whole body flew out, hitting the wall heavily.

Infiltrate the Soest family alone and face White patriarch alone.

This seemingly reckless plan has actually been considered by Lin Chuan many times.

From the possible situation to the corresponding plan, he prepared in advance.

Lin Chuan made a certain prediction even if he was ambushed as soon as he entered the door.

But unfortunately, human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation.

After all, he did not expect the problem to appear in the cultivation technique.

Lin Chuan's physique, after the natural tempering of Source Power, is already a well-known figure under the same realm.

But the great Heavenly Immortal technique in his body was suddenly interrupted, and then under the premise that he was hit hard, the blood in his body was not only tossed.

Seizing this opportunity, White continued to promote the cultivation technique and expand the corresponding influence.

He wants to take this opportunity to expand his advantage and use this to remind the outside men!

The cultivation technique used by White is called "Cultivation".

Although the name sounds quite grand and magnificent, in fact, its effects are all concentrated on the first two words.

This cultivation technique is dominated by deceit. The positive battle strength may not be strong, but it is truly top-notch in terms of interference.

Because of this, even the great Heavenly Immortal technique was interrupted in a flash, and Lin Chuan also suffered a little backlash.

The peculiar fluctuations continue to radiate, like ripples hidden on the surface of the water.

It spreads outward in the form of horizontal ripples in the air.

The visible ripples of these naked eyes impacted on the walls of the room, but they did not penetrate as White expected, but rebounded.

Obviously, White underestimated the strength of Lin Chuan's field.

Lin Chuan's eyes are slightly deep, and the Inner Strength of his palm is surging.

Suddenly, an invisible force rose instantly, condensed into a sword qi after White was taken, and shot at his back.


White let out a low growl, and a sound wave swayed from his mouth.

With the diameter of two meters around his location, it instantly condenses into a special area.

Sword qi received a violent impact as soon as he approached here.

It shivered and collapsed, unable to maintain its shape.

But at this brief moment, Lin Chuan has calmed down the blood between his chest and abdomen, and is within two meters of the opponent.

The majestic Inner Strength is condensed on the fist and turned into one after another strong stratum corneum.

It uses one of the points as the center, accumulates a sharp horn, and then shoots forward suddenly.

The force of terror attacks on a very small area, so the destructive power brewed is extremely huge.

This area filled with sound waves was broken through almost instantaneously, and then began to disintegrate.

Ring-shaped waves of air constantly rippling out, creating a magical natural phenomenon.

At this moment, White knew that his martial arts had expired.

He suddenly slapped his palm on the couch, and the whole person bounced into nothing.

The round table made of ivory and crystal exploded into countless pieces under the impact of the air wave in just an instant.

After a moment of stagnation, fist strength struck again, and it was heavily imprinted on White's chest.


White spits out mouthful of blood, the whole person flew upside down, went straight through the wall, and flew out of the courtyard.

At this moment, he only felt that his chest was broken, and there were countless sharp pains.

Slowly converging the domain, Lin Chuan did not pursue it.

The patriarch of the Sofitel family, although the cultivation technique is rather peculiar, in essence, he is just a newcomer to the Absolute Peak realm.

If you really want to kill him, Soul Power alone is enough to quietly kill him under a surprise attack.

But this is not what Lin Chuan wants to do.

He wants to make the Sofitel family feel terrified, and spontaneously hand over Sofitel Al!

It's like the Chuan Xuezong before.

At this moment, even if it was too slow, watching the patriarch flying upside down, everyone in the Sofitel family knew that assassin was coming.

The ancient bell sounded, the horn was blown, and the whimpers resounded within the Sofitel family.

Many powerhouses looked solemn and hid themselves. Continuously flashed out, converging towards here.

In a secret room in the southern area, Sofitel Air slowly opened his eyes.

For some reason, there is a faint anxiety in his heart, it seems that there is some horror approaching.

This unfathomable mystery came from this hunch, and it was very sudden, making him a little not knowing what to do.

Just in this brief moment, Al heard the sound of an alarm coming from outside.

Unfortunately, Sofitel Air did not link these two points together.

He is just frowned and fell into retreat again.

Obviously, he did not believe that something would happen at the family headquarters, only that these were hallucinations produced by retreat.

In front of White Patriarch, many experts have arrived.

Two Pill Masters who are good at treatment quickly gave him the taken medicine pill and started treatment.

The rest of the experts either stand in the sky or stand on the ground, looking at Lin Chuan carefully.

These are just stubbornness. Jinghui stern

What he really cares about is the three powerful auras that come from afar.

Each of these breaths represents an Absolute Peak powerhouse.

"This should be the hidden strength of the Sofitel family!"

To himself, Lin Chuan slowly nodded.

He didn't rush to do it, but stepped slowly toward the sky, like climbing a step, step by step into the sky.

With each step coming out, Lin Chuan's cultivation base breath is constantly rising.

After dozens of steps, Peak was already mentioned in his imposing manner.


With a low growl, a thin-faced man with short red hair pointed his palm at the sky.

The galloping Inner Strength turned into a roaring flame, which burst out suddenly from his palm.

And on the roofs of buildings near him, every few meters, there is also a flame burning.

This incident happened abruptly, even the Sofitel family was stunned on the spot for a while, unable to react.

When came back to his senses, dozens of flames had been ignited in the entire courtyard.

Just now, everyone's attention was focused on Lin Chuan and the powerhouse aura coming from afar.

But no one has thought that there is always a realm powerhouse hidden here!

Now, the invader in the sky must be dead!

Chapter 296 Falling Clouds and Praying for Rain

"This guy is dead!"

This idea just came up in my heart, so many Sophie The face of the special family changed.

Above the top of the cloud, black clouds gathered, lightning and thunder.

This terrifying natural phenomenon made everyone in the field tremble.

Lin Chuan is under the pressure of horror, and the majestic Inner Strength drives the image between Heaven and Earth.

The black clouds trembled violently, and then the rain fell suddenly!

Relying on the power of Martial Dao Realm to cause the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, this is not difficult.

But the means of falling clouds and praying for rain are not what an ordinary Immortal Cultivator can do!

Because of this, everyone in the field is extremely jealous.

The rain dripped from the air and plunged into the flames.

The flames that emerged due to Inner Strength shrank rapidly, and they were all extinguished.

The only thing left in the field is the ball of Fireball directly displayed by the red haired man.

The great product Heavenly Immortal tactics are running fast, and the Inner Strength derived from it is instantly condensed in the palm of the hand.

The squally wind blew up, whizzing in the air.

With a flick of your finger, this power rushes out!

The Fireball disintegrated immediately, and the remaining energy flew straight to the man with short hair after breaking the Fireball.

The man face changed, his figure moved extremely fast, and he quickly avoided.

Suddenly, the house near where he was standing collapsed and exploded into rubble.

The remaining aftermath, with no difficulty, overturned more than a dozen Soest family guards, stunned them on the spot and knocked them back from the domain-level expert. Such strength is already possible. Can be called horror.

Therefore, the Absolute Peak expert who came at this brief moment did not dare to take it easily, but carefully looked at Lin Chuan.

As the other two joined, the four of them turned into two in the sky, and they faced each other far away.

At this time, White Patriarch recovered under the medicine pill and treatment.

Seeing that all the powerhouses in the family are there, his confidence is also strengthened.

He pushed away the guard beside him, stood up, and asked coldly.

"Your Excellency is who? Why do you use force like this, don’t you know that this is an imperial city!"


Lin Chuan snorted, no Anxiously answer.

The cold wind blows, and the rain drops again!

In this brief moment, all the raindrops falling in the sky are added with Inner Strength.

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