"Its role is unknown, but everyone who gets it seems to have an extremely terrifying power."

"According to rumors, the inside of this thing seems to contain Looking at the mystery presented."

Hearing this, Lin Chuan glanced at the flying crowd, frowned turned around.

"Where is the person who got this thing before?"

"I don't know."

u Ye shook the head.

She glanced at the experts who rushed forward, her brows were slightly tufted, and then she added.

"The most recent one seems to be an expert of Peng Lieguo."

"It was just after he got this thing, he never appeared in front of everyone."

"So, no one knows what's in it."

"Last time, it seems to be the expert of the Song Kingdom in the north. What does it seem to be called... Hei Qing?"


While u Ye spoke, Lin Chuan defended and counterattacked.

His palm prints were sensational, and the sword glow appeared frequently, quickly dissolving the flying sword and fist strength that struck again.

But when he heard such a sentence suddenly, his heart was shocked.

Suddenly, I missed again.

Being hit in the chest by the bald Martial Emperor, the whole person flew upside down.

Fortunately, this time, he was prepared.

It's just that the patched dust gets up, and it doesn't seem to have been hurt in any way.

It’s not that Lin Chuan is not careful, but the name is too shocking!

This black engine may be the guy he knows.

From this point of view, is there really the secret of becoming a fairy in this bead?

Suddenly, Lin Chuan connected all the clues before.

A bright glow flashed across his eyes.

Wuyun Island opens every 180 years!

According to the "Supple-faced Five Columns", the winners of the last two Martial Dao conferences came from the continent where Daming is now.

According to the time of speculation, three hundred and sixty years ago, it happened to be in the Northern Song Dynasty.

And Heiqing is an expert who has been sealed for hundreds of years!

He knows how to avoid Heavenly Tribulation and promote the secret technique of Martial Sovereign without injury!

After being sealed for many years and no realm, he recovered to Martial Emperor Peak in just a few years!

He has used a special kind of flame that can burn space!

All kinds of clues are connected in series.

At this moment, Lin Chuan is extremely convinced.

The person he saw is the black engine!

Chapter 366 is completely defeated

It turned out to be him!

Excited in his heart, Lin Chuan's thoughts were difficult to calm for a while.

From the familiar name, I learned such a secret.

Lin Chuan was horrified, but he couldn't help feeling like a myth stepping into reality.

It made him feel a heavy feeling about the beads in his hands.

Perhaps, there is really the so-called secret of becoming a fairy!

took a deep breath, Lin Chuan put the beads in his pocket and blocked it with the power of Martial Sovereign Level.

Then, his eyes were deep, and the breath of Martial Sovereign Realm was fully released!


Taking a step forward slowly, a light sound suddenly sounded in the void.

At this moment, several Martial Emperor experts felt the pressure of hard to describe.

The retracted puppet was released again, and went straight to Scarface.

Seeing this, the bald Martial Emperor immediately rushed forward, wanting to block it.

The realm trembles, and the power in it quietly condenses, blooming outward like a shock wave!

Suddenly, the area limiting Lin Chuan's speed around his body was shaken open.

At this brief moment, the space in front of the bald Martial Emperor trembled suddenly.

Lin Chuan's silhouette appeared in front of him.

Suppress five waves of Source Power's shocking palms, and hit it!

In an instant, Heaven and Earth changes color.

There are some black clouds and fog remaining in the sky, rapidly condensing here.

The water vapor gathered up in the air was wrapped into a palm print of white mist.

Behind it, several illusory shadows emerge one after another, exuding extremely terrifying power.

Compared with the 6 Layers palmprint at the beginning of the battle, it is now one less.

But the formidable power has increased exponentially.

The bald Martial Emperor's face suddenly changed.

The cultivation technique in his body is running wildly, his arms are crossed, and he stands in front of him.


The force of horror is heavy one after another, like a sea tide, one wave after another.

But in a moment, the superimposed power smashed his arm bones.

The dark energy within it is infiltrating crazily.

The internal organs were impacted, and the bald Martial Emperor suddenly groaned and his face turned pale.

Then, in this endless palmprint, he hit the ground again.

At this moment, several other attacks followed.

The Martial Emperor once again manifested an illusory shadow and pressed it towards Lin Chuan.

At the same time, a burst of ink-black scales appeared on both of his hands, and a pair of black spikes appeared in his hands.

Lin Chuan loudly roared, the burst of sound with the power of sonic martial arts stirred up countless ripples in the air.

That lantern fish-like illusory shadow collapsed instantly!

After that, two fingers stand up.

sword qi Long dragon, galloping out!

In a flash, it blasted the flying Sword that fell, strangling the sword qi in it.

Then, Lin Chuan disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already jumped into the air with a sword.

The Ice Rock Sword pointed downward, and the frost and cold air spread rapidly.

The Source Power condensed into a sword body, and fell abruptly.

It collided directly with the two blacks, causing ripples.

The squally wind rose suddenly, bursting outwards suddenly into a cyclone.

Soon, Lin Chuan no longer entangled with him.

At the moment when the Frost Snow Sword is cast to resist the opponent's attack.

He turned around, activated the Migrating Phantom, and disappeared in place with the help of the domain's utility.

The Martial Emperor who had been on the sidelines before, just summoned back his Flying Sword.

Then, I found that there was more one silhouette in front of me.

Immediately, he was taken aback.

He, who temporarily decided to join the battle group, has not completely entered the fighting state at this moment.

In a hurry, he can only use the sword to stab forward.

Lin Chuan's silhouette is instantly broken.

This is an afterimage!

in a flash, the mighty Soul Power comes from the side.

The face of this Martial Emperor turned pale instantly.

Relying on his vigorous strength, he did not fall into a sluggishness after all, and barely remained awake in the pain.

As soon as he wanted to escape, his figure was stagnant, quietly restricted by Lin Chuan's domain.

What follows is the hundred sword qi that blooms personally.

Among these sword qis, there are three Dao Accumulations with immortal dao insights.

True and false between each other, false and true!

That Martial Emperor was in a panic, how could he expect this kind of play?

As soon as he blocked two moves, he was blasted out, and a blood hole burst out in his chest.

In an instant, the form of the scene has been reversed.

The Martial Emperor's complexion is gloomy.

After finally breaking the Frost Snow Sword, he found that he was the only one left to fight.

That Min You really listened to his own words!

Since being stopped, he hasn't moved his hands again, and now after this fierce battle, I am afraid that he has been frightened.

With a sigh, the body of the magic fish Martial Emperor suddenly showed power, and once again rushed towards Lin Chuan.

The two silhouettes are handed over in the air, and the powers of the roads continue to strike.

After all, under a Myriad Swords Returning to Origin, the magic fish Martial Emperor was knocked to the ground.

After coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood again, his face became more gloomy, and a trace of unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

From the previous battles, he has judged the level of Lin Chuan's strength.

The release of Lin Chuan's breath later proved this point.

His cultivation base is indeed above the Martial Emperor, reaching the Martial Sovereign Realm!

With the strength of Martial Emperor Realm against Martial Sovereign, losing is not a shame.

Martial Emperor can afford to lose and accept this result.

But he has been lingering in his mind, what he can't understand is why Lin Chuan can break his vortex twice.

It’s the first time. I also do two things at the same time.

Only a part of the mind controls that group of Source Power, it is difficult to maintain its rotation.

With the tenacious level of the puppet, it is enough to crack.

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