Zhuo County border.

Among the 300,000 Goguryeo army.

In the midst of a huge tent.

This time, Eulji Wende, who led 300,000 elite Goguryeo generals, was gathering with several generals, full of ambition.

Now, the Zhuojun border pass is crumbling, and once the Zhuojun border pass is broken, these people will be the great heroes of Goguryeo!

What reward do you want by then?

In the big tent, the big general Eulji Wende was full of pride.

"I wish you all in advance to join me in the Great Sui Dynasty and capture the Great Sui Emperor alive!"

General Eulji Wende's voice just fell.

Rip and pull!

Outside the big tent, there was a sudden sound of fighting.

Followed by.

The big tent was lifted, and a Goguryeo captain broke in with a flustered face: "Someone... Someone killed in! "

As soon as these words came out.

The faces of everyone in the audience were shocked!

This is the center of the 300,000 Goguryeo elite.

Who will be able to break through the blockade of 300,000 Goguryeo and kill here?

Several generals in the big tent immediately got up and walked outside the big tent.

From their angle, they could see that in the dense and heavy surrounding, there was a soldier in silver armor who was fighting bloodily.

Every time this silver-armored soldier took a step forward, dozens of Goguryeo elites slowly fell.

Not only that, with this silver-armored soldier as the center, a misty blood-colored field shrouded down.

In this field, the elite soldiers of Goguryeo became fierce, their eyes were crazy, and they actually began to fight each other.

"This... This is?!! "

"Could it be the Great Grandmaster of the Great Sui??"

Seeing this scene, the faces of several generals, including the great general Eulji Wende, instantly became extremely solemn.

Except for the unfathomable Grand Master, they couldn't think of anyone who could kill all sides in the midst of the 300,000 Goguryeo elites!

"Grand Master?"

"What about the Grand Master?"

"Even if it is a great master, how many elites can kill me in Goguryeo?"

"A thousand? Ten thousand? Or a hundred thousand? "

The great general Eulji Wende sneered at this time.

If the Great Grandmaster is really invincible, then what else is the army doing in this world?

This Silver Armor Grand Master, if I leave at the touch of a touch and come to assassinate these important people, it may be a headache.

But like he is now, alone in the 300,000 elite army, even if he is a great master, then in the end there will only be one result.

That is to be consumed alive!

Several generals looked coldly at all this in front of them at this moment.

Under their command, everyone surrounded them, and although these Goguryeo soldiers knew they would die, they rushed forward one after another.

They understood that even the Great Grandmaster had a time to show fatigue, and when that time came, they would have the opportunity to kill the Great Grandmaster.

Half an hour later.

They were disappointed.

What they didn't expect was that from beginning to end, this silver-armored murderous maniac had no intention of changing.

On the contrary, as the killing continued, the killing speed of the silver-armored soldiers actually began to rise instead of falling!

And, the improvement seems to never end!

At the beginning, the layer of blood-colored realm that shrouded the silver armor was only ten meters in radius.

But now, that layer of blood-colored realm had skyrocketed to a radius of 100 meters.

In the field, it has been poured with blood red, and the panic and murderous machine churn endlessly, as if there is no end.

"This ?!!"

Several Goguryeo generals finally began to panic!

Bai Qi fought all the way to Goguryeo's 300,000 elites.

He did not choose to sneak in, nor did he choose to let the 200,000 army of Zhuo County cover, but just killed in front of the 300,000 Goguryeo elites.

Bai Qi slaughtered the Goguryeo elite according to what His Majesty Yang Guang said.

Since it is a massacre, it is to be upright!

Moreover, Bai Qi needs to kill people and stand up!

He understood that the 200,000-strong army of Nazhuo County was not sincerely loyal to him.

Rushing into the 300,000 army like this and killing wantonly was too shocking for those soldiers above the border pass!

They couldn't have imagined that there was such a murderous maniac in this world.

Even Flame Lingji and the others were slightly surprised, even if the four of them worked together, they didn't dare to enter the Ten Thousand Armies so easily!


In the misty blood-colored field, the murderous aura boiled, sweeping a radius of 100 meters.

In the 100 meters, no one dared to get close again.

The Goguryeo general Eulji Wende wanted to rely on the tactics of the sea of people and consumed Baiqi, but now it seems that it is just a joke.

Perhaps, for ordinary grandmasters, the human sea tactic is still useful.

After all, the physical strength of the Great Grandmaster is not infinite.

Use the lives of the soldiers to consume the internal strength of the Great Grandmaster and consume the Great Grandmaster alive.

This is also the usual method used by the army to deal with martial arts masters.

It can be said that there were no problems with the response of the great general Eulji Wende.

Even if it is a great master, once dragged down by an army of 300,000, after a long time, it will also worry about his life.


Sadly, what they are encountering now is the killing god Baiqi!

With every step Bai Qi took, behind him, there were one corpse after another of Goguryeo soldiers, and countless Goguryeo soldiers were panicked at the moment.


His white eyes turned scarlet, and blood stained his silver armor, and at this moment, it was like a real killing god descending into the world, slowly walking among the 300,000 Goguryeo soldiers, like entering a no-man's land!

Countless Goguryeo soldiers died at the hands of Bai Qi.

At Bai Qi's feet, there seems to be a road piled up by corpses!

As the sky gradually darkened, no one in Goguryeo dared to step forward now, and his heart was full of fear!

Seeing this, Bai put away the field and slowly returned to the border pass.

The Goguryeo generals breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, and they all looked at each other at this moment.

In the big tent, Eulji Wende's eyes were dull at the moment, when did such a powerful person emerge from the Great Sui?

Was this how they were stopped outside the border pass of Zhuo County?

This is 300,000 Goguryeo elites!

Is it scared by a person?

If he retreats at this moment, the morale of the 300,000-strong army will naturally disappear.

When the time comes, how can they resist the 200,000 troops at the border pass of Zhuo County?

The great general Eulji Wende also did not expect that he would now fall into a dilemma ...

Inside the border gates.

Everyone saw Bai Qi slowly walking from the blood stained his armor.

The soldiers hurriedly strode down and opened the gates again to welcome the return of their general.

All the Great Sui soldiers knelt down on one knee at this moment, shouting loudly: "The general is mighty! The general is mighty! "

Even in the army, all the officers and soldiers admire such a strong man from the bottom of their hearts.

With such generals leading them to war in all directions, why not?

Almost from the bottom of their hearts, everyone began to accept this person in front of them as their general.

As for those who had ghosts in their hearts before, they also dispelled the thoughts in their hearts at this moment.

Bai Qi just glanced at everyone lightly, and said without emotion: "Let's all get up!" "

The adjutant general and a few soldiers immediately stood up and stepped forward to help Bai Qi remove the shocking, blood-stained armor.

Bai Qi did not refuse this, after fighting for so long, it would be false to say that he was not tired.

After he slowly walked to the border gate and sat down, he beckoned to these adjutant generals and generals.

The generals immediately agreed and gathered towards the big tent, and Bai Qi sent someone to invite the four of Flame Lingji over.

Obviously, Bai Qi is going to lay out the next tactical arrangements.

All the generals looked nervous and full of expectation at this time.


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