Shitani Miko looked at the evil spirit in her hand and estimated the amount of gold that could be exchanged for it at present.

looked at Yuri Chuanhua.

“Xiaohua, how about we buy a mountain and build a shrine?”

Yurikawa looked at Yotsuya Miko in surprise.

“Are you trying to build a shrine for that god and worship him?”

Shitsuya Miko nodded.

“Yes, I want to build a shrine for Brother Zhang Xuan, as for me, it’s just a witch.”

Saying that, seeing that Bai Zhe’s face had just recovered, his face turned rosy again.

After all, witches.

Everyone who understands it.

“The witch is a person who serves the gods, Mimiko, something is wrong with you.”

Yurikawa frowned at Yotsuya Miko.

Build shrines for people, and work part-time as witches.

Isn’t this sending yourself up in whitewash?

Miko Yotsuya rolled her eyes.

Brother Zhang Xuan gave the ring to confess.

He is already Zhang Xuan’s brother’s person.

Isn’t it normal to build a shrine and serve the goddess of Brother Zhang Xuan part-time?

“But Miko, it costs a lot of money to build a shrine, we don’t have that much money.”

Yurikawa spread his hands.

Yotsuya Miko smiled slightly.

“Xiaohua, have you forgotten that evil spirits can also exchange money?”

“An evil spirit can be exchanged for more than three million yen.”

Yurikawa widened his eyes in surprise, and then began to pinch his hands and calculate.

“Oh, I can’t count a lot of zeros.”

Yotsuya smiled proudly.

“So Xiaohua, we are fully capable of building a shrine.”

Yurikawa Kawaga: “I’m fine, but can I meet the gods first?” ”

Miko Yotsutani: “Wait a minute. ”

Chat groups.

Miko Yotsutani; “Brother Zhang Xuan, Xiaohua and I decided to build a shrine for you, and Xiaohua wants to see you.”

Cloudy Tianzi: “Shrine? It’s okay, as for seeing me, is the photo okay? [Selfie]. ”

Lin Fu: “Brother Zhang Xuan is so handsome!” Save, save! “One Six Seven”

Lin Xuan: “Brother Zhang Xuan is so handsome!” Save it and look at [Snicker] every day. ”

Yotsuya Miko: “Hee, brother Zhang Xuan is so good, then I will start work, I will start the live broadcast after it is built, and Brother Zhang Xuan is getting better and better [drooling]. ”

Cloudy Tianzi: “Okay, I’ll definitely go when it’s built.” ”

Lin Xuan: “I’ll sign up for one!” ”

Lin Fu: “I will also go, I will also go.” ”

Lin Fu: “By the way, brother Zhang Xuan, the exercises and weapon props have been sent to the Jingshi Division, and I will also go with a piece, and it is fun to watch the hero scratching his ears and cheeks over there.” ”

After reaching a cooperation.

Lin Fu took the gold given by the state to exchange points.

Exchanged exercises, as well as elixirs and weapon props to the country.

Of course, Lin Fu also made a difference of 100 million points.

These exercises and weapon props.

On the same day, he was sent to a research institute in the Beijing Division.

The researchers in white coats lost their hair.

I also can’t understand how this weapon prop is made.

It is obviously refined from common ores, but it is extremely hard.

Even the current strongest cutting machine in Huaxia can’t cut this seemingly ordinary exorcism sword.

And it’s incredibly sharp.

Even diamonds can be easily cut in half.

This blinded them all.

Lin Fu immediately felt very interesting when she looked at it.

Lin Fu: “The most outrageous thing is those Taoist priests in Dragon Tiger Mountain, Maoshan, who almost fought to worship Brother Zhang Xuan.” 【Selfie】”

Scientific research does not understand.

The state directly brought in all those famous great religious members.

Wudang Mountain, Dragon Tiger Mountain, Maoshan and many other Taoist priests were summoned.

In order to study the mystery of this exorcism sword and exercise.

It’s just that those Taoist priests took a magnifying glass to see.

I can’t see why.

Just because the talisman on this exorcism sword is too subtle.

I don’t see anything famous at all.

As for the exercises.

At first, they didn’t believe that they could cultivate.

After all, after the emergence of weird apps.

They tried to practice the exercises of their own sect.

It’s a pity that it didn’t work at all.

It doesn’t work.

The only thing that has some effect is just a few blessing talismans.

It doesn’t work at all for weirdness.

“Are these experts crazy?”

This was the only thought of the Taoist priests.

Until several ghost handlers moved out of a safe.

I took out the exercises stored inside.

The Taoist priests began to cultivate one after another.

As a result, he actually cultivated his inner qi!

Immediately cried with joy and excitement.

When he learned that it was Lin Fu and Yin Cao Di Mansion, he got in touch.

You can buy exercises, elixirs, swords, etc.

It was immediately decided that from now on, only this Yin God would be worshipped!

In the picture, it is the Taoist priests who look like fairy wind Daoist bones are blowing their beards and glaring.

It’s fun.

Lin Xuan: “This question is very simple, my father still told me about this today, he said this to those Taoist priests, immortals, there are many incarnations, maybe the immortals of your various sects are him, you worship him together.” ”

Lin Fu: “This statement makes sense!” ”

Lin Fu looked at the Daoist priests who blew their beards and glared, as well as the experts who persuaded them.

Coughed lightly twice, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Dear Daoists, you have a small pattern.”

“Immortals, there are many incarnations, maybe he is both an immortal of Maoshan and a Dragon and Tiger Mountain, a true immortal, and the Dao elders can worship.”

“This makes sense!”

This matter is settled.

Cloudy Tianzi: “I didn’t expect that I would also be worshiped one day.” ”

Lin Xuan: “Hee, brother Zhang Xuan, my father has enshrined a throne of yours at home, and he has to worship it every day.” [Selfie]. ”

Looking at the handsome young man worshipping the throne with a reverent face.

Zhang Xuan’s face was black.

But incense is not harmful to him.

It’s just that the world where Lin Xuan and Lin Fu are not connected at the moment.

The collected incense can only remain in the sun.

When Zhang Xuan arrived at Lin Fu or Lin Xuan’s world.

You will be able to receive these incense.

After the connection between the netherworld and the yang.

As long as Zhang Xuan is willing, he can even manifest his spirit.

“But my foundation is merit and the origin of Hades.”

“These incense can be used for some experiments.”

But all this.

You need to wait until you get to that world.

After a chat group chatting and joking for a while.

Zhang Xuan quit the chat group.

He looked at the talisman in his hand.

What was suppressed in this talisman was the strange one that Lin Fu had captured.

It is different from the demons and monsters in Lin Xuan’s world, and the evil spirits in the Jianzi world.

The weirdness of Lin Fu’s world basically masters a trace of the power of rules.

Or rather.

It is eroded by the power of this rule.

Only from ghosts.

It has become weird that can harm people.

The first ghost in Hades, the knocking ghost.

It was Lin Fu who caught it.

It also allowed Zhang Xuan to get a trace of rule power.

It’s a ghost gate.

Zhang Xuan tapped the talisman floating in the air.

An old woman wearing a birthday robe appeared in front of Zhang Xuan’s eyes.

“Oh? It turned out to be Oni Shouyi. ”

Look at the old woman with a livid face and rotten body.

Zhang Xuan reached out and grabbed it.

A large hand condensed by golden light grabbed towards the void of the old woman in Shouyi.

The birthday robe on his body slipped off little by little.

It was like being torn off by an invisible big hand.

Soon, the soothing robe was pulled off.

At this time, the shou clothes became corrupt, and blood stains came out.

It even emits a strong stench.

Zhang Xuan was not afraid at all.

The hand of merit grabbed directly towards Shouyi.

In the face of Zhang Xuan’s suppression, the tricky shou yi completely broke out.

On the surface of the clothes, a dark red blood light was emitted.

The tricky shou robe unfolded, wanting to wrap the hand of merit in turn.

Infestation it.

“Those who don’t know are not afraid.”

Zhang Xuan withdrew the crackdown.

The tricky shou yi was immediately happy like a fat man of three hundred pounds.

Directly facing the storm, it wrapped Zhang Xuan’s condensed hand of merit.

But the next moment.

The tricky shouyi trembled, wanting to throw out the hand of merit.

“Since you eat it, don’t spit it out.”

Zhang Xuan raised his hands.

The two meritorious hands condensed, and they directly slapped on the shou robe.

Green smoke floated, and even a miserable voice could be faintly heard.

“Sure enough, there is a trace of merit power!”

Zhang Xuan’s eyes lit up, and his face was full of smiles.

“Naihe Bridge, Cheng!”

The two combined hands of merit were wrapped in endless yin qi.

A little golden light was thrown out by Zhang Xuan.

He also pulled out a trace of Netherworld Power and threw it in.


A bridge with three middle and lower floors appeared in front of Zhang Xuan’s eyes.

The bottom layer is supported by the hand of merit.

On the upper and lower surfaces, is the tricky birthday robe.

The middle layer is supported by the hand of merit.

The surface is covered with solid yin qi.

The top.

It is a bridge formed by the hand of merit.

“Naho Bridge, go.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhang Xuan waved his hand.

This bridge falls on the Forget River.

One end is connected to Huangquan Road.

At the other end, it is connected to Hades.

“From now on.”

“The great evil man, take the lowest bridge.”

“Those who are mixed between good and evil, walk the bridge in the middle.”

“Those who are highly respected and meritorious are added to the bridge.”

With Zhang Xuan’s golden mouth.

The bridge was completely formed and settled.

[Naihe Bridge: Completed, reward the god to ride the fog and clouds]

[Six reincarnations are perfected, and the origin of the netherworld is strong]

The bridge is divided into three levels in order to punish the wicked in the sun.

How about the Yang Realm, Zhang Xuan can’t manage it and doesn’t want to care.

But in Hades.

The ghost of sin.

All need to be punished.

Only then can you have the opportunity to participate in the six reincarnations.


The bridge is divided into three layers: upper, middle and lower.

It is to punish the evil spirits.

The lowest level of the Naiho Bridge is made of a soothing shouyi.

And it fits the water of the Forget River.

Walk this level of the ghosts of the bridge.

They will all be tortured by the tricky shouyi, as well as the fish and insects in the Forgetting River.

The heavier the sin, the more suffering will be suffered.

The middle-level Naihe Bridge, on the other hand, can only be passed by those who mix half good and evil.

It will also be eroded by Yin Qi and suffer certain suffering.

As for the topmost Naiho Bridge.

There will be no obstruction…

And there will be no suffering.

Even if the merit is enough, there is still a chance to stay in the netherworld as an errand.

It is the easiest bridge to pass.

“The poor old man, who has done good all his life, turned out to be targeted by the sophistry.”

“So in Lin Fu’s world, will kind people be more likely to be targeted?”

It’s a knocker on the door, or an old woman in a birthday.

None of them were wicked when they were alive.

But one became a knocker who took people’s lives.

One was tortured to death by a sophistry, and even stained with the blood of his relatives.

“The chaotic sun needs redemption.”

Zhang Xuan pointed at the old woman’s forehead.

Shake your hand.

A translucent soul body appeared in Zhang Xuan’s hand.

“I’ve seen cloudy days.”

The old woman opened her clear eyes and bowed slightly.

“Oh? You didn’t have the slightest resentment in you, you should have lived one hundred and twenty years old, but you died so many years early because of the tricky life clothes. ”

“I also killed your most beloved grandson with my own hands.”

“Do you really not complain?”

Zhang Xuan said slowly.

Zhang Xuan already knew everything about this old woman’s life.

The old woman’s eyes flashed with pain.

“Grievances? All I have in my heart is guilt for my granddaughter. ”

“Flowers are the same age, because they care about me and come back to take care of me, but I … but by me…..”

The old woman’s eyes were shining with tears.

Under the control of the sushi clothes.

She has committed many, many sins.

His own granddaughters, those in the park.

They were all killed by her.

“Please, I hope you will give me a chance to atone for my sins.”

The old woman knelt in front of Zhang Xuan and bowed.


Zhang Xuan let out a long sigh.

“In that case, I happen to be short of manpower.”

“You will stay in the prefecture.”

The old woman kowtowed again.

“Thank you Cloudy.”

Zhang Xuan nodded and pointed out.

The merit in the old woman’s body was all extracted by Zhang Xuan.

These merits are brought about by the good deeds that the old woman has done in this life.

After extracting the merit, Zhang Xuan pointed a little again.

The karma in the old woman’s body was also extracted by him.

“These merits are rewarded.”

“From this day forward, you will guard the bridge for a hundred years.”

Zhang Xuan said.

The old woman kowtowed again.

“Thank you Cloudy.”

Zhang Xuan nodded and pointed to the bridge.

On the bridge, three old women appeared.

At the moment, there is no Meng Po Pavilion, Meng Po Tang.

But Meng Po, there are people who take the role.

After Zhang Xuan did everything, he threw the karma into hell.

Let the evil spirits bear this sin.

The merit value was accepted by Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan opened the chat group.

Cloudy Tianzi: “Lin Fu, you open a live broadcast.” ”

Lin Fu: “Hey, is Brother Zhang Xuan coming?” I’ll open right away! ”

Lin Xuan: “Ah, Brother Zhang Xuan actually had a private meeting with Lin Fu!” Woooo ”

Miko Yotsutani: “[Bitter].” ”

Cloudy Tianzi: “If you have time, you can also come together.” ”

[Lin Fu opened the live broadcast room]

[Cloudy Sky joined the live broadcast room]

[Lin Xuan joined the live broadcast room]

[Miko Yotsuya joins the live broadcast room]

Lin Fu got up and looked at Zhang Xuan.

She is now resting in her estate. 3.3 There are people to take care of food, drink, housing and transportation, and there is no need to do it yourself.

Cloudy Tianzi: “Go to this location.” ”

Zhang Xuan gave a coordinate.

Lin Fu: “Good! ”

Lin Fu quickly changed out of her strict clothes.

It was changed in front of Zhang Xuan.

After changing clothes, Lin Fu immediately left the manor.

I got into the equipped car and headed towards my destination.

Lin Fu: “Brother Zhang Xuan, what are you doing here?” ”

It’s a rural village, not big.

Compared to the city, it looks a lot more dilapidated.

Zhang Xuan looked out the window without saying a word.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

Funerals are taking place here.

The granddaughter and the old lady are gone, and the children are all back.

Zhang Xuan then informed Lin Fu and Lin Xuan of the reason for the matter, and the three of them saw the sons of Yotsuya.

Cloudy Tianzi: “Lin Fu, take out this talisman [red envelope].” ”

【Lin Fu received the red envelope you sent】

Cloudy Tianzi: “Come on, read with me…..”

Lin Fu took out the talisman and followed Zhang Xuannian to read the words.


The talisman flew towards the old house and was attached to the gate.

Then disappeared.

Not long after, a translucent soul came to this dilapidated building.

Lin Fu: “This is…”

Cloudy Tianzi: “Conjuring spirits, this soul is the soul of the old lady’s granddaughter, and when I come to this world, I will send someone to extradite her into the netherworld.” ”

Cloudy Tianzi: “Take out the other talisman as well.” ”

Lin Fu: “Good. ”

Cloudy Tianzi: “This is a blessing talisman, which can keep the children of the old lady safe in their lives, this is what a kind person deserves, come, read it to me……..”

Lin Fu had words in her mouth.

Then he flicked the talisman in his hand, and the talisman floated above the building and dissipated between heaven and earth.

A little bit of golden light drifted into the bodies of some people.

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