The origin of the Wu clan is actually on the other side of the sea, where is the clan of the Wu clan - the "Wu family". The inheritance of the Wu family has the same history as that ancient country in the East.

It has been 5,000 years since the founder of the "Wu Family" was "Wu Hei". Even today, he is still a group of people who occupy the center of the underground society in that land.

But something happened 1,300 years ago, which caused this huge family to be split into three and spread all over the world.

It is divided into three families: "Wu clan", "Wu clan" and "Zhengxi clan".

Cruel internal struggles have caused the inheritance of countless secret techniques to disappear in the long river of history, but there is only one secret technique that all three families have inherited.

It is the foundation of the Wu family

That is "ghost"!

Different schools have different opinions, but in essence they release the shackles of the human brain on the body and release all the body's power.

The reason why the neon Wu clan intermarryed with strong men was because part of the "ghost" inheritance was lost in the war (it was too late to pass it on after people died). In order to make up for what was missing, they had to constantly improve their bloodline.

Only then was "Liberation" developed again.

Compared with "liberation", orthodox "ghost" requires less physical burden and less physical strength, and the starting point is also higher.

This is the reason why the Neon Wu Clan has many defective products with a liberation rate that is not even 50%. Reaching 100% is so rare that it will be recorded in the family tree.

All I can say is that it is sad to lose one’s residence.

The "Western Expedition Sect" that ranks first among the three has 100% full power output per capita, and its leader's combat effectiveness is the strongest among all the Wu family members currently alive.

Therefore, the "betrayer" Xi Zheng Faction, which directly caused the split of the Wu family, can directly compete with (crush) the other two branches on its own.

And Wu Bei is the group of people who are holding back the "Western Expedition Sect", his efficiency is only 75%. Because he is not an orthodox "Western Expedition Sect" person, but a direct bloodline of the Wu family, his ancestors served as the 34th generation head of the Wu family and the 86th generation head of the Wu family. He had never liked Wu's rigidity and conservatism since he was a child, so he directly defected and joined the "Zhengxi Faction".

In the "Zhengxi Sect" where everyone is tyrannical, Wu Bei is just a marginal person. It happened that the leader of the "Zhengxi Faction" and the leader of the organization entered into a cooperative relationship, and Wu Bei entered the organization for further study.

He wants to get as much technology and technology as possible from the organization to strengthen himself. This requires you to climb up in the organization, and making more contributions is the shortcut.

Wu Bei believed Long Kui's lies and boarded the pirate ship. "Making great achievements" has directly become a problem of "sending one's life". Now that he has been targeted by the tauren warriors, he cannot escape even if he wants to.

Even if the "ghost" that was unfavorable in the past was activated, now the dark black and hard-earned exploding muscles directly burst the white suit, and the ferocious blood vessels bulged. Wu Bei, who was feeling strong all over his body and limbs, still didn't feel any sense of security in his heart.

Wu Hei, who had wide-open black eyes and white pupils, wiped the sweat from his head. The monster's hideous smile across from him seemed to him like an evil ghost coming from hell to seek life.

Because Long Kui's mutilated, headless corpse was still steaming, reminding him all the time that this was a cruel guy.

Wu Bei took out two dark black unknown skull metal fists from his side and put them on his fists. The fists are also called fist blades. They protect the knuckles and can also scratch the opponent with the sharp blades on them. It is a very ancient and highly concealed weapon. , an assassination weapon with powerful attack power.

It’s easier to exert force when you have something to hold on to.

Wu Bei clenched his fist, and the hard touch made him feel a little relieved. As for the three-section stick just now being destroyed in the initial attack, it happened almost at the same time as Long Kui's arm.

The situation at that time was when Long Kui and Wu Bei's attacks were about to hit the tauren warrior in a few tenths of a second. He directly raised his left hand to block his neck, and placed his other hand on the back of his neck. Breath of Rock - Rockskin was applied to both hands, which is why the Tauren warrior's muscles now have a special metallic sheen.

The move of one hand could be called arrogance, which made Long Kui and Wu Bei even more angry. They were both at full power output at that time. But the final result was a disastrous defeat for the two of them, with their weapons completely shattered and crippled.

It was also the reason for their defeat.

This time, Wu Bei did not dare to ask Da to directly use the "Tian Wu Xi" that can only be inherited by direct descendants of the Wu family. His seemingly chaotic footsteps actually contained special rules, completely eliminating the sound of footsteps while hiding his own aura.

Following Wu Bei's movements, a dark field seemed to appear around the tauren warrior, and everything around him was quiet.

It wasn't that he didn't want to use this trick to escape just now, it was just that he was young and energetic at the time and didn't learn it well. The most important thing about "Tian Wu Xiao" was not learned. Although it was an assassination technique, the last move "Splitting the Sky" was to escape for one's life, and he could escape thousands of miles away in one hit.

Things he had dismissed with disdain, he regretted now, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

Wu Bei observed the person in the center of the barrier. His heart slowed down to one-tenth of its usual speed, and even his breathing almost disappeared.

Look for and prepare for opportunities.

The Predator who can kill head-on transforms into a perfect assassin, ready to unleash deadly murderous intent from the darkness.

"It was just a competition of strength."

"This time it's hide and seek."

The tauren warrior's extremely sensitive sense of smell smelled that there was still a special smell in the air, and he immediately clenched his fists


A decisive punch without hesitation

The destroyed earth was hit hard by the huge force, and the surrounding soil underneath rolled up. The power of this punch was no less powerful than before, and a clear punch mark was left on the ground.

When I saw that there was no blood on the ground, there was only a black bag. The tauren warrior frowned and twisted his body directly, and then fired a hand knife into the air behind him.


blood splatter

A muffled sound came from the darkness

Then I saw a lot of blood flowing on the ground in the air that should have been empty.

Wu Bei's body gradually emerged from the darkness in the distance. He was half-kneeling on the ground in great pain.

There was an obvious scratch on the chest of Wu Bei's fine upper body, as if he had been struck directly by a sharp sword. The 50-centimeter-long wound directly cut through the tough skin to expose the muscles inside. If it had been any deeper, the bones would have been visible.

"This is actually a hand knife?"

Wu Bei saw his blood flowing on the monster's palm in the distance, and felt an indescribable feeling that he wanted to directly say the name of a certain plant.

"Obviously I have used all the "Duanhun Powder" in my body. It is a dose for 100 people. Even an Asian elephant should fall down with this amount."

Duanhunsan is something specially used to coordinate with "Tian Wu Xiao". Breathing inside for more than three seconds can paralyze people's nerves and affect their judgment. The eyes cannot see and the ears cannot hear.

But this monster breathed inside for a full 2 ​​minutes, and was not affected by the poisonous gas at all. He still looked calm. Wu Bei, who had specially placed a bait there, felt like a fool. The monster's dazed look just now was confusing me.

Wu Bei took out the quick-stop bleeding medicine from his pocket and almost vomited it out as soon as he swallowed it.


Because the beast with scarlet eyes flashing appeared directly in front of him and said hello leisurely,

He hurriedly crossed his arms in front of him to defend himself.

Seeing Wu Bei's frightened look

The tauren warrior showed a kind smile. The veins in his leg muscles popped out instantly. He jumped into the air and hit Wu Bei with a flying kick. The huge force actually caused a sonic boom in an instant.

"Dang, jump, bang"

A series of different, heart-wrenching collision sounds were heard, and under the moonlight, a thing that kept rotating at high speed was seen, like a cannonball fired from a gun barrel, destroying everything it encountered along the way. There were cement stairs, floor tiles, etc., and they were finally driven stiffly into a small earthen bulldozer.

Wherever he went, there was ruins. This was the kick of the tauren warrior "Breaking the Sky".

"Breaking Sky": This is a move in which the leg muscles harden and then fly and kick the opponent (similar to Erhu Ryu-King Kong Type-Throwing Ax Kick).

Nothing can resist it, and if anything, it's just another kick.

"the second"

The tauren warrior clapped his hands, and the black patterns gradually disappeared from the body surface, and the weirdly smiling bull skull tattoo on his back disappeared directly.

The arrogance lasted for nearly nine minutes this time, and even Ishigami was a little overwhelmed. That is the consumption of physical and mental power at the same time. The mental pollution that crazily wants to destroy everything will gradually pollute the host's mind. To resist this mental shock wave, we can only offset it with a stronger will.

Ishigami shook his dizzy head, but he did not release his full breathing state. He continued to move towards the place where the cannonball landed just now, and had to hit it again.

"It would be foolish to disarm without confirming that the enemy is dead."

Only when Shi Shang sees that Wu Bei is the same as Long Kui on the ground will he relax.

now is not the time

Only dead enemies are good enemies!

Ishigami walked to the large human-shaped pit and still clenched his fists.


Although an inaudible voice suddenly appeared in his ears, it seemed like an auditory hallucination, but the tauren warrior's eyes narrowed.

"This is not a hallucination!"

Only a black shadow as fast as lightning was seen shooting out, aiming directly at the heart of the tauren warrior.

The tauren warrior immediately used his clenched fist to blast at the black shadow.

The extremely fierce fist was packed with powerful force and directly collided with the black shadow.

The tauren warrior saw clearly that what was facing his fist was an extremely thick and dark fist.

At a stalemate, he responded with greater strength.


A shock wave actually appeared where the two collided, and the ripples that exploded directly dispersed the smoke and dust.

In the end, the strength of the tauren warrior directly overwhelmed the unknown black shadow, and once again smashed the black shadow towards the huge human-shaped pit just now.

But the difference this time was that the black shadow's feet never left the ground, and only fell back 4 meters before stopping. Two deep marks were left on the ground

The tauren warrior finally saw clearly what the black shadow looked like, it was still "Wu Bei".

But looking at the look on his face, he seems to be a different person now. This guy looks very different now from before. One arm hangs down weakly. It was this extremely dark hand that was wrestling with the tauren warrior just now.

The main reason is that the current temperament of "Wu Bei" has become a natural style of a martial arts master, with a sense of historical vicissitudes.

Middle-aged people directly become old people

It gave Ishigami a misty feeling that the person in front of him seemed to have crossed the long river of history. It is incompatible with reality, and it feels a bit independent from the world.

"Wu Bei" said in a very old-fashioned and harsh tone.

"Boy, you are the one who insulted my descendants!"

Shi Shang was stunned when he heard this voice. Wu Bei was speaking Neon dialect very well just now, why did he start speaking Jiuzhou dialect?

Without waiting for Ishigami to answer, "Wu Bei" just used his intact arm to hit the arm that was hanging unconsciously a few times. When he picked it up again, the broken hand was back to its original state.

Unheard of bone-setting techniques.

Just from this move, Ishigami could tell that this guy was not simple.

"That's fine..."

"Uncivilized barbarians"

"I don't want to say anything to you."

"Wu Bei" shook his head and put his hands behind his back. There was a hint of contempt in his eyes, as if being able to hear him speak was already a great blessing.

"My name is Wu Xiu."

"The 34th generation head of the Wu family."

"King Qinghu Shura."

"Huitian" is a forbidden secret technique. In the Wu family, which has been divided into three, only the "Zhengxi Sect" still uses it.

The other two families have sealed this secret technique.

"Resurrection" means bringing the "ancestor" back to life. Resurrection requires descendants with direct bloodline from their ancestors to experience the inheritance of secret techniques since childhood.

These children who are used as containers are the "successors". The inheritance day after day makes them have the soul of their ancestors in their bodies. The ancestors of the Wu family have sucked the blood and souls of their descendants from generation to generation, relying on this alternative and crooked way to survive.

So after the Wu family was divided into three, the other two families sealed off this unhealthy trend.

Wu Bei has been trained as a container by his father since he was a child, with the purpose of letting him carry the inheritance of the first prince to be "king" in the history of the Wu family.

Because Wu Bei's family has declined, Wu Bei's father hopes to use this method to make their family glorious again.

But Wu Bei, who didn't want his body to be taken over by someone of unknown origin, completely sealed up his memory and then defected. He was hit hard by the tauren warrior just now.

He directly broke the shackles of memory and exploded this 3,600-year-old antique.

"Useless things.."

"Wu Bei" looked at the tauren warrior with cold eyes. His fingers only twisted a few times, and the fist spur made of special alloy was crushed.

The tauren warrior noticed that it seemed to be the technique of spiral power. Although I don’t know what’s going on with this guy, just do it and it’s over.

He stood up on tiptoes and lifted his heels off the ground. The tauren warrior's huge body burst into agile movements. Just now, it was "Duan Kong" that appeared in front of Wu Bei instantly like this and directly connected.

But this time I didn’t use my legs.

But with fists

"Broken Hell"

Faced with this attack that could easily tear Wu Bei's body apart, Wu Xiu shook his head.


There is a solemn atmosphere in the air

"Green Fox Style-The Broken Prison"

The chapter name should be "Resurrection", sorry if I got it wrong. Thank you yylin for your correction.

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