I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 118 The quite helpless

It was late at night and the bright moon hung high in the sky, but people were still coming and going in this bustling street.

Under the feasting neon lights

The "beautiful girl" with brown hair and heavy makeup was happily waving to Mr. Yamashita.

"Good brother, come again next time."

Mr. Yamashita, whose steps were a little frivolous, rubbed his head and smiled coquettishly.

"Next time, definitely next time."

Even though this man said so

But the speed of his feet accelerated instead, and he accelerated as fast as he could to escape from here.

Mr. Yamashita, a married man with a serious personality and the father of two children, has never done anything out of the ordinary in 56 years.

But just now he took out the "inventory" that he had collected for fifteen years and handed it to her under the lamp just now.

Yamashita didn't know why he did this, it was more like an instinct driving him.

Forced him to carry out this big operation to release his "nature".

The cold wind blew into his collar, making him shiver. Yamashita, who was holding his thin body, looked at the dark alley next to him and said to himself.

"Let's take a shortcut. Go home early and have to go to work tomorrow."

Yamashita walked in the alley and couldn't help but sigh.

"When you go to work tomorrow, you should be scolded by that young boy again."

The brat here is his asshole leader

"Made, you're obviously just a bastard who got over me through nepotism. He makes me work overtime every day and he keeps throwing the most troublesome cases to me."

"If my performance fails to meet the standards, I will be disciplined by that guy every month."

"The bastard who knows nothing dares to point fingers at me."


"What the hell?"

Yamashita became angry and gritted his teeth, raised his fists and punched the air continuously.

"If I had Mr. Ouma's strength"

"I will definitely beat the shit out of that little boy!"

After venting his emotions, Mr. Yamashita finally calmed down.

He sneered as if he was laughing at his own naivety.

"Am I an idiot?"

Yamashita has truly experienced the power of Mr. Ouma.

That man was able to knock down the "Nioh" who was like the "Devil Terminator" with three strikes, five divisions and two, without any effort.

And he wasn't hurt at all

I really didn’t expect that it made me see the outrageous thing that a slim and handsome guy can really defeat a tall and powerful man.

In the eyes of Yamashita, Mr. Ouma is simply the strongest man in the world, and no one can defeat him.

A man like "God of War"

He raised his arms to show off his muscles, but his arms were as thin as dry branches. Where did the muscles come from? They were dry.

Yamashita shook his head helplessly

"People like me are from two different worlds."

"Isn't it just because I can't do it that I can only grovel every day?"

So he longed for that power

Yamashita said in an envious tone

"Maybe the guy in this world who can defeat Mr. Ouma hasn't been born yet."

"so good"

"I really want to be as strong as him."

"That way no one will dare to climb on my head."

Miichifu, who was still thinking about it, suddenly seemed to be disturbed by something, and almost fell due to a stumble.

Mr. Yamashita was very dissatisfied and cursed

"Who is this wicked person who would put such a big thing in the middle of the road?"

"It's true. Fortunately, what I encountered today is that if I let others go, I would definitely fall."

Yamashita turned around and looked at the "thing" that knocked him down.

What the hell is that black thing?

The wind in the sky blows over the moon, which was originally covered by clouds, so that its moonlight can shine on the world.

It was thanks to this glistening moonlight that Yamashita finally saw clearly.

But the scene he saw made his legs weaken and he collapsed to the ground.

The mouth comes out intermittently

"Ouma, Mr. Ouma?"

The Ten Demon Snake King Ma, who had been killing everyone in Yamashita's mind just now, now appeared in front of him as a bruised and defeated loser.

Faith collapsed

"Thanks for your hard work."

Mr. Yamashita bowed to the medical staff and called an ambulance to accompany his family members.

With a complicated look on his face, he watched Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, who had a bruised and swollen face and a breathing mask, being carried into an ambulance by the medical staff.

Remember the scene just now

Mr. Yamashita found it very unbelievable. He still can’t imagine it.

The man who was supposed to wear the crown and ascend to the most powerful throne was thrown on the ground like garbage everywhere.

He was as miserable and lonely as a bereaved dog with his back broken, and he was extremely embarrassed.

If Mr. Yamashita hadn't discovered it, what would have been Mr. Ouma's final outcome?

"will die?"

Maybe he died in this unknown corner. No one knows that there once was a man named Shigui Snake King Ma.

"What kind of monster is it?"

"To beat such a strong Mr. Ouma like this."

Yamashita swallowed, his voice trembling.

"And that place, the reinforced concrete walls are full of all kinds of cracks, what on earth is this?"

"A sneeze."

Ishigami suddenly felt that someone was paying attention to him, and he touched his nose.

"What's wrong, Yuu-kun?"

Fujiwara Chika, who was wearing Ishigami's coat, heard his movement behind her and looked at him with worry.

Ishigami shook his head, signaling her peace of mind.

"I'm fine, Chika-senpai."

He also made a joke

"I guess I got a little cold when I took off my clothes just now."

Although she heard that he was fine, Chika Fujiwara still looked suspiciously from head to toe and then felt relieved after finding that there was nothing unusual.

But looking at Chika-senpai who was like a little policeman, Ishigami couldn't help but want to tease her

He smiled evilly and lifted up some of his clothes, revealing his fair but very attractive abdominal muscles.

"Senior, do you want to check it carefully again?"

As a result, Chika Fujiwara first checked to see if anyone was around and then breathed a sigh of relief.

She just glanced away and muttered

"Tch, it's not like I haven't seen it before."

"I've even touched it, is there anything strange about it?"

Of course, it would be more convincing if the ears hidden under the pink hair didn't add a faint blush (after finishing the ramen, Fujiwara Chika let her hair down.)

But this is already a great improvement for the girl. You must know that the body she saw on Shi Shang before was a nosebleed!

"Youjun, why don't you realize it?"

Fujiwara Chika said solemnly in a preaching tone like an old mother's.

"It doesn't matter if you can relax a little with me."


"Youjun, you can't do this kind of behavior casually in front of other girls in the future."

"It's very frivolous."

She said angrily, if she didn't have a whistle on hand right now.

At least give this "frivolous man" a "yellow card warning"!

Fujiwara Chika now finally understands her father's mood, every time she sees her sister who is not dressed appropriately with her navel exposed.

He would always find himself sulking alone, opening his mouth to the edge of his mouth but not being able to say anything.

This feeling is like being afraid of seeing the little kids outside. They rush forward and take away the cabbages that have been raised for more than ten years, including the pots and flowers.

"I was wrong"

Facing Fujiwara Chika like this, Ishigami raised his hands and did not dare to do it again.

I saw him tidying up his shirt obediently

The serious look on Chika Fujiwara's face, who was holding her arms, softened a little.

“The collar is a bit wrinkled”

She stood on tiptoes to help Ishigami straighten his collar.

Ishigami noticed the corners of his mouth rising slightly, and he quickly bent down.

Suddenly our heads are about to hit each other

Chika Fujiwara was shocked

But seeing those eyes looking directly at her, she wasn't so resistant.

Fujiwara Chika stretched out her hand and smoothed the wrinkles on his body.

It was normal at first

Ishigami noticed this guy’s little moves

The girl's hands are very dishonest

It looks like it's smoothing out wrinkles, but it's actually pinching here and there.

He opened one eye and looked at her.

When I heard Chika Fujiwara say

"Ah, why do these wrinkles seem to be getting more and more?"

How can I endure this stone?

What time is it?

If you wait any longer, Qianhua-senpai won't be able to go home.

He snapped and flicked her forehead with his finger.

If you don’t want to go home, just spend the night at the small shop next to it.

"Senior Qianhua, if you keep doing this."

"You and I will definitely be late tomorrow."

Ishigami threatened

He directly took the girl's hand

"Go home! Senior Qianhua."

Although I was dissatisfied (very satisfied) with Ishigami's toughness, I saw that every move Ishigami made was no different from before.

Besides, she wasn't touching randomly before, it was just for confirmation!

"It's really no big deal."

Chika Fujiwara, whose soft expression returned to her face, was still led by him by her hand.

Nothing can happen to the stone

The one who was really in trouble was Ouma who was beaten unconscious by him and then casually left on the spot.

"I don't know how that guy is doing now."

"Are you still alive?"

"But it has nothing to do with me."

Ishigami shook his head and disappeared into the street with Senka Qianhua.

In fact, let's not mention the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma who can't say a word and is being rushed to the ICU. Not long ago, he was lively and full of nonsense for a long time.

It can be said to be a bit noisy

"I can't hurt you one bit."

"And I'm weak?"

This was the first time Ouma heard someone commenting on him as "very weak" recently, and he thought his ears were hallucinating.

really a joke

How dare you look down on me so much?

Ouma looked at the opposite side with cold eyes, taking off his shirt, revealing the angular muscles of marble texture.

"May I have your name?"

"what name."

Ishigami clenched his fist and was adjusting and moving his joints. With just a slight twist, the whole body made a crackling sound like fried beans.

And the muscles on his body were shaking unconsciously, and he was quite eager to try.

He spread his hands and felt helpless

"You have to tell yourself your family name before a fight. Where are you from?"

"Then I'll tell you."

Ishigami slowly spoke to Ouma, who was wearing a black spotted striped undershirt.

"Ishigami Yu."

"Ishigami Yu."

Then Ouma grinned, an angry smile.

"You're not old, and your tone is not young."

"You really can't hold back your words."

"Let me educate you on behalf of your family."

"Let me prove it to you now"

"Let you see what it means to be truly strong."

He yelled out the last sentence directly

"You will regret it in your next life."

"Damn brat!"

But just when the furious Ten Ghost Snake King Ma wanted to rush forward quickly and punch the kid hard on the face.


The sudden roar from the space made Ouma feel very inconsistent.

This voice?

And the sound did not appear near the ears, but directly in the depths of the mind.

It’s a conversation between soul and soul

His shoulders were being held down by a strong hand, making him unable to move.

When he noticed the owner of that hand, the Ten Demon Snake King Ma, his eyes immediately widened.

His eyes almost popped out of his head

This is quite an amazing performance!

He spoke slowly in his mouth

"Two two tigers?"

The Ten Demon Snakes and Two Tigers are the Master and adoptive father of the Ten Demon Snake Ouma. The reason why Ouma was so surprised was.

It has been more than ten years since his master Shi Gui Snake and Two Tigers died!

But now he is standing behind him

The tall brown man with long hair was a head taller than Ouma.

Erhu smiled and looked at his only disciple

"You're surprised, Ouma."

"Do you think I'm still alive?"

"But unfortunately, I'm just your fantasy."

"Of course they can't see me."

Although he just put a hand on Ouma's shoulder casually, Ten Demon Snake Ouma couldn't move at all.

Ouma stared at his master with wide eyes and anger.

"Erhu, you bastard doesn't care about others even if you die."

"Let me go, don't control my actions!"

"Dead people should look like dead people."

The smiles on the faces of the Ten Ghosts, Snakes and Two Tigers disappeared and turned into expressions of helplessness.

"If I don't run out and stop you, you will be dead."


Ouma heard what Erhu said

The burning fire in my heart is getting stronger

"What are you talking about? I am different from you, this inexplicable loser."

"I'm strong, I'm stronger than anyone else!"

"Now my opponent is just a brat, you have to stop me."

"Is it true that all dead people are afraid of death?"

Erhu didn't feel angry when he heard that his apprentice arranged it in this way.

He just said

"Ouma, have you lived a comfortable life for too long these years?"

"You actually made the mistake of judging a book by its appearance. We all came from that place after all."

Erhu's face was very serious

"I think you should understand better than me that if you look down on guys like Little Guitou, you will definitely die miserably."

Ouma thought of that place before

It was a place where there was only chaos and violence, no order.

The "Central" region is known as the "Lawless Land".

It was there that their master and apprentice met, and the name of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma was also closely related to that place.

Even a kid who is about to starve to death on the roadside will hold the broken glass shards and slide them down other people's throats expressionlessly in order to survive.

"So what!"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma is still talking harshly

"This kid wasn't born in "Chinese". He seems to be living a comfortable life at first glance."

"It's not like you didn't see it, look."

"This kid also has a cute little girlfriend!"

Erhu knew that he would never back down without giving Ouma some evidence.

He has a stubborn temper and doesn't know who to follow.

"Forget it, I'll let you see it."

"From my perspective."

"He is just a weak brat in your eyes."

"Under that harmless face, there is great terror hidden!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ten Ghosts, Snakes and Two Tigers grabbed Ouma's head with his other hand.

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