I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 132 Ishigami wants to be a nobleman of the Shirogane family

After understanding the situation from the two parties involved, Ishigami was in a good mood.

After all, there is nothing happier than watching your two pots of cabbage growing healthily (and happily).

As Iino-mae's key observation target, Ishigami naturally knows how clingy that overly serious girl is.

But first, there is a premise that needs to be established first, except for those with congenital deficiencies. Anyone with longer legs than Iino can basically run faster than her.

But Ishigami knew that Iino was the one with the best performance in the Discipline Committee. If she went to the relevant departments, she would probably be a treasure to the leaders.

The secret of this little performance expert is that she relies on her small size to suddenly come out from unexpected places and catch you off guard, and then directly knocks you into performance, which is quite difficult to deal with.

You must know that Hayasaka Ai was once forced into a desperate situation by her, and her only option was to jump off a building. Ishigami also had a lot of game consoles taken away by her. One semester, the teacher looked at her drawer full of game consoles and fell into deep thought, and finally asked Iino to deal with them as she saw fit.

Promoting from the elementary department to the advanced department is reaching the pinnacle. It can be said that if Ishigami hadn't protected her from the beginning, there would have been many people rubbing shoulders with her, hoping to send her warmth when she was walking alone at night.

Now that Iino has made such obvious progress, why isn't Ishigami happy for her? There is even an illusion that my eldest son has finally become sensible.

President Shirogane noticed the corners of Ishigami’s mouth that couldn’t help but rise, and said

"What's wrong, Ishigami."

"Did something good happen?"

Ishigami shook his head

He pulled out a photo of Iino when he was on duty and showed it to President Shirogane. He rubbed his rather sour eyes with his fingers and smiled happily.

"I trained this child with my own hands."

President Shirogane was frightened by Ishigami's speech and didn't know where to start.

"Old father, you are."

The president complained unceremoniously

"Eat quickly, Ishigami."

I think you are dizzy from hunger. Do you really raise her as your daughter? I am embarrassed to expose you.

"Otherwise the dishes will be cold."

President Shirogane looked at the lunch box Ishigami put aside with curiosity in his eyes.

From the outside, the casing of Shuchiin Instant Bento seems to be pure black, and combined with the wooden texture, it has a simple and elegant feel.

"And I'm also very concerned about what I can eat in a 2,100 yen instant lunch box."

"Hey, President."

After hearing the president's words, Ishigami recovered from his old father mode.

He moved the lunch box to his hand

"President, you have been here for more than two years, and you haven't tasted this stuff?"

President Shirogane nodded and spoke frankly to Ishigami who knew about their family's situation.

"Well, after all, this thing is really expensive. This meal is equivalent to the food expenses of our family for several days."

Shuchiin's instant lunch boxes are actually not cheap. Shirogane Goyuki's hourly salary is 1,000 yen, which means that this meal for Ishigami directly eats up his two-hour part-time salary.

Furthermore, Baiyin Yuxing has developed the habit of eating in the student union since the first grade, and has never eaten with his classmates at all. Before joining the student union, he always complained about the injustice of the world while chewing half-priced bread in an inconspicuous corner.

After hearing Chairman Shirogane's words, Ishigami realized that his consumption philosophy was actually out of touch. In the past, every penny you spent was used to save money, so that you could buy the games you like.

That time was the happiest

But now it’s time to buy whatever you want without looking at the price. On the contrary, I no longer feel as excited as I did at first, because things that are too easy to obtain are always difficult to cherish.

No matter what game it is, it's a bit boring, so it's better to beat the little universes and them occasionally.

On the one hand, Ishigami felt a little ashamed that he had ignored the difficult situation of the president's family. He obviously regarded "Xiao Kei" as his sister, but he didn't care at all.

There is always a certain limit for helping one's friends. Beyond this limit, the friendship will easily deteriorate.

Moreover, even though Ishigami has the ability to make them live a life at least a hundred times better than now, such as directly throwing a check of tens of millions of dollars to their family.

But this family has extremely strong self-esteem, so it's not easy to deal with them.

Let’s take a short story that happened between the three brothers and sisters.

That day, President Shirogane made an appointment with Ishigami under the cherry blossom tree in the backyard after school.

Ishigami, who arrived as scheduled, was particularly confused that day. He saw President Shirogane's sneaky appearance from afar. Why is the president, who is sweating profusely, holding a bulging schoolbag in both hands and looking very nervous.

Take a step and check to see if there is anyone around you.

The cautious President Shirogane came to Ishigami and opened a small gap, allowing him to see the banknotes inside.

Ishigami's first reaction was that he had robbed some bank. As a result, when I asked clearly, I couldn’t laugh or cry.

"This little girl..."

It turned out that Ishigami gave Xiaogui an expensive dress. The invoice and all were included, and the tag was not cut off. As a result, she found the store and went to return the goods. The next day, she asked her brother to bring a bag of money to return it to him.

But the stone is still the stone, and the tricks are deep. He took the same money and went to another shop to customize a similar dress.

But this time no logo on the brand can appear after receiving the goods.

Ishigami, who had removed all the packaging, simply folded it in half and stuffed it into Yuiku's bag. Of course, he didn't forget to stuff it into the invoice stone. He still remembered that the invoice said the dress cost 6,000 yen.

This time, Xiaogui finally accepted it with a smile, but still blamed Brother You for spending money indiscriminately.

From then on, Ishigami would tear off the packaging of any gift he gave Xiaogui, and it was even more impossible to keep any invoices or other items.

If you want to help this family, you really have to think carefully.

So Ishigami broke open his chopsticks and thought seriously for a second.

"President, maybe during the summer vacation."

"Come and help me."

Wandai is focused on the real economy, but I always feel that the path is narrow.


President Shirogane was about to say his words of rejection, but Ishigami, who had already predicted what the President would say, waved his hand.

"it does not matter."

"Which one of us is following the other, right? Uncle, ahem, president."

Ishigami, who almost spilled the beans, changed his words.

"Well, Xiaogui is also my sister after all."

Ishigami looked at President Shirogane seriously

"Besides, President, it's one hour for you to work for them, and it's one hour for you to help me. Although the two times are exactly the same, I believe that what you learned and experienced from me is also completely different. "

Ishigami knew that President Shirogane's part-time job was to sell his physical strength in exchange for money. He was a water worker, delivered newspapers, moved houses, etc. These were jobs that President Shirogane had always chosen.

"Although there is no hierarchy in work, the circle you are in is actually your life world."

It is quite difficult to jump from one circle to another.

Because this is a class crossing, and the chain of exclusion and contempt exists everywhere, but the degree is different. Unless you meet a once-in-a-lifetime noble person who is willing to show you the way and help you overcome all difficulties.

And Ishigami is willing to become a nobleman of the Shirogane family and give them a hand.

"President, if you are willing to help me, I will let you see how capital works. You will get to know real business elites, capital negotiations, and what the game of money is."

President Shirogane really doesn't want to accept Ishigami's kindness. After all, he has helped their family too much.

But what really changed his mind was Ishigami's next words.

"President, it's time for you to make plans for yourself. Not only for yourself, but also for Senior Sister Shinomiya."

Ishigami sighed

"The president may not be very clear about the situation of the Shinomiya family. They are just a bunch of old antiques. They are still living in the past and are patriarchal. It can be regarded as extreme male chauvinism. They treat women as tools and think that the entire world must Let men take charge.”

"And Shinomiya-senpai's three brothers have all received such an education. President, do you think Shinomiya-senpai has any freedom in such a family?"

"The Shinomiya family members are all aloof and don't take other people seriously. This is the power of money. If you control the economic lifeline, you can control a country."

"The Shinomiya family is the "heart of the country," and that's true. The company's annual GDP accounts for one-tenth of the country's GDP."

"In this life, you can't live without the companies under the Shinomiya family. Education, medical care, funeral, and one-stop services are all included for you."

"President, how can you free Senior Sister Shinomiya from this quagmire if you have no power?"

"Fourth Palace."

After hearing about Shinomiya's situation, President Shirogane clenched his fists.

Ishigami noticed the change in the president,

"President, I'm just saying hello in advance. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Our youth is our biggest advantage."

"There's still plenty of time."

Ishigami already has some ideas for Wandai Company’s future industrial optimization and upgrading path.

The summer vacation is the beginning of his implementation of this plan. He will integrate the resources of Wandai and Rentian to establish a brand new subsidiary.

However, there was a noisy sound outside the door of the student union room, which suddenly interrupted Ishigami's thoughts.

But Ishigami was quite helpless towards the owner of this voice.

The sounds outside the door are getting closer and closer.

In the end, it was only a door away.

"Hehehe, Kaguya-san."

"Hurry up"

"I'm the first, I'm here."

Fujiwara Chika's energetic voice filled the student council room directly through the door.

Next up was Shinomiya-senpai, her cold voice mixed with the same helplessness as Ishigami.

"Fujiwara-kun, please run slower."

"There's no rush."

"Lunch break is still very long."

Hearing the voices of these two people, President Shirogane and Ishigami looked at each other and smiled.

"Kaguya-san, let's go in."

Fujiwara Chika pulled Shinomiya Kaguya into the room, but they did not expect that there were already two people in the student union room.

In this case, the members of the student union are all here.

Chika Fujiwara opened the door and immediately found a familiar figure. She replied with a voice full of surprise.

"It turns out Ishigami-kun is here too!"

Ishigami smiled, and he indicated with his eyes that there was another person in Chika Fujiwara.

"It's not just me, there's also the president."

After hearing this, the smile on Chika Fujiwara's face suddenly froze, and she said hello tremblingly like a robot.

"President...President, President."

"good afternoon"

In the end, she just


Fujiwara Chika's reaction was far beyond the expectations of the other two people, who looked in disbelief.

"Secretary Fujiwara?"


Fortunately, Chika Fujiwara hasn't had lunch yet. At this time when there was no food in her stomach, she just retched a few times.

Can't vomit anything

The sacred student council room was not stained with Fujiwara Chika's strange smell.

But this small move by Fujiwara Chika directly dealt a fatal blow to President Shirogane.

I even lost my appetite for lunch. Isn’t my appearance so disgusting? .

He actually retched as soon as they met.

"Senior Qianhua, here you go."

Ishigami picked up the napkin and handed it to Fujiwara Chika

"Thank you, Ishigami-kun."

Fujiwara Chika wiped her mouth and said that she really couldn't help it. When she saw the president just now, she felt physical discomfort in her heart.

Especially when the voice in the memory overlapped with the face in front of me, a sense of disobedience and disgust filled my heart.

The experience that day seemed to have a lot of sequelae. After Chika Fujiwara calmed down her mood a little, she took a few deep breaths.

Then Chika Fujiwara looked at President Shirogane who looked disappointed and showed an apologetic expression.

President Shirogane was about to accept Secretary Fujiwara's apology, but the guy's behavior still didn't change at all.

"Sorry, President."


This time the reaction was even more intense, and Chika Fujiwara even vomited out the bitter water in her stomach. Fortunately, Ishigami had quick eyesight and quickly blocked the small amount of unknown liquid with a napkin. .

She squatted on the ground to make herself feel better, while Shinomiya Kaguya stood aside and watched worriedly.

"Fujiwara-san, what's wrong with you?"

Facing the question from her friend, Fujiwara Chika, who looked ugly, just said intermittently.

"President, your skills are really poor."

"And Ishigami-kun will bully me..."

Poor technology? !

And he will bully her.

Listening to Fujiwara Chika's misunderstood words, Shinomiya Kaguya, who didn't know what to think of, opened her eyes wide.

Could it be that the two of them did something outrageous to Chika Fujiwara without her knowledge.

"What did you do to Fujiwara-san?"

The very innocent President Shirogane faced the scrutinizing Shinomiya Kaguya and raised his hands.

"Hey, Shinomiya, I didn't do anything."

Then everything is very obvious, and there is only one prisoner left.

Facing the eyes of Shinomiya-senpai and President Shirogane, Ishigami touched his head in embarrassment

"Sorry, it's really me this time."

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