I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 140: Put your wish on your fist (6000 words)

"Don't we have to line up?"

Xiaobo watched from the side window as dozens of luxury limited-edition supercars worth hundreds of millions of yen were parked in order and awaiting inspection by "staff". These scenes flashed by as their high-speed vehicles moved by.

Although the car they drove can be considered a luxury brand sports car, from the price point of view, it may only be the purchase tax.

The real owner is queuing up, but the purchase tax is flowing smoothly as if a green channel has been opened.

No one dared to stop him, and the "staff" saluted all the way.

So Xiaobo felt it was strange

As for Xiaoyou's previous statement that this is a place where money is measured in hundreds of millions, she believed it when she looked at the supercars worth several Xiaobo apartments.

After all, you can tell at a glance that these people are money-hungry people.

However, those burly men in black suits looked more like well-trained thugs than "staff". It wouldn't be surprising if they suddenly took out pistols from their arms and fired.

She felt that with the gathering of luxury cars and heavily armed bodyguards in black suits, this scene was really not a gathering of mafia bosses.

Little did he know that in Xiaobo's mind, his family, which appeared to be in the toy business, was secretly a mafia family with tens of thousands of subordinates.

Ishigami Yu smiled when he heard Xiaobo's words and waited for the car to drive into the temporary parking lot. Staff members will greet you at the door and help you park your car.

He took the blanket and umbrella from the staff and put them on Xiaobo.

It will rain tonight, and the sky is already covered with layers of clouds and mist, which may pour down at any time. Besides, the weather gets cooler at night, so the stands for the meeting are open-air.

Ishigami Yu touched Xiaobo's head and said helplessly

"My silly sister, how can VIP and ordinary members be the same?"

Neon exists as a privileged class, and that small group of people occupy most of the wealth in society.

As the pinnacle of these privileged classes - the "Boxing Club", its members are basically big bosses with an average of nearly "100 million" in various fields.

But there are privileges within privileges

After all, he is the president who holds real power among the second largest force in the Boxing Club besides the "Hundreds". Yu Ishigami, who uses this name to attend the game, naturally cannot be treated the same as those "ordinary" members.

Personalized information such as license plate, car model, number of spectators, preferences, etc. have been sent to the personnel in the boxing club who specialize in handling this information, so that they can prepare in advance to welcome distinguished guests.

It's not difficult to have a candlelight dinner in this open-air building with a view of the sky, but no one would do it.

After all, it’s just a boxing show, not the leisurely pleasure of watching an opera.

The difference in strength is so big that the battle can end in less than a second.

Even if the strength is similar, even if you grind harder, it will basically be over in about 20 minutes, which is almost it.

Therefore, the form of the Quan Yuan competition is mainly a place for these smart businessmen to show off their financial resources and muscles, and to establish friendship with some "big shots" that are rarely seen in daily life.


Xiaobo was stunned

The Goodfellas are not just any mafia family, they are the mafia within the mafia.


Ishigami shook his head and did not continue to explain. He wrapped the blanket around Xiaobo's shoulders tightly and pushed her inside.

"Okay, you want to know."

"I'll tell you everything."

"It's cold outside, so hurry up and go inside."

As for the other side

The group of people getting off the luxurious black business car attracted the attention of many people.

The leader was a tall old man wearing a black coat. His eyes sparkled with unknown meaning, and there was an arrogant smile on his face, which looked extremely gloomy with a hooked nose.

This man is Hideki Nogi, the president of Nogi Group, one of the "Four Dragons" as famous as Kokai Pharmaceutical (Wakatsuki Samurai) in the Boxing Association. He is a man with considerable ambition and courage.

Some sharp-eyed "interested people" have already gathered around to get close to him.

"President Nogi, long time no see. You look better recently."

"Really, President Nakamura, you look pretty good too."

"President Nogi, I wonder if you still remember the last time we met at a meeting in Kyoto."

"Oops, memory fails when we get old."

Nogi Hideki dealt with it skillfully, but if you look closely, you will find that he always keeps a certain distance from these people.

Next to him is a blond secretary who is wearing a burgundy business attire and a hip-hugging skirt. She wears glasses and has a good figure. She looks extremely capable.

Facing her boss, who was already surrounded by people, she just pushed up her glasses, as if it was no wonder that she was used to these situations.

The name of this young woman is Akiyama Kaede, and she is Nogi Hideki's secretary. She is responsible for all matters within the group, and is the agent of the president, Hideki Nogi.

This combination is not surprising, because no matter where the two of them attend, Akiyama Kaede always follows the president.

But what concerned the people at the scene was that two other people appeared with them.

"Who is that? Do you know him?"

"I've never seen him before, he looks unfamiliar."

Facing those scrutinizing and joking eyes

The already shaky-looking middle-aged and elderly people wearing glasses have become even more stooped.

"Stand up your chest, Mr. Yamashita."

Noticing the man's embarrassment, a strong man standing next to him who was about 1.8 meters tall reminded him.

Yes, this guy who keeps wiping his sweat is Mr. Yamashita.

Because before this, he was just an ordinary company employee who was exploited by his leaders all day long.

If he does the most, he gets scolded the most, which is Yamashita's daily life.

But now he is following the biggest leader of the head office, participating in activities where one can easily tell that he is the boss or senior executive of the group company.

Mr. Yamashita, who had experienced this kind of upper-class struggle, was under great pressure. Therefore, he is quite uncomfortable with the current environment. The cold sweat on my face wouldn't stop even if I wiped it with a towel.

The great changes in Yamashita's life started when he saved a man.

Yamashita still remembered his disbelief that day. After all, he never expected to see the man who he once thought was invincible on the roadside, lying on the cold ground in pain and unconsciousness.

He had to be sent to the hospital immediately, and then an ambulance was called.

The next day, after everything was sorted and all the miscellaneous fees that made him heartbroken were paid, it was time for Yamashita to go to work again.

"no way."

In the adult world, there are too many things that are not understood and cooed.

Yamashita had no choice but to drag his exhausted body to work after not sleeping all night.

It's just that at the end of the month, it's time to take stock of business volume.

Unsurprisingly, Yamashita was scolded again by the young leader who climbed on his head and showed off his power, relying on nepotism to get into the company.

But as soon as he walked out of the hospital, he received a call from his biggest boss at Nogi Publishing House.

The content on the phone also caused a lot of misunderstandings. After all, there is indeed too much ambiguity in this sentence.

"Yamashita-kun, you don't need to come to the company anymore."

Yamashita, who mistakenly thought he was fired from the company, almost lost his legs and collapsed to the ground unable to hold his cell phone.

He still has fifteen years of mortgage payment!

Moreover, the two sons have to be raised by Yamashita.

But what he said next made Yamashita breathe a sigh of relief.

"Continue to follow that gentleman's wishes so that you can take care of Mr. Ten Ghost Snakes with peace of mind."

Questions also arise

Although I don’t know why my leader knew that he had saved a person, and also knew his name so that Yamashita continued to take care of him.

But the advantage of Mr. Yamashita is that he will do everything assigned by the leader seriously and meticulously.

In the afternoon, Yamashita waited for a huge team.

The luxury of the team exceeded Yamashita's imagination, making him stand upright involuntarily.

No one dared to act rashly.

After all, Yamashita met the top leader of his parent company, Hideki Nogi, the chairman of Nogi Group, whom he had only seen in the employee handbook.

But he was standing in front of Mr. Yamashita and the beautiful secretary who looked very rare and valuable.

Behind him, like the ancient princes on patrol, there were many people who asked Yamashita to call out the name. Because these are the leaders of the Nomu Group Publishing and Printing Company where he works.

The person Yamashita hated the most was also there.

At that time, he really didn't know where to put his hands, with so many "big shots" around.

Nogi Hideki said with a smile

"You did well, Mr. Yamashita."

"Don't be nervous, I don't have any ill intentions towards you."

He turned around and said to Mr. Yamashita's direct leader, "Seiko Tai"

"Mr. Xi Miao, the people under your command have been trained well."

The fat man who was already in the Mediterranean wiped the sweat from his head and smiled angrily.

"No, President. Thanks to you."

"Is it thanks to me?"

At first, Nogi Hideki smiled and patted his shoulders, looking very friendly.

But suddenly his expression changed and he became very serious.

"Jin Miao, Mr. Yamashita is a serious and capable person who has served our company for decades and accumulated rich experience, but he is still an ordinary employee."

"According to his ability, he should play his role in a higher position."

"This is a serious dereliction of duty."

"And according to your theory, does it also drag down my luck that such an outstanding talent has been buried?"

"I already know everything. The section chief of Yamashita-kun's department is just a newcomer who has only been in the job for two years, and he has already reached this position."

"Besides, he is a distant relative of yours, and he got here through your connections."


"I'm extremely sorry! President." X2

These words directly caused the two people named to collapse on the ground with their legs weak.

Yamashita looked at the young man who usually oppressed him the most, now his face was pale and his eyes were frightened, not to mention how happy he was.

His glasses reflected in the light and he sneered.

"Chief Matsui, you have today too."

Nogi Hideki wants to get rid of the borers of the two groups, as simple as drinking water.

All will be dismissed and not hired.

This means that it is not only on the blacklist of all subsidiaries of Nomu Group, but also on the blacklist of some companies that cooperate with it.

This is a complete ban in the true sense of the word.

No longer able to gain a foothold in society.

Hideki Nogi gave instructions to Akiyama Kaede

"Please set this incident as a model and let all group branches carry out theme learning and criticism and reflection activities based on this incident."

"We must try to kill this trend as much as possible!"

Akiyama Kaede collected the information

"Yes, President."

After explaining all this, Nogi Hideki looked very guilty. He sighed at Yamashita

"Yamashita-kun, I'm sorry for your experience. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in my club."

Yamashita felt the sincerity in the president's tone, and his heart seemed to be touched by something.

"No, it's not the president's fault."

he said excitedly

"I don't think these individual behaviors should rise to the collective level. It's just a problem for some people."

"As long as these things are eliminated, the club will still be healthy."

"Okay, good point!"

After hearing Yamashita's words, Nogi Hideki spontaneously began to applaud.

The leaders all applauded, how dare the rest of us not clap.

"Hey hey hey, I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it"

Hearing these neat applause, Yamashita touched his head with a slightly ecstatic expression on his face.

Nogi Hideki quietly waved his hand, and except for Akiyama Kaede, the other company executives and leaders walked out with understanding.

After they are all gone

Nogi Hideki shook his head with emotion

"Actually, I have a very troubled problem recently."

"And this problem makes me very embarrassed."

"I don't know if you can help me."

Mr. Yamashita, who is simple-minded, immediately speaks up when his leader is in trouble.

"President, just say it."

He now feels that President Nogi, who helped him vent his anger and praised him, would die for his confidant.

"As long as it's within my capabilities, no, no matter what you tell me, President, I will do my best to complete it!"

"Is anything okay?"

"Well, anything is fine!"

After hearing the answer he wanted most, Nogi Hideki grinned gloomily.

"Very good, Yamashita-kun."

"Then I won't be polite."

"I hope you."

For some reason, Yamashita's eyes were shining brightly when he looked at President Nogi, who had a completely different temperament from just now.

He looks like a villain who has succeeded in his conspiracy.

Beads of sweat ran down Yamashita's forehead

he felt like

On the pirate ship

So this is the reason why Yamashita appears here. It is true that he was tricked.

Yamashita felt the hand forcefully slap his back. The heavy force almost knocked him directly into the ground.

If you want him to die, just say it, no need to beat around the bush.

Yamashita, who was already tense, was suddenly attacked. Somehow, there was a stagnant energy in his heart that made him shout angrily at the person next to him.

"Mr. Ouma, what are you doing!"

After shouting this, Yamashita regretted it.

Looking at Mr. Ouma's arm that was thicker than his two thighs, Mr. Yamashita swallowed.

Didn't you yell a little too loud just now?

You won't be beaten, right?

Yamashita didn't dare to bet on the identity of his savior and his position with Mr. Ouma.

But the strong man wearing a gray T-shirt with black stripes didn't pay attention to Yamashita's offense.

The protagonist of tonight's boxing show "Ten Ghost Snake King Horse" actually smiled happily

"That's right, you should have this kind of momentum, Mr. Yamashita."

"Keep your head up, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Mr. Yamashita knows that Mr. Ouma’s intention is to make him not nervous.

He looked at the Ten Demon Snake King Horse who was looking at him, touched his head and said embarrassedly

"Sorry, Mr. Ouma."

Noticing the sudden situation here, Nogi Hideki raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then he lifted the clothes on his wrist to reveal his watch and pointed at the group of people who were still stubbornly refusing to disperse around him.

"Gentlemen, my time is almost up."

"Please forgive me for pardoning my company."

"Yes, we almost forgot. Sorry, Mr. Nogi."

"Then let's talk next time when we have a chance, President Nogi."

When the people who were hugging Nogi Hideki just now heard what he said, they all walked away wisely.

Nogi Hideki put down his sleeves and said to the two people who were still standing there.

"What are you two still doing standing there?"

"Come with me quickly, Ten Demon Snake-kun and Mr. Yamashita."

"This place is very big. If you don't follow me and Feng, we won't be able to find our way."

"Yes, President."

The sweat that Yamashita had just disappeared broke out again. He didn't even have time to wipe it off and immediately ran all the way to the back of Hideki Nogi. He seemed to be the most loyal younger brother of Chairman Nogi.

Although his leader may have dug a hole for Yamashita to jump into, he will agree to obey the leader's arrangements, which is one of the reasons why Nogi Hideki chose him.

As for the deeper reasons, we will reveal them later.

Therefore, under the command of the leader, Yamashita was asked to go east and never to the west.

Seeing Yamashita's hasty expression of loyalty, Ten Demon Snake King Ma shook his head helplessly but still stepped forward.

In this way, a group of people walked into this building that had been in disrepair for three years.

"Putting your wish on the fist of a fighter?"

Xiaobo repeated what he just said from Ishigami Yu's mouth.

"That's right."

Ishigami nodded. He was now taking advantage of the time he was walking on the road to give Xiaobo some information on the Boxing Club.

"Our Boxing Club has existed since the Shogun period, and it can be considered that we have experienced the baptism of history."

"Xiaobo, what do you think is the best way to resolve the dispute?"

Xiaobo thought for a while and replied


Ishigami Yu thought of words such as inducement, arbitration, negotiation, etc. from her mouth, but he did not expect that there was also "concession".

He smiled helplessly, hugged Xiaobo and kissed her on the face.

"What a cute and innocent answer."

Blind concession means the bottom line of "flexibility". It will only make the other party push harder and harder, thinking that you are easy to bully.

Concession may bring a period of peace, but when the opponent becomes more fierce and threatening in the future, do you still have to make concessions? The bottom line is gone.

Ishigami Yu shook his head and gave the answer

"Even if there are countless methods, there is no doubt that the most effective one is the one."


"Suppress hostile forces forcefully with violence that is stronger than the opponent's."

"Kill the enemy on sight!"

“Kill the enemies until they are afraid and no one dares to raise objections. This is the end of the dispute.”

"That's how it used to be. Unmanaged violence will only bring endless suffering and unstoppable tragedy."

"We are civilized people, so naturally we cannot do what we did before."

“For this reason “violence under order”, controllable forms of violence are born.”

"This is the boxing competition."

"The rules are pretty simple and clear."

"A simple one-on-one fight with bare hands."

"Like I said before, place all your wishes in your fists."

"Through violence, you get everything you want."

"This is the true meaning of the Boxing Club."

After Xiaobo heard Ishigami's explanation, he gave another surprising reply.

"Xiaoyou, you like violence so much."

"Then, let's quarrel next time."

"Let's use violence to solve it."


Yu Ishigami took a breath when he felt Kobo next to him looking at him up and down, as if he was considering where to start.

Seeing his stupid look, Xiao Bo was happy, and she blew softly into his ear.

"Xiaoyou, I may not be able to beat you."

"But, I have Shang Fang's sword."

"If you don't listen to me next time, I will ask aunt to deal with you."

This will require foreign aid. Mom’s most terrifying weapon is not the feather duster, but the long and endless nagging.

"Da da da" is the same as a machine gun

"Mother's Chatter" is a special Noble Phantasm for Yu Ishigami.

"Spare me, Master Xiaobo."

Seeing the helplessness on Xiaoyou's face, Xiaobo smiled happily, and she put her arms around his neck very kindly.

"What about this? It depends on your performance."

In fact, after hearing Xiaoyou's explanation, Xiaobo breathed a sigh of relief.

That's great.

It's not just a mafia, but a serious organization with official endorsement, and all actions are legal and compliant.

You don’t have to worry about your illegal income and stay awake all day long.

Xiaobo was in a good mood, and the two of them just fought and joked along the way, and no one was here anyway.

Yu Ishigami stopped her with one finger

Although she bought lipstick for Xiaobo, she was very happy to give him some lipstick every day.

But it’s troublesome to wipe it off.

Now the corners of Shi Shang's mouth are red and he looks very healthy.

"Wait, I think I heard someone else nearby."

"Oh fine."

To be honest, it's quite a feeling to kiss in the ruins that can still be seen in the sky from time to time.

If it weren't for the bad weather, it would be a pity not to see the stars.

And Xiaoyou told her here that it would be demolished soon.

The right to rebuild here is the theme of tonight's boxing competition, a boxing competition worth 100 billion yen.

However, since there were outsiders, Xiaobo still restrained herself a little. She hugged Shi Shang's arm and said nothing.

Xiaobo wants to know who Kangkang is and disturbs her good deeds.

At a corner, Ishigami and Xiaobo saw the people who had just made noise over there.

However, the atmosphere among the few people over there doesn't seem to be very good.

Both of them, outsiders, smelled the tit-for-tat gunpowder in the air.

I drank until midnight last night. When I woke up today, I felt that something was wrong. I suspected that I had drunk fake wine. . I wrote 6,000 words today

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