Defeat is decided

Anyone who sees the tragic situation of Li Ren on the screen will think so, and the same is true for Xiaobo.

The small pond where rainwater gathered around the two of them on the fighting field was completely soaked in blood, and the amount of bleeding was quite alarming. The scarlet liquid mixed with rainwater spreads around, like a gorgeous flower blooming.

bloody yet beautiful

But this was only the aftermath of the fight between the two people. The actual scene of the fight might have been twice as cruel as this.

The most realistic fighting is shown in front of Xiaobo. There are no gorgeous skills, only the ultimate violence brought by fists and fists, which is so cruel that it is outrageous.

The cold-looking Ten Ghost Snake King Horse on the screen mercilessly bombarded Riren's body with his thick arms.

The most outrageous thing was that when Xiaobo heard the continuous beating sound coming from his ears, he inexplicably thought of a food show.

I don’t know, have you ever seen the video of making handmade beef balls? In order to keep the texture of the beef balls elastic but not sticky to the teeth, the beef balls need to be hit repeatedly with a hammer continuously.

Now Rito plays the role of a piece of meat being hammered, while Ouma is the hammer that is struck repeatedly.

quick! allow! ruthless!

The Ten Ghost Snake King Horse's strikes were as precise as a machine, shattering the rain curtain and hitting Riren's arms and face hard at the same time.

The huge force shattered the blood vessels on his body, causing blood to drip from his body.

Every time the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse punched out, there were splashes of blood in the air, and the wind caused by the punch caused the blood mist to splash up and envelope the two people.

Xiaoyou will put his chips on this bad guy, Xiaobo knows now.

Who would have thought that this man, whose whole body was wrapped in bandages and looked seriously injured, could hit people so fiercely.

Not sloppy at all, that posture was meant to beat people to death. The wanton blood splashed on the face of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, making it look even more ferocious and like an evil ghost.

Had she knocked the sap out of such a guy before?

Thanks to the care of Ten Ghost Snake King, Riren's face was already bruised and swollen, and his arms were covered with fist marks. According to common sense, most people would have fainted from the pain of this level of injury, but this man was still holding on.

Xiaobo felt a little unbearable in his heart and didn't want to look at the screen again.

"Don't you want to read it, Xiaobo?"

Ishigami hugged Xiaobo and asked softly

Although his interest was almost waning

Compared with the two "macho men" fighting each other on the screen, Ishigami said it would be better to watch Xiaobo dance.

Because in his opinion, Li Ren's passive beating has no meaning other than making people sigh, "This guy is really durable." Is he trying to wear down his opponent's physical strength?

Stop laughing so hard

There is no comparison between the pain caused by the damage sustained and the energy consumed by the opponent.

You look like a ghost that has been blown away by the wind, but the Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse are still full of life.

Show some real skills, brother.

Your self-proclaimed "Superman" is crying, and your trump card is there. Don't be afraid that it's a family heirloom and you won't be willing to use it.

The manager didn't fight seriously, and why didn't Ouma do the same? This is just a flat A, where did your two tigers go?

This situation is like being forced to watch a movie you don't like with your girlfriend. How to kill time if you don't have fun early. So Ishigami found that Xiaobo's expressions were too rich while watching the live broadcast on the screen.

"Isn't this already obvious? The blond guy on the ground was almost beaten to death by that kelp head, why didn't he surrender..."

Ishigami explained

"Xiaobo, no one likes losing."

After fighting those strong men on this stone, I felt deeply. Those guys really never give up as long as they have their last breath left.

The spontaneous pursuit of victory has become an instinct, and even if you die, you will die in the position of the winner.

Even if a "weak person" has this kind of courage, he will definitely have a place in the future as long as he doesn't die halfway. After all, I am not afraid of death, I can still be afraid of you.

"But everything has a degree."

Xiaobo noticed that the man named Liren used both hands for defense, but his other hand seemed to have no strength to continue to defend.

He was slumping to the ground helplessly.

"Look it's over."

The Ten Ghost Snake King Horse also noticed the abnormality of his opponent and seemed to give up resistance. He raised his fist high, ready to smash it down hard to end this one-sided battle.

"No, the real battle begins."

Are you finally going to use the heirloom?

Ishigami noticed something and said to Xiaobo

"Xiao Bo, let me tell you another little common sense about boxing competitions."

"As long as the referee doesn't call the game over, anything can happen."

Ishigami's words just finished

Xiaobo heard a sound that was completely different from the dull beating sound before, and it was a little scary.


The sound was like a sharp razor, not only cutting through the skin but also slicing through the hard muscles. Just imagining it was enough to evoke bloody associations.

But in reality, when Xiaobo saw the scene, it was actually more outrageous than she imagined.

The tables were turned.

Youyou's blood spurted out suddenly. This was the blood of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse.

When the winning punch originally thrown by the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse was intercepted, four bloody holes appeared on his arm and spread out backwards.

"How is this going?"

"Blood spurted out, as if it had been scratched by a sharp blade."

The Ten Ghost Snake King's face showed disbelief as he had a winning chance. How could he be injured even though he was so good?

The wound on the arm was not serious, as if a piece of it had been dug out with a spoon. Then it was not satisfied and continued to scrape backwards, leaving four deep marks, and the sky was stained with blood in an instant.

But Ten Ghost Snake King Horse quickly recovered, and immediately jumped up from Riren's body and backed away at least three meters.

But there was still a bloodstain on his body that was as deep as the bone, and blood spattered everywhere.

Suddenly, he was attacked by Li Ren again.

The Ten Ghost Snake King Horse now looked quite embarrassed, and the blood from five open wounds of varying depths on his body had stained the bandages on his body red.

When Li Ren successfully regained the game, seeing his opponent's miserable state, he smiled triumphantly with a bruised nose and a swollen face. If you look carefully, you will find that the fingers of his hand that collapsed on the ground just now are covered with black blood.

"Ten-finger razor."

Ishigami noticed Xiaobo's doubts and explained

"It's the name of a move to manage people."

"I didn't tell you before, otherwise it would have been a lot less fun."

"After all, only when something appears will it be convincing."

Ishigami enlarged the screen's hand, and the fingers stained red by blood emitted a sharp light.

"He didn't use a knife. These things are the sharpest weapons on Liren's body."

He is the self-proclaimed "Superman" who manages people, and he also chooses his own name as a manager (a man who transcends common sense). The only one who is nicknamed "The Cutter" is given by everyone.

The reason why he is famous is because his fingers are sharper than razors and he can easily cut off a piece of flesh from a person's muscles.

This is innate, and some people are born different.

The reason why Li Ren is superior to ordinary people and can easily cut flesh from people's bodies is that his grip strength is different from ordinary people.


Xiaobo was a little confused after hearing Shi Shang's words.

"Give me your hand."

Xiaobo nodded and placed his palm on Shi Shang's palm.

Ishigami held one of the girl's hands with both hands, while his eyes were looking at Xiaobo

"Xiaobo, do you know?"

"Actually, there are three types of grip strength."

"The first is the squeezing force used to crush an object."

Of course, Ishigami couldn't crush Xiaobo's hand. He just gently massaged Xiaobo's palm with Thai massage force and rubbed it slowly.

"The second is grip strength to hold the object."

Ishigami grabbed Xiaobo's hand with one hand and asked her to relax. Then he let go, and Xiaobo's hand fell to the following hand below the stone.

"If I don't let go, it's the grip."

"And the last one is the strength of the fingertips, the picking power."

"This is also the reason why Liren is different from ordinary people and can use his fingers as razors."

Ishigami took Xiaobo's hand into his own and placed it in front of his eyes. Then he used the index finger of his other hand to trace back and forth on the back of her hand.

He wrote a small bowl on the back of her hand

As Shi Shang's fingers slid over, red marks appeared on the originally fair skin.

"I don't have much strength, and the back of your hand is already red."

"This kind of power is really amazing."

After Xiaoyou's demonstration, Xiaobo has a certain understanding of Liren's grip strength.

sighing silently

"Human beings really have many possibilities."

As Li Ren finally used his special skills, the enthusiasm of the members of the Boxing Club reached its peak. Especially the gamblers who had placed heavy bets on Li Ren were clamoring crazily.

"The show has just begun."

With their red eyes and high spirits, they wanted to die in person.

"Kill him! Split your opponent into pieces as usual and take care of them!"

And Li Ren, who was inspired, looked a bit funny even though his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He opened his arms, and his thick arms formed a straight line up and down like an eagle spreading its wings.

Liren's fingers were curved like sharp claws. Gently slide down into the air

There was a sharp whistling sound.

"Stop looking around."

Riren, who had regained his confidence, looked at the Ten Demons and Snake King Horse intently and grinned.

"You kelp-headed bastard, I'm going to tear you into pieces."

The two men were playing against each other again, briefly going toe-to-toe.

"I have a headache, hahaha."

Ishigami held Xiaobo's shoulders and smiled at the cautious look in Ten Ghost Snake King Ma's eyes.

he said with a smile

"Xiaobo, the boxing competition is great."

"The world's top fighters are gathered here, Xiaobo, you may not be able to imagine it."

"Li Ren is an outlier, but he's considered ordinary."

"There are many masters of various schools here, and this is just one of them."

"Here are giants who are over two and a half meters tall, monsters with muscle density far exceeding 52 times that of ordinary people, and devilish muscular men who have developed various technologies and cruel techniques."

"This is the paradise of the strongest."

"Hell for the weak"

"Fist wish is the key to the world of the strong."

"I don't know how many people are flocking to it. This is a feast of martial arts."

"Those like Li Ren are just a little stronger, far behind them."

"Ouma, can you pass this initial test?"

The Ten Ghost Snake King's eyes flashed as he saw Li Ren flying towards him.

The razor with its teeth and claws, that guy is so scary

"Don't get carried away!"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma noticed that the distance between the targets was shortening rapidly, when Riren's razor fell. He flew up with a roundhouse kick and kicked Rito.


Under the influence of this powerful force, Li Ren flew backwards faster than when he came.

It spun in a wonderful arc, and then the whole person hit the ground heavily.

Face down, unable to move

At this scene, those who had high hopes for Riren were all joking. Riren slowly got up from the ground. Although he was very embarrassed, his face was still full of smiles.

"What an unreasonable kick. If I hadn't attacked at that time, I would have been taken down by you in one go."

"Doesn't it feel good? You!"

It was a good opportunity when Riren fell to the ground just now, but Ten Ghost Snake King Horse did not continue to attack, but stayed in place.

Because the calf of the leg where this man kicked just now had quite a bit of flesh scratched off.

Fortunately, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse reacted and immediately retracted the calf before causing more damage.

"Tsk, originally aimed at this guy's hamstring."

He tried to seal the movement ability of the Ten Ghost Snake King, but failed in the end.

Although Li Ren was depressed in his heart, there was no expression on his face. He was still pretending to raise his paws high, as if he was very powerful.

Impeccable appearance!

You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. There are absolutely no flaws to exploit.

But Ishigami said that if you want to pretend to be strong, you can. But can you wipe the blood off your face? Otherwise, you won’t look like a master at all.

"My strength is my innate talent"

"Superheroes never use their real names."

"I felt that I was above human beings, so I gave myself the name of a rational person."

"It means a man who transcends human principles."


After hearing Rito Na Chuuji's speech, Ishigami wiped the tears from his eyes.

"This guy means pure things."

Occasionally, there are people like this. God gave him some different talents, and he immediately added some extra talent to himself.

He is the chosen child, born to save the world. What's more, superheroes don't chat with their opponents like you do.

So his opponent, Ten Demon Snake King Ma, also laughed.

He taunted directly

"You talk so much nonsense."

"Superheroes are all taciturn, not a nagging guy like you."

When the manager heard Ouma's words, he became angry.

"Huh? You obviously can't resist my ten-finger razor. Do you want to die?"

Ten Ghost Snake King Horse did not answer

Instead, he made an operation that at least 90% of the people present could not understand.

He stepped forward and walked up to Li Ren, which was very close. Their foreheads were about to hit each other.

Generally speaking, facing enemies wielding knives. The best way is to hide far away.

This way, no matter how hard you cut, you won't be able to cut yourself, so it's safe.

The Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse acted as if they were being delivered to their door.

"Xiaoyou, has he given up?"

Xiaobo asked

Ishigami finally showed some interest and replied

"No, this is the only way to break the situation."

When the members of the Boxing Club on the field saw Ten Ghost Snake King's suicidal behavior, they immediately waved their fists and shouted.

"Riren, what are you waiting for? Your opponent has given up, now tear him apart!"

"You don't need to tell me!"

Faced with such an act of looking down on him, veins were jumping on Li Ren's forehead.

He raised his right hand high and made a grabbing gesture

"Go to hell and regret it!"

"Razor's Edge!"

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