Different people have all kinds of unique personality traits, which are determined by both innate and acquired factors.

Acquired refers to family environment and other factors, while innate refers to genes. For example, most men should like good-looking ladies, regardless of age. This characteristic is something engraved in the bones, so there is no need to be afraid of one's own "abnormality". After all, the pursuit of beauty is an instinctive drive. (But we will never do anything that can lead to punishment.)

Regarding gene research, nothing has attracted much attention than the MAOA gene. The scientific monoamine oxidase A is commonly known as the "violence gene". (The cause of this study was domestic violence)

This does not mean that people who carry this gene are dangerous, but when this gene mutates, these people are more aggressive than ordinary people and more interested in blood and violence.

Another way to say this is the will of the "warrior".

The size and strength of our muscles and bones are also genetically determined, which is why some people are born thin. Lung capacity, brain flexibility, etc. are also determined by different genes.

This is the physical fitness of a warrior.

The difference between each person is a matter of how much of these different genes are contained in the body.

But if there is a special factor in the human body, it can enhance these genes that are beneficial to "combat" in all aspects.

Extracting and purifying this amplifying factor can be said to be a way to artificially create a "superman".

Imagine what it would be like on the battlefield if the entire army was composed of soldiers with muscle density fifty-two times higher than ordinary people. It is a simple matter to overturn a tank or blast the cement wall of a fortification with one punch.

The emergence of such a "super soldier" is the most terrifying god of death, sweeping across the battlefield and acting as a meat grinder.

If large-scale bombing is not carried out with individual weapons of destruction such as thermite bombs or thermobaric bombs, the opponent's defense line may collapse in a few hours.

But this is only for fighting on the battlefield. If it is used for beheading, it will be even more disadvantageous.

Therefore, the genome sequence of samurai Wakatsuki is top secret. This uncle is already in his forties, but Ziran is probably out of love for fighting and restraint.

However, these applications are too violent and may have miraculous effects in medical treatment of children with congenital deficiencies.

The information Ishigami shared with the "Anatomy Demon" told him that there was such a universal factor in the world.

He named it "Oracle" and placed it on the meaning of using a mortal body to listen to God's instructions.

The "oracle" cells were discovered by "Xiao Ai" on the ventricular valve muscles of Long Kui and Wu Bei's hearts, which had become specimens. They are so tiny that even the most cutting-edge scanning tunneling microscope can only roughly observe the subtle ones. a little.

Only "Xiao Ai" can observe such extreme details. It is impossible to find it on ordinary stone statues. It is equivalent to using a magnifying glass to look carefully at the enlarged picture on a microscope.

Therefore, this kind of discovery is a miracle that cannot be replicated. However, according to Ishigami's current technology, it is still impossible to extract this substance. There is simply no way to create "tweezers" with this level of precision that can extract them accurately.

Even if it is directly exposed by dissolving the muscle on the heart valve, it will lose its activity immediately.

This factor has become an unknown cell tissue compared to genes. Because the remaining traces of evolution can be seen on its body, and it still retains some genetic characteristics.

The report given by Xiao Ai said: The relationship between "oracle cells" and the human body is very likely to be a special parasitic state, or it may be said that it started as a gene, but after absorbing the host's vitality, it evolved into a cellular organism. At present, it seems to be very active, even if the host has been dead for a long time, it is still active. Although it has achieved an increase in all aspects, the burden on the body is very heavy.

The autopsy reports of these two corpses came out a long time ago, and the summary is only very simple.

That is, "gold and jade are on the outside, but ruins are on the inside."

All the muscles, including those on the heart, are actually covered in tiny invisible cracks. The collapse caused by it is not gradual, but collapses instantly after reaching the extreme.

The process is irreversible, and the host will die immediately when it reaches that point.

The muscles all over the body were dissolved and the orifices were bleeding.

Even gods can't save him

Unless there is a life instrument that the Wu clan regards as the "treasure of the clan" to maintain the physical characteristics and replace it with a heart that matches yours, it is impossible to survive. (The coffin-like coffin carried by Toshio Ozu carried by the professional team of Kokai Pharmaceutical is a replica of this thing.)

But if you want to borrow this thing from the Wu clan, which has never been interested in anything other than "strong men", it is better to hope that someone will send you a heart that matches you when you are about to die. The probability is higher than this.

Is there any connection between the death of "oracle cells" and their activity?

There is a hypothesis at this point. It is difficult for him not to associate the sudden cheating-like increase in the two people's "power of God" and "liberation" with the "oracle cells".

Because the appearance of the two people's "oracle cells" is completely different, and their activity levels are also different. Long Kui's activity level was much higher than Wu Bei's, which meant that he wouldn't be able to survive for long even if he wasn't screwed off the stone.

It can be seen how much burden "Pingshen" has on the body and heart. As for the activity of Wu Bei's "oracle cells", it is actually more like reaching a balance.

Speaking of "liberation", it seems that there are really almost no side effects except for the consumption of mental and physical energy, and it can be used without hesitation.

really convenient

So the conjecture given on the stone is natural selection.

People like Long Kui who can't adapt to the Oracle Cells are likely to have died a few generations ago in the Wu clan.

After all, the Wu clan has always been looking for strong men to marry into and improve the family lineage. They just unconsciously repeated it tens of thousands of times but accidentally created their family's adaptability to "oracle cells".

But, Ishigami thought of an interesting question. If the tolerance threshold for "oracle cells" in the Wu clan is raised, will the upper limit of this clan's strength be infinitely raised?

After all, their tolerance for "oracle cells" is really high, and they can only do another round of screening for 1,400 years. Children and grandchildren have endless deprivations.

For tribesmen who cannot accept it, the worst case scenario is that their muscles will dissolve and collapse and die. Moreover, the progress of every project is inherently accompanied by sacrifices.

But that was only possible after Ishigami became the leader of the Wu clan after they cried and begged him. Otherwise, judging from the current situation.

This behavior is tantamount to subsidizing the enemy.

It is very intriguing that Wu Yaksha serves as a school director and concurrently as a teacher in a school run by members of the Boxing Club.

This group of shady "rats" in the sewers actually want to stand upright in the open. It is very likely that these guys are also ready to take action on the upcoming grand festival.

Before the storm struck, the secret plans of all parties had already begun.

Ishigami also needs allies.

The reason for cooperating with Yingchu is not only because his professionalism is different from Ishigami, a halfway monk, but more importantly, this guy's other secret identity is very intriguing.

"Ai Li" hacked into the database of the upper-level agency and obtained all the information about Dr. Yingchu in an instant.

Who would have thought that the "Anatomy Demon" in the other world, whose hands are stained with the blood of patients, is actually a group of members of the intelligence organization that controls Neon, the highest level agency in today's society. He is a senior member of the Special Operations Group's Thirteenth Section and is a senior member of the small life. The codename of the military intelligence personnel is "Pangolin".

This trick was indeed caught off guard, but Dr. Yingchu was really a "partner of justice". He solved a large-scale "human organ" buy and sell case by himself.

But I don’t want to share the research results. After all, not everyone in the upper-level agencies wears the same pants. Who knows what the results of the research will be, and whether the brain-twitching party will kick Ishigami out of the game.

What he values ​​​​is the resources and conveniences that can be provided by the upper-level agencies, and he also wants to help his own people. After all, sooner or later, everyone is a family, so he can help if he can.

Ishigami wanted a closer ally, and that was Chika-senpai's family.

As next year's election is approaching, the factional fights within the upper-level organizations will only become more intense than those of the Boxing Club. Dr. Yingchu is the stability maintainer of Qianhua-senpai's grandfather and uncle's faction, while the other side is a very radical faction. It is said that that faction A lot of the funds on the side come from contributions from "Tokyo Electric Power".

The current problem is that the contradiction between the two has indeed reached a point where it cannot be adjusted. It's either death or life, and neither side will miss any opportunity to hit their opponent.

The "Oracle Cell" on the stone is a big killer. Putting it on the launcher will always be more effective than shooting it out. It is used to make the opponent suspicious.

Similar to "I bet there are no bullets in your gun." Let Qianhua-senpai's family be more confident and have more cards.

The "Fujiwara family", which is a family that has been the top upper-level organization that has occupied the land of Neon for decades, is not an idiot. It must not be able to see the value of the "betrothal gift" given by Ishigami.

The sky-high price of the betrothal gift is not exaggerated.

Indeed, when Dr. Yingchu immediately reported the matter completely to the higher-level authorities, one stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Especially the Fujiwara family members were all grinning from ear to ear when they got this information.

Immediately, an expert team headed by Dr. Yingchu was sent to visit Ishigami's home to discuss cooperation and "joint research."

So Daisuke Ishigami, who knew nothing about anything, was invited to tea that night by the head of the upper-level organization, Chika Fujiwara's uncle, and Chika Fujiwara's father also went there. No one knows what they talked about. They only know that Ishigami's father and Chihua-senpai's uncle were in cahoots when they came out, while Chihua-senpai's father was crying and seemed very sad.

"Who gave him a good daughter?" (funny face)

So only Chika Fujiwara's father's injured world was achieved.

Then the stability maintenance faction immediately sent an expert team headed by Dr. Yingchu to visit Ishigami's house to discuss cooperation and "joint research."

However, in terms of research on "oracle cells", Ishigami has not decided to come forward. Isn't it too conspicuous for a high school student to come forward to participate in such top secrets? "Ai Li" is enough.

Just make up an old friend who doesn't like to meet other people, and control it remotely with a computer and a robotic arm. Yu Ishigami has a complete "Eri" suit, which is a more sophisticated instrument than the "Da Vinci" surgical robot.

Of course, these old antiques didn't believe it, so "Ai Li" showed her hand directly to them. This was such a good show that even an "old guy" couldn't bear it. He almost died on the spot.

No one will doubt the strength of "Ai Li" anymore

Geniuses always have some quirks

The "Ai Li" that monitors the whole process will help Ishigami firmly grasp the progress of the research, whether the experimental progress is a breakthrough or the experimental progress is stagnant.

This is all in Ishigami Yu's thoughts. After all, artificial intelligence that is hundreds of years ahead of the world today is no joke.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cross-dimensional dimension reduction IQ attack, and the vision of the times creates the pattern. These old antiques are destined to be "loved", toyed with and applauded, and yet to be grateful.

After all, when they encountered difficulties in their research, Ai Li just said

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

The problem was easily solved.

Inside the student union

Ishigami glanced at the research report Xiao Ai sent from over there and smiled.

Well, come on guys.

In three months, you will be able to observe "oracle cells".

Never give up

As for the progress of Ishigami and his team, they have completely reproduced the production methods of some confidential special instruments provided by the upper-level agencies that are not circulated internationally (the internal structure of the Airi scanning instrument, and I will point out any screws that are not tightened), and they can directly compare them one by one in His secret base was restored.

Next, you just need to use the power of the upper-level organization to find and make special alloy materials to make "tweezers" and extract the "oracle cells".

Then the first step of the plan is completed.

As the plan progressed steadily, Ishigami was in a good mood and closed his phone. He hummed a song and tore open a bag of snacks and said to the pink hair next to him.

"Come on, ah~"

This is your favorite snack

Chika Fujiwara smelled the fragrance and immediately opened her mouth obediently.

Ishigami smiled and touched the girl's long, smooth pink hair.

"Yoxi, Yoxi, you are so good~"

"Hey hey hey~"

Fujiwara Chika, who had a big heart and had no idea that her beloved uncle, father, and grandfather had teamed up to sell her, felt the warmth of Ishigami's palms and the delicious snacks in her mouth with a happy expression.

When Shinomiya Kaguya, who walked in from outside, saw this scene, she instantly felt bad.

"No, you are so leisurely."

She has been staying up late these days to review, in order to defeat President Shirogane in the next final exam.

There is no need to worry about Ishigami, his performance is more stable than the president. Besides, it's not a battle of the same grade. Instead of worrying about Ishigami, Shinomiya Kaguya should worry about the first grader "Little Bean" who is second in grade.

Shuchiyuan's examination system is a rotation, which means that after the third-year examination is completed, it is the turn of the second-year students. After the second-year students finished their exams, it was Ishigami and his first-year students’ turn.

It is worth noting that the exams for third grade students have started today, which means that the second graders will soon face the big exam this semester.

However, this guy still seemed to be taking his time. Is it true that his younger brother is so sweet? Hayasaka is also the same, and so is Fujiwara-san, always hanging around him.

This guy really doesn't make people worry. Looking at her stupid look, she has the virtue of not knowing how to count money for others after being sold.

Although I have received tutoring from my junior students, the effect is still unknown.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Fujiwara Chika and said

"Fujiwara-san, the final exam is next Monday. Are you ready?"

When she saw the frightened Chika Fujiwara dropped the snacks in her hands to the ground, Shinomiya Kaguya sighed.

"It seems like I'm not ready yet."

I went to bed, good night family. I didn't feel right today, my limbs were weak, my hands and feet were cold, and I took a hot bath and it looked like a cold bath. It was still cold under the covers and I kept coughing. I'm going to die. Damn it. I wish I could just get some sleep.

Oracle cells are designed to be carried in the bodies of those who can "rely on God", "liberate", "ghost", and "god and devil".

"Gods and demons" are in the brain, everything else is in the heart

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