I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 162 Shuchiin students who were transferred overnight

It was now club activity time, but the playground that was supposed to be used for athletics and football club activities seemed very empty. There were not as many youthful Shuchiin students as usual.

Because they received a notice from the school that today's club activities are cancelled, but they cannot go home and need to wait for further notice.

Instead, there is a white transport helicopter parked in the center of the playground. The violent airflow generated by the continuously flapping huge propeller blades creates ripples on the lawn like water waves.

The students in the activity building looked at the helicopter curiously, and the boys even lay down on the glass.

As soon as I heard the loud noise, I knew it was a helicopter.

I thought it was a civilian helicopter

It wasn't until they saw the serial number and identification information on the helicopter that they knew the origin of this thing was not simple.

"No, that's the Ministry of Defense?"

"It's still the latest MCH-101 helicopter."

But questions also arise

"Why do military helicopters appear in Shuchiin?"

Although these people have unusual family backgrounds, there are many children of politicians, military cadres, and capital giants. It can be said that they are all the second generation who will shoulder the responsibility of neon's future in the future, but what happened today is still very strange.

In peacetime, especially in schools, the probability of encountering this kind of thing is no more rare than winning the first prize in the lottery.

Suddenly an eagle-eyed student in the crowd saw the helicopter door open.

"Look, someone is coming out!"

But unlike the heavily armed soldiers they imagined only appeared in movies with live ammunition, the few people who got off the white transport helicopter were actually people who had just come out of the virus laboratory.

They all wore white biochemical protective suits and gas masks on their heads, which were so tightly covered that there was no breathability. They held special instruments at hand.

It seems that there is a very scary virus in the air, and only the highest level of protective clothing can resist it.

This group of "heavily armed" people in bioprotective suits moved very quickly, and they left just as quickly as they came.

When the group of people returned to the helicopter, they came back with a long white box. There was a small window opened above and it was vaguely visible that there was a person lying inside, but due to the angle, it was impossible to see. Unclear. Moreover, the pattern printed on it is a very eye-catching red biochemical safety warning mark that is only used in P4, the highest biological protection level.

What's even more outrageous is that when we went there, there were four people, but when we came back, there were seven people!

How come there are more?

Of the few extra people, two seemed a little short in stature, while one was actually quite well-proportioned.

No matter how hard the students upstairs tried, they couldn't think of their identities because they were wearing very thick protective clothing that covered up all their identifiable features. They seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the protective clothing and were staggering when they walked.

After all these people entered the inner hatch, the door was closed, and then the helicopter that had performed a special mission slowly took off and took off. Only the Shuchiin students present knew what had just happened.

Hayasaka Ai was also among the group of watching students. She bit her lip as she watched the helicopter disappear into the sky. Her expression was not very good, and it was obvious that the girl was in a very uneasy mood.

Noticing the abnormality of their good friend, Suruga and Fireguchi Mizuzu looked at her with worried eyes.

"What's wrong, Ai-chan?"

Hearing the voices of two good friends, Hayasaka Ai realized that she had lost her temper.

"Well, it's nothing, I just remembered something."

She shook her hands at the two people, and the worry on her face quickly disappeared and returned to her usual normal look.

But the hand behind Hayasaka Ai's back, holding the phone, was still trembling, which showed that the girl's mood was not as relaxed as she said.

Hayasaka Ai had no choice but to bury her worries deep in her heart and put her phone in her pocket. He picked up his two old friends with each hand and took them away.

"Okay, let's go back to the classroom first. It won't be convenient when there are more students."

When leaving, Hayasaka Ai glanced at the sky for the last time, silently looking forward to it.

"Brother-in-law, eldest lady, you must be good."

It was indeed similar to what Hayasaka Ai had guessed. Seeing that there was no longer any fun to attract these young men and young ladies, the teachers immediately chased them away like chickens.

"Okay, let's go to class and study."

But some students didn’t really buy it and complained to the teacher.

"Teacher, when can we go home?"

"Yeah, I'm starving to death."

Facing the dissatisfied complaints from the students, these teachers just felt very innocent. They were also confused and knew no more than the students.

After all, the principal and teacher only sent a message to the Shuchiin staff group not to send students home until further notice.

"The school's board of directors is currently meeting on this issue, and I believe they will give you a satisfactory answer soon."

"Trust the school, kids."

The students, who had been dealt with for the time being, walked into the classroom under the guidance of the teacher.

The order of Xiuzhiyuan's senior department has been stabilized for the time being, but everyone knows that Shuchiyuan's board of directors has become a mess.

"Ah? You said that an unknown virus appeared in my school, and some students were infected and the fatality rate was very high."

"Stop joking, today is not April Fools' Day."

In a luxurious Japanese-style mansion far away in Kyoto, a bald man wearing a loose yellow kimono looked in disbelief when he heard the news on the phone.

To be able to follow the officials of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare who are in charge of neon public health and use this tone of "are you kidding me", I am afraid that only the eldest son of the Shinomiya family, "the heart of the country", Shinomiya Huangguang can do this. Feeling confident.

In addition to basically controlling part of the Shinomiya Group's business, he also has the identity of being the president of Shuchiin Academy.

However, although he is the biggest leader of Shuchiin, he basically leaves all the power to the principal and other board members to manage everything.

However, if such a major incident occurs, if it is not handled properly, it will have a major negative impact on the Sigong Group.

"How dare these damn 'rats' do such things as poisoning!"


Shinigong Huangguang didn't know what he thought of from the recent encounters of the Shinigong family, and his face became ugly. His fingers kept tapping on the table, and then he pressed the call button on the table.

The men quickly opened the Zhangzi door and walked in, waiting very respectfully for Sigong Huangguang's instructions.

"Please prepare the conference room for me."

"Okay, Lord Huang Guang, is this a meeting of senior officials of the Sigong Group?"

Due to frequent attacks by a certain hostile force, the conference room has been in use in recent days.

The gloomy-looking Sigong Huangguang stood up

"No, it's a meeting of the Shuchiin Council."

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, but continued.

"Okay, Lord Huangguang."

Not to mention there, the discipline committee of Shuchiin is pretty much the same as usual.

Because the students' discipline is maintained by teachers, Xiaobo and Iino thought that instead of staying in a noisy classroom, it would be more suitable to study in the quieter Discipline Committee.

But you have to be in the mood to learn, otherwise it will be all in vain.

Xiaobo spent a long time scribbling and correcting the test paper in front of him, but he couldn't get a single question right. As for Iino, it was rare that she was not at school. Instead, she kept staring at her cell phone with a very anxious look. There is no doubt that neither of them has any intention of learning.

Iino scratched his hair, and the movement made a lot of hair stand up, making him look stupid and not very smart.

She tore open a bag of bread (relief food distributed by the school), as if she wanted to vent her frustration, taking a big bite and swallowing it all at once, as if she was eating the flesh of her enemy.

Then it was miserable

I don't know if it was because he swallowed too quickly or something else, but Iino's face looked like he was about to follow in the footsteps of Ishigami.

Fortunately, Xiaobo found and unscrewed the bottle of mineral water, so Iino didn't choke to death.

Iino was obviously much better after drinking water. She wiped the water droplets from her mouth and said to Xiaobo

"Thank you, Xiaobo."

Xiaobo shook her head and said

"Xiao Yazi, are you worried about Ishigami-kun?"

After hearing what Xiaobo said, Iino's inner thoughts were suddenly revealed, and she felt so guilty that she jumped like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

But Iino, who had the toughest mouth in her body, still refused to admit it, she said

"How is it possible? Who would worry about that guy who just disappears without replying to messages?"

"Guys like this will only give people a headache."

If they hadn't completed the disciplinary committee activities before, when they went back, Xiao Yazi would have pointed out Xiao Yu's absence from the crowd of people from several classes at a glance, and then dragged her to the student union room without explanation. have a look.

After all, that guy was either in the student union room or at the Disciplinary Committee looking for the two of them after school.

Xiaobo really believed her lies

"He is really a dishonest child."

But what made both of them very worried was the fact that they were going to the student union.

When Xiaobo and Iino hurried to the student union building over there, they saw downstairs that the windows of the student union room, which should have been bright as always, were abnormally dark, and they immediately had a bad feeling. .

And when they arrived at the main entrance of the building, the bad premonition in the two people's hearts reached its extreme.

Not only is it locked, but there is also a white seal with "No Entry Prohibited" printed on it.

Xiaobo and Iino stood outside blankly, looking at the dark lobby inside.

"What happened in the student union?"

Why was it blocked all at once?

The reason why Iino was so irritable was because she was impatient and immediately sent a message to Ishigami as soon as she saw something unusual in the student union building.

Haha, but this guy still didn't reply.

When you call him, the recorded voice is still the same as before: "Hello, it's not convenient for me to talk to you right now. Please call again later."

I feel empty in my heart, but very annoyed.

This feeling can really drive people crazy.

Iino, who was very upset, took another bite of bread but couldn't eat it anymore and put it aside. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became.

"Why is Ishigami so annoying?"

Xiaobo sighed and touched Iino's head, then hugged her and comforted her.

"No matter what happened, all we can do now is trust him."

She was also worried, but that was "Xiaoyu". When these three words "Ishigamiyu" were read together, there was incredible magic power that could give Xiaobo a sense of peace of mind. But now that this person is missing, there is no doubt that it is like losing his "backbone", and he feels uneasy.

Yako was used to hiding alone and secretly wiping her tears. Although she didn't say it out loud, the hesitation and powerlessness in her heart should be no less than mine.

Xiaobo understood it, so he couldn't show weakness in front of Xiaomizi. The only person Xiao Mi Zi can rely on and rely on now is Xiao Bo.

Iino, who was held by Xiaobo, smelled the familiar fragrance and felt a little comfort, and responded to Xiaobo in a low voice.


But at this time, the two people who were hugging each other for warmth immediately separated and stood up as soon as they heard the new messages coming from the mobile phones on the table.

"Is this news from Yuu-chan (Ishigami)?"

But it was obvious that this was not the case, because the disappointment on the faces of these two people was visible to the naked eye.

It seemed like the school had sent out some notice, and it was sent out in the grade group.

Before they could open it, a third-year discipline committee member hurried in from the door and said to Xiaobo and Iino inside.

"Quick, after receiving the notice from the school leaders, all the discipline committee members will gather immediately, except you two!"

Although they don't know what happened, the two people who have been the discipline committee members since the elementary school have very strong professionalism.

They immediately put on the armbands of the Disciplinary Committee, calmed down their worries and stood up.

"Yes!" X2

When Xiaobo and Iino followed their seniors to the place where the discipline committee members gathered, they saw that besides the two of them, the other first-year, second-year, and third-year discipline committee members had all arrived, and their faces were slightly red.

Even though the two of them were late, the Chairman of the Discipline Committee standing in front of them all didn't say anything and just motioned for them to return to the team quickly.

The Chairman of the Committee for Discipline Inspection straightened his expression and spoke very seriously.

"Everyone, regarding the transfer (evacuation) of Shuchiin students, we, the Disciplinary Committee, must take the lead first."


When Xiaobo and Iino heard this word, they looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

The third-year senior sister who brought them here heard it and whispered:

"It's a notice just sent by the school. You haven't read it yet, right?"

"When the Chairman of the Committee for Discipline Inspection has finished speaking, take a quick look. After all, this is also related to us, and we have to go."

"The discipline committee members of each grade are assigned to a class to maintain order."


"received" x N

After the Chairman of the Committee for Discipline Inspection finished his speech, the two of them finally had the opportunity to take out their mobile phones and read the message.

What catches my eye is the title "A Letter to All Shuchiin Students"

"Due to special reasons, you may have to be away from your family for a period of time. For safety reasons, our school will place you all in a hotel and observe you for seventy-two hours. During this period, someone will come to take your temperature every day and take blood samples."

The first thought they had after reading this letter was

“Isn’t this isolation?”

At the school gate, dozens of buses have parked neatly on the roadside. The most eye-catching thing is that even the drivers are wearing white chemical protective suits.

Not only that, several Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department cars were also among them, and they also took protective measures.

I really had a lot of ideas after I had Yang, and I just wanted to write about how students at Shuchiin are under quarantine and control. The "Epidemic Chapter" will end tomorrow

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