I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 164 The man wrestling with the F1 car

"Attention all units, there is still a ten-minute countdown to the "experiment"."

Ellie's clear female voice came from dozens of radios above, and the overlapping sounds echoed in the wide space.

This is a stadium, and it has been abandoned for a long time. Even the cement gaps in the stands are covered with weeds.

However, it has been bought by Ishigami in the name of Wan Loan, and the experiment to be carried out should be regarded as a kind of "rehabilitation training".

The subject of the experiment is naturally Ishigami, but the content of this experiment may seem a bit crazy to the "audiences" at the scene.

In the area at the top that used to be the VIP viewing platform, screens of all sizes displayed footage from the football field.

"Really, if my eldest brother hadn't been standing there, I would have thought that someone couldn't think of someone who wanted to die and specifically found the ugliest way to die."

Kanai Cosmos crossed his hands behind his head and leaned against the wall, looking at the figure on the screen. His excited tone did not conceal his admiration for his elder brother.

"That's what a real man should look like!"

As for Okubo Naoya and Himuro Ryo, they were not as passionate as the blond young man. The two were sitting on chairs drinking tea.

Don't ask. If you ask, you are already numb.

As the first two people to experience in-depth exchanges (beatings) with tauren warriors, Xiuma had already been manipulated by him.

In the eyes of Okubo Naoya and Himuro Ryo, it would no longer be strange if "Xingming Brother"/"Lao Niu" tells them "he can fly" one day.

After all, he was a tauren warrior, the strongest man they had ever seen and the man who could turn the impossible into reality.

The people present, including some staff, were all our own people, no outsiders, so it was considered a performance for our own people to watch behind closed doors.

Before the performance even started, the audience already called it "outrageous" and couldn't stand it because the experiment that followed was too random and could even be said to be "anti-human".

The content of this experiment can be summarized simply as "a strength comparison to see who is stronger."

The person competing with Ishigami is not a human being, but a classic Ferrara Red's latest F1 formula car with a power of up to 1,000 horsepower. This car has been modified. The whole car has become stronger and has also added nitrogen acceleration, which accelerates much faster than the normal version.

Although it is computer controlled, there is still a dummy strapped to the driver's seat. It has the same equipment as a professional racing driver, including Ferrara's team uniform.

The mechanical monster is connected to the stone by a special steel cable that is forty meters long and is thicker than an ordinary human arm. A huge metal rotating platform is fixed on the football field.

This is quite scary. The famous F1 racing car is not comparable to ordinary family cars. If an ordinary person like Ishigami used the strength of this thing to put a steel rope around his body, the explosive force generated by the racing car could accelerate the steel rope to the point where it could easily cut the person into pieces like the sharpest knife.

if it fails

Two years later, I should have learned how to run.

Even if he wanted to save him, he couldn't. After all, the only thing left after the failure would be fragments of flesh and blood tissue scattered on the ground.

Even if you try to fight again, you can't find the miserable state of a person.

Therefore, I am afraid that even Blue Bull, the sponsor that encourages extreme sports "Your death is beyond your imagination", would not dare to give Ishigami this move as a guarantee or witness.

This is no longer an ordinary life-threatening extreme sport, it is a direct choice to reopen.

But for Ishigami, this can only be regarded as a "rehabilitation exercise" with a relatively large amount of exercise to see how his body is recovering. His current state is full concentration, and his daily state is just to deal with some inferior opponents.

If you really want to be invincible, you have to watch Ishigami's "Tauren Mode" in his full concentration state.

However, Ishigami, who was rejected by the Hell Gate, felt a little different in his body after he came back. There is a feeling that the immune system has swallowed up the "Apocalypse Virus" with the blessing of the system, as if it has also absorbed the nutrients of this unknown virus.

After going through the initial period of weakness, all the cells in the body feel like they have been reborn. For example, it feels like they have been refreshed. Ishigami's crazy immune system not only kills viruses, but also eats up all the impurities in the body and some toxins that have accumulated in the body.

It can be said that the blood on the stone is now as clear as a newborn's blood, full of vitality.

For Ishigami, who already has antibodies to the "Apocalypse virus", which is the most advanced among viruses, even some horrifying "prion" viruses or "Ebola" are completely useless against him. It worked. If someone is sick, drinking a bowl of blood from the stone may be better than taking a pill. The key is that there are no side effects.

By the way, not only Shishang's blood, but also the body fluids and other things he produces are rich in nutrients and have certain effects that can regulate the human body.

In a sense, the current Ishigami has completely transformed into a pure natural super giant "ginseng doll". To put it bluntly, the urine he urinates is of the health care product level.

"Ellie, I'm ready."

Ishigami confirmed for the last time that these steel cables were wrapped around him, otherwise secondary injuries would likely occur if they broke.

"Okay, Master."

After Ellie prepared her reply, she sounded the alarm

In the distance, some personnel who were doing final debugging work on the F1 car also began to evacuate. They had to go to the main control room above to be safe.

When it comes time to start the experiment, the entire gym will be unsafe.

The staff in the main control room above opened the program on the computer, which displayed real-time monitoring of various physical indicators of Ishigami, such as heartbeat and blood pressure, while the other computers controlled the F1 racing car. Various data, whether the engine is overheating, tire wear status, etc.

But the commander in chief behind the scenes is Ellie

"Lord Xingming, everything is ready."

"Please advise."

But there seems to be the sound of cheering from the small universe mixed in.

"Brother, come on!"

The voices of the staff in the main control room above and the voice of the younger brother came from Ishigami's earphones at the same time, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Well, I understand."

"Then let's begin!"


The three staff members looked at each other, took off the keys from their necks and inserted them into the keyhole of the machine in front of them, and then started a three-second countdown from the one in the middle.

"Three, two, one!"

Then three people's hands turned the key at the same time

at the same time

A rather impassioned roar resounded throughout the stadium, and the powerful V10 mechanical beast finally woke up from its sleep.

The elegant and beautiful classic Ferrara red shines brilliantly under the sun.

But this is just the sound of idling at the beginning. When the speed reaches the extreme value, the "mechanical symphony" played reaches its climax.

Now Ishigami has a steel cable connected to the F1 car in his hand, like an imminent battle between an unruly beast and an experienced trainer.

"One side is a symbol of the pinnacle of human industrial manufacturing capabilities, and the other side is an adult whose physical fitness occupies the pinnacle of all mankind."

The eyes of all those present were focused on Shi Shang, and they couldn't help but swallow.

"Who is better?"

"I really want to know the outcome of this battle quickly."

The staff member's tone was trembling as she asked

"Master Xingming, are you starting the test at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour?"


After hearing this, Ishigami raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and he asked:

"Who do you think I am!"

"Press the accelerator to the floor and start!"

Maybe Ishigami's voice was too domineering, and the wiring staff were shocked. A colleague on the side patted her before she responded.


Ishigami's words were simple, but it was really difficult for the little girl to do it, and her hands were shaking.

But it is a human life after all.

Still her boss

So Kanai Kocosmos, who felt that the staff was being annoying, stepped forward directly.

"That's the button"

Then without saying anything, he just screwed it all the way to the end.

The mechanical response speed was less than 0.1 seconds. After the on-board computer received the signal for full power use, a large amount of fuel mixed with air poured into the engine room. When the first hammer started the compression stroke, a big thing happened immediately. A massive explosion!

The surging power was instantly distributed from the engine room to the entire car body. The floor oil starting wheel rubbed violently with the lawn and smoke rose.

It can be said that in less than 0.5 seconds, the steel cables connecting Ishigami and the F1 car have been tightened and stretched straight.

During this period, there was a crisp roar

Ishigami held the steel cable firmly with both hands, and even the steel cable between his hands was still bent. This shows that the current horsepower of the F1 car has plenty of room for him, no, there is no pressure.

The indifference on his face and his natural demeanor were all turned into close-ups and displayed on the big computer screen.

Everyone was in an uproar, as someone was actually strong enough to pull a racing car with his bare hands.

But what is surprising is that only Ishigami himself knows how thrilling it was just now.

Originally, he was still wondering why there was no response for a long time, and there was no response or anything.

I was patting the headphones with one hand to see if they were broken.

All of a sudden the racing car started to move, Madhu was not a martial artist. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise it would have been very embarrassing if the steel rope had slipped.

If he knew it was Little Universe who did it, he would definitely use his iron fist to train this kid well

"You are really a good little brother to big brother!"

But the instigator still saw Ishigami's operation in the control room and said it was awesome.

The car accelerates from 100 kilometers per hour to 100 kilometers per hour in 1.8 seconds and has a designed top speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

If the floor oil is not loose, it will go straight to the maximum design speed of this car.

The cylinders inside the engine were working until they were smoking, and the movements of these little things could no longer be seen clearly with the naked eye, leaving only afterimages.

The gear speed and the rotor have reached their peak, continuously delivering kinetic energy. Regardless of the maintenance of the car itself, the roar of the mechanical monster became more and more impassioned!

It's like the joy and enjoyment of meeting an opponent in chess.

As the speed of this F1 car gets closer and closer to the limit, Ishigami is no longer as relaxed as he was at the beginning.

The muscles all over his body were covered with red marks, which looked particularly terrifying. This is a symbol that the steel rope dragged by the strange force gradually turns into a strangulation tool. The veins on the muscles of Ishigami's hands were flying like dragons and snakes, and the ground he stepped on had sunken several centimeters.

The ground has been plowed out with many holes and holes, as if it had been bombed.

Sweat began to drip from his forehead as he gritted his teeth.

In fact, his previous record was two hundred and fifty kilometers, and now his speed is at least nearly three hundred kilometers per hour.

In other words, Ishigami is breaking his own record!

"Not enough, not enough."

"my power.."

When Ishigami closed his eyes and opened them again, there were already vertical pupils inside his eyes that looked like dark purple beasts like Wu Yasha.

An invisible majestic aura swept across the entire venue in an instant, and all the vibrant grass in the stadium lowered their heads feebly at this moment.

Along with this, there is also a violent murderous intent.

And even the people above in the main control room were as chilled as ice by these two complementary auras, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up immediately.

"A mere thousand horses"

Shi Shang's whole body exuded a black and red lightning aura, like a demon king with monstrous flames.

The power at his disposal increased again

"Don't get carried away!"

Shi Shang exerted a sudden force, and the last two of the four wheels that were originally stuck to the ground actually took off! Start idling

The F1 racing tires do not act on the ground, and the noise they emit is mixed with the engine room to form a strange cry, like a cry for help?

But Ishigami would not be softhearted even if he knelt down to the enemy, and he would not be softhearted even more when facing a racing car that didn't even have life.

Ishigami grinned cruelly

"It actually flew!"

When everyone set up the scene from the beginning, they never imagined that they would see such a scene, and they all opened their mouths.

Under the terrifying power of Ishigami, the racing car that originally relied on speed to have absolute kinetic energy was directly thrown out!

And it's not enough

Ishigami was like a man holding a horse pole, waving the valuable Ferrari F1 car in circles in the air with one hand.

forms a nice red circle

In the end, Ishigami wanted to vent all his recent dissatisfaction, swung the steel rope in his hand and hit the ground hard.


"Boom" sound

Then it turned into a huge explosion

The car wreckage on the lawn in the distance turned into a blazing fire.


Looking at his masterpiece, Ishigami smiled happily.

Although the cost of this car is as high as two million euros, I am happy that it is hard to buy for a lot of money.

Just one word


This gymnasium was not bought by Ishigami just to smash it up.

The frowning Ishigami stood in front of Okubo Naoya, Himuro Ryo and Kanai Cosmos with his hands behind his back. As the background was the wreckage of the racing car that had been burnt to a jet black color.

The fire was extinguished before, but Ishigami asked the staff not to clean up the wreckage but still left it as it was.

"Listen up, guys."

Ishigami said

"Physical training is 400 meters, ten groups in total."

Naoya Okubo was the first to be unable to hold himself back, his tone was very reluctant.

In fact, not only him, but even the smile on the face of the always optimistic Kanai Xiaokuo is uglier than crying.


"Old Niu, are we going to drag that thing away?"

Currently parked on the playground runway are three heavy-duty freight trucks, weighing an unknown amount.

The white one is A Liang, the black one is Naoya, and the yellow one is Xiaoyu.

Anyway, it was a specially made weight that Ishigami analyzed based on the physical strength of the three of them.

The weight is calculated based on the weight that they can just pull, but will definitely be tired after walking around.

"Well, what's wrong? Don't you like it?"

A terrifying light reflected in Ishigami's eyes, and a half-hearted smile appeared on his lips.

"If you don't like it, I can change it for you."

Okubo Naoya immediately shuddered and said hurriedly

"No, no, I like it very much."

"Just asking a little bit, that's all."

"That's best. I have other things to do and leave in the afternoon."

Ishigami waved his hand not to pursue it, and he was about to turn around and leave.

Hearing these words, the three fellow sufferers showed expressions of joy.

After taking a few steps, Shishang suddenly turned to look at them. The smiles on the faces of the three people suddenly froze.

"Don't be lazy..."

"Who else is the slowest? No dinner tonight."

Kanai Kouni is indeed the youngest of the three brothers. He immediately reacted and ran to the track, wrapped a rope around his waist and started running.

"Good guy, you kid ran away!"

Okubo Nao also didn't expect that he was just stunned for a moment, and this brat had already ran dozens of meters away.

"Wow, Ah Liang, you too..."

Ryo Himuro took advantage of Naoya's free time to criticize Kounico, so he also picked up his heavy truck and started running.

In the end, Okubo Naoya could only immediately pick up his heavy truck and chase them.

"Really, don't get involved with me!"

Ishigami could hear these words from afar and shook his head helplessly.

Then he walked into the shower room

Under the water of hot water, Ishigami also transformed from the concentrated tauren mode to the daily mode.

He looked in the mirror and sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror, who was now almost the same as before, but with better skin.

"Although I'm handsome, it's hard for me to be so white."

It feels more harmless, and what Mingshi wants is the feeling of a tough guy.

But now, he feels that he is getting further and further on the road to being the male lead in idol dramas.

Ishigami made a phone call. Well, he was the only one making video calls while taking a shower.

The call was quickly connected, but the girl on the other end screamed when she saw Ishigami's current appearance.


"Pervert, why aren't you wearing any clothes?"

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