I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 186 Expensive Fireworks

Neon is a very special country. It does not have its own factories that specialize in manufacturing weapons and equipment. Instead, it has formed a military industry system dominated by private enterprises.

The number of these companies is roughly around 2,000. There is also a well-known one in the Boxing Club like Iwami Heavy Industries, which mainly builds (or OEMs) F-15, F-35 fighter jets and armed helicopters from Eagle Sauce. .

Although Iwami Heavy Industries occasionally receives orders for some warships, most of the Ministry of Defense's orders in this area are basically monopolized by one company.

That is a company called Neon Shipbuilding United (JMU). It not only undertakes large-scale orders from the Ministry of Defense, but also accepts large-scale oil tanker projects from abroad. Even the Antarctic scientific research icebreaker is its product. It has five military super-large shipyards that can be used The construction of special ships such as guided missile destroyers, cruisers, ocean-going ships, etc. are all products of their company.

The profits are considerable. The cost of building a guided missile destroyer is basically upwards of two billion US dollars, not counting the additional weapons and equipment.

The total market value of an ordinary listed company may not be as large as a destroyer, and it can only buy a few missiles before going bankrupt.

But this is just an order from the Shipbuilding Alliance, and it can build five ships at a time.

Although this is indeed an authentic private company, if anything, its biggest customer is the Neon Defense Ministry.

So if the background wasn't strong enough, it would have been surrounded by wolves, tigers and leopards and eaten long ago.

If nothing else, just like Togo Tomari, the chairman of Iwami Heavy Industries, is not a vegetarian. Although she is a prostitute, she is known as the "Merchant of Death" and is feared by countless entrepreneurs and regarded as a particularly dangerous person.

In 2019, a small launching ceremony was held in a very low-key manner at the Jiji Shipyard under the United Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (JMU). Not many people attended, but they were all well-known figures from the Ministry of Defense, including three lieutenant generals and one general.

Because this is the launching ceremony of Neon's latest generation "Aegis" class guided missile destroyer, which will be the main force of the future fleet.

In the photo taken at that time for insider reference only, in addition to the guided missile destroyer called "Moye" as the background, the most eye-catching thing in the photo is that the person standing in the C position surrounded by four generals from the Ministry of Defense is wearing a black kimono. Sigong Yan'an.

It was normal for the head of the Shinomiya family to appear there.

Because the backend of the Neon Shipbuilding Alliance is Sigan Shipping, which is known as the leader of the three Neon shipping companies under the Shinomiya family. At first, it was only used to meet the needs of its internal ocean-going ships. Later, when the road widened, it began to take over Military orders.

Thanks to the Shinomiya family's transcendent status in Neon, their family can be said to be the privileged class among the privileged classes in Neon.

If ordinary people do not leave immediately when approaching such a ship, the first sound will be a warning, and the second sound will be a gunshot.

So the Shinomiya family is so awesome, just to make these money-making fathers happy. Just to stay, the senior officials of the Ministry of Defense specially built a tea room in the compact space of the latest "Aegis" guided missile destroyer, so that people can drink tea in peace.

No matter how hard the insect organization tried, it was impossible to know that the Shinomiya family leaders they wanted to quickly eliminate would be hiding on a guided missile destroyer and living a comfortable life.

They thought that the Shinomiya family's bastards were hiding in the underground air-raid shelter and trembling under their fierce attack.

Military bases are crowded and crowded, and they are really not as safe as missile destroyers, known as "sea fortresses."

It is surrounded by vast seas, and the nearest seaside is a hundred nautical miles away (one hundred nautical miles is equivalent to 185 kilometers of land).

The "Moyer" is equipped with the "Aegis" SPY-1D(V) phased array radar, which is specially designed to detect cruise missiles and other air attack targets in coastal areas.

It has the ability to intercept supersonic intercontinental ballistic missiles and destroy large ships. The vertical launch system of this class of ships is the 96-unit MK41, which can be mixed with "Standard"-2ER BLOCKⅢA/B long-range air defense missiles and "Standard"-3B BLOCKⅡA sea-based interceptor missile, "Sea Sparrow" improved air defense missile, "ASROK" anti-submarine missile, etc.

Even if the defenses of these missiles can be broken through, there are still close-in defense guns waiting for them with a firing rate of tens of thousands of rounds per minute.

Maybe the Insect Organization must possess the latest fifth-generation fighter jets or "nuclear submarines" known as aircraft carrier killers, and then launch supersonic anti-ship missiles a hundred kilometers away to kill the Shinomiya family.

But with such striking power, how could he be considered a terrifying Fuko?

"Wouldn't it be nice to live a down-to-earth life with a few countries in your hands and become the boss yourself?"

The Zong Organization's customary methods of exterminating families are still stuck in the same old way. They pry open the defenses to get in, and then kill everyone inside.

This set is obviously not suitable for the Shinomiya family, who have such a good relationship with the Neon Defense Ministry that they almost wear a pair of pants.

For Yan'an, as long as he and these sons are still there, the Shinomiya family's top-notch status in Neon will be unshakable.

The importance of the name "Heart of the Country" can be seen from the respectful attitude of the commander of this latest "Aegis" class guided missile destroyer, Rear Admiral Ii, to the Shinomiya family.

In other words, the spirit of the samurai sword that the military was once proud of has been corrupted by money.


Shinomiya Yanan, who was in charge, opened his eyes slightly with drooped eyelids, and said to the captain who had just entered.

The words were very short, as if being able to hear his voice was already a great gift.


The dignified middle-aged man with a mustache and a Chinese character got the answer and sat down. But he was also sitting on his knees, and his serious look looked very reserved.

Sigong Yan'an's three sons remained silent and looked at the general with interest.

Shinomiya Huangguang, who was wearing a light yellow kimono, was sitting very casually, with his legs crossed, his head supported with one hand and he yawned lazily.

Shinomiya Seiryu's small eyes make it look like he is squinting at people, and his small beard is a bit funny. Even though he is sitting on his knees in a suit, he looks very relaxed.

As for the third son of the Shinomiya family, Shinomiya Kumoya wears a white woolen sweater and looks like a relatively fashionable middle-aged uncle. However, from the way he was sitting, it seemed that he was a little uncomfortable and depressed being in a room alone with his two eldest brothers and his father.

Their wives and children had already been arranged in a safe place, not here, when they were at odds with the "Insect Organization".

The top three Tiantian groups of "Swordbite Tiger", except for the second group of "Royal God" who went to hunt the "Contacter", the remaining two groups were all scattered on this guided missile destroyer.

Sigong Yanan's three sons are all very old, and they basically look like middle-aged uncles. Every one of them can be the father of Kaguya Shinomiya, but it seems outrageous that Miss Kaguya is the half-sister of the three of them.

And judging from the sitting postures of these three people, we can also infer their status in the Shinomiya family.

Being the eldest son is a natural advantage. It is vaguely certain that there is a Shinomiya Huangguang who looks like the next governor of the Shinomiya family, even in front of his own father, he is very casual.

The second son Qinglong was originally attached to his elder brother and had no interest in who would be the head of the Shinomiya family. He only cares about his own romance. This guy is a playboy who can't control his "brother" (even if he has a family, he is still very romantic.)

The third son, Yunying, was not born into the main wife like Miss Kaguya, and had been on the fringes for decades. I used to have some thoughts, but I have been severely beaten by my "good big brother" Huang Guang, and I seem to be a little more honest now. (The former valet was Hayasaka Ai's mother. The two had a good relationship, but they broke off because of Huang Guang's betrayal. They called her Mouse, and Ai-chan is Little Mouse.)

But no matter what, before Sigong Yanan died. No matter how powerful Sigong Huangguang is, he still has the final say in this family.

The role of the governor of the Shinomiya family is not just a play. In the eyes of Shinomiya Yanan, who has mastered countless violent agencies and has overwhelming power, any small actions of his eldest son have nowhere to hide and are very ridiculous.

What I give you is yours, and what I don’t give you is a waste of time.

After Sigong Yanan glanced at his three sons with different expressions, he slowly spoke.

"How are you considering my conditions, Fujioka-kun?"

Fujioka Daiki immediately replied

"Yes, Mr. Yan'an."

"I have discussed it with Mr. Okumura (Minister of Defense) and the others. Your request is too excessive and bizarre, so it is difficult to accept it."

In less than ten minutes just now, Neon's upper-level authorities held a very urgent and brief meeting, including the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister, and the senior officials of the Ministry of Defense.

Because if this matter is not handled well, the impact will be very bad, it will cause panic among the masses, and even several people present may have to step down. But the conditions offered by the other party are so tempting that if you don't accept them, you'd be a fool.

There were constant quarrels for a while.

After hearing this, Sigong Huangguang obviously couldn't hold back and started to fight.


Fujioka Daiki's change of voice meant that things had taken a turn for the better.

"After Mr. Okumura and I fought hard, the Prime Minister agreed."

Hearing this, Shinigong Yanan nodded and looked very indifferent.

"Hahahaha, I knew you could do it!"

Sigong Huangguang was very happy and slapped his thigh violently.

Faced with Shinomiya Huangguang's compliment, Fujioka Daiki smiled, appearing neither humble nor overbearing.

He looked at Shinomiya Yanan and continued with a respectful tone.

"As long as you give an order, this ship will immediately bomb the target location."

To avoid suspicion, Fujioka Daiki did not name the location, but replaced it with the target location.

Shinomiya Anan's request is very simple, that is to wipe the Shinomiya Headquarters, which covers an area of ​​750,000 square meters, from the map.

The price paid for this is that from now on, the entire Sigong Group's annual tax revenue in Neon will increase by 5%, and approximately 50,000 new labor positions will be created every year.

Such 5% may seem very small, but it is the Shinomiya Group whose total market value exceeds 20 trillion yen (two trillion U.S. dollars) according to official data. Although due to the preferential tax policy and the addition of Shinomiya The group's audit department and financial department are among the best in the world, so Shinomiya Group doesn't pay much tax.

But that is insignificant to the Sigong Group, but in the eyes of ordinary people it is an absolutely astronomical figure.

Even among the high-ranking officials in Neon's upper-level organization, this is a considerable amount of money.

People have taken the initiative to raise taxes, but they still haven't agreed.

But just this is not enough to make the generals of the Ministry of Defense blush and fight for it. Shinomiya Yanan privately gave them a discount on the purchase of special ships, and if they buy too many missiles, they can promotion.

There is no way that the military department has to live by the eyes of these civilian companies. After all, the pricing power is in their hands, and buying at the original price is already considered a conscience.

Money can make all the difference, and the Shinomiya family is not short of money at all.

As the head of the family, Shinomiya Yanan is cold-blooded and cruel, and has a very tough approach. Now that they are sitting here safely, they cannot do without the support of the Shinomiya family's local security forces to attract firepower, which can cost thousands of lives in one fell swoop.

But in order for the insect organization to invest a large number of troops in the main battlefield of the fourth house, they would all die here, and they would not hesitate to drag these people to be buried with them.

The reason why Shinomiya Huangguang is so happy is because of his father's move. The old immortals in the Shinomiya Family Elders Association have been upgraded from "old ghosts" to "dead ghosts". No one likes to have something disgusting get in the way when they are doing something.

He is the one who wants to be the head of the family. The sooner these unsightly old guys die, the better. As for the lives of those servants, Sigong Huangguang doesn't care. It's just a tool. If you have money, you can use it as many people as you want.

Based on the firepower of this destroyer, it would be easy to wipe the Shinomiya family off the map.

But the important thing is that the impact of this incident is quite bad. Think about it, the military fleet actually took the initiative to open fire on civilian areas in its own area. What kind of incident is this?

No matter how detached the status of the Shinomiya family is, they are still nominally defined as common people. They are the same as the people in the most backward villages in Hokkaido.

The property of people protected by the military, as well as civilians, is sacrosanct.

Looking around the world, this incident is also quite explosive.

"Shocked that the military of a developed country would do such a thing."

It was searched globally twice in one day. Is Neon going to Oita?

Although they had reached an agreement in private, it was the head of the Shinomiya family who voluntarily asked the military to attack and blow up his own house.

But will the Shinomiya family and the higher-ups tell the story about the py transaction between them and put it in the open?

No, the Shinomiya family played the victim in this incident.

The image of the military is that of a perpetrator.

Then we need a scapegoat to take all the blame.

Take all the sins

As the captain, Daiki Fujioka is the best candidate. He cannot escape the blame and will inevitably go to the military court.

He might even be executed.

So Major General Fujioka Daiki did a good job, but is there something wrong with his brain? It's hard work and thankless, so why risk your own life?

He also had selfish motives

Fujioka Daiki saw that everyone looked very happy and said with an apologetic smile.

"Mr. Yan'an"

"That...my son's, the vice president..."

Upon hearing this, Sigong Yanan looked at his eldest son, and Sigong Huangguang immediately understood.

"Vice president? Not the chairman?"

Fujioka Daiki's son works in a subsidiary of Shinomiya Huangguang, and currently holds the position of project director, which is considered a mid-level cadre.

The original appointment was only with the vice president of the company

But after this incident, Shinomiya Huangguang, who was in a good mood, made Fujioka Daiki's son jump several levels in a row, jumping from a middle-level cadre to the highest-level cadre of the company.

Now he is barely a worthy little boss within the Sigong Group.

This little boss is extremely valuable. How many people have worked their entire lives in the subsidiaries of Sigong Group and are still low-level cadres.

And behind this promotion is a leap from the middle class to the wealthy class.

As a general of the Ministry of Defense's Military Headquarters, Fujioka Daiki has seen too many situations where "rights bow to money". We know very well that in this sick society of Neon, money is king.

It's the end of the road for him to sit in this position, and he won't get much benefit. It is better to use your own future to pave the way for your descendants.

The opportunity for the Fujioka family to advance to the next level is to connect with the highest level of the Shinomiya Group and give his son a backing.

His son was promoted by Sigong Huangguang. Who in the Sigong Group would dare to mess with him?

Furthermore, Fujioka Daiki took the initiative to take the blame, and the punishment meted out to him by the upper-level authorities was only superficial.

He will definitely not be able to escape the military court, and he will be dismissed from his post. Life imprisonment should be guaranteed, otherwise it will not quell the anger of the masses.

But something becomes popular very quickly, and the memory of the Internet is not much worse than the five-second memory of a goldfish.

Fujioka Daiki estimates that he will be reunited with his wife and children after being imprisoned in the military prison for less than a year.

Retirement benefits should be calculated based on those of a lieutenant general in the Ministry of Defense's military department, and the grandson's milk powder money should be more than enough.

When Daiki Fujioka heard that his son had been promoted from vice president of the company, he immediately became the chairman of the board. That was the tip of my eyebrows,

He picked up the tea cup and laughed

"Mr. Huang Guang, thank you so much. You gave me a big surprise today."

"I just drank tea instead of wine and did it!"

In this way, the Shinomiya family was able to live up to their reputation, and the fact that their family was breached by their enemies would be covered up by artillery fire.

"Woo", "Woo", "Woo"

A rapid and harsh red alert suddenly sounded on the "Aegis" guided missile destroyer, and all personnel in the control room immediately stood ready.

"Everyone prepares for battle first."

As the captain of the guided missile destroyer, Daiki Fujioka, he solemnly announced the next order.

"This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill."

"The next step will be to carry out a precise positioning and live ammunition strike at coordinates X.X.X."

The personnel in the control room input the missile's strike coordinates into the computer, and instantly there was a cry.

"Captain, is this really the coordinate?"

The soldiers couldn't believe what they saw. The target of the attack displayed on the computer was Kyoto, which has a population of one million!

Fujioka Daiki's face was ashen and he scolded

"No comment! This is a high-level military secret mission."

"Soldiers carry out orders!"


The nervous-looking soldier trembled as he entered the security code for missile launch.

"There are no abnormalities in the energy device and ignition device."

"The fuel inside the missile is normal."

"Liquid nitrogen freezing has been stopped."

"The missile launch bay door has been opened."

The Aegis guided-missile destroyer "Moyer" is equipped with a thirty-two-unit module MK41 vertical launch system, which can fire up to thirty-two intercontinental ballistic missiles in a salvo.

With the intensive operation of the soldiers, the doors of the sixteen missile launch slots that were originally closed have been opened, and white gas used for cooling is emerging.

Seeing that the final preparations had been completed, Fujioka Daiki roared categorically.


Following the general's roar, the top covers of the sixteen vertical missile launch modules shattered instantly.


The sound of the missile being launched was a shrill scream, but in an instant, the tails of all the missiles were spitting out a large amount of flames and roaring into the sky from their respective vertical launch modules.

Sixteen rounds were fired neatly, under the precise arrangement of the super fire control system!

Each of these ballistic missiles, worth tens of millions of dollars, carries a deafening momentum and flies into the distance at a supersonic speed of Mach 15.

In the dark night, this scene is quite dazzling.

The tail flame of the missile is like a fleeting meteor in the sky, so bright and romantic.

Finally, he threw himself straight to the ground

A white light flashed

The "fireworks" are in full bloom.

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