I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 188 Miss Kaguya wants to commit suicide

"Buzz. Weng."

The black reconnaissance drone located about thirty meters above is hidden in the dark night and is difficult to detect with the naked eye.

The red light of the body camera lights up, indicating that the drone is equipped with an infrared probe and is working normally.

Although the insect organization invested only elites in the battlefield of the Shinomiya family and the personnel in Tokyo were almost useless, the weapons invested in the two battlefields were similar.

Well equipped

The petite drone shuttles quickly and flexibly through the alleys looking for the target. Once the target weapon is found, the small submachine gun will fire.

This kind of thing was designed by the Israeli military. Its original intention was to be used in street fighting. The enemy was often killed before he even saw it.

After a small and inaudible sound, the military reconnaissance drone exploded instantly and turned into fragments all over the sky.

And not only that, because our side's ultra-wide-range signal shielding equipment does not distinguish between friend and foe, the signals of the drones controlled will also be affected.

This means that the person operating this reconnaissance drone will not be too far away from this thing, otherwise the drone will become useless if it cannot receive the signal. The operation of current military drones is no different from ordinary game consoles, just like playing games.

"Be careful, the target is nearby."

When the fighter of the Bug Organization who controlled the drone saw his "toy" turned into pieces, he actually looked like he had won the "jackpot".

After alerting his colleagues, he loaded his submachine gun and observed the surrounding environment at all times. Because according to several adults, the two powerful men had been seriously injured during the chase.

What a great opportunity to make a contribution.

But it can only be said that it is overestimating one's capabilities.

"Dingling bells ringing..."

Just when they were pointing their guns at the surroundings with serious expressions, looking for enemies in the air.

A small round metal thing slowly rolled over from the shadows. It looked like a small silver ball, a bit like a toy.


Before they had time to wonder, these people suddenly realized something, but it was already too late.

Golden cracks appeared on the surface of the silver ball, which were densely packed.


This thing looks small, but it explodes with powerful power! Especially in this small space, it exerts a destructive power that is not found in open areas.

Not only that, if you look carefully, the dazzling firelight is also mixed with tiny steel balls, which are ejected in the ferocious airflow of the explosion, which once again increases the power of the explosive bomb to a new level.

These broken shrapnel are mixed with steel balls and accelerated to a terrifying kinetic energy, which is no different from the bullets of a submachine gun. It's enough to penetrate a person's body and turn it into tatters.

Soon the smoke dissipated, and the ground was covered with collapsed reinforced concrete fragments. It was hard to see that the complete wall was covered with small holes.

Of the three people who fell in the ruins, those who were not dead already had more air coming in and less air coming out.

It didn't take long for him to die.

Hayasaka Ai and Mr. "Heron" walked out from the side and looked at the miserable scene in front of them.

She swallowed.

"No, is this thing so powerful?"

The one who threw the silver ball just now was Hayasaka Ai, which was one of the gadgets that her brother-kun once gave her.

Hayasaka Ai just wanted to save some pistol bullets and wanted to try whether this thing was reliable.

This trial far exceeded expectations.

Now it seems that, well, Brother Jun’s products must be high-quality products.


He turned to look at the small pistol in his hand, Shinomiya's, and felt like throwing it into the trash can.

You have to throw it away when comparing goods. This little thing also has an instant burst mode, which can only be set when the two of them die together. It is very convenient to set the timer at ordinary times.

If I had known, Hayasaka Ai wouldn't have had to shoot with a gun just now, this thing would have been enough.

The former requires hard work, but the latter does not.

"Little miss, your toy is quite powerful."

Heron, who was leaning against the wall, had been briefly bandaged. But red blood oozed from the wound and had stained the white bandage red.

Mr. Lu whistled, obviously quite satisfied with the power of the explosive.

The power of this thing is also a very powerful boost to promote his next plan.

There is one more thing that needs to be mentioned.

The current Hayasaka Aihe is completely different from usual, her golden hair has turned into black.

The original chic side ponytail has been replaced with the same hairstyle of Shinomiya Kaguya, if you look at it from the back.

Even if the elder brothers of Shinomiya Kaguya come to see it, they may not be able to tell the difference clearly.

Everyone will feel that this figure must be their nominal "sister".

Now Hayasaka Ai has become a replica of Shinomiya Kaguya. There is no difference at all except that the color of the pupils is blue.

As mentioned before, due to the brutal and fierce offensive of the Bug Organization, the target of four people staying together is too big.

There must be redistribution, and the correct solution is for the duo to move faster.

The smart Shinomiya Kaguya heard Mr. Sagi saying that he had to do this, and the first thought that came to his mind was without much thought.

It was because she and Hayasaka were about to separate, and that was why Shinomiya Kaguya was dumbfounded.

For her, being able to remain in this embattled environment without collapsing.

A very important point is that Hayasaka is by her side, which can give Miss Kaguya inner sustenance and security.

Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai have been dependent on each other since childhood. The longest time they were separated was when Hayasaka used her vacation time to find her mother.

However, the grouping of Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka is naturally impossible to be taken into consideration by Mr. "Heron".

Hayasaka's shooting skills are outstanding, but this is only effective for low-level soldiers who only use weapons.

The previous situation was special and there was no other way. After being ambushed by a large force of the Insect Organization, Mr. "Heron" and Mr. "Hayato" paid a heavy price to lure away most of the enemies, so Hayasaka would serve as Shinomiya Kaguya's temporary guard.

It can also be seen that the small fish and shrimps exposed from the hands of Mr. Sagi and Hayato-kun are enough for Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka to eat a pot.

In other words, Hayasaka Ai's force is simply not allowed to escape with Shinomiya Kaguya in a dangerous situation.

Therefore, Hayasaka and Shinomiya Kaguya will inevitably be separated in the next action.

If separated in such a dangerous environment, who can guarantee that they will be safe and sound.

"Heron", the deputy leader of "White Ling", one of the twelve groups of "Sword-biting Tiger", has already suffered quite serious injuries.

Shinomiya Kaguya even thought a little pessimistically

If we say goodbye to each other

Will the two of them meet one day?

If it means death anyway, Shinomiya Kaguya would rather be with Hayasaka.

This is one of the first conclusions Shinomiya Kaguya came to.

The second one was also the conclusion she least wanted to face.

Even if the four of them stayed together, they would still be dead. Why did they find a way out after their defensive and counterattack abilities became weaker after they became two people?

If a miracle happens so easily, it is no longer a miracle.

Besides, there is a prerequisite that you need to know

What Mr. "Heron" said is very clear.

"For the safety of Shinomiya Kaguya, we must split up."

As the bodyguard sent by the Shinomiya family to protect Shinomiya Kaguya, Miss Kaguya's life safety is the first priority.

So it is obvious that this life path is for Shinomiya Kaguya, not Hayasaka!

This is a bloody and cruel reality, and what lies behind it is that neon society has been divided into three, six, and nine levels as early as when people are born.

In the eyes of the Shinomiya family, it was very unusual for Hayasaka Ai, who was just a slave, to sacrifice his life for the clan.

even glorious

With this premise, it is not surprising that Mr. Lu would come up with any plan.

So Shinomiya Kaguya immediately understood that it didn't matter who matched Hayasaka.

Because Hayasaka's group was specially used as bait for Shinomiya Kaguya's group. The more attention the insect organization can attract, the greater the chances of Miss Kaguya's survival.

Mr. "Heron" seems to be grouping

In fact, he wanted Hayasaka to die for Shinomiya Kaguya.

Shinomiya Kaguya was not wrong about Mr. Sagi's intentions.

You should really save one more person out of kindness.

It's nothing more than useful value

In early simulations

They security experts discovered that the physical indicators of Miss Kaguya's valet were very close to Shinomiya Kaguya, which meant that she could be used as a substitute for Shinomiya Kaguya.

When an accident occurs, you can abandon Hayasaka Ai and save Shinomiya Kaguya.

This was an emergency measure, and they had already greeted Hayasaka Ai in advance.

So when evacuating, Hayasaka Ai was mentally prepared and even specially brought a set of Miss Kaguya's school uniform.

Just to prevent this from happening

This was what Ishigami was worried about, and he had warned Hayasaka a few days before Shinomiya-senpai might be attacked.

"If you can, please be selfish."

"Even if that person is Shinomiya-senpai."

He just felt that everything cultivated by the Shinomiya family was problematic.

Looking down on the condescending attitude of the Shinomiya family, why should the Hayasaka family, who were once nobles, serve the Shinomiya family, their later masters.

I really don't understand.

But it seems that Hayasaka Ai was very resistant and evasive to the questions raised by Ishigami at the beginning.

Only then did I get bullied by Ishigami.

Now it seems that Ishigami underestimated the depth of the bond between master and servant, and his vaccination should have been in vain.

During the relationship between Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai, she no longer treated her as her servant.

But treat them as family members in the true sense of the word.

So when Shinomiya Kaguya heard what Mr. Sagi said, he immediately began to refute it.

She hugged Hayasaka Ai tightly with both hands

"No, I want to be with Hayasaka."

Shinomiya Kaguya is really scared, Hayasaka will leave her as soon as she lets go.

Mr. Heron said gloomily.

"Please Miss Kaguya, don't make things difficult for me!"

While speaking, he also used murderous intent to force Shinomiya to let go of Hayasaka Ai.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who was scolded by Sagi, finally let go of Hayasaka's hand.

Of course she doesn't want to die

After all, Shinomiya Kaguya has not yet asked the president to confess her love, and Shinomiya Kaguya will marry the president in the future.

But if the premise of all this happening is that Hayasaka should die instead of Shinomiya Kaguya,

It would be better for Kaguya Shinomiya to die in front of them and seek relief.

Shinomiya Kaguya, don’t want a world without Hayasaka Ai!

As long as I die, Hayasaka Ai will not encounter this danger. Her current suffering was all caused by the Shinomiya family.

Shinomiya Kaguya, who looked struggling, immediately made an action that shocked several people present.

She actually took out a pistol from her pocket and turned on the safety.

Then he pointed at his chin, always ready to pull the trigger and end his life.

With tears in her eyes, Shinomiya Kaguya closed her eyes, hoping that through her own suicide, Hayasaka Ai and the others would be freed from this fate.

It is enough for her to die alone.

"Let's go, little lady."



Hayasaka Ai sighed helplessly when she recalled Shinomiya Kaguya's appearance of actively seeking death.

"How silly, Miss."

Judging from her current appearance, it is not difficult to guess that Kaguya Shinomiya's act of suicide must have failed.

Because the one who stopped Shinomiya Kaguya's behavior was precisely Hayasaka Aiko who took the initiative. She was just in time when Miss Kaguya took the initiative to pull her trigger.

A sharp knife hit Shinomiya Kaguya on the neck, fast, accurate and hard.

"Why? Hayasaka."

Before Shinomiya Kaguya lost consciousness, she glanced at Hayasaka Ai angrily.

The expressionless Ai Hayasaka quickly put Miss Kaguya down, holding the

"Miss, you are so stupid."

Hayasaka Ai supported Shinomiya Kaguya's limp body and whispered

"There is no distinction between us. I will pay you back whatever I owe you."

For more than ten years, Hayasaka Ai has continuously conveyed information about Shinomiya Kaguya.

The guilt that kept piling up in her heart, maybe if she hadn't met her younger brother-kun, Hayasaka Ai would have collapsed before that.

Hayasaka Ai had already been mentally prepared to give up her hope of life to Miss Kaguya.

What she was about to take next was undoubtedly the direct train to hell, and she was prepared to die.

It's enough for me to do this kind of dirty hands work.

The only regret is that I didn't say sorry to my younger brother.

Hayasaka Ai unexpectedly was paired up with Mr. "Heron", the strongest one. She thought she would be with Mr. "Hayato" who didn't have much strength.

After all, judging from the ability to protect Shinomiya Kaguya, Mr. Sagi is much more reliable than Hayato.

Her and Mr. Sagi's mission is no longer to escort Miss Kaguya to leave the port area from Tokyo Bay by waterway.

Instead, they once again penetrated deep into the enemy's belly and carried out interspersed and sabotage activities.

Let the entire enemy force's attention be drawn to them, giving Miss Kaguya precious time to evacuate.

Miss Kaguya and "Hayato" have been temporarily hidden

The only problem is how to make the cadres of the insect organization think that Hayasaka Ai who appeared in the belly of the enemy in the port area is Shinomiya Kaguya.

At this moment, above the sky, under the gaze of the moonlight, a high-speed black shadow was constantly climbing up.

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