I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 191 A pair of three hundred, the

Except for the crackling sound of the burning flames, the scene was deathly silent.

There were nearly 300 soldiers present looking at the huge figure that suddenly broke into the battlefield with fear. No one dared to move rashly or take a breath.

When this incredible scene happened in front of them, who would have thought that they, who had experienced countless battles as combatants of the "Insect Organization", would one day become timid before fighting because of the enemy's oppression.

The crimson "reverse cross" embedded in the soil with a bright light in front of them is like a tombstone set for them in advance, indicating that everyone will rush to the underworld collectively.

Conductor: Yu Ishigami

Warm reminder to all passengers present (Passengers: there are members of the "Insect" organization present.)

This "express train" going straight to hell is about to leave.

death penalty!


The goal is just one step forward

In the eyes of those combatants, just a small step away was like a brutal beast crawling in the darkness with its fangs spread, ready to devour anyone.

But before, they were so nervous that they were as tense as a string. Just to put their eyes on that indescribable majestic figure already required great courage.

There was an uneasy sound in the crowd, and everyone had obvious fear on their faces.

Then the target took another step forward, and the distance between them became a little closer.

It actually succeeded in breaking the fragile will of some "combatants".

"do not come!"

Several soldiers, driven crazy by the smell of sulfur and the thick and heavy atmosphere at the scene, picked up the submachine guns in their hands. It didn’t matter whether the shot was successful or not, he just kept firing regardless.

"Monster! Die!"

"Ha ha ha ha.."

They had a mental breakdown and looked crazy, and they didn't even know the saliva was dripping from their mouths.

It seemed that only the hot barrel of the gun in his hand could bring some comfort to his hesitant heart.

Their few scattered gunshots were like fuses, and were quickly echoed. All the soldiers present with guns began to fire spontaneously with ferocious faces.

Suddenly the sound of submachine gun fire was loud, and the barrage formed by dense bullets was more violent than the violent storm.

Nearly three hundred people fired volleys, a metal storm composed of golden firelight "biu, biu".

I believe that any carbon-based creature, no matter how strong it is, would be beaten to the point where no scraps would be left, no matter how strong it was.

But under the red "reverse cross", the man wearing a special alloy battle suit that became harder than steel is really no different from the devil.

Facing the barrages coming from all directions, he didn't waver at all and didn't even bother to move, letting the bullets hit him at will.

And when those whizzing bullets hit the guy, they actually rubbed away from the side as if they had hit something indestructible, turning from controllable bullets into uncontrollable stray bullets.

It's funny to say that the others were not hurt at all, but they hurt one of their own. Many soldiers were hit by stray bullets, and those who were unlucky died directly.

"Damn it. What kind of monster is this."

The combatants who had fired a bunch of bullets were busy preparing to reload. The guy next to him threw the gun away and took out something like a gun barrel from his shoulder.

The soldier who was changing the magazine saw this scene and his voice was full of joy.

"Oh! It's an RPG."

This thing is different from the "Stinger" that specializes in air defense. It is a specialized "Javelin" anti-tank armored rocket launcher (the "Stinger" cannot break the defensive armor of tanks)

The warhead of the "Javelin" missile has a dual-warhead design, which can detonate the target's surface protection at the same time, and the other warhead can penetrate the armor and cause deep damage.

"I'll give you something delicious to eat, you're welcome."

The combatant half-knelt on the ground in an anti-impact stance, aimed at the man who did not waver at all in the torrent of steel, and immediately pulled the trigger.

The moment the trigger was pulled, flames erupted from the tail of the silver-white missile and immediately flew out of the barrel with powerful jet force, heading straight towards the figure standing in the hail of bullets.

But the reality is cruel, no, and it is also magical.

The anti-tank missile, which the soldiers had high hopes of penetrating tank armor, was unexpectedly caught in the hands of the target they expected to be blown to pieces in the next second.

It’s also one-handed

The guy's palm was grasping the side of the missile, and he didn't say he could do it.

Just finding the right moment requires extraordinary insight to be able to do it in a time limit that is close to the limit.

And now the tail of the anti-tank missile is still spitting hot flames, and the red missile warhead is less than twenty centimeters away from the terrifying monster's helmet.

The distance of twenty centimeters seems to be very close, but in fact it is a distance of a fingertip universe.

Under the influence of the terrifying and strange force on the stone, the missile seemed to be stationary and could not cross the thunder pool even half a step. And at this distance, there was no explosion.

Then why did Ishigami come into contact with the missile, and the "Javelin" that could easily destroy the main battle tank did not explode.

The design of this type of RPG weapon adopts an impact fuse trigger, considering that the attack targets are slow-moving armored vehicles.

There is a firing pin in the warhead, which explodes once the warhead detects a collision with the target.

In other words, as long as you don't touch the warhead, you can hold an RPG rocket launcher missile in your hand by holding it from the side.

Under the horrified gaze of the person who fired the rocket launcher, Ishigami grabbed the thing by the waist and turned it around, changing its direction like a javelin.

It changed from the direction facing the stone to the opposite direction of the stone, which was the direction in which the missile was launched.

The "Javelin" missile itself has a ballistic correction function, but under the influence of Shishang's terrifying strange force, it has obviously exceeded its correction range.

"Don't come over!" X15


burst of fire

These words became the last words of the combatants in that area, and they were blown into pieces by the missile's instant burst of high explosives.

The submachine gun is useless! Anti-tank missiles are useless!

How could such a monster exist in the world?

"Damn, why doesn't it work?"

Although the soldiers continued to fire, they knew they were immersed in this sense of frustration and powerlessness.

Completely numb

However, soon all the gunshots were fired, and there was a brief gap in the originally dense barrage.

Because an emotionless electronic synthesized sound seemed to be ringing in their ears, so cold and creepy.

An inexplicable chill surged from my heart, and my hands and feet were cold.

The soldiers heard what the silent "monster" was saying for the first and last time.

"If only to this extent"

"Then it's my turn to attack, you bastards."

After finishing the call to his subordinates, Ishigami's eyes had just regained some clarity and became red again, quite alluring.

It is unconcealable violence!

When Ishigami, who was worried about Xiao Ai's safety, just came down from the sky, he wanted to kill all the people below.

But caring will lead to chaos

Ishigami's first goal is always to save Xiao Ai, and his second goal is to make these guys pay the price with their lives.

One VS three hundred, I am the one, so there is no problem with me having the advantage.

Ishigami has already passed on his coordinates, and the medical helicopter rescue will be coming soon. (If you already know the regional signal shielding in advance, use equipment that can counter signal shielding.)

Before the helicopter comes, Ishigami has to clean up these eyesores, and he won't get close to Xiao Ai at this time.

Ishigami was wearing a black combat uniform, and no one knew which side he belonged to. That means he has no weaknesses, otherwise these dogs would find out.

It is not difficult to massacre three hundred armed people, but protecting an injured girl from so many people is a bit troublesome even for Ishigami.

Who can guarantee that bullets or stray bullets act according to Shi Shang's will. He won't hurt the little love in his arms when he moves quickly.

Ishigami didn't dare to gamble, nor did he want to gamble.

Luck is such a mysterious thing.

Therefore, no matter how anxious Ishigami felt, he could not check on Hayasaka Ai. They had AOE damaging weapons in their hands.

This combat uniform made of special alloy can easily carry a submachine gun, but anti-tank missiles with armor-piercing capabilities cannot defend it.

If the enemy launches missiles at the wreckage of the "Cyberban", Ishigami will have to fight in front of Hayasaka Ai.

So on the premise of ensuring Hayasaka Ai's safety, he focused all the attention of these guys on himself.

The medical rescue team was informed that support was on the way and would arrive in about twenty minutes.

This meant that Ishigami had to kill all three hundred people within ten minutes. Killing three hundred chickens with bare hands is tiring, let alone killing someone.

It was also the first time that Ishigami wanted to kill so many people, and he became excited when he thought that so many people's lives would pass away in his hands.

His murderous aura boiled to the point where it was almost substantial, and a red light began to appear around the black battle uniform in the eyes of the soldiers.

Without this bloody contrast, he looked as noble as a knight in the night under the moonlight.

But now the murderous intent on the stone was boiling to the point where it was almost materialized. In the eyes of the soldiers, red blood began to appear around the black combat uniforms, like demons and demons burning.

This is madness!

Just like a mythical berserker, Berserker's posture

Reason is burning like crazy! Anger is exploding!

It is to kill until the blood flows everywhere, to kill to the mountain of corpses and to the sea of ​​blood, to kill until the enemy is completely frightened!

This is the crazy killing in the bloody dawn

A berserker who vents his rage!

The bloody skeleton groaning in agony with blood in the sky kept spinning around the stone, and the gloomy breath of death rushed towards his face.

"Beast! Don't look down on people so much!"

A combatant in the crowd who was nearly two meters tall threw away the heavy machine gun hanging on his body with a stern voice. He took out a giant hammer and hit it violently on the ground, looking quite a bit unprovoked.

He only holds the heavy machine gun to form a lethal firepower point from a distance. It does not mean that he is not good at fighting skills. On the contrary, the skills that have been honed over time are what these "Insect Organization" combatants are proud of.

Ishigami, who was wearing a mechanical helmet, turned to look in the direction where the sound had just come from.

The dull sound of "dong" came

The ground was overwhelmed and screamed in pain, unable to withstand the power that exploded from the stone in an instant, causing it to collapse.

With a sudden blow and a heavy stomp, he turned himself into a cannonball fired from a turret, and rushed into the combatants of the Bug Organization.

These combatants are basically muscular men over 1.8 meters tall, but even so, many of them didn't react, and when they did, they found themselves already in mid-air!

"Did I get knocked away?"

However, it didn't take long for such doubts to arise, because these people in mid-air felt severe pain coming from everywhere in their bodies.

He coughed up a large amount of blood containing internal organ fragments, and lost consciousness as soon as his vision went dark.

The black blood these people coughed up instantly seemed like blood raining from the sky.

Then due to the influence of gravity, they fell stiffly to the ground and fell unconscious. Some of them were knocked into cars and balconies of buildings, and some were knocked into the green belt.

Because the kinetic energy generated by Shishang's huge body coupled with the rapid speed of rushing into the crowd was terrifying, those unlucky guys blocking the road being hit by Shishang were no different from being hit by a "dump truck" running rampant on the road.

Bone comminuted fractures are basic, and it is not difficult to completely knock a person apart. Therefore, many people died from severe bleeding caused by broken ribs inserted into their internal organs. Fortunately, they lost consciousness in mid-air after being hit by the stone like a bowling slam, and they did not suffer much pain.

The high-speed moving Ishigami slammed the last unlucky guy in front of him into the wall with a casual palm like swatting a fly, and then came to the guy who just shouted "beast".

Looking at the monster that suddenly appeared as close as a ghost.

He could see the scarlet eyes full of bloodlust and madness through the eye slits on the helmet.

"That one is definitely not human!"

After coming to this conclusion, the two-meter-tall man who was strong enough to shoot with a heavy machine gun was immediately frightened out of Ishigami.

He immediately raised his half-ton giant hammer high, wanting to give Ishigami a friendly greeting.

But the martial arts skills that should have been honed day after day have lost their effect today.

The giant hammer above that was supposed to hit the stone harder and faster with height was held in the man's hand.

The stiffness of the movement is particularly obvious. In simple words, the "sway back" of raising the hand is very serious.

Because in the eyes of the two-meter-tall strong man, his whole body was held in the hands of a bloody skeleton that was so huge that it could cover the sky and the sun, and he could not move at all.

This is the pure, refined "killing essence" on the stone that brings a strong hallucinogenic effect.

Ishigami, who was wearing a mechanical helmet and had an expressionless face, also raised his fist high and hit the rude guy on the head.

This blow was conservatively estimated to be more powerful than the giant hammer wielded by the strong man. The powerful blow directly shattered the hard skull of the human body.

Not only that, the "little things" inside are also all scattered freely outside under the influence of external forces.

Only the lower molars could be seen on the body lying on the ground. The exposed gums looked ugly and ferocious, and the flesh and blood torn by violence was quite obvious.

There is a white round thing at the feet of the stone, and behind it seems to be a long and narrow optic nerve or something like that.

Warm blood and pink "brain flowers" were splashed on the helmet. There was nothing to wipe it with for the time being, so it was evenly applied on the stone with a casual wipe.

Anyway, this dress will have to be thrown away when the time comes.

Little did he know that Ishigami's move would make him become more like a devil, as the combatants of the Bug Organization who were so taboo around him that they dared not come forward.

No one dared to step forward, for fear of becoming another corpse at Shishang's feet in the next second.

Ai Li has already calculated the statistics for Ishigami. It took one minute and twenty seconds to kill a total of thirty combatants of the Insect Organization.

Killing one person in two seconds on average.

Ishigami frowned, seeming quite dissatisfied with his performance.

A little slow...

He has heard of the bodyguards who protect the Prime Minister at all times. It only takes 0.2 seconds to kill an enemy with bare hands. He is known as the "Protector of the Empire" and has protected two Prime Ministers.

And he only killed one in two seconds. This score of 0.2 was so dazzling or too slow.

Have to learn from seniors

"Ellie, knife!"

Ishigami felt that although it was great to kill him with his bare hands, it was too slow to punch a child with only one punch.

You still have to get weapons.

"Copy that, Master."

Everyone showed a vigilant look and stepped back a few steps again, because they saw the guy actually opened his palm to the void.

It seemed like something would fly to his hand automatically after a while.

Even though the "Mojave" drone had been burning for a long time, it could still be controlled by Ally. A groove suddenly appeared above the red "reverse cross" that exuded high temperature.

I haven’t seen what it is yet.

I saw a terrifying cold light flashing past, shooting out at a very fast speed. Some people along the way were unable to dodge and were actually split into two halves under the cold light.

The cold light that brought about killing didn't stop firmly until it reached Shi Shang's hand, and then he really saw what it was.

It is a large sword with a length of more than two meters, or to be more precise, it should be called a "ship-cutting sword". The white blade makes it impossible to look directly at the sword's glow under the moonlight.

Its "ship-cutting knife" named "Carnival"

This broadsword, which was difficult for ordinary people to use, felt like an arm in Shi Shang's hands.

The moment the "Banquet" was obtained, a brilliant sword light was drawn directly from the stone. The aroused sword wind would make a hole just by touching it.


The combatants of the Bug Organization, who did not dare to move rashly with their bare hands on Ishigami, gasped when they saw a terrifying weapon in Ishigami's hand.

This is a powerful combination that cannot be ignored.

Seeing their indifferent and rather taboo looks, Ishigami didn't even want to say anything and just rushed forward again. He had to be in a hurry.

Soon the combatants on the battlefield will know what they are fighting.

Shi Shang tightened his grip on "Banquet", and soon the long knife made a shrill vibration like the sound of wind and cranes.


Only a bloody halo was seen spreading in all directions, and any area touched by this bloody halo seemed to have been plowed.

The land was cut cleanly.

The distance of about ten meters around the stone has become a restricted area for life.

I don't know if it was his own bad taste, but wherever the blood went, whenever there were combatants of the Insect Organization, they seemed to have been cut off by the sharp knife on the guillotine.

A person who is cut in half will not die immediately, but will continue to live for a while. So those wailings on the field, and the wantonly twisted limbs.

These "victims", whose faces were no different from those of evil spirits, kept wailing in pain.

As they crawled, long bursts of blood flowed down the ground, and the pungent smell of blood became increasingly intense in the air.

It was a hellish scene, brought to the real world.

What caused this horrifying scene was Shi Shang's knife skills - drawing the knife to cut off the water!

For a moment, I didn’t know who the real villain was. His body was covered with the enemy’s blood and flesh.

Ishigami, who kills and tortures living beings, now seems like a villain who does all kinds of evil, a murderer.

But this was the beginning. It was also the first time for Ishigami to draw a knife. Hikaru felt that he didn't perform well the first time.


It seems that I need to come back a few more times to find out the feeling.

Just when the "big devil" on Ishigami was killing people and cutting off a head as easily as chopping vegetables, a certain guy couldn't stand it anymore.

The long sword is unsheathed, exuding a fearful atmosphere

Three consecutive slashes with no gaps in the shape of a cross, and the encircling shape seemed to remove the source of the stone.

But this is not enough. Knowing that such a level of siege will only make Ishigami more embarrassed.

That beauty in a suit also has dazzling white hair, Lapland

Place your long knife horizontally in front of you. If you look closely, you will find that there are many almost invisible thread-like things wrapped around the long knife.

This is the secret why she can kill planes with a knife

Lapland, her red lips parted slightly

"Seven days and seven flashes!"

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