I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 196 No, she really wants to give it...

After a period of recuperation, the resort is finally almost here.

Speaking of which, Shuchiin, which is also in Minato Ward, had a school bombing (an Apache crashed and landed in the Higher Education Department), and the final exams were over, so they simply put these students on leave without classes.

In fact, after such a terrorist attack occurred in Minato-ku, Tokyo, it is really strange for parents to let their children come to school.

So all the students at Shuchiin, from first to third grade, had a happy summer vacation.

Otherwise, the fact that Ishigami and Hayasaka Ai didn't go to school these days would be a bit confusing.

Everyone in the student union didn't get to see each other for the last time before parting, so they parted temporarily. (We will meet again during the summer vacation, don’t be afraid.)

And Hayasaka Ai has been recovering under Ishigami's care for a few days, and it's time to be discharged from the hospital.

"Hey, hey, this lady is fine."

The blond man in a white coat holding Hayasaka Ai's medical record in his hand is Dr. Yingchu, whom he hasn't seen for a long time.

He still had the same fake smile on his face, with one hand in his pocket. The tone was very frivolous and gave people the impression of being unserious.

But something unusual is that the disinfectant on this "Doctor Death" now smells particularly strong, and it seems to be trying to cover up its original smell of blood.

Ishigami and Hayasaka Ai smiled at each other after hearing the diagnosis given by Dr. Eichu.

"Thank you, Doctor Yingchu."

Because this is a sanatorium with a special official background, Dr. Yingchu occasionally takes time to come here to conduct expert clinics.

It was just a coincidence that I met Dr. Yingchu on his patrol.

The last time Ishigami saw him was when he was cooperating with him on "Oracle Cell" research. That project had been shelved due to excessive losses and unknowns.

Speaking of which, Dr. Yingchu was also one of the only survivors of the "Apocalypse" virus incident, and the other one was Ishigami.

"Apocalypse", also known as "God's Punishment", is a virus contained in the "Oracle Cell", which is based on the authoritative judgment given by the "chief expert" in neon bacterial virology.

This is an extremely lethal virus that is as deadly as Ebola or Lassa virus, and there is no treatment.

Therefore, it has been secretly classified as a Level 4 virus, and even virus samples have become the country's top secret. (The current highest biochemical virus level is level four, and this is not the limit of "Apocalypse".)

In order to completely eliminate the "God's Punishment" virus from the physical level, even the expensive biological laboratory with many precious instruments has been blown up with specially prepared cloud bombs.

Cloud blast bombs are high-explosive fuel-type explosives that generate high temperatures as low as 2,500 degrees Celsius (viruses generally die when heated to 100 degrees Celsius), which is most suitable for this kind of underground defenses.

It stands to reason that the "oracle cells" of the Ishigami family have caused such great losses to the Fujiwara family and the Ministry of Defense. Why were they not angered and held accountable to the Ishigami family?

Of course it's not for Chika Fujiwara's sake, her face isn't that big yet.

Although the "stability maintenance faction" headed by the Fujiwara family paid a certain price, it was still within control.

The most important thing is that in this sudden "biochemical crisis" accident, the purpose of the experiment was actually achieved due to a combination of circumstances.

Who would have thought that Dr. Yingchu, who is smiling while holding the medical record, is actually the most outstanding and perfect work produced by the "stability maintenance faction" in the upper-level organization in the "Oracle Cell" experiment.

The original purpose of the "Oracle Cell" experiment was to create a special "serum" that could mass-produce a powerful "Superman" like the one in the movie.

This will increase the bargaining chips of the "stability-maintaining faction" and enable them to compete with the "radical faction" who now have a suppressive position in next year's general election.

Doctor Yingchu's physique was so special that he could adapt to the "God's Punishment Virus", but the God's Punishment Virus became parasitic in his body.

Seemingly satisfied with this coexisting relationship, the "God's Punishment" virus took an unexpected turn. The virus actually began to transform into the original "oracle cells" and continued to transform the body.

Later, the Ministry of Defense secretly recruited "volunteers" from the military who were physically stronger than Dr. Yingchu and forcibly implanted the "God's Punishment Virus", but without exception, all of them physically collapsed and died.

Therefore, Dr. Yingchu can be regarded as a success that cannot be copied, but this does not affect that he is still a powerful trump card in the hands of the "stability maintenance faction".

After all, in the eyes of their old rivals, the radicals, "Doctor Yingchu" is just a successful case on the surface, and there may be many such "super soldiers" behind the scenes.

Therefore, the top leaders of the radical faction saw the "super soldier" plan submitted to Congress by the "stability maintenance faction" and told the members that the finished product was initially ready.

"You don't believe it? I have the finished product."

Seeing Yingchu showing his inhuman side on the screen, these "radical" senior executives all cursed in their hearts.

Crazy, the "stability maintenance faction" are all crazy.

Grandma, who are the radicals?

Why do the "stability maintenance faction" do things more radically than their "radical faction" counterparts?

That's outrageous

To be able to advance the experimental process so fast, it must have used "human body" experiments, and the scale is not low.

Dare to use large-scale anti-humanitarian "human body" experiments just to launch successful cases in a very short period of time.

This kind of courage and courage is unimaginable.

While the top leaders of the "radical" faction developed taboos, they also began to doubt their own purity.

Reflect on whether my actions as a "radical" are too soft.

The video can be faked, but the record of "Doctor Yingchu" is real. He has already proven his strength, and the rich blood energy in his body now proves this very well.

Therefore, the "radicals" have to believe and accept this reality.

The fantastic ideas put forward by the good guys "stability maintenance faction" succeeded. This taboo will become more profound, and I will not dare to act rashly.

But who knew that the "stability maintenance faction" was just pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, and they also pretended to be very skilled and put the only successful case on the bright side.

Dr. Yingchu just returned from a special "clearance" mission on a military plane and came here for a consultation when he had nothing to do.

I just didn't expect to meet the two of them.

This man named "Ishigami Yu" just stood in front of Dr. Yingchu.

He couldn't resist his desire to dissect it. He really wanted to see how the muscle tissue under the skin was put together.

But Dr. Yingchu couldn't do it at all

Doctor Yingchu, known as the "Anatomy Demon", is obsessed with anatomy, and has reached the point of being stunned.

But he is not a bad guy, he knows very well who is easy to mess with and who is not.

On the one hand, it was a question of strength. Although he already had the blessing of "oracle cells", he was as small as an insect in front of this rather young man.

It actually feels like stepping on a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss below.

The feeling of tension and anxiety of being in the same cage with a ferocious beast pricks Dr. Yingchu's nerves like a needle.

Yes, that's ridiculous.

He is a man who has completely removed the "hypothalamus" part of the brain that controls pain, but he can still feel pain like ordinary people. This feeling is amazing.

Dr. Yingchu knew clearly that his life and death depended only on other people's thoughts.

There is another aspect: I can be considered as one of the subordinates of the "Fujiwara family" now, and my status is one step closer, so I naturally know some little secrets.

This boy has a close relationship with the second young lady of the "Fujiwara family", and he might as well become the son-in-law of the "Fujiwara family" in the future.

Yes, completely my own person.

Well, maybe he will become his boss in the future.

But this kid is now in a very good relationship with another girl he doesn't know. He really can't understand today's young people.

From the perspective of Dr. Yingchu, Ishigami held the girl's hand firmly in his hand.

He really wanted to complain, how could he run away from here? And the way people look at you will tell you the same thing no matter how they look at you.

"All I see is you". I forgot about the rest.

This thing is what Dr. Yingchu's assistant next to him often talks about while reading girl comics.

As time goes by, he will also be able to speak a word or two.

However, Dr. Yingchu was not interested in these affectionate relationships between children. During these appointments, it would be better to dissect one or two more corpses.

I just feel strange why the eyes of these beautiful girls are all focused on this boy.

Or does being handsome really have a privilege?

I'm not bad looking either, so why isn't there anyone else?

Dr. Yingchu, who couldn't understand, touched his chin and put aside the medical record in his hand.

He used a meaningful tone, and it was obvious that what he said next was just for bad taste.

Dr. Yingchu pretended to suddenly remember something and warned him enthusiastically again.

"By the way, although it's no longer a serious problem."

"But the patient's body is still in the recovery period. Let her do whatever she wants. No strenuous exercise is allowed."

"We still need a period of rest, so Ishigami-kun must not do any "weird" rehabilitation exercises~"

Presumably he won't be angry because of this kind of thing, after all, this is my doctor's order.

Dr. Yingchu specially put emphasis on "strange things" and then left with a smile.

Ishigami, who understood, shook his head and sighed helplessly when faced with Dr. Yingchu's "look that only men can understand".

Good guy, that seems to be what Ai Hayasaka is saying.

In fact, everything is said to Ishigami

"What's wrong?"

Hayasaka Ai, who didn't notice the hidden meaning, just took it as a doctor's advice and didn't think much about it.

But she noticed Ishigami rolling his eyes, so she asked curiously

"Brother-in-law, why do you look so unhappy?"

"Nothing, I just feel sorry for that bastard and unscrupulous doctor."

"You're actually making fun of us."


Ishigami saw that Hayasaka Ai's eyes were still hazy despite his euphemistic expression, and he knew that she really didn't understand at all.

Well, at this moment, Ishigami suddenly remembered Iino, the "little yellow croaker" who was obviously a serious "discipline committee member" but knew a lot.

If it were her, she should have been able to get that point when she heard the doctor talking about "multiple people", "health care", "violent" and the like. The keywords were indeed triggered.

If you stay together for a long time, you will easily be led astray.

Well, Ishigami was too dirty and accidentally thought wrongly.

Who understands?

He's really fed up with this kind of life where he understands things instantly.

Ishigami took a breath and thought carefully about explaining it to her.

He was actually looking forward to how such a little love would behave after hearing his explanation.

After all, the former Shinomiya-senpai was quite amused when she knew about this matter.

However, Hayasaka Ai knows a little more than Shinomiya-senpai, but she is still very pure.

Didn't think wrongly

So what Ishigami had to do was to whisper in Hayasaka Ai's ear and tell her the "correct" answer.

Force her and make her think crookedly.

"Xiao Ai, this unscrupulous doctor said that there are many people, no, violent. This "exercise" is something between two people." (It can also be more than that, let's have a party)

It's quite exciting to force others to dye their own colors.

As expected, Ishigami heard his "correct" answer.

"Ah? How come?"

Xiao Ai, who was extremely thin-skinned, showed a rather hopeless side in front of Ishigami, with a nice blush on her ears and face.

"No, no one would discuss this in broad daylight.

"Really a rogue doctor!"

Hayasaka Ai tuied secretly

"And brother-kun, why do you say this so bluntly?"

Xiao Ai's blue eyes were full of panic, and she didn't dare to look at her younger brother Jun.

But the embarrassed behavior of these girls is exactly what a man who is also not serious wants to see.

After all, she will be his wife sooner or later. My wife is so cute, how can I live without teasing her?

Although there was an almost accidental situation, because Hayasaka Ai's relationship with Ishigami in private was in vain. (Plus, if you have such a lovely wife and you have no other ideas, I can only say that your brother and you are really wronged.)

However, due to Ishigami's restraint, the relationship between her and her younger brother Jun was still innocent, and she did not do anything that would make Shinomiya Kaguya become a "godmother" early.

"Okay, I'm just kidding."

Ishigami did not continue teasing her. What if she became dizzy due to low blood sugar if she continued teasing her.

Seeing that Hayasaka Ai was as shy as a quail, Ishigami covered his head completely with the quilt and hid, he patted the quilt gently and reminded him.

"Sit down for a moment, little Ai, I'll get you some food."

Because a detailed physical examination was required before discharge, Hayasaka Ai was on an empty stomach.

He went to get her something to eat.

Just when Ishigami was about to get up and walk out, his hand was grabbed by the person who was still wrapped in the quilt.

He turned his head and saw a girl with only watery eyes, who seemed to be suppressing her inner shyness and seemed hesitant to speak.

Those last few words seemed to take away all the strength from Ai Hayasaka's body.

Have the courage to speak in a small but clear voice.

"Then brother-kun, do you want it?"

After saying that, Hayasaka Ai closed her eyes in fear.

She really waited for a whole second!

One second is a long time, enough for an athlete to break his own record.

But you just didn’t get the answer you wanted?

Hayasaka Ai wanted to suppress the shame in his heart and muster up the courage to see what his brother Jun was doing.

Suddenly, I felt that the sheets beside me had begun to groove downward due to the force.

"Brother-in-law, stay by your side."

"Very close!"

Hayasaka Ai, who had her eyes closed, felt warm breath on her face. And the courage that was finally summoned was lost in the pressure of younger brother Jun.

In Hayasaka Ai's imagination, her brother-kun was now facing her, as if he were banging his hands on the sheets.

And as time passed, a palm moved softly on her face.

Following Ishigami's movements, Hayasaka Ai's narrow eyelashes began to tremble uneasily.


"If I wanted to"

"Can you really do it?"

Hayasaka Ai's heart was beating so fast as he caressed her cheek.


"So don't ask that question next time."

She also learned how to answer quickly this time. She opened her eyes that were so shy that they were covered in fog and looked at Ishigami and answered.

"Otherwise, if you want me to answer..."

"It's really embarrassing."

"This is really true."

Hearing what Hayasaka Ai said, Ishigami, who originally just wanted to tease her, became the inappropriate one.

"I like you, I really, really..."

"I like you very much."

Her eyes seemed to be silently telling her love, and the girl was undoubtedly serious.

Ishigami took a deep breath and put his index finger on the girl's mouth, indicating that she didn't need to talk anymore.

He touched his uncomfortable nose. After all, the disinfectant was a bit choking.

Ishigami said to the curious guy behind him in a very friendly tone.

"Doctor Yingchu, do you want me to help you?"

"How many more openings should we make on your wound?"

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