I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 223 Chairman of the Board Ai Hayasaka

"Pingshen" is to accelerate blood flow, increase muscle congestion and oxygen content, and enhance the strength and speed of the whole body. Overclocking is possible, but high power puts a heavy burden on the heart, shortens lifespan, kills life skills, and affects movement accuracy.

Why "Pingshen" can artificially intervene in these things to make the host burst out with amazing power is because it relies on the role of "oracle cells" in its body.

After experiments and reasonable speculation, the concentration of "oracle cells" will undoubtedly affect the power output. After all, the performance gap between the "residual blood version" and the "full blood version" will of course be very obvious.

Then the 1.0 version of the "Crazy Blood" potion, which can increase the concentration of "oracle cells" in the human body, will unsurprisingly optimize and upgrade the old "Pingshen".

Ishigami Yu tentatively named the evolved version of "Ping Shen" as "Crazy Demon", which means completely crazy. But it is not yet known what kind of increase the "Crazy Demon" will have on the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse.

Sensing that the Ten Demon Snake King Ma was about to wake up during the operation, Ishigami Yu did not hesitate and immediately asked "Mode" to increase the anesthesia dose.

Because the anesthetic works on the brain and central nervous system, the stimulation brought by the "oracle cells" is particularly strong.

Because the rejection reaction of the "crazy blood" reagent on the human body is quite severe. Every cell in the body of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse is undergoing a huge test. The blood vessels in the skin exploded due to contact with the "oracle cells", revealing bloody wounds. Soon, some cells adapted to the "oracle cells" and began to become abnormally active. Chemistry is repaired at high speed

This caused the pain to hit the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse's nerves like a steady stream. If this kind of pain were divided according to the pain level, it would be at least level 12, which is the full level.

If you wake up at this time and be affected by such severe pain, it will easily burn out your brain's CPU and turn you into a complete idiot.

The situation that appeared on the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse is indeed consistent with the situation that occurred when Ishigami Yu experimented on those little monkeys. The little monkeys will experience this situation once every two experiments, which is equivalent to a 50% chance.

Because it hurts too much.

It is equivalent to the feeling of cutting the wound again with a knife and then inserting it into the wound and stirring it once the granulation sprouts have grown.

It's painful enough

Moreover, the open wound on this guy's back has completely exposed his spine to the "sterile room". Vigorous exercise will cause the artificial spine made of a special alloy that was finally positioned to be misaligned. After all, the bones will make this metal It will take some time for them to be completely wrapped, and they will not be able to play their role until they are grown.

There are also benefits. In the future, if the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse's spine compresses the nerves and causes necrosis or breakage, then it can be replaced with a brand new spine just like replacing parts.

Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, everything will be easy after the ten ghosts, snakes, kings and horses survive. His fate was already doomed when Ishigami Yu injected the red-light "crazy blood" medicine into the spinal artery of Jukisaki Ouma through the mechanical arm.

Whether it is rebirth or death, it all depends on his personal thoughts. (to be or not to be)

The fluttering blood energy on this guy's body is the heat emitted by him relying on the internal temperature to heat his blood. After all, the body temperature of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse is now as high as forty-five degrees Celsius, and his heartbeat rate has also reached over two hundred and forty degrees.

At this body temperature, the blood and blood vessels are almost half boiling, which is equivalent to using a low-temperature slow-cooking food processor to bake the entire body of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse at a temperature of 45 degrees. The cooked steak must be very tender and juicy.

When the various physiological indicators of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse stabilize, it means that these new foreign "oracle cells" have basically adapted to his body.

Note that it is the high concentration of "oracle cells" in the human body that adapt, not the human cells that adapt to this thing.

Yu Ishigami has no doubt that the "oracle cells" have some consciousness. These overbearing bacteria will spontaneously clear the space of all normal cells around them.

The working principle of this thing is roughly to phagocytose a large number of normal cells and then use these cells as food, which is converted into biological energy and stored in the muscles.

As mentioned before, these "Oracle Cells" were prepared by Yu Ishigami, who purified the essence from the corpse of a terrifying "Blood Giant" and then diluted it a hundred times. This means that the "Oracle Cells" were actually injected into ten cells at the beginning. When Ghost Snake King Ma is inside his body, he looks like someone else.

Transplantation of unconscious organs will cause serious rejection reactions in other people's bodies, not to mention that Yu Ishigami is equivalent to moving these savage and voracious aborigines to a new place and starting to set up camp.

Wait until Ishigami Yu sews up all the wounds caused by these surgeries. The next step is to wait. I don't know whether what I'm waiting for is a body with dead consciousness, or the reborn Ten Ghost Snake King Horse.

"Mr. Weimingyu, Mr. Ouma?"

Seeing Mr. Bei Mingyu coming out of the operating room, Yamashita immediately came up to him with a worried look on his face.

Ishigami Yu shook his head. He was thinking that it was time to take Xiao Ai to see her fighting skills, and he didn't notice Yamashita.

When Yamashita saw the surgeon in charge, he shook his head, and his heart rose to his throat again. There have been a lot of white hairs on his head in the past few days, all of which grew out of Mr. Sad Ouma.

Worries from an old father

"Look, he's in a hurry."

When Ishigami Yu saw Yamashita's face looking very ugly, he knew that this guy was becoming pessimistic again.

I haven't explained it yet, and I'm in a hurry.

He really wanted to say, "I'm not your son, so stop worrying about it."

"The situation of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse is currently stable, but whether he can survive or not depends on his own will."

Just after the injection of "Oracle Cells" into the body is considered the first wave, the body temperature rises indeed very steadily, stabilizing at about 45 degrees. For the second period, we have to wait for the physical environment of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse to be suitable. If it doesn't work, then I can only say sorry for giving up the life of Ten Ghost Snake King and giving him "strong medicine".

Ishigami Yu patted Yamashita's shoulder and left, leaving him alone to stay where he was.

"Mr. Ouma."

Yamashita walked to the No. 1 experimental chamber separated by tempered glass and put his hand on it.

His eyes were fixed on the Ten Demon Snake King Ma, who had basically dyed the white tile floor red. Although this guy had survived the first wave of massive bleeding caused by the burst of cell tissue throughout his body, the high temperature and rejection of the body surface were still there. The life of the Ten Ghosts, Snake King and Horse is at stake. If you are not careful, you will die like a lamp extinguished, a candle in the wind.

But the Ten Ghost Snake Ouma incident was just an interlude, and it was impossible for Ishigami Yu to devote all his time to him.

After he came out of the underground base there, he went to find Xiao Ai. After all, I made an appointment today to take her to see her company and the most important fighter.

However, it is a bit inconvenient, that is, after Ishigami Yu announced his identity as a "Tauren Warrior" to Hayasaka Ai, he will not be able to appear as Ishigami Yu when he and Ai appear in public.

After all, Ishigami Yu doesn't want others to take advantage of him, that would be too outrageous.

The new boxing star "Tauren Warrior" has officially announced his sweet girlfriend. In fact, she is secretly related to the second young master of her boss.

What other majestic "tauren warrior" is actually the one who was cheated by the "playboy"? Is there any way for the pure love god of war to survive?

If it were spread on the Internet and confirmed by people's opinions, it would be unclear.

The melon-eaters who don't know why can only say "Love is an unsolvable proposition." Then they start to swipe the screen and beat the rhythm like crazy.

You can guess it from the comments below.

"A pure love warrior in the port area went downstairs to buy cigarettes without taking the stairs or the elevator."

"Ikebukuro is the most affectionate place, and its main focus is "company"."

"Two pure love warriors appeared out of thin air in Tokyo. I didn't expect that it was me who was torn apart."

In order to prevent this kind of "unfortunate family" from happening (there is no use deleting comments and suppressing others more and more), Ishigami Yu can only face Xiao Ai in public as the identity of Ming Yu Xingming. This is really my "vest" green and my own example, and it can be included in the classics.

The main reason is that because of his body shape, he can only drive a large car, and that kind of small car cannot fit his people in. The limitations are extremely large, and it is destined to only be able to drive a full-size SUV.

Hayasaka Ai has been staying at Ishigami's house these days, sleeping in Yu Ishigami's room. He was busy with the ten ghosts, snakes, kings and horses, and he had been busy for so long without realizing it. Ishigami has done everything he can, and the rest is all up to Ten Ghost Snake King Ma himself.

Because he had to pick up Xiao Ai, Ishigami Yu had to take a detour home.

When he drove three hundred meters from his door, he saw a blonde girl wearing a long white dress and a high ponytail standing at the door of his house.

From a distance, it looks like a small white flower blooming so peacefully, showing the elegant and quiet beauty of the hands. The quiet feeling of time under the sunshine is amazing and makes people like it.

This girl who makes people intoxicated just by looking at her from a distance is Hayasaka Ai. She received a text message from her boyfriend and was already waiting here.

"So slow!" (Oh so ~ Baga)

Hayasaka Ai also saw the jet black Range Rover Genesis Extended Edition. She saw the person in the driver's seat at a glance and recognized that this was her man - who was also her idol in the past and in the future. "Tauren Warrior".

Women are attracted to strong men of the opposite sex, and the "security" and peace of mind they can rely on are intoxicating. No girl will resist a hug where she can act like a spoiled child in his arms.

Just damn "satisfaction"!

Although Hayasaka Ai complained, there was no trace of impatience on her face. Instead, she was filled with joy.

The girl opened the door with light steps and got into the car.


This was a sneak attack from a girl. As soon as she got in the car, she was naughty and couldn't wait to put her seal on the face of the person she liked.

"Hey, Xiao Ai's share is stamped today."

Ai Hayasaka, who was sitting in the passenger seat, smiled brightly at her younger brother Jun. Her smiling face seemed to say come on and praise me, come on and praise me.


After finishing my mother's Ai Hayasaka, even the last knot in my heart disappeared. Now that she has no worries, she will be able to love her younger brother without any burden.

Hayasaka Ai has no worries now. If a relationship is official, it will be official. Whether it is

Yu Ishigami, who smiled helplessly, looked through the car's rearview mirror and saw a clear red mark on his face.

If Yu Ishigami couldn't avoid such a sneak attack, he would still be a woolly fighter. The title of "the undefeated myth in the arena" is crying.

When Ai Hayasaka came over to kiss him, Yu Ishigami could kiss her on the face ten times.

This kind of little girl's temperament is called sealing, but in fact it is a declaration of her liking for him!

Ishigami Yu wanted to wipe it away with his hand, but his hand was stopped by the girl with a bulging face.

"No wiping!"

Hayasaka Ai, who was blushing slightly, snorted softly, and then she continued to add.

"At least don't wipe it before getting off the car."

Then Ai Hayasaka can look at her own work while in the car. Besides, it's hard to wipe off the lipstick on clothes, but she wiped it off with some cleansing oil on her face. If a girl is willful occasionally, it will make boys think she is cute.

Anyway, Hayasaka Ai suddenly smacked him in the face, and Ishigami Yu thought her prank was quite cute. I bought lipstick for Xiao Ai, just hoping that people would give him a little bit back from time to time.

Regarding falling in love, it can make people lose their intelligence and their behavior can become childish. Ishigami Yu thinks that the reason behind this is that he loves you so much that his usual rational thinking mode is meaningless in front of you.

Who would have thought that in Shuchiin, Hayasaka Ai, who is quite popular even among girls because of her cool personality, handsomeness and reliability (Haasaka Ai can be quite a boy sometimes), would actually be eager to kiss and hug her as soon as they met.

The posture of a little girl in love

Compared with "love" that is full of calculations and step-by-step decisions, it is better to love without restraint and freedom.

"Xiao Ai, how did you know I wanted to wipe it?"

Ishigami Yu thinks Hayasaka Ai is quite cute. Who would hate a girlfriend who takes the initiative to kiss her?

"I just wanted to paint it like this. Isn't it better like this?"

Yu Ishigami used his thumb to smear the hickeys Ai Hayasaka left on his face into the shape of a heart.

"How about it? Not bad. The kiss Xiao Ai gave me was a sweet little heart."

Then Hayasaka Ai naturally saw a love on her younger brother Jun's face. Thinking that she was half responsible for this love, the smile on her face became even brighter.

Ishigami Yu took out his mobile phone and gestured to Xiao Ai next to him. Hayasaka Ai quickly understood, and immediately put her little head next to her brother-kun, and then placed a scissor hand horizontally.

The camera in Yu Ishigami's hand quickly recorded the small moment belonging to the two of them.

Then he used the Minotaur Warrior's social media account to post the picture to his circle of friends.

And accompanying text

"Give me a kiss and I'll give you a heart."

It doesn’t matter if you retouch the pictures, Hayasaka Ai and Ishigami Yu are both photogenic people, they are the most beautiful in all aspects and no blind spots!

The reason why people are so attracted to love is because after I get you, I don’t have to suppress the raging love for you in my heart, I can release it all in one go.

Decorate the daily life of two people with love.

"Okay, my little love."

Yu Ishigami leaned over and pulled the seat belt around her to buckle it for her, not forgetting to kiss the girl on the face.

he said with a smile

"Today you are President Ai. A dignified Chairman should act like a Chairman."

Which chairman wants to be kissed and hugged like you? You are really shameless.

Today they were going to visit the company that was assigned to Hayasaka Ai's name and belonged entirely to her.

In other words, Xiao Ai today is the president of a multinational company listed on the main board of the United States with a market value of US$2 billion.

Today I have made an appointment with these board members, and it is the day that the chairman of the board of directors, Hayasaka Ai, will meet with them.

Hayasaka Ai's company is a company that specializes in labor dispatch around the world. Its business includes professional maid training, butler dispatch, and hotel management services.

She is a completely professional counterpart, after all, no one understands maids better than her.

Sorry, sorry, I fell asleep on the desk while typing. When I opened my eyes and woke up, I was dumbfounded. What a good guy. It became the next day. I've been too busy at work recently and haven't had enough sleep.

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