I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 228 Is it really a scam?

"I'm sorry to tell you, Yamashita."

Ishigami Yu covered the body of Ten Demon Snake Ouma with a piece of white cloth, walked out and said to Mr. Yamashita

"Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, he still didn't survive in the end."

"We've done our best."

After double identification by Ishigami Yu and "Mode", Ten Ghost Snake King Ma was confirmed to be dead.

Time of death: At 18:54:07 this afternoon, it was the end of simultaneous brain death and body collapse.

In fact, as early as an hour ago, Ten Ghost Snake King Horse's heart had stopped functioning. The next hour was spent in non-stop rescue operations, but to no avail.

"Mode" used a defibrillator on the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse with a voltage of 3,700 volts and 400 joules of electricity. It still did not help to apply high-energy pulses to his heart, and he still had to die.

The cause of death was systemic organ failure. From the experimental data collected, it can be seen that it should be consistent with the cause of death of those little monkeys.

Therefore, Ishigami Yu knew that the internal organs of the Ten Demon Snake King Horse, such as the kidneys, lungs, and heart, were probably riddled with holes without even having to perform an autopsy.

The "oracle cell" that was already in the shape of someone else seemed not to be very satisfied with the body of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, so it adopted the most violent method of erosion instead of coexistence, eating everything that was not one of its own.

It is more edible than imagined, including DNA genetic material. The "oracle cells" invade the cell nucleus and eat it from the inside.

DNA is actually equivalent to the human body's program, responsible for allocating cell work, cell regeneration, etc.

Breaking off a section at will will cause terrible effects. The oracle cells are like terrible computer viruses that tamper with the program, and the system will directly crash, not to mention that it is running. Modules for cell death updates are broken and cannot be updated, which will naturally cause human organ failure.

Ishigami Yu sighed

It seems impossible to obtain powerful power by transplanting high-concentration "oracle cells" from other people's bodies to forcibly catalyze the low-concentration "oracle cells" in their own bodies.

And now it seems that they can carry low concentrations of other people's "oracle cells". Dr. Eichu and Setsuna Kiryu are really monsters.

Hearing Mr. Ouma's mourning, Mr. Yu had already issued a death notice. Although he had made psychological preparations, Yamashita's vision inevitably went dark.

Ishigami Yu held the shoulder of the white-haired middle-aged man with one hand, preventing him from collapsing directly to the ground.

"No, please help Mr. Yamashita to rest."

He said to the camera with red light flashing in the room.

"By the way, don't forget to prepare some nutrient solution for intravenous drip."

The camera's red light flashed to indicate that it understood. An electric wheelchair soon appeared at the door of the "morgue" and slowly drove to the side of Yu Ishigami and Mr. Yamashita.

"Please, Mr. Yamashita."

This little old man has not slept for several days because of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse. There is no doubt that if this continues, everyone may die suddenly.

Ishigami Yu said to the haggard-looking Yamashita.

"I'm fine, Mr. Weimingyu."

But Yamashita didn't agree as Yu Ishigami imagined, but shook his head. He forcibly supported his body and did not let the adult continue to support him.

The gray-faced Yamashita didn't say much, he just bent down and bowed deeply to Mr. Bei Mingyu three times.

Ishigami Yu didn't say anything, just watched Yamashita's trembling but firm expression of his actions after bowing three times.

"I am very grateful to you for agreeing to my request to treat Mr. Ouma."

Mr. Yamashita, who looked even paler, coughed a few times and said

"Mr. Weimingyu, you have already helped me a lot. There is no need to waste more resources on me."

He shook his head sadly

"Mr. Ouma is dead. That is his fate, and it is also my fate."

When Yu Ishigami heard this, he had a bad premonition for some reason. This investment might have completely failed.

This guy can't think about it, right?

Fortunately, what Yamashita said next did not worry Ishigami Yu.

After all, the death of Ten Ghost Snake King is only a trivial matter, but if the "Fist Eye", which can provide elite fresh blood for Ishigami's superior force in the future, is lost here, it will be a complete loss of money.

"Mr. Bei Mingyu, could you please settle the medical expenses?"

"Whether it's hundreds of millions or one billion yen, as long as you don't mind my age, I can keep working for you."

Mr. Yamashita is a man who keeps his promises and does not want to follow Mr. Ouma's footsteps and pass away because of his huge debt. He also has two sons, which are Yamashita's only concern in this world.

It is for this reason that we have worked hard for decades without complaint. Besides, by establishing a good relationship with the big shot Mr. Bei Mingyu, maybe my two sons will have their future jobs secured.

"Mr. Weimingyu, thank you again for your efforts these days."

"Mr. Ouma's body will be dissected and studied, right?"

Ishigami nodded, originally thinking that Ten Ghost Snake King Horse's failed attempt would leave behind a perfect body.

However, he underestimated the corrosive effect of high concentrations of "oracle cells" on the human body, and even the body of a well-tempered fighter would find it difficult to resist.

This guy is no longer usable.

The only function now is to lie in formalin to provide new materials for Ishigami Yu's research on "oracle cells".

The sad-looking Yamashita looked at the white cloth on the morgue, and the surrounding instruments were already in place. Just waiting for Ishigami Yu's order, he directly dismembered the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse and sliced ​​it for study.

"Can you please let Mr. Ouma and I stay here alone for one last time?"

Ishigami Yu pondered for a moment, then nodded and turned around and walked out.

So only Mr. Yamashita and the cold "corpse" of the Ten Ghost Snake King were left in the room. As the automatic door closed, the room regained its tranquility.

Only the "Mode" camera still kept its red light and was still working.

Seeing her younger brother Jun walking out of the room, Hayasaka Ai, who was leaning on the wall, immediately came to greet him.

"Is the matter done?"

In front of Xiao Ai, Ishigami Yu didn't have to put on that stern expression without sadness or joy.

He sighed, stepped forward and hugged her gently. Said in a tone of great regret

"Xiao Ai, this time the compensation will be paid to grandma's house."

The precious high-purity "Oracle Cell" liquid in Yu Ishigami's hand was only 60 ml extracted from the corpse of the "worm tissue" strongman. Twenty ml was lost on those little monkeys, and 20 ml was lost on the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse. Thirty milliliters were lost.

In the end, there were only ten milliliters of original solution left in my hand!

"Let me hold you for a while."

Only when he was holding his little love and smelling the delicious fragrance, could Ishigami Yu suppress the feeling of pain in his heart.

Why he spent a lot of resources on "Oracle Cells" is because once this experiment is successful, it can greatly enhance the strength of Ishigami Yu's brothers and friends.

If it weren't for these brats being useless, why would Ishigami Yu bother to stand in front of the stage with the vest of the "Tauren Warrior" and become the pillar of the "Barbarian Bull Club".

You must know that he is only a child of more than 200 months and has not even graduated from high school, but he has such a heavy burden on his shoulders.

There is a saying that goes, "If the sky falls, the tall man will hold it up."

But is it possible that Ishigami Yu is the tall guy, and anyone in the "Barbarian Bull Club" can retreat, but Ishigami Yu's vest "Tauren Warrior" cannot.

They can rely on the "Tauren Warrior", who can Yu Ishigami rely on?

He can only rely on himself

The "Insect Organization's" research on "Oracle Cells" gave Ishigami Yu the hope of improving the strength of this group of combatants, that is, the hope of fishing!

This contained the hope that he could escape from it, so Yu Ishigami spared no effort to develop a potion that could improve his strength, with few side effects and a permanent duration.

You must know that Yu Ishigami's fishing system stopped working because the meaning of the word "fishing" has changed for him.

If he were just a student, skipping classes, not paying attention to them, and sleeping would be considered fishing.

But Ishigami Yu's composition is now more complicated. The shipment rate of fighters from the Boxing Club was originally low, but now even the boundaries of fishing have become stricter.

By signing up for cram schools and skipping classes, you will no longer be able to get the fishing treasure chest. Now I have to take martial arts classes in name only and skip classes.

Although Yu Ishigami's initial strength was favored by the system, but now he relies more on himself!

He started with a breathing technique and became a boss with terrifying strength that dominated an area. Only he knew the effort involved.

But this burden has become so heavy that Ishigami Yu can no longer give it up if he wants to. Behind the rapid development of the "Barbarian Bull Club" is the appeal and influence of the "Tauren Warriors".

It is ironic to say that Yu Ishigami became a "Tauren Warrior", but the "Tauren Warrior" was bound by his "rising reputation". His reputation and sense of responsibility were like chains that locked his will.

In addition, Yu Ishigami, who had been grateful for the kindness of Chairman Shirogane and Shinomiya-senpai, also wanted to be the support behind them.

The same thing happened with Xiao Ai. She knew a lot of the Shinomiya family's secrets, so she could only cover it if there was a boxing club above the "Manniu Club" organization. But relying on others is never a long-term solution. You have to rely on yourself to be safe.

There are so many people, so many responsibilities, so many ideas, any one of these burdens on Yu Ishigami can crush the back of an adult.

But he can only move forward with a heavy load, and no one can carry these things together.

Behind the prosperity is the powerful force of the "tauren warrior" Mingyu Xingming. Without Yu Ishigami, all this would only be a loft in the sky.

Because of his presence, Xiao Xiaocai, who was hiding in the dark, did not dare to act recklessly and remained in a wait-and-see state.

"So I thought that the experiment on Ten Ghost Snake King Horse would still be profitable no matter what."

But I still underestimated the madness of "oracle cells", which is not something that can be mastered easily.

As for why not build a mechanical warrior similar to the "Terminator" in the movie, the technology is limited, and even if it is built, it will not be able to participate in boxing competitions.

Because Ishigami Yu found out that the "Boxing Wish Club" had the experience of encircling and suppressing the "Insect Organization" three times in its history, and it was an old opponent.

In the past half century, science and technology have developed rapidly. The "Insect Organization"'s method of replacing Boxing Club members with "clones" has long been discovered.

Therefore, now all boxing competitions must go through special physical examination qualifications, and physical examinations for members of the boxing association are regularly organized.

As for doping, it's still under the control of the executive committee of Buguiquan. After all, when fighters use their strongest strength, the viewing experience for members of the Boxing Club will be better.

"Don't be too tired, brother-kun."

Because Yu Ishigami was half-kneeling on the ground and hugging Xiao Ai, the girl hugged by his arms could easily touch his head.

It's like comforting, but also like feeling distressed

The annoyance in Brother-kun's heart can be conveyed from the other side even if Hayasaka Ai doesn't look into his eyes.

As a fan of "Tauren Warrior", Hayasaka Ai naturally knows the weight of these words, and also knows that this junior student, who is even one year younger than her, has already gone through life and death in the boxing arena where life and death are the bets. Many times.

No matter how strong he is now, he must have suffered a lot back then. This is inevitable.

Just now, Hayasaka Ai saw that the martial artist "Ten Demon Snake King Ma" who was defeated by Uncle Guan Linjun was also here. He is still receiving treatment, but his injuries are so severe that treatment seems to be extremely difficult.

Unlike some weird and enthusiastic uncles who can pick up girls in need of help on the street, how come my younger brother Jun only picks up defeated fighters.

Achun was also recycled by his younger brother Jun, and the same is true for this "Ten Ghost Snake King Horse".

The more fighters there are under the "Manniu Club", the better the fight will be when the time comes.

Hayasaka Ai absolutely agrees with Brother-kun's vision of fighting artists. The "Tauren Warrior" versus the "Destroyer" Achun was a classic battle between Brother Jun and I can still remember clearly the destructive power that Achun displayed.

And just now, the battle between Achun and his master Guan Linchun gave Hayasaka Ai the feeling of a violent giant bear venting its power to its heart's content.

Neither his expressiveness nor his destructive power were the same as before.

Now that the "Ten Ghost Snake King Horse", who in the eyes of my younger brother will become a powerful fighter in the future, has turned into a cold corpse, how can my younger brother feel better.

But it is true that people cannot be resurrected after death. Could it be that the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, whose body organs have failed, can get up again and pretend to be dead?

Just when Hayasaka Ai wanted to comfort her depressed brother Jun, she inexplicably saw the door at the other end of the corridor open.

Yamashita, who looked panicked, stumbled out and accidentally fell to the ground because he was in such a hurry.

"what happened?"

This movement was very loud, and Ishigami Yu showed an apologetic expression to Xiao Ai, then let go of her and walked forward.

"Mr. Ouma, Mr. Ouma's finger moved."

Yamashita said loudly to Ishigami Yu

When Hayasaka Ai heard this, her eyes widened.

"Damn it, it's really a scam..."

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