I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 269 The God of War in the Toilet

Some guys kill people just to satisfy their own desire to kill, nothing more.

There is no reason.

"Garuda, is your cousin always so sick?"

The game hasn't started yet, so Ishigami Yu still has time to go to the toilet. But after he came back from the toilet, he wiped his hands with a napkin and complained to Garuda

If you look carefully, you will find that Ishigami Yu's clothes are actually stained with traces of blood, but they are not his but someone else's.

"It's really time to go see it."

"This is a disease that needs to be cured."

"What's wrong, brother?"

Garuda still felt a little strange, why her cousin was mentioned from her brother's mouth. But when Garuda thought about it and thought about Wu Lei'an's "cheesy" character, he immediately felt that it was not surprising, and even felt a little normal.

"Lei An, what's wrong with him?"

“It’s hard to put it into words”

There was a look of disgust on Ishigami Yu's face. He could see that the future leader of the "Wu" clan was a guy with a bad mind and a bit of a "pervert".

When he went to the toilet to drain the water, a shirtless blond man came out of nowhere, grinning evilly and looking at you with a lewd expression.

This kind of scene may be scary for boys, let alone girls.

But who is Ishigami Yu?

"Tauren Warrior"

He didn't show any fear, and went to the toilet calmly as before, the sound of rushing water could not be heard.

Ishigami Yu recognized this guy's identity at a glance. After all, there is no more obvious feature than the black eyes and white pupils.

The next fighter to compete in the competition is Wu Lei'an, a demon from the Wu clan who belongs to the technology-based "unicorn" company Under Mount.

Forbidden Descendants

Last time Ishigami Yu and the "old man" almost had a conflict because they didn't want to be the "Wu Clan"'s son-in-law, Wu Lei'an was also present and was the one who laughed the most.

"Is this guy here to use the toilet too?"

After all, it was normal to lighten some physical burden before a fierce battle and go to the toilet. Ishigami Yu just treated him as passing by and didn't even look at him a second time.

"Hey, isn't this the son-in-law that our old man longs for?"

Who would have thought that when Wu Lei'an saw Yu Ishigami using the toilet, he would naturally come over to him, pat Yu Ishigami's back and say hello.

"Brother, come and use the bathroom too."


Ishigami Yu glanced at him and nodded without much response, continuing to go to the toilet on his own.

"Hey, don't look so stiff. If you become the husband of my sisters, you will still have to call me uncle."

Wu Leian winked at the "Tauren Warrior", quite enthusiastically

"In these years, you are the only one who can make the old man so angry and still escape unscathed."

"I like you quite a bit."

"Thank you very much."

When it’s gone, the dialogue is naturally gone.

Because the conversation was between two people, and Ishigami Yu didn't want to talk to him at all.

After a simple greeting, the atmosphere in the toilet returned to tranquility and even the slightest embarrassment.

I thought that the embarrassment would make Wu Lei'an retreat and go out to participate in Quan Yuan Jue Ming, but I never thought that this guy who was missing several muscles in his brain would even poke his head over to take a look at the end.


Ishigami Yu turned to the side to block Wu Leian's curious eyes. Aren't you polite?

He took a deep breath to swallow the anger in his heart, and took a step back. Maybe this kind of neon guy from "deep mountains and old forests" might lack some common sense and not know how to be polite. Besides, as Wu Lei'an said before, he is still considered the "brother-in-law" of Garuda's natal family, so he can save a little face.

But just watch and don’t talk too much!

He also laughed strangely, which made Yu Ishigami unable to bear it.


Made, Yu Ishigami noticed in the mirror that the expression on the man's face was particularly wonderful after reading this, and he gradually stopped laughing.

The whole person took a few steps back, taking a breath of cold air and mumbling

"How is it possible, so big?!"

Black lines appeared on Yu Ishigami's forehead, and he couldn't help but sneered.

A mere firefly dares to compete with the bright moon?

It's no nonsense, the workers and employers are so big, how can the size of the good brothers who are partners be so small?

Must be KING-SIZE level

What makes you awkward with me, right? Wu Lei'an is the kind of person who has no sense of boundaries at all that Ishigami Yu hates.

If he was trying to force a relationship with someone he didn't know at all, if this was done to a beautiful woman who was pleasing to the eye, Ishigami Yu might still consider it. But if a grown man does this, Ishigami Yu can only say that you are dreaming

Wait, it seems like everyone in this family knows each other very well. Every time Ishigami Yu meets the "Wu" clan, the family will inevitably sell him a wave of marriageable girls from the clan.

"I'm greedy for his body, I'm sure."

The sound of trickling water stopped, Ishigami Yu took a deep breath and felt relieved. He shook a few times, then pulled the zipper and turned to look at Wu Leian and said coldly.

"Now that you've seen it all, shouldn't you pay some interest?"

"Ha? Just look at it and there won't be any missing pieces of meat."

Wu Lei'an, who was almost losing his self-esteem and defense, was immersed in the mood of regretting that he shouldn't have watched it when the "Tauren Warrior" said this. He was so angry that he jumped up when he heard this.


Ishigami Yu sighed, it seemed that he could only wash his hands later.

"The big deal is mine..."

Just when Wu Lei'an was about to make some eye-catching move in excitement, Ishigami Yu moved.

He grabbed Wu Leian's head with his backhand at such a fast speed that even the reaction speed of "Demon" could not react for a moment.

Five fingers as strong as steel and iron bones firmly grasped Wu Lei'an's head, and there was no doubt that the power within them could crush it into pieces.

He held Lei An's head with one hand, and the man weighing 94 kilograms was lifted up like cotton in his hands.

Then he simply and rudely uprooted Wu Lei'an, who was unable to react, and directly hit the editor of an unknown luxury bathroom brand next to him.


Just once, this special fired ceramic product was smashed to pieces as if it were made of paper.

The water pipes and other things pre-installed inside broke and spurted out. Wu Leian, who still had a look of shock on his face, was forced to be inserted upside down and unable to extricate himself.

Yu Ishigami's control of power is an absolute master. The power generated by "dunk" is definitely capable of knocking down a fighter of Wu Lei'an's level.

It is nothing more than using the principle of concussion to temporarily paralyze the opponent.

Due to the conduction of force, the floor made of ceramic tiles cannot remain intact when the bricks are broken.

With a crash, the white ceramic tiles shattered in a radial pattern with the small bucket that Ishigami Yu destroyed as the center of the circle.

Assembling something takes a long time, but destroying it is so quick that it doesn't even take a second. Under the operation of Yu Ishigami, the chief of the demolition brigade, half of the 60-square-meter splendid toilet was turned into a ruin filled with smoke and dust. The rupture of the pipe caused all the tap water to escape from the pipe.

If this alone might not extinguish Yu Ishigami's offended mood, he saw a metal pipe that was exposed irregularly and sprayed water because it had been violently destroyed. It was inserted into the bucket and fixed on the wall. Things like water pipes suddenly gave me an idea.

Yu Ishigami pulled out the water pipe that was still connected to the wall. It was quite flexible because it was bent.

It was only about fifty centimeters long, and in Ishigami Yu's hand it was about the same as a dagger.

"It's not bad, it's worse than using a fist."

He swung up and down and rubbed the air, making a sharp cry that tore the air. It can be imagined that hitting someone would be quite painful.

"You can't kill anyone."

Now that you have the tools, it’s time to teach someone a lesson

Ishigami Yu pulled the stunned Wu Leian out of the ceramic shards, and the jingling shards shattered on the ground.

Because the edges of the fragments were very sharp, it was said that Wu Lei'an's body, especially his face, was covered with horrific scratches. The hideous wounds turned up the flesh and blood, and the ground was covered in blood.

But even though Wu Lei'an is extremely miserable, it does not affect Ishigami Yu's "heart of stone" at all.

When I asked for interest before, no matter what you said, it wouldn't be like this.

Besides, Wu Lei'an had already seen his "sharp blade", so what if he didn't see some blood?

Holding the "weapon" in his hand, Yu Ishigami's eyes were cold and he swung it hard at Wu Lei'an on the ground!


The violent combos were non-stop. The flexible hollow iron rod hit Wu Leian's body, making a crackling sound that was simply frightening.

It can be said that just imagining an iron rod hitting someone will make them tremble with fear.


Every time the stick falls, a considerable amount of blood will splash out.

Some splashed on the clothes, and some splashed on the blood and formed new blood splashes. Anyway, Wu Lei'an's blood was all over Ishi Shangyu's face.

In the end, the metal water pipe in Yu Ishigami's hand could no longer withstand such a high-intensity attack and turned into pieces.

Wu Leian lay unconscious in a pool of blood

"So dangerous, so dangerous."

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have accidentally gone too far. After fully venting his inner dissatisfaction, Ishigami Yu finally felt comfortable.

"It almost killed the Wu clan's only hope for more than 1,300 years."

He kicked Wu Lei'an, and the figure who fell on the ground was kicked straight into the toilet cubicle at the back.

Another pile of broken pieces, this time the door of the toilet cubicle was smashed into a big hole by Wu Leian.

In this way, the front of this gangster was facing Yu Ishigami. Seeing Wu Lei'an's rising and falling chest, he knew that his life was not in danger.

Ishigami Yu glanced at the blood dripping on his hands, frowned and ignored Wu Leian who was lying on the toilet, and went to wash his hands at the only basin that was still intact.

When Ishigami Yu walked out, a young man with blond hair and a sweatshirt walked towards him. He had his hands in his pockets and was humming a song. He was probably going to the toilet.

Yu Ishigami had some impression of this guy, he seemed to be called a "Superman" who manages people.

"By the way, it might be slippery inside, so be careful when you go to the toilet."

Just as the two of them passed each other, Yu Ishigami finally reminded him.

"OK, all right."

Riren didn't expect that this guy with the strong smell of blood on his body would open his mouth to remind him, and he was still on guard.

Suddenly he was stunned.

Although it feels a little strange

But he will remind others that maybe he is a good person.

Ishigami nodded and walked out without saying anything else.

When he had walked about five meters, a loud tenor screamed in disbelief from the toilet.

"What the hell is this! So much blood."

"Why did the toilet look like this?"

Several sounds in a row were enough to show the panic of the person involved.

But it's no wonder, anyone who steps into the scene of the first crime will have such a look of fear. The ground is covered with tile fragments, exposing the cement underneath, and there is dazzling blood.

"Wow, why is there still someone lying there?"

"It's so noisy."

Hearing the cry of "fear", the corners of Yu Ishigami's mouth raised slightly.

Stop barking

It made him look like a murderer fleeing the scene of a crime, which was terrifying.

Is it necessary?

I just taught this rude guy a lesson. Well, I may have been a little rough in my methods.

This was what Ishigami Yu experienced before he returned to the audience. He showed off his big sword inexplicably to Wu Lei'an and was really speechless.

Family members, who knows?

I went to the toilet while being watched by men.

But you can't tell Garuda and the others this kind of thing clearly, otherwise it would turn into a pervert like Wu Lei'an.

As for Ishigami Yu's violent beating of Wu Lei'an, will it affect the subsequent boxing match?

Who knows

It's not my responsibility, and I didn't kill him.

Anyway, the game is about to start.

After the host calls Wu Lei'an's name, if he doesn't come out.

That's a pity. It can only mean that Wu Lei'an retired from the competition without playing a single game in this desperate knockout match.

The poor Wu clan has not yet performed from behind the scenes to the front stage.

His opponent was very lucky to advance to the next round without a fight and without any injuries.

If it comes out, it will be the same as before.

The boxing match will come as it comes,

But it may not be good news for Wu Leian's opponents.

Ishigami Yu took down Wu Lei'an because the gap in strength between them was a bit big, so he could be defeated immediately with lightning speed. Wu Lei'an didn't even have the chance to use "Liberation".

If Wu Leian came out for a boxing match now, you don't need to think about it to know that he would definitely be in a state of rage.

"The troubled child of the Assassination Clan broke into the Fist Wan and died. He will put the clan's reputation on the line and kill all those who stand in his way."

Katahara Sheka held the microphone and explained.

"Height 188cm, weight 94kg"

"Wu Lei'an appears!"

But no one showed up thirty seconds after Katahara Kazuoka's introduction, and the venue was still empty.

Wu Huiliyang in the VIP table clenched the crutch in her hand tightly

"Where did that bastard Lei An go?"

"Huh? Where are the people?"

But suddenly the noisy audience fell silent instantly.

"It's so noisy to the pigs"

"I'm here!"

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