"Cronus, my dearest child."

  "Mother, why did you come to Olympus? Is there something wrong?"

  Kronos was a little surprised when he saw the figure in front of him.

  "Cronus, my child, the day of prophecy is approaching, your sixth child, who will overthrow you."

  Kronos' pupils shrank when he heard Gaia's words. Hearing this, Kronos finally understood why he was always restless in the recent period of time, and always felt that something would happen, so it was.

  "Mother God, where is that child."

  "Crete, but Kronos, don't meet the other party in person, as long as the other party can't release the other children in your belly, then he can't overthrow your rule, you just need to put your own belly Protect the children inside, don't let them come out of your stomach, then no one can overthrow your throne of God King, as for the sixth child, I will help you solve it, I will never Let someone overthrow the throne of your god-king."

  Hearing Gaia's words, a trace of warmth flashed in Kronos' eyes, but it was quickly replaced by tyranny.

  "No, Mother God, I will personally defeat the Son of Destiny predicted by the Father God, and I will prove to the Father God that I, Cronus, have surpassed the Father God Uranus."

  Kronos looked up at the endless sky.

  "Look at me, Father Uranus, I will break your prophecy and prove that I have surpassed you.".

Chapter 42

  "Look at me, Father God Uranus, I will prove that I have surpassed you, and even the son of prophecy in your prophecy cannot defeat me."

  Raising the divine weapon scythe in his hand, Uranos waved fiercely towards the sky, and the next moment the sky cracked, but a pair of eyes appeared above the sky.

  "Cronus, you will pay the price for your arrogance, Gaia, I also saw your ending. No one can break the fixed number of the goddess Ananke, just like me back then. I also know that Cronus will overthrow my rule, but isn't the final result still the same? No matter how hard you try, you can't break the predestination."

  "Uranos, don't think that we are still us."

  Gaia looked at the pair of eyes above the sky and said plainly.

  "Really? Then I will watch you, Uranus, my youngest son, Gaia, my wife, I will watch you, and when you come to the end, you will know me Uranus anger."

  Thunder exploded in the sky, this is the anger of Uranos, Uranos is the god of the sky, and also has the right to control thunder, and Zeus is the god of thunder and Uranos are almost in the same line, Zeus can also say is the god of the sky.

  After Uranos finished speaking, those eyes gradually disappeared, and the cracks in the sky began to recover.

  Kronos looked at Gaia.

  "Mother God, I will personally go to Crete, I will personally defeat the child predicted by the Father God Uranus, and I will prove that the Father God's prophecy is of no use to me at all."

  Gaia frowned at Kronos in front of him.

  "No, Cronus, you can't do that now. Just in case, you should send the other Titans of Olympus to arrest Zeus. Listen to me, my child."

  Kronos flashed struggles in his eyes, and finally let out a breath and looked at Gaia in front of him and said, "Okay, I will listen to you, my mother."

  "Good boy, mother, I will never let someone take away the throne of God that belongs to you."

  Gaia said while stroking Kronos' cheek gently.

  "Then, mother, who do you think should bring that child?"

  "Let Kleos go, I believe Kleos will bring the child back."

  Hearing Gaia's words, Kronos shouted directly: "Clios, come to see me at Olympus."

  The voice of Cronus came out of Olympus, and then into the ears of Clios.

  "Understood, Your Majesty the King of God, I'm going to Olympus now."

  No gods above Olympus except the god-king Cronus shall be above Olympus.

  Therefore, these Titan Gods can only rush to Olympus from their residence even if they are summoned by Cronus.

  Not long after, a god appeared in front of Kronos. His name was Klios, one of the twelve Titan gods who was in charge of the celestial body.

  "I don't know what the order of His Majesty the King of God was to find me, Klios."

  "Clius, I want you to do something."

  "Please instruct His Majesty the King of God, and Clios will definitely do it for you."

  "Go to Crete and bring back the one of my children on Crete."

  A look of astonishment appeared on Klios' face, looking at Kronos in front of him and asking inexplicably, "Your Majesty Kronos, your child is not..."

  At this time, Gaia appeared, looked at Klios and said, "The Queen of the Days Rhea sent the sixth child out."

  Kleos was taken aback and immediately understood what Kronos meant.

  "I understand His Majesty the King of God, I, Krios, will definitely bring that child back and give it to you personally."

  "Go, Clius, I'm sure you can do it."

  Klios didn't say much, bowed respectfully to Kronos in front of him, and then quickly left Olympus.

  However, as Clios left Olympus, the brows of the God King Cronus gradually tightened.

  "Mother, I always have a bad premonition in my heart. I always feel that Klios will fail, and I still want to go by myself."

  "No, you can't go to my child, Cronus, your time stop will be of no use to that son of prophecy."

  "Even if time stops being of no use to that child, even if I am besieged by all the gods, I am as invincible as Cronus, I am Cronus, unmatched."

  Kronos said domineeringly, Kronos, who is in charge of the divine weapon sickle, plus the authority of the king of gods, this is the confidence of Kronos to dare to say these words.

  "Cronus, how much do you understand the law of time now?"


  Gaia frowned after hearing Cronus' words.

  "It's not far enough, it's not enough, at least you need to understand more than 50%, so I can rest assured."

  Then Gaia looked at Cronus in front of him.

  "Cronos, I have a way to make you quickly comprehend the law of time."


  Kronos looked at Gaia in surprise.

  "Kronos is also the god of time, but also the embodiment of the law of time."

  "But Chronos..."

  "follow me."

  Gaia said and pulled Kronos towards the universe and.

  Chaos Chaos, Chronos, the god of time, and Ananke, the goddess of determination.

  These are the three superprimitive gods above all the Olympian gods.

  Whether it is Chaos Chaos or Chronos, the god of time, or Ananke, the goddess of determination, they cannot appear as entities, but this does not mean that they cannot be found, as one of the original gods Gaia, precisely knows such a place.

  That place is a miracle manifested by Chronos, the god of time.

  "That is."

  Kronos couldn't help but stare at a slowly rotating nebula.

  "That's the scar left by Chronos, the god of time."

  Gaia looked at Kronos and said calmly.

  "Kronos, you understand the law of time here, when you understand 50%, and then go back to Olympus, before that, Olympus I will help you watch.".

Chapter 43

  Zeus couldn't help but open his eyes. Zeus, who had understood the law of thunder, suddenly felt that his heart became very heavy, as if something was about to happen. This feeling made Zeus unable to sink his heart and go to participate. Understand the law of thunder.

  "Something must have happened, otherwise this would not have happened."

  And what happened must have something to do with him.

  Thinking of this, Zeus's mood could not help becoming a little nervous.

  Related to yourself?Could it be that those goddesses are going to find themselves?

  I don't know why there is some panic in my heart when I think of those goddess Zeus.

  Zeus doesn't actually have much resentment towards those goddesses, even if there is, it will be eliminated in the time of these rebirths.

  Zeus knew very well that what he was doing at the time was wrong.

  So in the last encounter, Zeus felt that there was nothing incomprehensible about his fate, but some died too miserably.

  But if Zeus was asked to do it again, Zeus would not agree anyway, that kind of torture Zeus definitely did not want to suffer a second time.

  Thinking of the scene where the flesh and blood on his body was bitten off alive by those goddesses, Zeus felt horrified all over.

  "It seems that I need to change to another place. Those goddesses should probably find me, so I have this feeling."

  With a murmur, Zeus was about to move the nest again, but suddenly Zeus found that the stars above the sky began to shift, moving towards Crete.

  "That is..."

  Zeus's pupils shrank, Zeus found out, or Zeus understood that the feeling that appeared in his heart was not that the goddesses were about to find him, but that something had happened to them.

  Clius, the god who controls the celestial bodies.

  Kronos actually sent him over, and if there is no mistake in that direction, it should be Crete.

  "If Metis and Themis continue to be on the island at this time, it is very likely that something will happen. Do you want to take a look? If it is true that Metis and Themis are in danger. If so, can you help yourself?"

  "No, no, there is no reason for Clios to catch Themis and Metis, which means that Clios should not do anything to Metis and Themis. As long as he doesn't show up, Metis And Themis will be fine."

  Zeus couldn't help but think this way in his heart, but Zeus involuntarily followed behind Clius, even if Zeus thought that Themis and Metis would be okay, but in his heart for Metis and Themis Still, Zeus's worries kept Zeus in the life of Clius.

  Zeus must make sure that Clius will not pose any threat to Themis and the problem, so that he can leave with peace of mind.

  Zeus followed Clius to Crete.

  Clius just flew over Crete.

  "Themis, why are you here?"

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