The ancient demon gods were not stingy with killing people, but they also didn’t care about killing people indiscriminately.

Zhongli just gave a profound enough lesson as he declared.

"Wow... terrifyingly terrifying."

It wasn't until Zhongli's figure completely disappeared from sight that Mori Owai came out of the convenience store.

There is no good land in front of the convenience store. There are cracks in the ground and broken stone chips everywhere. The raised rock blocks either turn into thorns to nail people to the ground, or divide into two pieces to squeeze people on the stone. block center.

Mori Owai randomly picked a person to check, and found that the angle of penetration of the thorn was really accurate, which made people completely lose the ability to resist, and at the same time, it would not cause people to die due to heavy bleeding and other reasons, but there was a high probability that they would be in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. passed on.

None of the attackers died, but their injuries were far more painful than death.

"Should I say that the heart is soft enough to be hypocritical, or the principle is clear enough to be inhumane..." Sen Ouwai muttered to himself, and Alice, who was standing beside him, tilted her head mechanically, and suddenly a fresh life blossomed. smile.

The little girl said happily: "Mr. Zhongli is amazing! He's really a powerful ability user."

"...Ah." Mori Owai sighed with a headache, squatted down and touched the top of Alice's hair, "It seems that we need to continue to adjust the habit... The performance just now was too stiff, that Mr. Zhong Li must have seen it. Come out."

Alice shook off Mori Ogai's hand that ruffled her hair, and made a face at him: "Alice is not blunt, it's Lintaro who is too weak!"

Even if it was under his own control, Mori Owai, who was scolded by the young girl, still had a rippling smile: "Yes, yes, yes, what Alice said is right."

The squatting posture changed the angle of view. Sen Ouwai only felt that an orange shadow flashed past in the corner of the eye. He looked up vigilantly, but only saw a small three-flowered cat sprang from the bottom of the scrapped car. He ran in the direction Zhongli had left before.


Zhongli didn't know anything about someone who was about to track down.

He was taking Nakahara Nakaya to the suburbs outside Yokohama.

The so-called food, clothing, housing and transportation, although the poor Morax can only rely on money to solve the problem of food temporarily, it does not prevent him from solving the problem of living with means beyond ordinary people.

Iwashen, whose thinking mode has long since developed a specialization, decided to go to the outskirts of Yokohama to find a hilltop to open a fairy house, which can not only shelter from the wind and rain, but also avoid the chaos of Yokohama.

Xiaozhong also had no idea about the future of his caveman, he just shrunk himself into the arms of the **** whose breath made him feel comfortable, half-closed his eyelids and fell asleep.

Eight-year-old child, it is indeed time to be sleepy.

The surrounding streets became more and more depressed as they approached the suburbs, and there were fewer and fewer people. Instead, all kinds of small animals gradually increased. Stray dogs and cats lingered next to the garbage dumps at the end of the streets, and from time to time they turned to the lonely Zhongli. Cast a wary glance.

Zhongli paused in his forward steps.

He looked meaningfully at the three-colored cat who was sitting on a fairly clean trash can, taking advantage of the geographical advantage to play against two cats and one dog alone.

Keenly aware of Zhong Li's sight, Sanhua Cat took advantage of the stray dog's rushing momentum to dodge and dodge, and directly let the stray dog ​​put its head into the trash can, and then kicked it with its back foot, causing the trash can to fly out sideways and smashed it twice. wild cat.

The three-flowered cat, who instantly killed the enemy, took small steps nonchalantly all the way to Zhongli's feet, rubbed against the man's trousers and let out a whistling catcall.

Zhongli: …

Not to mention that he has a certain understanding of what the term "Sanhua cat of Yokohama" represents, but from the perspective of elements, the energy of this innocent and cute Sanhua cat in front of him is so conspicuous that it is about to overflow.

Yanwang Dijun, who treats furry and hairless Ruoduo equally, ruthlessly pulls forward and decides to ignore the cuteness of Sanhua cats.

"Mi~ Mi woo~"

However, the three-flowered cat was obviously not ready to let it go, and the beautiful cat was entangled again, this time even directly coiling around Zhongli's ankle, making the man unable to move forward as long as he didn't have to shake his leg.

Rock God, who didn't want to hurt Natsume's cat, was helpless.

He bent down and licked the cat's head, and asked earnestly, "What are you doing?"

The three-flowered cat put its head to the palm of the hand and meowed in its mouth, determined to be a harmless kitten.

"...are you hungry?"

Knowing that it was a test, Zhong Li pretended to be ignorant. He took out a tuna rice ball from an unknown pocket with his backhand, and unpacked it and put it on the ground with a plastic bag on it.

The three-flowered cat rushed over happily.

Zhong Li warned seriously: "I have to find a cave to live in. You can eat this rice ball here, don't keep up."

The three-flowered cat's naturally stretched ears stood up sensitively.

Natsume Soseki originally thought that Zhongli would go to a cheap hotel for a few days, which also made it convenient for him to observe what the sudden appearance of the power user wanted to do with the Araha spit experiment body, and he could be the first time if there were any emergencies. know.

So what did he hear?

This man is going to live in a cave with a frail experimental body!

It would be fine if he hadn't met him on the way to investigate Moriouwai. Now that he heard this, Natsume Soseki felt that it would not work.

He hurriedly put aside the half-eaten rice ball, nimbly stepped up to Zhongli's shoulder, and meowed in the man's ear.

The awakened Zhongyuan Zhong also looked at the noisy furry in front of him in confusion.

There was a mass of hot weight on his shoulders, but Zhong Li's back was still straight. He tilted his head slightly, and asked in a confused tone, "Dark ink gold? What's the matter?"

When did you take your name... no, that's not the point!

Natsume Soseki, who was given a new name, was at a loss for a moment, and then put the question behind him. He bit the stone earring that the man was hanging on his ear, and rubbed his teeth lightly.

The rope used to hang the earrings was just an ordinary rope, and Zhongli didn't use any magic to protect him, so he was bitten off by the three-flowered cat.

Zhongli: !

The successful Sanhua cat gave him a vague bark, jumped off his shoulder with the earring in his mouth, and rushed back to the city.

If an ordinary wild cat did this, it could be said that it was attracted by the shiny dangling objects, but it was Soseki Natsume who did this...

Zhongli thought, maybe he doesn't need to worry about living.

Sanhua cat really led him to an empty house.

Like every naughty cat, the three-flowered cat threw the earrings on the floor of the house, murmured a few times, and quickly disappeared into the shadows.

This is a house that is far away from Leibo Street and is not under the control of large-scale forces. The furniture in the room is not old, but it is covered with a thick layer of dust. It is obvious that no one has lived in it for a long time. Shishi even directly mobilized the elemental force to block the dust that was blowing in the face.

With a slight movement of his fingers, the elemental force of the constriction was changed to spread, but in an instant, he took over the control of the rock element in the entire house. Those dead ashes clinging to the furniture seemed to suddenly have life under the control of Zhongli, like a wave. Orderly transported himself outside the house.

Zhongli leaned over and picked up his earrings from the clean floor.

He said to himself: "It's not an elegant thing to repay the kindness of a meal like this."

Sanhua Mao, who was eavesdropping in the dark, heard this sentence and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhong Li originally intended to tell Natsume Soseki, but after confirming that the other party heard it, he put away the earrings with his backhand and carried Xiaozhong into the bedroom.

The bedding in the bedroom hadn't seen the sun for a long time, and it still had a faint musty smell on it, but now it was getting late, and the shops on the street had already closed, obviously it wasn't the time to be picky. Zhong Li wrapped Xiaozhong in the quilt, and carefully tucked the quilt for the latter.

"Tonight is just one night, and tomorrow I will buy a new set of quilts for you." Zhongli comforted Zhongyuan Zhongye's soft hair, ready to get up and leave.

A slight resistance hindered his movement.

Zhongyuan Zhong also pinched the corner of Zhong Li's clothes, Wei Lan stared at him with wide eyes, and said jerky and intermittently: "Don't... go..."

The little boy didn't understand anything, but instinctively hoped that the calm **** would give him more tenderness.

Zhongli sighed silently.

"It's okay... this is a right that belongs to the cub."

He removed the coat that had been transformed by magic, leaving only a single coat that would not rub the skin. He also retracted into the quilt, opened his arms, and gave the disturbed boy a soft hug.

Some restless boys immediately quieted down.

"Good dream, Zhong Ye." The **** said softly.

The author has something to say:

Dianmojin·Natsume Cat Cat: I'm heartbroken for this family (bushi)

Natsume-sensei is not simply kind-hearted. He accidentally saw Zhongli and Zhongya on the way to inspect Mori who had just come down from the battlefield. So find a house to monitor (of course, distressed children are also part of www.Natsume teacher does not know that Xianrendongfu is so unreasonable)

I just came out of the laboratory, I guess he is too incapable of walking, and his stomach should not be good. After all, he has been soaked in water for so long. Think about the child wandering in Yokohama for so long, and finally being eaten by a group of white-eyed wolves with a piece of bread. It hurts to pick it up

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