I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, One of Absolute Ability Chapter 199

I don't know if it was due to fate or something. He met Sister Misaka twice in total, and it turned out to be this twice... it was indeed quite "6".

[Leizi:...this...what kind of nonsense is this!Hurry... hurry up and stop!What a shame!

Tears’ voice came intermittently from Tears’s mind, as if they were angry, but at the same time they were holding a smile, making it unclear what kind of situation she was in...but based on the analysis of tears , There should be two kinds, half of them.

[Tears: There is no way, in order to cooperate with her statement, I will also be a little literary~]

[Tears: ...you are just being stupid, right]

Seeing the expression of Tear's present expression when she pretended to be calm when she said this sentence, her tears couldn't help but squirt a little, but she managed to hold it down, and then she tried her best to vomit calmly.

It’s just that she discovered at this time that she can really feel the situation around her as she did before tears, and can naturally feel the expressions of tears now, and all kinds of small movements are the same as her own. He felt the same, and passed it carefully... It turned out that he felt like this before.

Leizi sighed secretly, and then continued to observe in secret.

After all, now is a good opportunity, so interesting... ahem!She still has to save such a serious scene first~

Transmogrify a camera...Um~ It's a success~ It seems that her ability to transmog has also been upgraded now~ Record this scene, and then play it back properly~

...But this room is dark, and it doesn't feel at all. Are boys' rooms like this?Although it doesn't look very messy, there are so many things, and it feels a bit similar to Dongma's room... No, we still have to make a new room. She slept in this room before, tears this guy is actually direct Just sleep here!Damn it!She doesn't need this room now, give it to him!

Go to the next door to get a new room, and put up a sign saying "No tears can enter without permission."Although doing it this way may basically make tears, a guy whose hands are itchy, want to come in more, but basically he still has principles and won't come in casually.



Messed up?

Seeing that the other person didn't move at all, tears also felt a bit of cold sweat on his face...


Although he also knows that this way of approaching a conversation seems to be very cheating, isn't it like that in a male high school?!

When he said this just now, he almost burst his heart!

The super shameful lines made him want to plunge into the ground!

But no matter what, he still has to work hard first!

Slowly walked behind Misaka's sister, and stood there silently with tears. Instead of looking at her, she looked straight ahead. His eyes were full of calmness and calmness. Maybe this is the real strength. Attitude...

... But, please speak up quickly!

To be honest, he really is about to explode now!

It is naturally good to be able to meet old acquaintances, but the current situation makes him really embarrassed!

If it hadn't been for the sudden appearance of this Misaka girl, that's why he would sing along, he would have already flown home!

But now...I really can only wait for this child to work hard to reply...

"Let’s go, Misaka 6666, it seems that something bad has entered the Academy City..."

But at this time, a voice that did not fluctuate emotionally like Misaka 6666 suddenly rang at this moment, attracting the attention of both of them... Only at this time, one looks exactly like her. At this moment, the girl stood there facelessly, and then looked at him quietly, but stopped halfway through the words just now... and her face seemed to have Obviously red!Even though he turned around immediately and didn't even say the next half sentence, the tears were already clear!

The two of them... won't be there...

[Tears:... Now, tears, are they not doing dangerous activities?What I said just now is so dangerous. Nothing bad will happen again, right?

Of course Leizi is very worried. After all, the current situation is that the two of them are now completely looking like they are going to do secret tasks, so Leizi is also very nervous to death, for fear that sister Misaka will really do something stupid again!

[Tears: Don't worry...probably not the situation you imagined]

Tears said in a calm voice as much as possible, then the whole person took a strong breath, and then spit it out with all his strength... He almost squirted out the whole person!

These two girls...Aren't they "playing" too?

The one that played male high...

I was probably playing some kind of "role-playing" game, and suddenly I became fond of acting. I didn't expect that these two sisters are also great actors!

However, they have already played to this level. If they continue like this, I am afraid they will be more embarrassed. Tears are not such people, so...

So, let's go on as soon as possible~

He didn’t want to watch interesting follow-ups, he just didn’t want to make them more embarrassed~

Although it's a clone, it's actually not without emotion, isn't it~ Tears can't bear to bully such a poor girl~

So girls, let's solve this farce as soon as possible~!

[Tears:...Tears, your expression is so strange... Are you laughing or crying?

After seeing the present expression of tears, tears also asked tangledly.

…Just now she heard a very dangerous situation, but tears said no, but now the tears showed such a "weird" expression... It always feels like something is wrong.

[Tears: My mood is very complicated, let's talk about it later]

I can't tell her that he is now forcibly suffocating a smile...Puff!

Cough!Hold back!

He is strictly trained!No matter what training he receives, he will never laugh!


Unless you can't help it.

"Come on, before the wind stops... Misaka 6666 strongly protests that a idiot who looks the same as himself suddenly starts acting and disturbs Misaka's good mood, and wants to expose someone's stupid behavior to the dog owner."

Ms. Misaka, who had been sitting there before, stood up slowly, then walked slowly toward the tears, and brushed past him... After moving away a little bit, her mouth started to mutter. With some of the words just now, the corners of the tears' lips couldn't help but twitch again...Puff~!This is really the case~!

It seems that the activities between Misaka’s sisters are still much better than he thought~ It's quite interesting, but unfortunately, the last step is still missing, but it shouldn't happen at this time...

"Stop, Misaka 10032 tried to stop the self in front of me."

Uh...it seems to have appeared~

……Eh?By the way... 10032?!

Tear turned his gaze to the side where the sound was coming from, and after seeing the same figure, the corners of his mouth even started to straighten up.

Although they look the same, this number is... the one saved from the original!

"...It's too late, the cat food over there is only half price now, hurry up and grab it, Misaka 10032 hurriedly urged 6666 and 10031."

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