I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, One of Absolute Ability Chapter 201

Of course, Leizi is still a little worried.

The body exchange between the two has not yet returned, and tears also felt that in the current situation, she seemed to have no meaning when she came out, so she stayed.Anyway, Tear's relationship with that Miss Qiao Ke seemed to be pretty good, so it would be best for him to negotiate.

But the problem is that I visited suddenly like this, and brought a bunch of vegetables to the past...it was a bit too much.

[Tears: Don't worry~ she is not an enemy~]

[Tears: Of course I know this, I mean this way...not very good]

If acquaintances go to her house to eat, they can bring a la carte or something, so no one will care too much.

But the current situation of the tears is that for a girl who has just met once, she brought a bunch of vegetables when she went to her house... People will inevitably feel a little weird, right?What's more, Yuriko's character is still slightly withdrawn.

Moreover, although Yuriko doesn't know that Tear is a man, Tearko knows!

...... This guy has begun to show his respect to the cute girl again, and he will never let go of a chance!

Of course, if Leizi's complaints were known to him, he would definitely be screaming "injustice".

Obviously all of this is a "coincidence", he just "sit along" and ask, right?

And there is no loss in getting more familiar with Yuriko, at least now she is no longer the "one-way pass" in the original book.

Since this is the case, it’s a good thing to get in touch more, isn’t it~

[Tears; don't worry~ it's okay~]


She had said it to this level, the tears were still indifferent, and she had nothing to do.

But maybe he had his own thoughts, the bad guy's thoughts were stuffed in his head and never said it, so she didn't force it.


"Yuriko is really good here~ the scenery is nice and spacious~ I want to move here directly~"

...What does this nonsense mean?

The tears who have just moved into the cozy "Tears House" can't help but keep rolling their eyes that no one can see at the moment, and constantly making faces to vent their dissatisfaction with someone!

What a joke!This guy simply wants to come and pick up girls!

Obviously he has become this look now, but he has no self-knowledge at all!

You don’t have Jill now, do you know?!

It’s just like looking for females all day long like a qing-fat male*. It's just a creature that thinks in a half-length body!

It's so popular!

The tears in the cozy hut have complained to the extent that they want the whole person to go crazy everywhere.

But when I thought that this is my room now, I should go to this bastard's room to make trouble.

...I always feel that after I get used to life a little bit, I think this kind of life seems quite interesting~

You can show up when you want to show up, and you can rest when you don't want to show up and find someone to "play".

That is to say, it is more troublesome to do some more private things, it is better to do it yourself.

......Although it feels strange that someone next to him has been staring at something when he is undressing, it is better than him.


After hearing the tears, Yuriko did not get angry anymore, but gave a cold tear.

This kind of thing is of course idiotic, she just wants to live a quiet life alone, she doesn't need this kind of guy to come and stir things.

The reason why she didn't kill these Misaka sisters was not because of how kind she was, but because she didn't want to shame people.

This is quite normal.

After all, although it is a clone, she looks like an ordinary girl anyway. Who knows if they will break the law or something, she will not be able to follow the Tao, so it is impossible to have anything to do with kindness. .

If she rounds up her words, she is basically a law-abiding citizen, and she is also an excellent student. If she has a good character, she can barely make a living. Although she fights, it shouldn’t be bad if she doesn’t smoke or drink. The talent is right.

In other words, fighting should be regarded as self-defense, right?

She has never actively challenged anyone. Basically, some silly* took the initiative to come to the door to be beaten, and then one by one, lying on the ground and crying on the ground, the hospital was admitted to the hospital, some people were not even injured Okay, it will be wrapped in a big dumpling or something like a mummy, and then she will be swollen again.

Don't those people know what to reflect?Even if it's for your own body, you have to pay attention.

Seeing their hard work, Yuriko also felt helpless.

Obviously I knew that it wouldn't work at all, and I tried it again and again, but I didn't know how to repent. So did the Doctor Frog Face. How good would it be to keep these people in hospital?Even if she pays them to be hospitalized...Oh, forget it, why should she pay to feed this group of people who are full and have nothing to do with abuse?

"...Speaking of which, who is the person I know you said before?"

"Well~ you will know soon~"

"...Pretend to be a fool."

Since the other party didn't reveal the meaning, then Yuriko had no need to ask.

She doesn't care about ordinary things very much. There is actually nothing bad in life now. She eats well and dresses well, but her life is a little boring and there is no one chatting...Of course, she doesn't feel lonely. I just feel that if there is no one to speak for a long time, you may get a strange disease like "facial paralysis".

Fortunately, these cloned girls have eased her boredom a little bit recently.

Although they all looked the same, she couldn't tell the difference at first, but then she made a "sign-in form" to see who came here to sign in every day... Just treat it as a meal fee, and then pay back Go to the boring laboratory for reimbursement by quantity.

Yuriko didn't want to raise them by herself, and she couldn't do it. After all, she is not a philanthropist. Why should she take care of the lives of 20,000 clones who have nothing to do with her for free? .

Fortunately, later, she said how much subsidy she would receive every day, so she was willing to be a helpless babysitter. After all, she grew up and didn’t go to school and didn’t dare to go. Who I know if someone will give you something secretly, so forget it, just start working without receiving compulsory education.

Fortunately, even though these girls have very nasty mouths, they are still interesting. They can barely make people feel lighter than before. It is not meaningless. It's not bad to live a lifetime like this, better than before. It's always more meaningful to face the men who come to fight all day long.

"By the way, your house is pretty clean~ won't anyone come to disturb you~"

Tear looked around unexpectedly. It was neat and tidy. I knew it was a girl’s room. I also saw the outside scene. It was very clean. Although it was a bit "desolate", the environment was still very good. Big.

……It is equivalent to one person owning a not-so-small villa with a large free space. There is not even a single figure in the surrounding area. Even if you are shopping for vegetables, you have to walk for at least ten minutes to find it... …But Yuriko really likes this. She deliberately spends hours every day out shopping for groceries. It's better than staying in the room all the time.

"Alarm, if someone stepped in privately, they would directly fire the gun to warn them. If they didn't listen, they would shoot directly... but I don't know why you were not scanned."

When it came to the end, Yuriko's eyes narrowed slightly.

Obviously, many idiots didn’t know how to find her home and wanted to rush in, but they were all scared back by the machine gun. There were also a few unlucky ghosts who were half-deadly swept by the machine gun, and she was reported for first aid. After that, she was sent to the hospital, and no one came to die after that... After all, if she started her own work, she might still have a few counts. Although it hurts, at least no one has died. But the gun is not long-eyed, no Someone might be looking for death like this.

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