I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability Chapter 209

[Tears: Don't worry~ Even if you step on here, she will be fine~]

"Ah, there has indeed been progress."

As if responding to tears, the cold voice of the white-haired girl slowly came out of the smoke, but it still sounded not much different from usual, and when the smoke dissipated, Even the faces of Misaka's sisters were a little shaken.

...It's okay?!

Nothing at all!

Not to mention that there is an injury on the body, not even a little dust, no wrinkles!

Wearing a sailor suit, she stood there and looked at them quietly, her eyes full of chill and cold killing intent!

At this time, she seemed to be a cruel and inhuman executioner!


Yuriko's body moved suddenly and quickly, and then halfway behind her, she suddenly folded a bit, and then appeared directly in front of Misaka's sister!

"It's going to die...oh!"

"Hurry up and lie down and pretend to die, or you will really be killed."

"Roger that."



Author's message:

……Although I really want to spend the night, my body really can’t hold it, and I was a little excited yesterday, but my mind was blank… I’ll try to make six shifts today, I don’t know if it will work

Chapter 145: Schrodinger's Cat

"The video upload... is over, well, I can call it a day."

"Yes." x 2

After Yuriko edited the last little clip and uploaded it, she also turned around and explained to sister Misaka who seemed to be doing nothing, and the two also nodded and then faced each other. She responded, and then slowly walked towards the tears, and then said in his speechless gaze.

"Teacher Saten, please guide. Although Misaka 10032 was expecting the result of the battle just now, he still felt a little disappointed."

"Is there any way Saten-teacher can improve? Misaka 10031 is also very disappointed, hoping to get the guidance of the master."


She is Teacher Zuotian, not Teacher Wutian, how do you know such things...

[Tears: Hurry up and fudge~ Don’t you usually fudge~]

[Tears: Why are you making trouble at this time!I really don't know!

[Tears: Who made you have so many spooky ideas? If you can’t think of it, then just slap something around~]

The tears are not as tangled as tears.

Knowing a lot of the plot, there will be all kinds of concerns, but without knowing it, I can think about things carefree. This is the situation with tears and tears now.

But after listening to the words of the tears, the tears also relaxed a little. Maybe I really thought too much. Originally, the role of the Misaka sisters was not really used for fighting, nor for absolute evolution. Those with the ability should spread all over the world... Well, it’s better not to think too much~

"Well~ First of all, the performance just now was very good~ You see that Yuriko has been blown up by you~"


After hearing these words, Yuriko couldn't help but roll her eyes. She was still completely white. Where could she be covered?

However, it doesn't make much sense to complain about this, but it will also dampen their confidence, which is not good.

And this time their performance is really good, at least they can make a decent offense.

In the past, even if she didn’t attack, these children would just stand innocently and put their guns down. It didn’t make any sense at all. If she hadn’t changed the trajectory of her attack a bit, I’m afraid something would really happen. .

But now I finally learned a little change, which is pretty good.

"But in fact there are still some things that need to be improved. If you just put something that affects your vision in front of yourself and then explodes, it should be more effective~"

"..." x 3

After hearing these words, not only the two Misaka sisters, but also Yuriko fell into a faint silence.

...It's not that she feels that tears make sense, but that she simply doesn't understand it.

Does such an attack mean anything to her?

Yuriko's ability is to perform vector control, which looks like an "invincible" ability.

Not only in the eyes of others, in fact, in her own opinion, it is the same, otherwise, she would not be so distressed and have no opponents...Of course, that was before the tears.

But she didn't directly want to fight for tears.

For one thing, she didn't have complete confidence. She had just lost a while ago, and she was so embarrassed to lose so badly. She didn't want to try that feeling again so quickly.

Secondly, it was also because they met for the second time. The tears always seemed to be "busy". They suddenly appeared before and then disappeared. This time they came along for some reason... Should it be considered too busy or too free?

However, even if her "invincible ability" was cracked by tears, she still instinctively regarded her shield as an invincible existence. As long as she had this ability, she would not suffer any harm!

... But this time, which should have sounded ridiculous, came out of tears, and she couldn't help but care a little... If it is really effective, should we also think about countermeasures? Better?

"...Understood, thank you. Although Misaka 10032 doesn't quite understand it, it still feels like it's amazing."

"Excuse me, Mr. Saten, Misaka 10031 said respectfully to the teacher who was a little younger than himself."

...I didn't see the slightest respect at all.

"Well~ don't take it too seriously, I'm just talking casually~"

In fact, it was just casual talk.

After all, he is really a chicken, and the sisters Misaka have actually experienced more than 10,000 "battles of life and death" anyway, and they are much richer than his fighting experience, if they don’t have the same physical fitness. If he is capable, he is confident that he will be overthrown by Sister Misaka within a few moves.

Hey, when can those abilities really be used?Obviously he now has the foundation to use other multiple abilities, as long as he recovers his computing power, he should be able to...


But at this time, a soft and lovely voice interrupted the tearful thoughts and attracted the attention of everyone present...

A little black cat is looking at them, making a cute voice. The black pupils seem to have no emotion, but they are constantly flashing, and the whole body is exuding that people can’t help but want to protect Desire...

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