I, Zuo Tian Leizi, Absolute Ability

I, Zuotian Leizi, Absolutely Powerful Chapter 222

I just said that I wouldn't let anyone in, but my sister's friend came in immediately.

I thought it was a very simple thing, but I didn’t expect it to be very difficult when it was actually done. From time to time, she would say something that shouldn’t be said... But she just couldn’t control her mouth. It's so uncomfortable.

"I don't need it~ I didn't expect Misaka-senpai actually to have a younger sister~"

However, although Chuchun doubted Mei Yin, he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, Meiyin's face was carved out of the same model as Misaka-senpai.

Although the S2 settings just now are a little bit ridiculous, there should be a reason. The most likely thing is that Miss Meiyin should go to school outside, and then came to Academy City in order to meet Misaka-senpai. Yes, it’s just that I don’t want to distract Misaka-senpai so I do this kind of hiding, um, it must be like this~

"No, in fact, Meiyin has 20,000 clones, and each one has the same face as her sister. This is the so-called darkness..."

"Alright, alright~ I understand~"

Seeing that Meiyin started to "brain" her second second setting again, Chuchun also laughed and laughed and stopped her.

It is indeed a bit shame to say this kind of thing, I think it should be those boys in middle school or even elementary school that think like this... I feel a little embarrassed just to be seen by this scene.

Of course, the early spring in the sigh will not find that when Mei Yin's face is expressionless, her mouth is like this, and she exhales slightly, and the whole person relaxes a little.

Although she didn't lie, she still felt a little "guilty" feeling, even though she didn't know what this emotion was.

But the good thing is that after saying this, Chuchun no longer doubted her, which really relieved her.

When she was with Yuriko before, in fact, she had never met anyone else. After all, her home is not accessible to anyone who wants to enter, and she has no friends who can communicate with each other... that lonely Poor worm.

But here is different. Teacher Leizi’s friend came here early in the morning. It seems that this depends on people.

"But Miss Meiyin really can't tell me now about classmate Saten?"

"Now the boss has reached the final juncture. Sorry, Meiyin should not be able to chat with guests anymore, but there is no danger when Teacher Leizi is sure, please rest assured."

"I want to tell Misaka-senpai that you ran out~"

"Sorry, Meiyin should not be able to chat with guests anymore."


It seems that there is really no alternative.

Seeing Mei Yin, even if he heard these words, he still looked indifferent, and Chuchun could only sigh.

Of course she wouldn't really tell Mikoto about such things. Even though this is Misaka-senpai's younger sister, as long as she promised someone else's things, she couldn't just go back.

It can be seen before that Miss Meiyin should be very reluctant to open the door to let her in... Maybe she wants to keep hiding, but she doesn't want to be known by Misaka-senpai, so she is forced to let her come in. That's it.

Alas, why does it feel as if things have become a little more complicated?

Chuchun feels like she is a little bit bigger now, which is obviously a very important thing, but now she feels as if she has been squeezed out. She is already standing at the door, but she doesn't know anything.

"...Since it's like this, please ask Saten-classmate to call me as soon as possible after she returns~ Excuse me, Miss Mei Yin~"

"Sorry, Meiyin should...oh, yes, I will definitely help you convey it."

Mei Yin, who was almost habitually speaking, paused for a while and then changed his words. Of course, it was already too late, but Chuchun just smiled awkwardly, and didn't care too much.

"Goodbye then..."

"Mei Yin~ We are back~" x 2

"Huh?! What a coincidence~Saku-san~ Are you okay..."




"Eh?!!!" x3

Three of the same cries began to resound through the surrounding buildings at the same time, making people feel a little irritable and want to curse...

However, this is even more true for the three parties present!

"Sao...Saku-san...two people?!"

Author's message:

The end of the first volume is a flower~~~~~~

Ahaha~Of course there are two more chapters for the second volume tonight~

You can see from the end that the tears have separated from the tears~ but the body of tears... Well~ just keep using the tears~ I don’t need the original body~

In short, the second volume begins~!Seeking support!!!!!

Chapter 152 Leizi: Chairman, please respect yourself!

"Is it here~ Mr. Lei, Miss Saten~"

"...Yes, Chairman Yalesta."

[...Yes, Chairman Yalesta.

Looking at the woman with long silver hair who is hanging upside down and wearing a light green surgical gown completely ignoring Newton's laws, whether it is tears or tears, I can't help but feel a little at a loss.

What kind of existence is this person?

Even if it is the tears that have read the original work, at this time, I still can't see the person in front of me.

Why does she continue in this form, why does she do so many complicated things like this, what is her ultimate goal...

Although he has seen the latest volume of the New Testament, he is still at a loss...Of course, the biggest reason is that she is now like him, without Jill.

"You seem to be very wary of me~ but I am not very hostile to you~"

Yaleista chuckled and looked at the tears in her body. To be precise, she looked at the tears in her body. Now the tears are still in charge of her body, and the tears have no intention of returning.

After all, I should also let Laizi come into contact with the "big world" occasionally. Once I get used to this feeling, I won't be surprised by other small things in the future.

Since it's his "wife", of course, I have to follow him a lot and get bigger and bigger~!

[Well~ After all, in front of me, the well-known chairman of the academy city~ I don’t know the purpose of my visit this time, whether the chairman already knows~]

Mingren don't speak secret words.

Now that he was in front of this person, the tears didn't bother to talk too much with her. He was a person who likes to do real things. No matter how much he said in his mouth, it would be a mess, and it would not affect the facts.

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